Stress Reliever: Funniest Clip Of The Season

by soonerryan on August 10, 2007

As always, thanks to Lisa for the midday recaps in our comments. If you read them, you’ll know that America’s Player Eric has been in discussions with Zach about helping to get Dustin put on the block. Now, I suppose America voted that Eric should work to get him nominated, although I suppose this could have something to do with the hot tub discussion last night, in which the Nerd Herd suggested Dustin go up as a pawn.

Heck, Dustin was the one who introduced the idea.

But before the action and the meltdowns and the arguments and cutthroat plotting get going for the weekend, I thought we should have a laugh. In this clip, which I think is the funniest clip of the season so far, posted to YouTube, an upset Jameka prays feverishly while an aloof Jen in a bunny suit frets over not having any white belts.

I’m sorry. I laughed quite the belly laugh when I saw this, and dare I say it makes me like Jen quite a bit. She’s by far the most “camp” player in the whole game — funny at times without even intending to be. Enjoy.

Lisa August 10, 2007 at 7:57 pm

I’m as speachless NOW as I was the FIRST time I saw this!

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Redarin D August 10, 2007 at 8:25 pm

Jen coming over and talking about the belt while jameka is having a melt down was priceless. That and the stupid stuff that zach says has to be the funniest things of the season.

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i love eric August 10, 2007 at 8:43 pm

haha that is priceless.

i have a random question… i just started watching the live feeds a couple days ago – does anyone know why the screen randomly turns to blue waves occasionally?

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soonerryan August 10, 2007 at 8:46 pm

Hey there ‘i love eric’ … the blue screen comes up for a multitude of reasons. Here are some that I’ve figured out: 1) somebody starts singing (BB doesn’t have the copyright to popular music), 2) somebody starts talking about their diary room sessions (which is a no-no, and the producers chide them for it), 3) when BB has an announcement (they’re often not so good about hiding these) …

The quizzes seem to come up when: 1) the PoV is happening, 2) the nom ceremony is happening, 3) the live eviction is on …

Anybody else know when the producers will invoke the blue screens?

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bb August 10, 2007 at 8:46 pm

I thought that that was not meant to be funny, but the way bb made the views look is what made it so funny.

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Redarin D August 10, 2007 at 8:47 pm

hey did anyone see amber praying in the HoH room she prayed for jameka since she can’t play for hoh for 5 weeks SHE ASKED GOD TO GIVE JAMEKA A PERM!!! well ambers pretty smart so i think a perm will solve everything

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Lisa August 10, 2007 at 8:56 pm

OMG Redarin, how trite they make THEIR GOD!!! UNREAL! You know?

It was so much more fun last week when Dick was cooking – he’d get everyone involved around the table, laughing and communicating. THAT aspect is gone and it already has had a negative affect on the house. I had to laugh a minute ago, Dick forgot he was on slop and grabbed the peanuts and threw a few back in his mouth then all of a sudden realized it with HORROR and began spitting nuts all over the place – it was SO funny. AND, I have to say (maybe because I NEVER had a father who had time for me or loved me) that Dick REALLY has shown Danielle how much he loves her. He told her when they play the POV for her to take ALL the money and all the good prizes, and that he would take all the crappy ones – he looks at her with so much love in his eyes – it’s been very touching – I’m happy for THAT if nothing else.

Not sure about that bubble thingy since I always hear BB telling them not to discuss their DRs and telling someone when they are singing – I’ve been watching for a while, and, honestly, can’t see any connection – but you’ve given me food for thought – I’ll see if there’s a correllation – but, it’s playing right now and has for the past 30 minutes on and off and I see no reason for it, since no one is doing anything against the rules that I can see – the may be YOUR point that we can’t see the reasons (duh) LOL!

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Tony V August 10, 2007 at 9:09 pm

Jameka….what can you say a about that gem?? I am tired of her and wish she would simply go home. I think the irony of her is that she is a school counselor. In the name of all that is truly holy, what type of moronic advice could she possibly be giving?!?!!? It does not seem like her thought process even clicks in except to do the “uh-huh” and “ummm” thing.
Please have the Maryland Dept. of Education check her credential!!

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soonerryan August 10, 2007 at 9:09 pm

It’s almost like Big Brother is slow on the blue-screen trigger … for example, last night, Dustin started singing something recognizable, and I thought, “I give it five seconds before BB turns on the blue … ” and sure enough, they did. Perhaps there is a delay, OR perhaps with music copyright, there is a certain allotment of seconds they CAN sing a copyrighted song. Like 10 seconds but no more — a fair use type of deal … But you’re right, it sure isn’t consistent, and I wish they would never use it. I want to hear what the BB voices have to say so that we can be totally sure that their influence isn’t undue … not that I’m a conspiracy theorist or anything. 😉

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Lisa August 10, 2007 at 9:18 pm

Tony, if she teaches in Prince George’s County, Maryland – need I say more – I already told you about the GHETTO.. Believe me, one of my businesses was right in front of one of the high schools (known as one of the worst in the nation, literally) and in that high school kids throw the principals’ coffee cup at them across their desk!!! I can list a multitude of disgusting things that go on in that school system – so it all comes down to Jameka being a product of such!!!

LOL, sooner, but it IS something to look for – it’s getting so boring now, with the Nerd Herd in charge -SNORE!

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Redarin D August 10, 2007 at 9:29 pm

The Producers aren’t stupid they know if D&D go the ratings are going drop. I think the next POV will cater to dicks strengths. He is the only reason why most people watch. Everyone knows he’s goona do something everyday he’s here. I mean they let him stay after pouring a drink on someone but then again if they’ll let a racist stay then why not dick? they need dick and they know it.

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soonerryan August 10, 2007 at 9:35 pm

I don’t disagree with you Redarin D, and it got me to wondering — what ARE Dick’s competition strengths. First, I think ALL the women pretty much kick the guys’ butts in endurance challenges. This is kind of a physically wimpy group of guys now that Nick and Mike are gone, not forgetting that Joe wasn’t bad on the mushroom either. Daniele though IS excellent at physical competitions.

I also don’t think Dick is the best at the question-answer games, but … if the producers can put together a competition that is mental, like a mental endurance challenge of some sort. Like a how-much-torture-can-you-withstand type of competition, I think Dick might be able to whip them all. He is nothing if not tough, and he seems to be the type who can not only DISH out the abuse, he can take it, too. In fact, I think he delights in it!

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Redarin D August 10, 2007 at 9:59 pm

I think that the producers will pull something to keep dick in the house they have to see that he is where there ratings are coming from.

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Lisa August 10, 2007 at 10:11 pm

Yeah, Redarin I think you’re right.

I answered your post on another “page” about whether or not the 24/7 feed is worth it. I think it is – I don’t watch 24/7 but got it for fun. I’ll get rid of the RealPlayer program after the season. It’s $15/mo. – not bad.

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i love eric August 10, 2007 at 10:12 pm

well as of tonight (11pm est) the live feeds are showing dustin still saying he wants to go up if the pov is used. i’d be happy if either dick or dustin goes home. i think they’re cocky days are over.

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Lisa August 10, 2007 at 10:13 pm

It’s feeding time at the OKAY Corral!!!! OMG Jameka is eating a hot dog and ate half of it in one bite – do I have to describe her chewing? UGH! These people have GOT to get some table manners – but, hey, I’m a mom, what can I say, LOL??

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Redarin D December 8, 2009 at 9:22 am

hey did anyone see amber praying in the HoH room she prayed for jameka since she can't play for hoh for 5 weeks SHE ASKED GOD TO GIVE JAMEKA A PERM!!! well ambers pretty smart so i think a perm will solve everything

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