Hey everyone,
BBBlogger here and we are once again opening the Diary Room for you, the Big Brother Blog faithful to cast your vote to evict either Spencer the renom/pawn/sucker or Amanda the one everyone hates (except McCrae).
Since everyone is hating on Amanda I found the comment from Caprice2000 entertaining. She said…
We’re asked to “expect the unexpected”, not to “accept the unacceptable”.
(I did make 2 slight edits to the above comment but the sentiment is still conveyed!)
Is this how everyone feels when watching Amanda this season?
So a lot of buzz about Elissa wanting to save Amanda and go final 3 with McCranda. Thoughts? A bunch of BS? Is Amanda going to live through tonight and the DOUBLE EVICTION??
Enough about me and my crazy thoughts…what about you. Who do you want out? Is tonight the end of the longest running Shomance ever? #whatever or is it the end of Spencer’s on the block luck streak. #7timesthecharm
Peace, BBBlogger
Yay! 1st
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Good Morning!
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End if romance ! Please !!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And yes expect the DR influences to keep
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I vote to evict Spencer.
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I wish I knew if Elissa’s new alliance with McManda was real or fake. I honestly don’t. Elissa has been pretty hard to understand. When she wanted Aaryn out and suddenly decided it would be better to evict Amanda. Then this time. Who the heck knows? I hope that she is just keeping Amanda off her back and if not that Andy doesn’t change his mind or someone else doesn’t. Amanda keeps saying she can’t wait to see GM’s face when Spencer goes home. I can’t wait to see Amanda and McRae’s faces when she is voted out. Priceless comes to mind. If she stays somehow I will be totally disgusted and resign myself to the idea that she is going to win it all as was the rumor at the beginning of the season.
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I vote to evict Amanda. I hope & pray that all the rumors about Elissa are false. I can’t wait until tonight’s show.
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There is no way Elissa is serious about partnering with McCranda. She is just playing them. I vote to evict crazy town-Amanda!!
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OMG, I so vote to evict AMANDA!!!
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I vote to evict Amanda,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------then, put Spencer back and evict him tonight .
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Amanda for sure, then McCrea second eviction. They can then be together in the BB House.
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I vote to evict the nuttiest most unstable house guest in reality Tv history.
Good-bye, psycho, maybe one day it will “make sense”
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I vote to evict the evil bipolar Amanda!!
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EVICT AMANDA!!!! She’s a pain in the ass!!!
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If Amanda does not go on first eviction today it will be a SHOCK!!! But with BB Shock is pretty commonplace and I guess we have to wait….The most hated women on the planet must go!!!! I vote to evict the most despicable, disgusting, repulsive, repugnant, pompous, arrogant, insecure, morbid, psychotic, and annoying woman in reality TV history…Amanda.
PS…the I love you exchanges between PB and Amanda had me on the threshold of regurgitating last night. This PB idiot has to be a virgin and in desperate need of love to have anything to do with his love interest swine.
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Oh I forgot to add…bi-polar…my bad…sorry
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evite AMANDa
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I vote to evict AMANDA!! And I concur with the hopes that Elissa is not serious in her “alliance” with McCranda!
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I really can’t believe Elissa would seriously consider working with Amanda. I really hope Amanda is out the door tonight followed by McSleazy.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It cracks me up how much Amanda thinks the world loves her. I love her comment when she was talking about how much America must love her for tormenting Elissa.
I would like Elissa to win but she won’t. Not a strong enough alliance to carry her to the end. Then I hope for GM and Judd. The rest need to go.
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@Ted ……… Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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i voted absentee ballot…the casting manager…addios…
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Elyssa could set a date on her wedding as seen on Andersson Cooper so no surprise if she actually switched sides .
Go home!!!!!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have a very high def recorder and recorded the entire
show last night. You have to have a quick eye, BUT in slow
motion you can see IMHO what are cue cards. I am more convinced than
ever that the show was rehearsed! Things like Mac by one bowling pin,
double cameras on the same group, stumbling conversations,
(these are not seasons actors)
DR requests, and the list goes on. My final is the appearance of
cue cards in the reflections of mirrors. Hard to see, slo-mo shows
IMHO a rigged episode. Why? again IMHO it all has to do with the rotten
(classless) character
of the majority of the participants.
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I don’t care who goes…..they are both repugnant. However even though I hope E. is just playing with Am. emotions, in a way I think it would be a great game move. She is not playing personnel, she is playing to win. She is right….she doesn’t have the vote’s to win against any of the other HG….. but with Am. no 1 likes her (or at least that is her way of thinking.). She probably thinks she is the only 1 that other jury members dislike enough to not give her the money. However I think E. is wrong, I don’t think she can win against anyone, b/c of her financial status. All the other HG have hated the fact that she has money from the beginning. HOWEVER if she were to pledge the money to a really good charity she might win then. AND imho that’s what I think.
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Catching up but wanted to thank Frannie for the videos. THANKS FRANNIE! Now I don’t have to watch BBAD. I can’t even begin to explain how I felt about that. I don’t have the words to express my shock, disdain and disbelief at that kind of behavior. I just laughed. It’s a good thing I’m noT in there, they would both turn on me for laughing at their stoopid behavior.
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I vote to evict Elissa… Oh wait.. I forgot CBS loves
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rachel and all associated with her.
I vote Julie Chen out and Jeff Schroeder as new
BB Host…before CBS totally kills this show.
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Also in my humble opinion, I think E. should have made a deal with GM that she would take her to the end and accept the 2nd place or even Judd, because she would have been the perfect person to take to the end and have has an ally. If the other stop and think about it, cause she will not get the votes in the end.
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Amanda bye bye time to go
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Neither houseguest is very likable. However, keeping Amanda would result in more unhealthy drama and would be a huge tactical error. I vote to evict AMANDA!
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After the BB after dark show last night I just cannot imagine anyone wanting to keep Amanda around. Although Elissa missed the argument between Amanda and GM everyone else was there. Amanda cried after this war and blamed GM, but when I replayed the war, Amanda was also throwing her share of below the belt insults so from that perspective the war was equal. But the instigator was Amanda, it was Amanda who approached GM and it was Amanda who got into GM’s face. It looked to me like Amanda and GM did touch their chests, I thought that was an automatic eviction?? In any case I vote to evict Amanda, I do not see this alliance as real. I say it is not real and Elissa, Andy, Judd vote Amanda out, McCray votes to keep Amanda. There are only four who can vote, it could be a tie, Elissa + McCray vs Judd + Andy, GM would send Amanda home, it all depends on that alliance with Elissa and Amanda. That war last night was more than just for TV, it was as real as a heart Attack!! I say Amanda lost all her possible votes last night even possibly McCray, she really laid into McCray for not defending her during the word war that did become physical.
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I vote AMANDA out!! then the second eviction either McCrae or Elissa..
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Then if possible, her Pizza Boy to follow her
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OOOOHHHH its double eviction so I will give my priority eviction list of top 4 for tonight.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.) Amanda
sorry abt not going along with the pack on wanting McCrazy out, I just would like to see him get with the program and see if he is a competitor. I myself am willing to give him a 1 time free pass. However all the 1s I have nominated have been disgusting with their verbal assaults and racial smears. Yes even Andy; his is more b/c he is such a rat turd he he he. I just don’t like the way he plays the game, and he has constantly thrown E. under the bus since day 1 all the while smiling to her face. I just don’t like that kind of person. He is my PERSONNEL weakness; don’t think anyone should play it personnel but I am not playing lol. IMHO
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McC is only what 24? I’m sure he’s never had so much sex or attention and at that age, they don’t turn it down. She’s all over him and even when he says no, well, he’s 24 and other things start responding and the blood stops going to his brain. ๐ He has feelings for her but I don’t think he likes who she is as a person. Neither do I and I would like her out tonight! GM is no better though. Slime buckets the both of them.
E is a puzzle right now to me. She believes Andy is playing both sides of the house so I wonder if she’s just planning on voting Amanda out to set Andy up which is what he thinks. He will vote Amanda out. Her alliance may be real but I’d bet for sure her rings are fakes. Plus, you do need a jewelers loop to tell the difference of a real to a good fake diamond. Ask any jeweler.
Unless E was wearing ear plugs, my guess is she heard every word. How could she not? God they are loud, crass people. IMHO of course. ๐
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I vote to EVICT AMANDA!!!! Thank you Frannie for the video of the fight between A & GM! I was not around yesterday, I had plenty of catching up this Morning! I really hope E is just playing A, just to watch her face when she goes โ I hope to see all your comments, I am still reading some that I missed, thanks in advance my friends ………………………….
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Good morning!!!! I vote to evit Obama sorry!!!! I mean Amanda!!!! Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.
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Hey Starfish How you doing today? I was kind of sick yesterday but better now, so I did miss all the action, just catching up! ……………..
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Andy will side with Elissa and McCrea. Or, as Mike says, McCrea has had enough and will vote to get rid of Amanda. We shall see.
I would love to see Amanda stay, just so I can read the remarks on this page… who needs the drama of BB when it’s all here on BBB?!?!
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i vote to evict Amanda and then McGrae
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Amanda must go with Spencer going right behind her tonight in the double eviction. If my world was perfect that would be what would happen tonight.
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Hi Bobo, there’s a lot of catching up to do every single day. I’m going to the dentist today so I’ll be back later.
I for one do not want to wait to give McC a chance to play his game, whatever it may have been. He made his bed and now he should go too. For some reason the HGs seem to feel sorry for him when he’s just as guilty as Amanda. He stayed right with her the whole time. Nope, he does not get any sympathy from me. He knows this game and knows not to get into a showmance. Thinking only with his little brain the entire game. Idiot!
Yes, Candice or Howard for America’s Vote.
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@herbie…lol…I take it you LOVE skanky Amanda by your elaborate, yet right on description of her!
I vote to evict AMANDA! I cannot stand the wretched girl. She acts like a petulant child. I think McCrae is just whooped, but I’m hoping that we get to see who he really is without his woman there to watch his every move.
I hope Elissa is just messing with Amanda to have some peace in the house, but she is pretty wishy washy. Although, when she was HOH she made a final 2 deal with Aaryn, but this was a total ploy b/c she wanted Aaryn gone, so maybe she really is just being buddy buddy with Amanda to get Amanda off her back.
I know McCrae is sad about his poo-tang leaving the house, but he kinda looked relieved when Amanda was saying “we’ve been together every minute of every day for the last 2 1/2 months, and that will never be like that again.” I bet McCrae went into the toilet room and jumped up and down while fist pumping! lol
Who do you hope wins HOH tonight? I know I’m gonna catch some flack for this, but I hope Elissa wins and nominates Andy & Spencer, then I hope Andy adios’.
BTW, I think Andy was really enjoying wearing his tutu last night. He walked around like he was Tinkerbell! LOL
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Oh and thank you BBBlogger for the new page. Did I mention that I vote to evict Amanda. ๐ bbL
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Let’s get AMANDA out. I can’t stand her. I love when she says other people are “so mean”! What does she think she is??? I would love to see Amanda leave first tonight, followed by her wimpy boyfriend!
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I vote to evict Amanda!!!!
On the second Eviction…. I hope McCrae or Spence goes home.
I am not fond of Andy personally, but he has done well to get people to believe he is on their side when he is really not…I am not one who things the person who won the most comps should win… it is the person who was able to keep themselves safe in spite of not winning comps that impress me more….. yes he lies and he is a snake, but same on the other HGs for not figuring it out….
I still hope the Fish win it all.
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sorry… “thinks” not “thing” and “shame” not “same”
That is what I get for posting during my work hours… shame on me.
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I vote to evict AMANDA!!!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------then with the double eviction here come McCrea, hoping that Elissa wins the HOH to put up next, because if Andy or Spence wins the HOH look out Judd and Elissa you to are the ones that will go up for the double eviction, then it will be a fast one no time to campaign so it will be Elissa gone, because you will have Andy, Spence McCrea and possible GM to vote her out since GM has that deal with the terminators, look out Elissa win win win
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@ TxDeeva Did you see Elissa and Amanda’s conversation about mean girls? I laughed out loud!
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Backstabbing Amanda needs to go along with boohoo Andy followed by no spine McCrea and last stay under the radar as long as possible Spencer.
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Who’s watching LF’s. Anything to report this A.M. or is everyone asleep?
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I vote to evict AMANDA and then McCrae! Funny, I started the season behind McCrae until he joined up with Amanda! I loved when Judd asked her last night, so should we all just pack our bags? She truly is delusional and is in for a rude awakening when she gets back in the real world.
She is ugly inside and out!
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@Bella – I didn’t see it!! What happened?
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Cathy They are always sleeping!!!
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Disgusting Amanda, go home!
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Nothing but Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz’s in the house!
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Because its double eviction night I choose to vote Amanda then McRae. If not McRae then Andy. They all need to go.
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It’s wake up people time so all we have are fish (bb plays morning music). Most stay asleep for another few hours though.
I vote to evict Amanda, watch her squirm as Julie ask her about the bullying and if she saw the irony in whining about it to Elisa last night when she had done the same and then some to Elisa just a few days ago.
Elisa HOH second out is Andy.
McCrea HOH second out is Elisa. Possibly Andy if he doesn’t buy Andy’s shocked routine.
Anyone else HOH is McCrea/Elisa on the block.. and it will all come down to POV.
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@ TxDeeva — The just of it was, they did not trust girls that had more guy friends then girls friends, or said they were tomboys — “they are the mean girls” according to Amanda and Ellisa agreed w/ her standard “hmmm yeah” response in agreement. Evidently they seem to think they are not in that group. LOL
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Melissa…SKANKY…what a freaking perfect word….I wish I thought of it in my description of AmanDA……you are my new hero for using it….SKANKY…I LOVE IT.
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I’m with most of you in I want Amanda out. I don’t hate anyone but if Amanda and Mc Crae are on camera I avoid watching. She should have been long gone. I’d like to see Mc C or Elissa next in the double evict. Elissa is a wild card that you can’t depend on.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This has been a terrible season. Maybe a new idea for HG’s would be to bring back some that were evicted 1st to 3rd. We never got a chance to know those people.
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I’m going to scream if Amanda doesn’t go home!
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Thanks to Frannie I just watched ‘The Fight’! Loved it. I sped through BBAD last night and they were both smiling, and of course couldn’t really tell what was going on because they bleeped out the swearing, which bleeped out most of everything else too, and they were swearing every other word. I thought it was fun and games. later when I saw Amanda upset and attacking McCrea I wasn’t sure what happened and didn’t realize the extent of the fight. I do think McCrea should have stepped in and said something to GM near the end, but he is a coward. Loved the fight, and as for the chest bump… Big Deal. Thanks again, Fran.
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Yvonne..you are a saint…if you can’t hate Amanda then you can’t hate anyone as mentioned…more power to you….but I hate the freaking psycho times one million and one. That should offset you lack of HATE for her….kind of wish I was more like you but at end of the day I am not and I hate the bitch.
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BOBO I was hopeing maybe since it was eviction day maybe just maybe The McCrazies would be up stirring the stew lol. I figured some would try to sleep all the way to eviction time but geeezz.
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AMANDA!!!!!!!! She should get a bigger boo session than Aaryn did when she walks out to see Julie. Plus I can’t wait to see her to enter the jury house and get the wrath of the jurors. Only In her own mind was she winning. The last show is going to be awesome…..just for her to find out how loathed she really was by America.
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delete amanda
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bye bye manda
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Cathy…I could not agree more. Let PB stay for a week and see what he does on his own. Plus, punish Amanda by not having her boy toy in the Jury house. I want to see her entrance into the Jury house.
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Can you repost link to fight? Or chest bump, so classy of them
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I vote to evict Amanda. She is the most disgusting person!
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I think it would be interesting if Julie informed Amanda when she walks out that America was the MVP that put her on the block. I would love to see her face. I would also like to see how she responds if (I hope it happens) Julie addresses her rude behavior and her racist comments. I doubt she would say anything like Aaryn did. I think she would just say that’s the way things happen in the house and none of it is real and that it is either Elissa or GM’s fault and not hers. I don’t think she would try to cover it up or apologize.
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OMG….!!!! Amanda!!! please go to the jury house… Maybe we wont have to hear you screech anymore.
And ok…. I know I am bipolar but this girl gives bipolar a truly bad, bad name.
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I vote to evict the whoreeee! Lol hey where’s PK I haven’t seen any comments from him for a week or so???
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I vote to evict the vile Amanda and feel certain her actions on live TV create consequences that force her to understand this type of behavior can turn your entire world upside down. When she returns to the outside world she is going to be one of the most disliked humans in her own world as she knew it. Good riddens!
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The more I think about what GM said abt a child the more I am ready to see her go. She was entertaining but now when I see her I just want to vomick! Yeah I think I would even like to see her go up in the 2nd eviction tonight. And that means I dislike her a lot b/c believe me my dislike for Andy is pretty even.
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I gladly and hopefully vote to extinguish Amanda from the BB house! Easily the most detestible houseguest E V E R ! Have a great day everyone!
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Oops, posted this on the wrong page.
The fight between GM and Amanda last night was disgusting! GM was in a good position and a lot of people on this blog were beginning to like her. Surprise! She showed us just who she is, an ignorant, uneducated and downright ugly person. She is just as bad as Amanda in my book and far worse than Aaryn! Then to see all the men sitting around the table and not saying one word or trying to defuse the situation made me sick! They are all a bunch of sissies, especially McCrae!
Now behind the reasoning for all of this. Elissa was conveniently sleeping though all this or at least that is what Production wanted you to believe. This little piece of editing have us all seeing Elissa in a better light. The darling of CBS will become everyoneโs favorite. Now do any of you have any doubts about BB being rigged?
I vote to evict everyone and give both prizes to charity!!
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Oh Betty….. great idea!
I am thinking that while Elissa doesn’t need the money we may very well see her on her own TV show…. Eating well and Exercising with those Yoga moves.. It will be boring as hell but I can still see it happening.
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Amanda, then Spencer or Andy. Sorry, I think they are the biggest threats of sliding thru and I don’t want either of them to win!
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Hi girls ! Sorry don’t think the boys care much about the ring/earrings exchange
But just watched again the Andersson Cooper w Elyssa as a BRidzilla and the diamond she has on that show is humongous!
Just saying ….she is maybe lying to DEMENTIA about their new friendship
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Evict Amanda
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I vote to evict Amanda and then perhaps McCrae would starting acting like a man, get out bed, and p,at the game. It is so sickening to watch hi. And Amanda. I am so tired of that black shirt that Amanda wears continually.
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It’s hard to believe that GM works around children! Even if she didn’t lose her job I don’t think she would be teaching to children anymore because I’m sure after watching her on national tv no one will want her nastiness around their children!
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I would love to see Elissa win then say she was donating all the money to her favorite charity. That would really piss off the other HG’s, but it would certainly make me happy!!
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I vote to evict aMANda. I want to see Mc Sleezy play before deciding if he is worthy. So far he has stayed quiet and not stirred up any drama. IMO he is being painted with a’s yeast infected paint. He started out well and went down hill when she latched on. Makes me wonder if she would have gone with Spencer if he won the first HOH.
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Evict Spencer, then Andy, floater
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I vote to evict Amanda-then maybe it will “make sense” to her. Last night was the battle of the New Yorkers. Amanda needs a mirror to see that what she complains about everyone else doing to her is what she is always doing to everyone. She can dish it out, but she can’t take it!
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I told you that Betty GM is not a young thing & she is one of the worst! just like most of them!!!……….
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Betty, I’ve said it a few times now in the last month. Send them all home and give the money to charity.
I think the men should have said something but watch their faces, they think it’s funny and only Judd put his arm between them like Howard did with Candice & GM. Here’s how I rate these despicable HG’s starting with the most despicable behavior: (Despicable = deserving to be despised: worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation) They surely have roused my moral indignation. Horribly disgusting bunch!
Amanda & GM = tie
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@Starfish I almost completely agree with the list above, but I would put Andy over McCrae. The only reason being is, as loathsome as McCrae is, I haven’t heard him potty mouth anybody. (Now I may be wrong, as I don’t have the LF’s).
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I have a feeling Amanda may not get any votes at all tonight.
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No, I haven’t heard him string two sentences together more than a couple times. However, IMO, he’s just as guilty as Amanda because he agreed with her. You know, the old ‘guilty by association’ thing. If you stand by while someone beats the poop out of someone or kills them, you are guilty by association and that’s how I feel about McC. He doesn’t get a chance to play his game now in my book. No second chance, he blew it. He was a super fan and knew ahead of time how he should play and he chose something else. Wow, sorry about the rant.
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Hey Bobo – How are you feeling today, better I hope.
I haven’t liked GM since she faced off with Candice and I was absolutely surprised when people on the blog started changing their feelings about her. I could understand this, as sometimes she can be funny, but this only covers up her insecurity. IMO I hope she is the second eviction tonight.
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Trivia is on LF, they must be recording tonight’s eviction because of the double eviction. We will have no LF’s today in that case!!
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@Starfish – I understand your reasoning.
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Betty, I couldn’t agree more but it’s a toss up for me between GM & Spencer. The only way that’s going to happen is if Elissa wins HOH, otherwise, she’s going home on the 2nd eviction. We’ll see how the Eliminators hold together. I think the boys are ready to dump GM and take in McC. You’re right about Andy, his mouth has been pretty horrible lately and Judd telling Elissa to STFU. Pretty loathesome.
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oops, the Exterminators. ๐
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What about the diamond she gave Amanda ? If she wasn’t going to vote
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------for her she wouldn’t give her a 14 kt gold diamond ring.
Amanda will get some power and stay because she doesn’t have the votes.
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Just watching last nights BBAD and I have this to say….
McCrae!!! Run don’t walk as far as you can from this crazy bitch!! She is the kind of woman that will instigate reasons for you to “protect” her and you will be the one getting beat up and put in jail.
Ok… thanks for letting me get that out of my system… Did anyone else find it crazy making too??
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@Purple lady, chances are the ring is a cheap fake.
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@Purple lady I say that the ring is a forfeit and is worth less than $100 bucks
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@Paulette – I agree, McCrae should run as fast as he can after the show and maybe find Nick so they can run away together to a place Amanda and GM can’t find them! ๐
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๐ Betty – good idea
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@ Betty You are so right about Nick Can you imagine how is getting ribbed in his hometown??
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I have a question. Does everyone read the BBBlogger or LM post, all the posts or just a few? Maybe none at all and you just post. Justacurious.
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Ok, I’ll start, like JT I read everything. ๐
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@Starfish – I read all of them and everyone’s posts too.
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Off to the dentist. Ugh bbl
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@ Strafish
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guessing not all of them or none.
And LM is a great writer
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95% i’ll skip over some of the longer ones
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Skim till I see something reasonably intelligent. Of course, I always enjoy my comments the most.
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Starfish… you have been saying you have to get out of the house and go to the dentist all morning… for hours now. Get the Hell going and go!!!
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I vote to evict the scum of the earth Amanda.
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I read it all starfish, although sometimes when I’m behind my eyes get blurry and I start to skim. ๐ like tonight I will be off line for four hours while the west coast catches up. Unfortunately I can’t convince the fam to cuddle around the Kindle to watch online!! ๐
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I want the nominees changed so I can vote to evicttwink the fink,the ultimate eyes, ears and bleached asshole in the BB15 house.
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Ted Don’t pick on Starfish! ……………….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------……………… ๐
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@Starfish… I read them all. It helps to see everyone’s view on what happens during the live feeds since I do not get them…. I do watch BBAD, but usually the following day (after I read about it online).
I do have a question about BBAD – is it live? If I ate as much as these people do, they would need the jaws of life to get me out of that house…. That is all they do on BBAD is eat.
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SF – read most unless it is a really long post – then i glance oveer it to see if its stuff already been discussed
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I vote Amanda out and McCray after him then Spencer then Andy. I hope Judd wins. So far anyway. LOL. Who knows with these people.
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Probst on Redemption Island: โI like the losers bracketโ;
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Get Amanda on out of there FINALLY!!! And send that little snake weasle of a RAT Andy right on after her!!!!
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Where is Lisa Marie?? ๐ Yeah double eviction…..
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WHEN does the new survivor start?
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two weeks ….. Sept. 18th
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I read every single post every day it’s hard to keep up tho because their are so many! But I love reading all the different opinions! Welcome back PK I was just asking about u!
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@Debbie F… Thanks… Always nice to be the recipient of a friendly welcome… I have been setting up my wife’s business computer for her and playing with all of the new toys in Windows 8 and MS Office Pro 2013.
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Evict Amanda
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i vote to evict amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! duh
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Do you like windows 8 ? I haven’t heard anyone that has it say anything nice about it.
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I agree with Chelle!
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Evict Amanda then Andy….He is such a low down snake……………..
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yes! yes!
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wow wow wow!!!! I am officially a GM fan…just watched the BBAD from last night and she literally kicked the repulsive one’s ass in a war of words….total knockout…..I am so proud of GM and now I am pulling for her to win the whole thing. After week one for this metamorphosis to take place is unprecedented in my life as I truly did not like GM at all…thought she was a loud mouth idiot to be honest…but GM you have changed the tide girl and I am once again so proud of you.
Yea, she (GM) comes across as dumb a lot but the girl just kicked Amanda’s ass and it was amazing to watch…it was the most gratifying BBAD EVER!!!! If you recorded it I highly recommend you watch. And I truly believe GM has a big heart…her brutal slaying of the English language may be tough to watch but her words last night were PRICELESS!!!!
Go GM..Go GM…Go GM!!!!! I am your number 1 fan.
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Live feeds back on !
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Canada hater?
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@Dubs Doll… As one who held onto XP Pro long after its intended life expectancy if only because I understood it and it worked most of the time, I have to admit that I easing into Windows 8 and liking it so far, and so far I like it much more than my old XP Pro. I did keep the classic XP start and desktop layout (Windows 8 Desktop is to GRAPHIC for my taste) but otherwise, as Midnight said of Squeaky on Andy’s Gang, “Nice,” and Rebecca’s computer is warp speed fast. I do like my Mac operating system too… Nice!
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I’m sorry Herbie but I think GM got way to personal that makes her just as bad as Amanda! I was pulling for her for about a minute but after last night she’s not getting my vote! I wouldn’t want her teaching my kids anything, she is a bad example
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And knowing she’s around children all day long worries me about what she would do if someone pissed her off and kids were there!
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GM is mean !
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@Mama LM is still on vacation
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I vote to evict Amanda the phsyco. Really it would not matter who went this season there really is none that deserve the big money. I have watched BB since day 1 and this has to be the worst season. Hopefully next season they wake up and get a good bunch of players.
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@herbie… If killing her hashly with fuck this and fuck that in rapid succession is what is now called kicking ass then GM’s footprints are all over Amanda’s ass. GM’s Stupid hand jiving was optional and only added more scratches to the table top from what I could see and the Amanda boob bump might have cracked GM’s collar bones had Judd not stepped in the separate them.
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So sorry Ted, now I’m at the dentist waiting for my hubby to get his teeth cleaned and I’m next. Aren’t u happy I have my iPad?
Happy to see so many of u really read all the posts. I was curious because of some of the questions that r asked.
Whoever asked, LM is on vaca until Saturday.
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PK, you were the first one that spoke to me on this blogg so I always look for your post! Thanks for making me feel welcome! I have read this blogg for a couple of seasons but this is the first one I have posted and now I can’t seem to shut up, lol it’s been fun.
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just watched bbad fight – this was a long time coming – im glad gm held her own with amanda – yes, she WENT there – but she applogized – then amanda just wouldnt let it go – amanda has done the same to EVERYONE ELSE in that house – ive not given up on gm yet – AND SCENE!!!!
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Debbie F… I remember your first comments earlier this season. Unlike Twink the Fink aka Andy, I actually had your back then and still do.
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Herbie-Have to say, I agree. I was waiting for someone to give it back to Amanda. GM didn’t give up until Amanda was walking off crying. Now she felt what every other woman felt at the hands of her wrath. It was harsh, but she got what she gave.
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What GM said was “End Scene” referring to Amanda’s acting abilities.
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Awh that’s why I remember you so well! That’s funny about Andy lol
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sorry linda – thats what i meant to say
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GinaMarie was just looking for a fight. Knows Amanda is going and the smirk sent her off. She’s weak.
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I read this blog every day, plus a few others on a more occasional basis. This blog has the friendliest people and the most up-to-date and correct information on what is going on in the house, without much bias. This is important to me, since I don’t have the feeds. When opinions are offered, they are given as opinions, not fact, which is good. On some blogs, opinions are offered up as fact=bad, IMHO.
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I have to wonder how far into Amanda’s face GM would have gone had she not been surrounded by her “TWO bodyguards.”
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PK – i think gm has NO FEAR – ha ha – little chiwawa – he he – and yes, i know i missed spelled that – ha
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Amanda & Elissa are up and about
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amanda up before 4pm – WOW
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I have to vote again…. I VOTE TO EVICT AMAZON AMANDA!!!
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Judd at least tried to separate A and GM on BBAD last night. Didn’t work but no-one else including McC seemed to care. The beneath contempt Spencer seemed to enjoy it and Andy cowered and nervously laughed. I’ve given up on all these people. If BB lasts another season they’d better cast people worth watching/ or even caring about.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Does anyone REALLY care who wins this season. For the first time – I don’t.
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macy… I would love to schedule a no holds barred girl fight between GM and any one on the Mob Wives form Staten Island. Wouldn’t be any of her hair or other body parts to offer up to her beloved Nick after even a minute in the ring with any of those “ladies.”
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amanda curling her hair – ellisa doing yoga in the stripped hallway
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PK so true
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@ PK
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thanks I have windows 8 on the laptop but haven’t worked it yet. Like my tablet too much. I also have the XP and like that layout best.
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Dubs Doll. You can keep many of the XP start and desktop features and appearances on Windows 8 and XP is over the hill and soon to be dead, gone and totally unsupported by Microsoft and everyone else.
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My dream Pandora’s Box would be for GM to enter and be greeted by Drita from Mob Wives with a challenge – get passed me ALIVE and you win ANYTHING you want.
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Does anyone know why Elissa was mad at Judd last night on B-bad? He asked her if she had a good nap and she wouldn’t even look at him, let alone answer him. Later in the HOH room, E said Judd had yelled at her. Over what? Did I miss something? Judd told McSleezy that he didn’t feel welcome in the HOH room with E up there. What was going on?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote to evict Amanda, hands down. I can’t stand that POS.
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Debbie F: Just curious where you got the idea that GM is around children all the time. She is a pageant coordinator. She isn’t a school teacher. Not picking an argument just wondered where you came up with that.
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GM arranged pageants for YOUNG LADIES just one step above children but still quit relevant, I think. I know that the Southern Belles here in Mobile wouldn’t want GM having anything to do with any of the YOUNG LADY pageants here, period!
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Nancy, I heard Judd told Elissa to STFU so she’s pretty upset with him.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And she was fired from her job for not being a role model
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Right Starfish.
Nancy, Elissa & Amanda have been a bit cocky lately (as most have been). Elissa was doing her yoga in front of the main door. She had her leg straight out and when Judd walked by she “hopped” towards him as if to block the way or kick him. Judd said “F#ck you Elissa”.
I think she was mostly teasing.. but she also doesn’t like Judd very much either… and was trying to annoy him a bit. Elissa was crushed that a man would ever dare say that to a woman (she said she’s never heard a man do that before)
Judd has been bitter towards Elissa because she flipped sides.. Elissa doesn’t like Judd much because she thinks he’s untrustworthy. It just escalated from there.. and Judd being crabby lately (and he had just woke up).
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BBMO Julie Chen is married to the President and CEO of CBS. She practically owns BB. Why would you want to evict her? TOO funny! ๐
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Great to see my pal, PK, back on BBB… looking fit as ever… in fact, it looks like he’s been in the tanning booth with Amanda. I agree, GM may have trouble getting employment around anyone young after last night’s performance… which I loved, by the way. Her ‘hand jiving’ is priceless… much better than Amanda’s with McCrea. Wish Judd hadn’t separated them… I think GM would have shown Amanda what’s what.
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That’s just great… fish has an iPad… what’s worse, she knows how it works.
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I’ve had Windows 8 for about 10 months now. It is too much change for me (sorta set in my ways now). I’ve messed around with it some.. but ehhhh… I really see no advantages.
Best part of Windows 8 IMO…… is the ability to set it up the same way I had on my old laptop with Windows 7. ๐ (But I guess it’s all what a person gets used to).
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๐ … suggest you shop for an Apple.
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I vote to evict Amanda
It really says a lot about this season when Spencer can be on the block and only pull 21% of the votes to evict. ๐ฏ
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Would any of the young ladies below want GM as a role model? NOT EVER!
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Send $$$$$ Ted ๐
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Kev11, I agree, that was weak of GM. GM knew she had the numbers (at least really thinks so).. and Amanda would be going.. so why bother? It just made GM look worse to us and to fellow HGs. Part of the reason Amanda is leaving tonight is her behavior. Doesn’t GM think they would target her for the same? I doubt she put that much thought into it.
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Yes, I read all the post by both LM and BBB. However when it’s boring and nothing in the house is going on and conversations start about other shows that I do not watch I skipped those. Only want to keep up to date on BB. I’m excited for Survior and Amazing Race to begin. Read those blogs too ๐ After this questionable BB15 I’m looking forward for the new shows. Peace and hold on tight because tonight’s is either going to be very interesting or disappointingโ
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Everyone is just lounging around or getting ready for tonight’s show. No plotting… no scheming.. hardly any general chit chat.
Both sides think they have done all they need to do.. and think they have the numbers.
GM just got called to DR ๐ฟ Hey!! …DR…. leave those kids alone!
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I knew she was fired for her racist comments just like Aaryn was. I just didn’t think of the contestants as children. I see where it is coming from though. Like I said, I wasn’t trying to argue. I just considered children more on a younger level. I don’t think she should have anything to do with anyone that would look up to her either. Just a matter of interpretation of the word children IMO. Thanks all.
Elissa has pissed a lot of people off with her sudden switch of alliance. But honestly, she wasn’t in a real alliance. She was not part of the exterminators and she didn’t have any other real alliance either so I kind of disagree with their anger. I get that they want Amanda out and so do I but she hasn’t really crossed anyone she had a real agreement with. Does anyone honestly think that any other house guests would have made a real alliance with her? Just curious.
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Have to say, I haven’t been looking forward to an eviction show this much since the coup d etat of BB11.
I’m pretty sure I know what will happen.. but just that little shadow of doubt has me very nervous (and I love it!).
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Amanda needs to gooooooooo!!!!!
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Last week I honestly thought it would be the first time that it was not a unanimous vote and I was wrong. This week I’m not expecting a unanimous vote and maybe it will be. I just worry that Spencer has been up so many times and has not been voted out as the pawn and it may be time. Please NO. Buh bye Amanda.
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hpr56, That is why I believe Elissa switched sides. Look at her options..
Alliance “A”
1) A guy who she finds totally disgusting.. and does not trust at all (Spencer)
2) A guy she doesn’t trust that much.. and he is another guy after all (Judd)
3) A girl she finds as gutter mouthed as Amanda (or more?).. and wanted no part of her for 9 weeks (GM)
Alliance “B”
1) A guy she was pretty good friends with.. just not sure she trusts him (Andy)
2) Another guy she seems to like ok.. at least he hasn’t said all the things as the rest (Mc)
3) A girl she finds disgusting at times.. but can have an intelligent conversation with at times too.
It’s no wonder to me why she switched sides. If she knew Andy wasn’t with Am & Mc anymore.. then she wouldn’t have done that and exposed herself so much. But she didn’t know.
I do think she could have worked side alliances with some Exterminators.. maybe? But either herself or McCrae would have to be HOH to do that.
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๐ & 11… GM was not thinking of ‘us”. She did not target the other houseguests, just Amanda. Her bottled-up real feelings were finally coming out and she was giving Amanda a taste of her own medicine.. and bringing it down to Amanda’s level of understanding. She was not weak. Plus she was damn cute.
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guess i missed the link to the fight but i want amanda OUT and why send mccray with her???? so they can still have their romance? let’s send her out with spencer
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I think the DR needs to stay out of the game unless there is violence….do not tell other’s what ppl are planning in the game and junk like that…just stay out of it. it’s not fun knowing production is really playing the game
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Sounds like a good analysis, JT. She is smart enough to put her annoyance of Amanda’s past torture to save herself, as repugnant as that might be. I still don’t trust Andy to stick with the exterminators, so it may be a good move.
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I think Elissa cannot lie well, she can’t keep a straight face when lying. Therefore I believe she really is going to vote for Amanda to stay. My question are… How will Andy and Judd vote? Will GM have to do a tie breaker? What will she do, if so?
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I still see it this way..
To Evict Spencer
1) Elissa
2) Mccrae
To Evict Amanda
1) Andy
2) Judd
Julie: Houseguests… the votes are in, just a reminder, the evicted houseguest has one minute to say their good-byes.. gather his or her belongings and walk out the front door. For the first time this season… we have a tie… ๐ฏ
At this point we will be losing audio quite often I’m guessing. But through it all GM will have to rise and cast her vote..
Amanda, sorry but get to steppin’
More dropped audio.. some chaos maybe. Lotta finger pointing.. etc etc.
And that’s just the first half!!!! ๐ ๐
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HPR56. Sorry I was out! She says she helps runs the pageants and she also wants to open a school with the money if she wins any! I would also think that if she runs the pageants she’s working them and she would be around the contestants who are all young!
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I agree, tender. No one really knows the exact involvement of production though, just speculation. Frannie put the fight link up on the last post. It’s a dozzey!
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Elyssia is playing Amanda. She is using the same bulling tactics that Amanda has. El is no fool. McCrae last night was a jerk. Tears in the diary room were fake like Amandas are.
I can’t stand the creep Andy and McCrae is no better. So he won POV and saved himself. His little foot jester to close the POV box was immature. Both need to go. He is a jerk to say the least. Birds of a feather find each other. Amanda loves her pizza man. Yeah Right!!. She has a boyfriend at home. He has probably left town by now. I can feel in my bones that Spencer and El are the last two in the house. Or it will be GM and El.
Amanda is Bi_Polar..manic depressive in the worst way. I have a younger sister in law who is like Amanda.
Amanda probably left her meds at home. She needs to seek help. So does the Pizza boy. they now take showers together. Oh my. Is that suppose to be porn for the viewers to see.
GM was so cool last night standing up to the ridiculous AMAnCrae. She may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but she won’t back down to no one.
Take Amanda out. If not by stretcher or a wack to the head, a bullet will do. For Joke.
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Thanks for all the comments everyone!
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Greetings from Music City.
I vote to evict Amanda and her greasy little boy toy too.
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And also remember when GM was running that game red light green light? She said she does that with the girls in her pageants!
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Hey guys. I too want amanda and andy out asap. I think being in the same environment for this length of time changes people. We actually become our environment. All this behavior has so many levels to it. All these houseguest have tunnel vision. Year after year we see examples of this. In many cases this kind of environment shows weak and strong character that may not have been apparant before. Everyone is out of sink and vulnerable with all working towards the se goal but using desperate measures to accomplish this. Time is running out. Not a lot of education, coping skills or tollerance in this group. Again… Lets get rid of amanda
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LOL@JT, now I have “The Wall” stuck in my head, but better than the “Jessie” (Disney channel) theme song that’s been plaguing me all summer!! ๐ Have I mentioned how happy I am school started yesterday??? ๐
GM is also associated with a dance studio and I think teaches kids there. The Jersey boys from. AGT are out of the same studio.
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To Gina Marie, if Nick rejects you, his BB stalker, don’t fret. There is more than one fish scampering for shelter in the sea when you get close and it is that one and only rare Pacific Ted-Fin and he thinks you are damn cute.
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I think Amanda is going home…. Andy will tell McCrae that he was the one vote for Amanda and that Ellissa was playing them.
We will see if McCrae believes Andy’s story when McCrae wins HOH–My guess is he will – he wins when he has to.
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OMG – had a brain poot there for a second – mc cray telling spencer he was going to vote amanda to stay – i was like WHAT – that only leaves andy to vote her out! then i remembered good ole ju double D!
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Trivia on feeds now… I’m guessing they wont be back until after the show. I didn’t see anything that makes me change my mind on what I think will happen. Looks solid on paper…..
……but that’s why they play the game.
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I forget who mentioned that maybe Elissa may get a tv show after BB about healthy eating and yoga, and also said how boring that would be. I have to disagree on that one, I find yoga very interesting and would love to see her on a show like that. An hour show where she shows some healthy recipes and how to prepare them for the first 30 minutes and yoga exercises for the last half hour. I would watch and I think there are many more people that are into that stuff than you could imagine.
Hi *fish…time for my chocolate milk fix! ๐
Howdy Ted…you’re being super nice today. What’s up with that?
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Good thinking, PK! I love to mentor.
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Hi FP2… I am? Damn! Hey… thanks again for the fight video. I completely missed what was going on, because of all the censoring. Then sped on past the physical set to.
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Hey Ted. Is your avitar from your training video where you demonstrate what happens when you drink from the far rim of the cup? Hot!
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Remember Ted, only three letters separate mentor from tormentor
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Yep, JT, that’s kind of how I saw it too but you put it down much more eloquently than I could have.
Ted, you cracked me up there. And honestly, even though I’m not a guy, I think she is a cute little thing when her mouth isn’t blowing up. PK, a little interested in the cute little thing are you? LOL
tendr I agree with you. On all levels. And as far as Elissa not being able to lie well, we’ve seen it before. When Amanda wanted to know if Elissa was going to put her up, Elissa just looked at her and laughed. She reminds me of my youngest son. He’s the same way. I had the 2 that were just 2 years apart and way younger than my other children. When anything happened, the older one could look me in the face and feed me full of crap. So I would call my youngest in and he could not (still can’t) lie to me. He would look away and snicker and if I made him look at me, he would burst out laughing. Then I knew if his brother was lying. So I see what you are saying about Elissa.
Debbie F: I said I wasn’t trying to argue and just wondered where the children phrase came from. Geez, chill out.
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Hey did they just go to trivia on the feeds? ๐ฟ
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๐ Still just saving a place…………………
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Going to watch some TV or maybe take a nap! ๐ Fran???? See you all later…. ……………………
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รยฟร ๐
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hpr56… GM is Ted’s kinda girl- bleached hair, tongue piercing, foul mouth, GOOD Hands, ISO way over the hill mentor ISO tormentor. It is the perfect match made in he double hockey sticks.
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Bookmark until after the show
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HPR56 I wasn’t arguing either I was just a answer the question! Really that’s it all good!! ๐
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Holy heckofa replies!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Loved the info, thanks for the insights, and now home watching last nights BBAD…
Just getting the GM/Demanda blast!
Andy and McCrea look very uncomfortable!
Judd is loving it! Not many face shots of Spencer….
Funny thing…
The beginning really looked liked Amanda was reliving a moment from her DR, and GM was ripe for a blow up!
I am not taking side, but I could see me there, thinking back to so,etching, and if someone saw it and misread it, I’d go the instigator role too!
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The exclamation point just confused me I guess.
Anyway, so how many think Elissa will vote to keep Amanda and how many think she will vote Amanda out?
I will hope she will vote her out even though I don’t believe she will.
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@ted i guess i deleted the other blog with the fight….frannie FRANNIE…email it to me if you see this..m-kay?
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@hpr56 i think i’m finally learning NOT to get my hopes up when it comes to BB.
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๐ ….my final farewell to McManda (hopefully!!)
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@JT — that is too funny!
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Amanda needs to go home but so does spencer andy and mcrae
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@TENDR….. I sent the link to your email. Let me know what you think. Have fun!
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I think Elissa is voting for Amanda to stay. Remember the ring she’s going to want that back. I don’t if Amanda will give it back when she only had 2 votes cuz like I said yesterday she’s 100% sure Andy won’t vote against her so she is going to think Elissa lied to her . Sorry HPR56 I put exclamation marks on all I say lol!
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At last, we have an eviction where we have no idea what is going to happen.
I can’t wait!!
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Is it just me, or does anyone else get the feeling McCrea will be more relived than pissed when Amanda leaves tonight???
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I vote to evict the evil one….Amanda……grab your bags, plant a big juicy kiss on Mcnasty’s lips, and as you walk out the door, yell out to everyone It Doesn’t Make Sense!
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Debbie still chuckling at your post. Simply put the bully got bullied. This has zero to do with kids. But do respect your opinion
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Hey Bob….enjoy your nap! ๐
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@kimjmj… McRae may be relieved in certain respects with Amanda gone but definitely won’t be relieved in certain others.
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@Ted: Think you’ll like this…a picture of Jessie’s sister.
@All: Will hop back on here later after the show. Have been fighting and URI for 10 days and just haven’t been myself. Haven’t had a a cigarette in days but this too shall pass as I’ve been bored out of my mind here. Glad the NFL is starting and am actually looking forward to Survivor.
Unsure of what happens tonight but am still sure I’m really sick of all these posers.
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@Ted: Forgot the link…not myself the last two weeks…
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Ok, so now Elyssia is awake. I have a hard time believing that she slept through that!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The sausage factory is commentating about why McCrea didn’t stick up for Amanda…
E & A are chilling and eating over her betrayal…
Sorry E is all show no substance!
Amanda, it’s 7:50 Eastern. You are leaving in T minus 80 minutes…
Yay double eviction!
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The East Coast Live Stream Link
for those that cant wait… starts at 6pm BBT… ๐
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here are more Pics of Jessie’s sister… ๐
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and for those who missed the FIGHT yesterday here’s frannie’s LINK again… ๐
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Frannie that’s so funny about Amanda yelling as she walks out the door!
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ty HoH8 and got your em too frannie bananie. <3
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LOL PK, reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when “lack of relief” made George smarter and Elaine dumber! ๐
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Bye Bye Amanda!!!
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i’m so glad my mom grounded us even if we said “darn” growing up……think i’m gonna go take a real hot shower now…wonder if we have any steel wool?…….now i’m kinda thinkin’ maybe Gm should be sent with amanda to the jury house? i can’t believe how the guys just sat there….i would have stood up and screamed SHUT-UP.
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I am so excited for the show tonight! I love not being sure what the outcome will be!! With all of our cheats, we are always so ahead of the TV shows! ZZZzzzzzz….
I never did get a favorite this year…someone I saw as a role model or that deserved the cash! But I haven’t been bored and have loved hating these scum of the earth HGS!!lol
I agree with JT in that I really THOUGHT it would be a tie. Until reading this:
A Jokers update mis-quote or a slip of tongue by Mcc at 3pm & he knows Amanda out? QUOTE:
09/05/13 04:20 PM Edit Reply Quote
“As long as us four (guys) stick together we’ll be SO good.”
IF McCrae means that and is finally thinking of HIS game and not his D**k, then Amanda definitely is going!!! I would LOVE to see Andy follow her out! But..wishful thinking..lol
I will love whoever goes since I love none of them!!
*claps her hands in glee* Let the games BEGIN!!!!!!!
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I vote to evict spencer
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I vote to Evict Spencer, that big load has been here way to long, we need drama, I hope Amanda stays.
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Star, that’s all part of the cat & mouse game that’s been going on all year (this season more than most). It has more to do with what happens after tonight’s first eviction.
McCrae acts like he’s loyal to those guys so they wont put him up if they win HOH
Those guys act loyal so McCrae wont put them up.
McCrae already told Spencer today that he was sorry… but he couldn’t vote for him. (to stay)
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Bobo I forgot to thank you for sticking up for me against that mean man Ted. ๐
@Ted, of course I know how to work an Ipad to do what I need it to do. I don’t play games. In case you’re wondering, my teeth were perfect!! ๐
JT, you’re always spot on with your analysis. It’s good to not be positive of the outcome. Very exciting.
Thanks for the links JT, K11, Fp2, Hoh8
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Aggie, I do want Amanda gone.. but yes, Spencer has been a big ZERO for adding anything to watch. (I might feel different if it was earlier.. but less than 2 weeks left now)
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I totally agree with you Star. I am clasping my hands with glee waiting for the games to begin. After these past couple nights of BBAD, I have no affection for any of these houseguests. That is why I vote to evict Spencer.
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STAR – at some point this afternoon – mc was telling spencer that he HAD to vote for amanda to stay and that he hoped they would nt hold it against him…..hmm
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for those who want to watch the show with Dan… his show is real good… its LIVE, he talks while the show is on…. gives us inside BB stuff… ๐
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oh i loved howard………..he and candice were my favs…after that i lost interest…the show comes on and i find myself doing things instead of watching the show…but i’ll watch it tonight…
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not a dan fan.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i would love to see amanda on survivor…..i would be glued to it.
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Dishes Done โ
TV Tuned to CBS โ
Remote Control โ
Laptop Not Obstructing View โ
Phone In Garbage โ
Neighbor Kids Quiet โ
Bucket O’ Popcorn โ
Adult Beverage โ & โ
Bottle Of TUMS โ
Ready as I’ll ever be!! ๐
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L8r all… enjoy!
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Looking forward to tonight! I hope I am correct about Elissa and Amanda goes out the door tonight! ๐
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Ok gang, almost Showtime for most of you. I’ll be back later tonight, I’ll kill time watching the last few episodes of season 11.. I sure hope that Jordan gal pulls thru, not sure if she and Jeff will last, but they are cute!! ๐ ahhh, good old days!!
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Hoh8 the link to watch it your time won’t load. ๐
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It worked last week!!!
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B I N G O ! ! ! !
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The witch is dead!!!!!
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AMEN….The bitch is gone!
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Hell yeah!!!!
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Get ta steppin. ๐ ๐
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Lol JT!!!
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JT even had the โget to steppinโโ line right that GM said to Amanda. Damn man, how do you do it?
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Mc is HOH
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McCrae….it always happens like that. The person who gets burned at eviction gets revenge at HOH!
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GM and Elissa on the block
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Exterminators planned this entire scenario to a T!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They set Elissa up completely
…and Am & Mc fell for it.
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Can’t believe he put Elissa up. McCrae is playing right into the hands of GM’s alliance! Stupid move!!! Didn’t he hear what Amanda said to Andy, as she walked out the door??
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Elissa can exchange jewelry now
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Bye, bye Elissa – too bad!! McCrae you are such and IDIOT!!!!
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I agree Betty
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Betty, what Amanda said was part of Am & Mc’s plan…. they believed Andy so much that they planned to say that and throw Elissa under the bus. because they thought if it was a 2-2 tie that it was Elissa who went against them…. it was designed to protect Andy (little did they know he was the “rat”… I’m glad he was this time)
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I know it isn’t possible, as I did so want to see GM follow Amanda out that door!!
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Noms remained the same…one of them will be evicted. Prolly Elissa, since she tried to flip the house.
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@JT – I thought Amanda said to Andy “I thought I could trust you”. Did she say that to Elissa?
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Exterminators planned this entire thing out exactly as it happened.
Am & Mc were trying to protect Andy by making it seem like he voted with Judd & GM for Spencer to stay. They walked right into the trap.
Objectively, It was a thing of beauty.
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Should be 3-0 to evict Elissa
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Betty, she said that to Andy…. she was protecting him… to make Andy look good in the eyes of Spencer, GM, & Judd (he already looked good to them.. being in their alliance.. but Amanda didn’t know that)
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One thing they can’t do…… they can’t edit Elissa to look like a good player on a live show.
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I hope they show us the jury house after this eviction soon……
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backfired………………..so…………it’s all guys now, right? lol….(yes i know gm is still there…so, it’s all guys.
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My bet is that the ONLY dog pen that had 2 bones was McCraes. I would BET that there wasnt a shot for any other HG to win, Just saying, I believe the entire BB game is rigged and those types of comps are easy to set up who BB wants to win
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me2 betty………..i wanted GM out too
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JT – When will they have the next HOH comp?
Why didn’t Julie tell Elissa that Andy was the rat?
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Hi Tendr – How have you been feeling?
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Goodbye Amanda, Goodbye Elissa!!!!
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Now McCrae will have to win veto to stay… he can’t even play for next HOH. If he doesn’t win veto.. it will be Exterminators final 4
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Elissa is clueless… She thinks McCrae voted out Amanda? ๐
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Betty… maybe next HOH comp is later tonight like last time.. not sure.
Julie couldn’t tell Elissa that Andy was the rat.. Elissa is in the jury. Julie didn’t tell Amanda either… Andy told her in good-bye message.
Amanda will tell Elissa in jury.
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AC… Elissa questioned if Andy was loyal all week more than Am & Mc did. To her, he was the weakest link… yet now she thinks Mc flipped? huh? ๐
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Who is HOH NOW?
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I guess it was a great acting job on Andy’s part.
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OMG… Ellisa thinks McCrae voted for Amanda…. WTH? I thought she had Andy figured out…… There I go thinking these HGs have a clue.
McCrae obviously thought Ellisa went back on her agreement. He is going to feel like a jerk next week…. Judd or GM will win HOH and put McCrae up –Andy of course won’t try because he wants to stay on McCrae’s good side, and Spencer, well he might win a digging for gold comp…..but that would be it…..
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Who’s America’s fave HG.. and winner of $25k?
I thought maybe McCrae would get my vote early.
Then I got on the Ju double D train.
Even Elissa looked good for a few hours
Then GM looked way better.
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I am so over these people. The disgusting vermin they cast this season can not possibly be a true cross section of the American public. The trash talking, personal attacks, attacking family members (especially one’s children) is unforgivable in my book. And that somebody in this whole array of gutter snipe will walk away with 1/2 million dollars simply angers me to no end.
There is nobody left I would want to win. NOBODY.
I can imagine everybody in this group would just piss that kind of money away and be broke again in 6 months. Just like the average lottery winner.
Hands down his pants, booger picking, child porn joking Spencer? He’ll spend it all on loose women and fast cars. Oh and trips to SE Asia where child porn is easily obtainable and no questions asked.
GM will buy more make up, tanning solution and hair extensions and pay a large percentage in legal fees when Nick is forced to put out a restraining order to 2…or three…
Speaking of tanning solutions… The Rat and Judd, were they to win could invest a few grand on transforming their ghostly white complexions.
Seriously, though, I think Judd and possibly McCrae might be the only 2 who would maybe be responsible with that kind of money.
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Bella… that’s how I see next HOH too ๐
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So happy to see Amanda gone but didn’t want E to go just yet. Would have liked for Spencer to go next.
I didn’t see the show this time but will watch in a couple hours. I don’t understand why McC put E up. The boys have been cozying up to him the last couple days so I guess it makes sense to put E & GM up because he wants to be one of the guys. McC doesn’t deserve to win. Really, as much as I despise Andy the snake, he’s the only one left who has really played the game perfectly. Can’t stand him but he deserves the win. JMO
Next HOH will be interesting to see if it will be all guys or if the Exterminators stay loyal to each other. Maybe Andy will actually win the HOH and that would be interesting. I think he would put up McC & Spencer. Or, if he’s still playing like he voted to keep Amanda, then GM & Spencer. I would think he would want McC gone. Seems logical to me but this game has been anything but logical. Actually, I don’t know what I think. ๐ฏ
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Finally!! Someone stood up to Amanda. You go Ginamarie you r the Girl. Send crybaby Amanda packing.
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@bigbubbabronson — That is an interesting theory, I was thinking just he and Ellisa had two bones — we will never know. I just think it odd that Andy, Spencer and GM did not at least find one…..
I thought BB was rigged for Rachel to win, so I would not be surprised if they all have been (except season 1). I watch because I never seem to be bored with how people really don’t see themselves like the rest of the world does.
I hope most of these people are mortified by their behavior — the ones that are not had no hope to begin with… IMO.
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@JT 300
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Does anyone know how to cancel the subscription to the LF’s? I started them this afternoon but all that was on was the trivia for 6 hours and then LF’s for 2 hours and they were continually interrupted. So I want to cancel them b/c that is not something I want to pay for. Plus the BB season is officially over for me. Don’t want to support anyone left in the house at all. I thought abt McCrazy but he did not honor the agreement with E. and so that’s a wrap for me.
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For those who liked watching aMANda walk out the door…..Don’t forget you can watch it again on tvgn tomorrow. Now to see if the Exterminators can last 2 weeks.
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@JT — I think the fish should win as fav house guest and the money go to charity!!! I would even vote for the Bear shirt — but if the only options are the 16 people they put in the house… then I abstain too.
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Seriously stupid move on Mcrae’s part. Elissa would always be just as big a target as him. He will go next for his stupidity. I do not like any of the exterminators but I would not mind watching them vote out McRae.
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It will be interesting to see how the exterminators turn on each other… that could be fun to watch….
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Den 14
Bal 14
Yay football….. ๐
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Thanks for the reminder AC.. I’m still in my BB haze.
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I was left with a blah feeling after tonight’s show. I feel like I invested so many emotions in this. Now I don’t really care what happens. Wake me when it’s over.
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Oh JoanD — we still have crazy GM — she should entertain us another week, maybe two….
Can you imagine the conversations if Judd and Spencer are the final two???
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Dang JT how did you know that GM was going to say Get to Steppin ?
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Love, Love Love Football. We should put all the BB HGs in against the Steelers! Now I would pay big bucks to watch that. ๐
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@JoanD….OMG! You hit the nail on the head. I couldn’t explain how I feel, but you said it perfectly. I guess it’s that blah feeling for me too. I don’t care what happens or who wins right now. I am supposed to go out for happy hour on finale night, but I got out of it. Now….hell, I’m going to go have me some fun! ๐
Maybe I will feel differently in the morning, but with my hard head, I really doubt it.
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Cathy, I just pictured GM saying that ๐
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@*fish….Why the Steelers? Isn’t there a team closer to home that you can choose from. I know there is….
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I tode ya, JT has a Crystal Ball at home that tells him stuff. ๐
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I would love to see each of the hg’s being drop kicked by any football player. Now that I would pay money to see.
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Are the live feeds up for the HOH comp?
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fp2, I was born in PA and rooted for the Steelers with my dad. Yes, we have the San Diego Chargers, San Francisco 49ers & the Oakland Raiders. Oh and of course, USC ๐
I just love the game.
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JT aka Swami. ๐
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Will somebody tell Elissa that when you are dead, you don’t know that your dead. It’s only difficult for those that know you.
In other words, it’s the same as being stupid!
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@Starfish – Soon JT will be offering us psychic readings! ๐
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I knew you had plenty of teams out there….just was curious why the Steelers.
Did I mention GO DENVER!
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Right now I’m with JoanD and fp2. Kinda blah and really let down this year so watching football always makes me feel better.
I’m anxious to watch the show so I can feel blah all over again. ๐ฏ This was, simply put, a gruesome, mind bending BB year.
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@Rich – You can try, she won’t understand.
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Betty, Star reads the stars….. I just read the BB house.
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@fp2: I think Andy would travel the farthest, be it a punt or a kick-off.
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Thanks for all the comments today….. will catch up tomorrow.
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I predict Frannie has Denver in the bank office pool.
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@K11 ๐
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Bye Bella
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This is my first post … I cannot tell you how much I despise Andy!! Macrae made a huge mistake tonight. Would love to have seen Spencer & GM walk out the door. A stupid floater is going to win the money this year!! Aarrgghh!!
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Nope, but my son has them in the suicide pool. I have the Colts!
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Night Bella…pleasant dreams.
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@ Frannie…. ok, I’ll just stick to BB ๐
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Here …..for luck
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@JT – I know Star gives reading and she is good too, but don’t you be so modest, I really think you would be good at it too! ๐
Hope McCrae wins veto this week. I don’t particularly like the Cheesy guy, but I am curious to see how he plays the game now that Amanda is gone.
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Nothing happening in the BB house… they’re just playing cards.
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@JT, I think you actually get into each personality on BB. You seem to understand them better than they do.
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McCrae seems perfectly content without Amanda there… at least he can breathe now.
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Very cute frannie
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Thanks *fish….I have one for my team too, but Denver is playing tonight. I am waiting for my avatar to change to my home team. It takes a few minutes…. ๐
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I see your new Avatar now FP2…. MUCH BETTER! ๐
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Thanks JT…I was getting really tired of looking at Amanda….ewwww!
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I vote to evict AMANDA! It can’t happen soon enough to suit me.
I seriously fear for Julie’s safety. Amanda is seriously deluded, confuses a misguided sense of entitlement with worth, and is willing to blame anyone in the vicinity rather than accept responsibility for the natural consequences of her own ugly behavior. I hope security follows her right out the door.
I really don’t care who is left or who goes next. I’d like to see BB put it to the jury: “Would you like to vote on the final three or would you rather vote on a worthy charity(preferably one that combats racism, homophobia, misogyny, and mean girls) to which BB will contribute the $500,000?
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If I look REAL CLOSE… I can even see…….. the Rams logo ๐ฏ ๐
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๐ฟ @JT…ok wise guy, make it bigger. It’s in my avatar collection. You know the code.
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I get it!!!! You’re being a smart ass, aren’t you?
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Frannie, make it bigger, really??? ha ha ha
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Gm to McCrae (said seriously.. but not in an argumentative way)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“No offense, but I got out two of the biggest bitches in the game”
All just laughed….
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Starfish…. i hate to see u waiting to watch the show… ๐
go here to watch it Now commercial free… ๐
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bookmark 328
Thanks for the link to the real time feeds HOH8. Now I can relax if front of the TV and re watch the show on tape delay at my leisure.
I so agree with the guys remaining in the house that Elissa looked so much better without all the makeup. However, I guess it’s too much to expect Spencer not to take it to the gutter.
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JT, and Gm thinks she’s not a big bitch? Delusional like the others. Poor child.
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*fish…just the logo, nothing else. ๐
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Looks fine just the way it is Frannie. ๐ I know you change them almost daily.. but I’d like to put in my vote right now for you to keep it a while.
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Thanks Hoh8. Appresh!
From what I’m hearing Spencer is brutally bashing E and I really don’t understand why he, Judd and Andy hate her so much. She didn’t half the stuff that others have done.
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Denver scored. Did you see that Frannie?
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Very disappointed that Julie did not call out Amanda on her racist remarks.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aaryn’s were probably worse but Amanda made her fair share of ugly
comments and JC did not address them. I realize time was limited but
to not put Amanda on the spot as she did Aaryn seems a tad unfair to me.
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Shayne… agree 100%!!!
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JT….no way! I honored your request last year when you wanted me to keep one for a while (I don’t even remember which one). Besides, look at their track record.
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I sure did see that *fish. Happy dance!!!!
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If Julie didn’t address any of Amanda’s nasty remarks, Aaryn’s mom will really be upset because she feels Aaryn is being singled out as the racist in the group.
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I’m o,……
Wait! TD Denver!
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Well, time for a break. ๐ฅ
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I was going to say I’m going to watch this in my comfy bed, when the Broncos got another TD. WTG!
Ok, night all….it’s a commercial right now, so I better hurry before it starts again.
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McCrae called to DR. Exterminators celebrating how the entire plan went absolutely prefect… flawless. Now they all agree that all they have to do is keep McCrae from winning veto.
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Get to steppin with HOH ๐
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Did someone say Pittsburgh? Steelers
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@ยฟ@ what happened, what happened? Elissa was bbnapped!
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Clio the Leo โ@Clio_the_Leo
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THAT is true! RT @PamelaBacon: from here on out it will be like watching a freakin silent movie!
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With the exterminators left in the house, it’s gonna be a good ole boys hunting trip with cussing, eating and drinking {**}ฮ .. {**}ฮ .. {**}ฮ .. {**}ฮ
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------drinks on the house … {**}ฮ .. {**}ฮ .. {**}ฮ .. {**}ฮ
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Good nap!! What happened Frannie ๐ฏ …………
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28 – 14 Denver
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I am thoroughly disappointed with the way things played out tonight! I can’t even watch to find out which of the idiots left wins the HOH! I just hope that the weasle or the pervert doesn’t win, the whole shebang! That would be really sad !
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Trivia time
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Must be starting next HOH
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35 – 17 Denver
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See you later…. Tell me who wins JT ……….
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Peyton Manning 6 TD passes… ๐
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Must be playing for HOH now in BBH…………………..
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BigBrotherLeak โ@BigBrotherLeak
Every single jury member thus far is a woman. Candice, Jessie, Helen, Aaryn, Amanda, and Elissa. #BB15
And so much for the silly Facebook rumor that a Producer was making sure Amanda won it.
Broncos now up 49-17 (Ooops. He dropped it. TOuchback. Nimrod Nation). Like BB15, may be time to call this one off.
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Just want to remind everyone that GM is as bad as any of the other hg’s. She is a racist vulgar mouthed lying hypocrite who not only hits below the belt but also attacks children verbally.She is as much a bully as Amanda but because she is fake nice to Elissa sometimes, many of you forget how horrible she really is.
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McCrae is a fool. He and Amanda made nothing but mistakes the past couple of weeks. Their first mistake was getting rid of Aaryn. She would have been more loyal to them than Andy. Their second mistake was putting all their eggs in Andy’s basket and thinking his was the vote that mattered…It was Elissa who was loyal this week!!
The look on Amanda’s face when she realized that was priceless.
I was never a fan of McCranda, but they could have won the game if they hadn’t made those fatal errors when it counted.
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McCrae needed Elissa to help him, he is now the odd man out and can’t play in the HOH. Gina and Spencer should have been put up!
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I agree totally, Shayne #373 !! Julie let Amanda off EASY! JC didn’t really address anything other than she bullied people. She was acting like Amanda’s conduct wasn’t that bad. It’s not fair to Aayron. Having said that, I am sooooooo glad that she’s outta there. So I guess this means the same for Spencer and GM when they get evicted and I SO hope they do . People who just watch the show and don’t read the blogs or see the off the air goings on, don’t know about all the other racist, hateful, demeaning etc, conversations that have occured. Too bad Aayan took all the heat…and she deserved the heat….when most of the other HGs were talking the same and/or worse. I also agree the HOH comp looked a little ‘off’.
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Big bummer
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Oh and hasn’t anyone noticed my avitar???? I finally figured out, with help from certain of you bloggers, how to do it. Thank you very much.
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Manning 7 TD passes
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Am I talking to myself? I also hated this…..we will now listen in to the houseguests. Cue music and shoot to the room where they are gathered. Bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep. The end. They’re either whispering, swearing or it’s Judd and you can’t understand a word he says.
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Spencer says if Elissa wins Americaโs Player I am going to pull my pants down and sh*t on the stage!
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Euwwwww…..not a visual I want to entertain.
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Well then I guess we’re in for some crap on the CBS sound stage, because the Branchel Army will be sure to do all it can to ensure Elissa wins the America’s favorite Player prize.
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Feeds are still on trivia… but I also have BB/AD on. All I see is Andy in the kitchen.. no sign of anyone else yet.
IDK if this is live? Are the other’s out back still competing?
I see Amanda & Elissa’s pic on memory wall are black & white.. so it must be live.
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Maybe they are doing endurance and have to go inside when out of comp? And Andy is only one out so far? (I’d expect to see Spencer though)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But we usually get to see endurance comps on feeds (or BB/AD if they are that late)
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Now McCrae came inside… Andy is wondering WTF is going on. Something about “did they play that round?” …
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Long comp for HOH tonight
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backed up my LF’s see if I can see anything
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Sal… all I have is trivia on feeds. But BB/AD is on.
McCrae came inside to go to bathroom.. but couldn’t tell Andy much. Then he went back out. They raised and lowered the overhead patio door each time for McCrae.
Sounds like a comp they are playing in rounds… and maybe they had some tech problems.
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Judd came in… he is out also
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They can’t talk about it so I can’t find out what is going on.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looks like it’s down to GM & Spencer for HOH
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Great show tonight, love the look on Amanda’s face both when the tie was announced and during Andy’s goodbye message. GM quoting Ian quoting Boogie with the “get to stepping” was great wrap up to a great blindside. ๐
I’m really hopeful they will take a long segment on finale night to call out all the nasties, here’s hoping Aryans publicists threaten a law suit if they don’t.
Whatever HOH is, Andy and Judd are out, so it’s down to him and Spencer.
Time to back up and read while I wait for the winner. Go GM!
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From Jokers:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10:25 PM Andy whispers “come on Spencer” NT
10:24 PM Andy walks away from back door and mutters “Cmon Spencer” NT
10:23 PM Andy listening by the back door & you can hear production talking 2 the HGs outside..prod says something about puzzles..can’t really make it out NT
10:19 PM Seems to be technical issues with HOH. McCrae came inside to use the BR and said they hadn’t started a round. NT
10:18 PM McCrae used the restroom & is waiting to head back outside. NT
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And the winner is… FISH… darn, tech me to try to scoop IT, LOL!! ๐
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Now they both went outside.. and we get fish on BB/AD ๐
Andy asked Judd when he came in, “Are you out too?”. Judd said “yeah”
Must be over now and they are going out to get footage for show?
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I turn on TVGN and it’s on acommercial
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Yes, I said I was upset when Julie drilled Aaron, I said it would only be fair if all the others were treated in the same manner, it did not happen. Amanda was treated with kid gloves, this isn’t right, what was good for Aaron is certainly good for Amanda. I am starting to really wonder what we are watching.
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TVGN sucks
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now I can go to bed
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Spencer???? Sounds like face morph variation??
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Now feeds come back ๐
So let me get this straight, I can watch this on tvgn.. a station no one went out of their way to pay for. But we can’t watch on feeds that we did pay specifically for? huh?
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kimjmj… yeah, sounds like they had to piece faces together in a puzzle.
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Spencer is HOH
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If Exterminators were smart (I did say if). They would put up 2 of their own. Think about it.. the only thing that matters is McCrae not winning veto. If he wins veto.. 2 Exterminators will be on the block anyway… if he doesn’t.. he’s gone.
They could take some of his fire away by not putting him up initially… maybe he would feel slightly comfortable. Then if anyone else wins veto… up goes McCrae.
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Yes key around his neck
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And they just said something about three gifts, not sure if they are all prizes or some punishments.
Spencer will have to move his laundry pile upstairs. They still do laundry service for the HOH?? Maybe he’ll find a different shirt at the bottom of the pile to wear for the rest of the season.
Funny how they started the season knocking off all the strong guys, now they’ve knocked off the strong women…. this shall former be known as season of the floater, the exact opposite of what BB was going for! ๐
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Spencer yuck! Who wants to bet that Marilyn doesn’t send a letter cus she is embarrassed cus he’s such a schmuck? At least I hope she doesn’t.
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Andy is so arrogant now
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I think Marilyn is LONG GONE (if there ever was a Marilyn)
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JT, weird isn’t it?? Really noticed rewatching the fight last night, way more showed on tvgn then the feeds..
It will be interesting to see what strategy they use. I personally think just put McCrea up since they all play veto, not there are some statistics that show nominated players win veto more often than those that aren’t, so who knows..
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So all the time Spencer spent ogling the girls on the memory wall must have paid off. ๐
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Dear Andy, poor Andy is alone.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Whatever the comp, he is alone right now.
Cleared the kitchen stuff, played with the cards. Watched McCrea use the bathroom….
Poor ill dude is alone…
Ha Ha Ha!
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They could just put McCrae up.. and that is probably what they will do. It might not really matter, but I would think about not putting him up just to take away a little fire. Maybe he’ll play just as hard either way though.
This is kind of like final 4… noms don’t matter.. POV is what matters.
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Well said season if the floaters
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wish Andy stopped pacing
Marilyn saw Spencer and she won’t have anything
To do with him now
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The downside of putting up 2 Exterminators is Spencer would have to show his cards as to who the replacement would have been if needed. If they beat McCrae.. then he wouldn’t need a re-nom.
Wonder who he will put up next to McCrae
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I now have lost all faith in our education system.. Judd just asked who was president before George Washington… shoot me now..
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Guess I’ve see enough for tonight.
Funny how 80% of us wanted Amanda out (according to votes).. and now many are upset? I didn’t really care who left with her.. just wanted her gone.. so I consider it a win.
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๐ Remember when GM asked if California was “up North”?
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Good grief Spencer HOH??? I guess at this point a loser will win BB this year.
I keep changing my mind. Even tho Andy has played a really good game, I despise the way he played it and there’s no reason to start with the foul mouth that he’s used about E the last couple weeks.
I’ve been worried all along about Andy and Spencer being a duo which makes me sick to my stomach.
I agree JT, backdooring McC would be a good move but chances of him playing and winning Veto are high. He’s playing now and he’s playing hard.
He would never make it in amazing race. Someone said he wouldn’t make it past 3rd week but I’m not sure he’d make the first week. He’s so pooped after a few minutes of exertion.
Loved Amanda’s face when Andy, the creepy snake, told her the truth. Poor E, got blamed for everything. I don’t remember if she knew about Judd being backdoored. JT??
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Spencer has a final two with Andy, so it won’t be him.
GM yes, she’s a proven comp beast; no, she proved herself last week.
Judd yes, he’s most sketchy; no, he’ll get to sketched out.
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A bunch of dumbbells. Yes, I remember Ca being up North. eek
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Still pulling for Andy and McCrae but now more pulling against GinaMarie or Judd winning. I could live with it if Spencer wins but not sure how this Jury would give him the win, no matter who the potential opponent.
As much as I detested Elissa, was actually pulling for her tonight. Seems there was a kerfuffle about GM packing her things and that not everything was packed, according to the Twitter Mafia. I’ll give her props for making it this far and not walking, which I was quite sure she’d do early on.
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Ok, ciao. I get it.
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So the prizes were an origami set and some paint your own rubber duckies.. way to blow the budget bb
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I stated yesterday that I might be done with BB until finale night. I have decided I am; I can’t watch these idiots a moment longer. Not after Judd asked who was president before Washington. Ugh!!! That completely hurts my brain. There is no excuse for that kind of ignorance–pick up a book and read!!
Yesterday, somebody said that having Amanda in the house any longer would be unacceptable. Well, the house now is unacceptable. In fact, the entire season has been unacceptable and I want back all the sleep I’ve lost.
Ah well, at least Survivor is starting soon.
Night guys!
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(450 this time)
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Colette Lala โ@ColetteLala
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This season went to hell in a hand basket the second Elissa was cast. Let’s not kid ourselves and be shocked by this final five. #BB15
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@Betty, thanks for asking how i’m doing. stressing over my dad…..i’m mostly in facebook so i don’t come here except a couple times a day for a zip through…i’m finding it hard to sit still..ya know? i need to know more of ya in fb since i really don’t blog or have much to say compared to most…i mean i have my moments but mostly i just look at things i like…i’m tendr place or tendr.place in fb…tho i have to go thru several steps to get there..same with my mail…don’t know why everything is messed up.
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Oh wait, there were punishments, looks like Spencer got to pick.. So GM and McCrea get the old 24h chain gang, Judd has to do jumping Jack’s every time a sound goes off (and it sounds like they recorded Spencer as a still sergeant yelling at him) and not sure but Andy got some cash maybe??
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@ JT can you please explain to me how is it that Andy keeps giving the exterminators credit for getting rid of Aaryn?
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The racist, the man from deliverance, the misogynistic gay man, the pizza boy, and the pedophile all walk into a bar … ( sorry, that’s all I’ve ) – what a group of undesirables – can we have a do-over – like in jacks?
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None of them are worth the ground they walk on. They all are guilty of being the nastiest hg’s ever! I vote to evict Big Brother 15! TVGN sucks! The feeds suck! Production sucks! CBS sucks! As a matter of fact…. IT ALL SUCKS! What a waste of my time, and that is no where near the time put in by others. Bring back ‘The Mole’…..now that was a great reality show.
Off to work, where we will all bitch and moan all over again. ๐
Wake up Bob…. ๐
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Yes they all suck
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bring back The Mole
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Now that Spencer is one week closer to the big money, he’s probably already planning his Bosley hair makeover though I think he would be best served by a visit to a Hormel packing plant.
Gina Marie and Judd should have their HS diplomas – assuming they ever actually graduated – revoked even before they leave the house.
McRae needs to acknowledge that he has had more sex in the last two months than all other sexual encounters before Amanda combined, whether he wanted it or not. Usually not and also admit that something actually smells worse than the anchovy, pepperoni combo.
Andy needs to add a new course to his teaching curriculum. “How to play the role of a sissified, obnoxious, devious, cowardly, over the top, flaming out gay yet to be determined.
Disgusting F5 to say the very least.
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I have an idea for the next HOH comp
A geography/ history test
Hummmm ! They would all lose
And why is Andy so cocky now?
Sorry won’t watch anymore it’s a promise
As I have said for weeks now
Don’t care who wins
Thanks for ruining a good show CBS
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Did anyone else notice that andy on after dark last nite apologized to GM for the way he voted. He wants her to think it was his and mccrays vote that made it two to two. He also whispered to mcray after pov game that he tried ro keep anda in. So then mccray put elissa up on the block. Pervert
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wow…with Bitch and Witch out the house should be impetus for some boring upcoming episodes….Glad Amanda is history….wish E was still around..oh well….Julie should have drilled Amanda like Aaryn and was big time disappointed she didn’t. Also, while Andy is a little worm he definitely knows how to play the game….who am I pulling for…yesterday it was GM but now Pizza boy as he is actually a good guy.
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Spencer won HOH? I lost that bet!
@Terry – I did not see that, but that was a great move on Andy’s part. I don’t care for him personally, but he has played the game well. You may not like how, but he has been successful.
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I can assure you this. At this point, every one on the jury is going to say “this is terrible having to vote for either of you who do not deserve being here. The jury needs to just flip a coin and bury BB 15 as the worst program ever. I hope CBS wakes up and finds some decent people next time. Poor jury; vote for the looser of your choice. ๐
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Bella: Andy looks like a jar of mayonnaise with a red top. He has the personality of a grape and discrace to the alternate lifestyle community.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JMHO of course
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I’m with the strategy JT expressed, put up two of their own in the hopes it might take just a little fire out of McCray. No I do not really like the final group, but I disliked Amanda even more. I do agree it would have been more interesting if Elissa was still in the game, but we sort of got what was on the blog – for the most part. McCray is one POV comp away from being in the final group amazing isn’t it!! But then there is a small part of me that is saying “Give McCray a second chance” I can’t shake that thought.
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@SteveG – I agree 100% – but his game play has worked. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want him to win, I am hoping for the ‘unexpected’ to be there is no winner. I would hate to see any of these people being rewarded for their behavior….
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Well Spencer won’t be extending his record OTB’s as he has screwed up and won HOH. So it looks like Andy will make the final four. The only way Gina Marie will make it is if she can stay off the block as a nominee or replacement.
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Well spencer got a letter from Marilyn, I was thinking she would dump him after his disgusting behavior but I guess she prolly knew he was disgusting before he went on the show. They didn’t show us her photo but the other HG said she was pretty? That I have to see for myself! I find that hard to believe.
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New post is up!
Peace, BBBlogger
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