Wow…it took a little bit to find the key to the Big Brother Blog Diary Room but i found it and was able to get the door open.
So as we saw after the POV that Steve is safe and tonight either Jace or Jackie will be out the door.
So tell us Big Brother Blog faithful, who do YOU VOTE to leave the Big Brother House this week?
Cast your vote below!
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: Thank you for being a part of the Big Brother Blog! Please cast your vote below and comment who you want to evict and who you think will be the next HoHs!
I vote to evict Jace the Jerk.
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Seriuosly it’s to early in the game to get rid of drama boy Jace they need to get rid of Jackie
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Ditto Donna! 🙂 I vote to evict the “Naked Runner” Jace! 🙂
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Good Bye Jace
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See ya Jace. Don’t let the door slam you in the ass!
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Naked boy , Jace
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Don’t let the door hit you on the way out Jace! C Ya!
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I vote to evict Jackie to early to get rid Of Mr. Crazy lol
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Seriously. Amateurish to go after Jace. He is a harmless tool. Break up Jeff & JACKIE now before it is too late!!!!
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Jackie would be the strategic one to vote out now to break her and Jeff up as a team. Keeping Jace around for drama is good – don’t want him around long and he eventually will go – but because he has been so vicious lately, I have to vote him out.
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Please do not get rid of Jackie..she is my favorite AND for some reason I find her the most attractive girl in house even though the world would probably disagree….strategically though that would be better move than JACE. Granted Jackie is not as hot as a junkie’s spoon but I find her very sexy and appealing. Jace…What a fool that guy is…wuss too as he cried last night upon learning of his almost inevitable fate. Grow up surfer boy and act normal or some semblance to it and maybe the house would not disdain your antics and YOU. The streaking thing was total backfire and certainly endeared you to no one..NO ONE…even wrestle man was disgusted by it. Audrey is annoying and can’t wait for her to go too…prior to her announcing her transgender stuff I did think she was a big androgynous. It’s justified now. I will prognosticate now that Vanessa will make it to top 4 at minimum….you heard it here first.
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I vote to evict Jackie, she annoyed me on AR and I fully expect her to annoy me on BB17 so get rid of her!! Plus not sure if production will let the HG’s get rid of Jace since he is causing so much discussion inside and outside of the house.
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If Jace wasn’t such an ass I’d say keep him for drama factor but way too annoying so he must go and liked Audrey in beginning but she has true hole to dig herself out of and will be interesting to see if she can do it!
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I vote to evict Jace the bully. Originally, I didn’t care one way or the other, but after watching him bully Steve, can’t stand to look or listen to him!
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I say get rid of Jackie so that breaks up a pair and Jace can continue to cause drama in the house..that is what we love isn’t it..And also the house will want him out again so that makes everyone else feel safe if he is the target..Have a great day all..
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Either if its Jackie or Jace, I hope that the one to leave isnt the twin playing. Because then we will never see the effects of that twist, and that was actually one that I liked the first time they did it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But yes, Bye Jace
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Break up Jeff and Jackie?! Seriously?!? Have you missed how he talks about her, and lets not forget hes in bed with, LIz I think it was, not Jackie! HE would stab her in the back faster than he could blink his eye! I don’t like him!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And yes, Herb, even coming from a woman, Jackie is a beautiful girl
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I vote to evict Jace. And sweetie, don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya on the way out! Laters!
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Good bye Jace…..
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I wanted Jackie to go until I watched Jace BULLY Steve the other night
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saw a whole different side of JACE I don’t like…bye bye Jace (I hope)
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Ciou Jace….
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what the heck is up with Becky’s mouth?? it looks funny. Guessing she maybe had her lips done too close to doing the show? bugs me everytime they show her. between her nose and lips it looks brown. what’s up with THAT??
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I vote to evict Jace
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I vote to send Jackie home, do not trust her.
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@Wendy, I like annoying people in the house, It brings out all the Drama with the other house guests
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote for Jackie but Jace will be probable one to go 🙁 …… Thanks! for the feedback! ………………………………………………………………………………………..
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I vote to evict Jace.
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I vote to evict Jace because I can’t stand the idea of having to spend any more time watching him and Austin having their bro moments.
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Jake, please! I do not like the kind of drama he brings! Bullying is not drama, it’s disgusting! That kind of drama we don’t need. Steve is my favorite so far. I hope Audrey goes next. Last night she was attempting to take over the HOH position! Running back and forth from the HOH room to the bedrooms, recruiting alliance members. I don’t know why James let her “take over!” I hope tonight will see Jace having a nice chat with Julie. I would love for Steve to get HOH. I am not looking forward to seeing Kathy Griffin on the show! She annoys the poop out of me! See y’all after tonight’s eviction of JACE!! 🙂
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Darn my spell check! I mean jace!!! 🙂
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It’s truly amazing that with all that has happened in the house, they chose to show JJ (Jace Jerk) streaking! Sheesh. Also, notice he only needed ONE hand to cover the family jewels, heehee.
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when do they plan to show America the Liz Twin switcheroo…that actually happened a couple fo days ago…
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I vote to evict Jace! He’s too much of a bully! I would rather see JEFF go then Jackie, I think Jeff’s an Ass. Break up the duo that way. I also really really dislike Kathy Griffin. Will hate seeing her tonight
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Jace. He’s too cocky. BUT Jackie’s eyelashes are annoying. They were annoying on AR, too. Tone it down, girl.
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Jace has got to go!!!!!
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Jace lost all my support when he blasted Steve. If I had been Steve, I would have slapped his face, OR the nice thing to do, get up and walk out. Jace has got to go.
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The bully, Jace!!!
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Absolutely, Lisa Marie.
I really want Jace gone. Over and over again we’ve seen people like Jace make it to the end because of a missed opportunity early on. Let’s hope they don’t repeat history. However, James seems pretty determined in his 24 person alliance. (I’m sure at this point Audrey has drawn in camera men, gaffers, etc.)
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Princess, now that’s funny. I think Audrey would have if she could have!! 🙂
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im tired of seeing his face
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote to get rid of jace
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I can’t stand Da’Vonne. Ignorant, inflammatory, entitled… Makes a commotion over nothing and struts around like she owns the place. I want her sorry ass gone in a hurry.
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… copied pasted from previous blog. ..
Ok, so I watched last night episode. .. yawn. .. then I watched BBAD.
I am not convinced that Liz is the Twin Twist for this week. I am thinking that idea might be a plant, CBS still wants us to expect the unexpected. As I posted in the previous blog I can see John as being a twin, also I still think it could be Meg.
But watching my first BBAD of this year, I got this really whacked out feeling that it could be Jeff and. … drumroll please. .. Austin! lol
Did Julie SPECIFICALLY say that the twins were going to be switching around, or did she say Twins were playing the game and if it wasnt caught they could both be guaranteed something like five weeks of play?
I had initially ruled Jeff out as the possible Twin Twist player just because of his Amazing Race exposure. But then on BBAD last night as everyone was getting ready for the Red Carpet Event, I was watching Liz and Jeff practicing and Austin skulking around. Clean Austin up. .. trim his eyebrows, facial hair, he has a similar nose and set of bazooms as Jeff! Did I mention that I still have three more grave shifts to go? Did I mention that it is incredibly hot here?
The biggest laugh I had watching BBAD was when Mama Da asked Austin if he was looking forward to being voted King and Queen of the Prom Austin’s response was he wanted to be Queen so bad he could taste it. His date, Jason, nearly landed in a puddle at his feet he was laughing so hard 😉
I havent got anything to say about Jace because I havent been privy to his previous behaviour. Going from what I saw on BBAD he is in major sulk mode.
I have to get some sleep, will be looking forward to tonight’s show and the ensuing fan posts. But I have a burning question. James was making up a bed with a female, cant remember who, and they came across evidence that someone had had a good time the night before.
Who in the House has been doing the hanky panky?
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Lol @ Princess
Jace !!!!
Audrey too please
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I vote to evict Jackie. Need to break up her and Jeff. He is deliberately throwing people off their alliance by flirting with others.
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Why was Audrey in the bedroom all night on bbad last night and not involved in the “prom”?
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Princess@40 don’t forget to include all her extra personalities in the count as well.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Becky was hit by a train she didn’t see while walking to work while wearing a hoodie and Right In The Head and Face, She’s had plastic surgery to try to fix it. It’s a miracle she’s alive. My daughter had bells palsy from having to be pulled through my deformed pelvis. For months half her face pulled down. Thank God He healed her and the doctors were shocked So please think that maybe ppl have gone through something bad before making fun of them…..i’d like to see or have a link if it’s on youtube of Jake and Steve.
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Damn spell check. Jace
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Vote our Jace. He is sick!
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Jace needs to go! He’s a bully and the bromance with muscleman is nauseating! Dude, put a shirt on!!!! Wth was Audrey doing last night? Running like an idiot to get each house guest! Kind of obvious who’s in that alliance!
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I would like to see Jace go, then Jason. To much of a drama queen, like last seasons Frankie. I disagree with many as I want to see how Audrey pulls of believing to be on a high to only fall off. Yes Jackie is hot, but send Jeff home first. Just my thoughts.
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Well, heres my 3 cents – although when watching the feeds, I find myself clicking on the camera that Jace is on to find ANY sort of drama in the house – I said it before and i will say it again – after what he did to Steve—-
Laters Jace
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Bro code #932b
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“When said Bro is a JERK, then said Bro must be evicted so remaining Bro has a chance”!
I vote to evict the JACEHOLE!!!
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I vote to evict Jace.
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Jade compared himself to Christ and Steve to Judas????? And Steve just sat there twenty minutes apologizing???? I was getting so angry. Steve I actually a nice looking guy and I hope he Wins this stupid game.
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Ignore my spell ck
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I vote to evict Jace. Bobo, I like drama as you do. I just don’t want it to include bullying. {{{HUGS}}}
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Audrey needs to go next. That Person is crazy.
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I can’t even imagine what it will do to the house when Kathy Griffin does her twist! If all of the HG’s except one, like tonight, it won’t make that much of a difference. But, in a divided vote situation picking three people who are not allowed to vote could be epic! I would probably hope the HOH would win, since I like both HOH’s that won tonight. I was so glad to see Jace go, but unfortunately, the only time I liked him was after he left the house! He was really nice! Too bad he didn’t show that side to the HG’s. I am looking forward to all of your comments. See y’all later! Have a good evening. It’s a long wait until Sunday’s show. 🙂
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I like the two new HOH’s. Goodnight. {{{HUGS}}}
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I don’t like Jeff at all. I think he is full of himself. He made a remark that Jackie wanted more than he did in a relationship.. She is too good for him.
Game stragey they should vote out Jackie as she is a strong player.I don’t like DaVonne.. Her paranoia drama causing trouble over little things will turn the house against her.
Jason is soooo annoying!!
See ya Jace!
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I have only watched up to when Jace got evicted, will watch the rest in the morning.
The Internet has taken the drama out of any twists, twin or otherwise.
This show is becoming more and more predictable every season.
*** sobs ***
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Steve is Napolean Dynomite. I love him and hope he wins it all:)
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***********************SPOILER ALERT****************************
The noms have been chosen!!
Becky nominated Jason and Steve.
Shelli nominated John and Da’vonne.
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Are we not allowed to post links to you tube?
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***********************2ND SPOILER ALERT*********************************
Have Nots:
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Tendr — When it comes to YouTube links, you cannot post any links to any videos that include CBS content. So, if the video contains any direct footage from Big Brother or Big Brother After Dark, please do not post the link because that could cost the blog a lot of money. If it’s a video of someone just talking about Big Brother, that’s fine.
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New post!
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