BBBlogger here and it is that time. Tonight we learn who the 4th house guest is who will be leaving the Big Brother 15 house!
Will it be Aaryn? The most hated BB house guest ever?
Will it be Kaitlin? My MN home girl?
Will it be GinaMarie? A hard core game player but also hated…
I don’t know….but the good news is…I do not have too since it is up to you, the most awesome people who follow and read and are a part of this blog. It is up to you so please report to the diary room and cast your vote to evict now in the comments below and/or on the poll over there! —->
I wanted to vote for either Aaryn or Gina Marie but I had to go with the strategic route and I cast my vote to evict Kaitlin.
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Couldn’t we vote out all three at once? Please? Pretty please?
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Well, it’s apparent at this minute that Kaitlin is going but i had to vote Aaryn. Justahadto.
I still don’t understand why Howard doesn’t see the scumbag that is Spencer.
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I vote to evict Aaryn…she can not be trusted.
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I vote to evict AARYN!
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I vote to evict Aaryn!
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I vote to evict at arryn
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Aaron needs to go so they can get Gina Marie next!!
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Puhhhhhlease let it be Aaryn…….
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Aaryn but understand why it will be Kaitlin
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I vote to EVICT AARYN! I know, I know Kaitlin should go too but I sooooo don’t want Aaryn to make it to jury and get ANY money…… and I’ve been waiting patiently to see her reaction when she figures out how she is seen by America…… Oh I’d get the popcorn for that!
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I’m with Tuna!
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I vote to evict Aaryn. I don’t want her to go to jury because I want to see her find out her life has been turned upside down because of her nasty bigoted ways sooner rather than later. Yes girl… you thought being on a reality show was going to boost your career….wrong… maybe you can go home and get a job at McDonalds.
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@Starfish – I wonder if Howard does know that Spencer might be hated more than he is and he might be thinking if he makes it to Final 2 with him that they wouldn’t give it to Spencer….. but I don’t think either one will make it that far.
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I would love to see Aaryn go but I vote to evict Kaitlin due to she is the stronger person
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I vote to evict Aaryn
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Aaryn but it most likely will be Kaitlin. Too bad. I wonder if Julie will reveal that America was MVP this week. We’ll see. Not as excited to watch tonight as other nights. No really surprises and I really don’t care if any of the 3 go home. Hopefull we’ll find out who HOH tonight though. That is always interesting.
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if your voting to evict AAryn stop voting with your heart…ya she’s a bad girl and she has no idea of what is going to happen to her when she hits te outside world…the real pick this week is the babe from minney sota…other than Amanda sh is a strong female and she needs to go for that perspective…Aaryn trust me will get her chance very soon but not this week…she still has time to piss off some more folks both in an out of the house…bye the way did anybody count how may times GM says ya know in a sentence…we counted 23 timnes in about a 35 second statement earlier this week in the BBAD show…what a treat she is…a true new yorker…imagine bringing that home to mom and dad…lets hope that mom is not an english teacher…enjoy tonights shows…
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Aaryn, next week Gina Marie She is an embarrassment to New Yorkers!!
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The smart vote is to evict Aaryn…
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Aaryn is my vote but Kaitlin will most likely be voted out.
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@RMM, my confusion is that it doesn’t appear that Howard knows about Spencer’s horrible mouth. I would think that if he did, he would distance himself because of his strong beliefs. π Candice would let him know about what Spencer says I hope.
@Mike, we’re voting on a blog so even tho we know Kaitlin is going and that she is the stronger player and is the smartest choice, we can choose to vote Aaryn just because she deserves it whether it’s from our heart or our brain doesn’t matter in this vote. That’s my take on our vote anyway.
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I dislike Aaryn but I vote to evict Kaitlyn…..
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@Mike, yea, GM is a the “ya know” queen absolutely. Her vocabulary and communication skills are about 2nd grade. Just look at our posts from the previous blog ya know. π
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I’m voting for Aaryn but I know the sensible vote is Kaitlin.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If Aaryn stays and wins HOH I’m not sure I can watch the show. It would be awful.
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I vote for Aaryn even though I am hearing that it will probably be Kaitlin. I think Aaryn could be dangerous in the future. She’s not only undeserving of making money by going to the jury house, but she is a back stabbing little witch.
AND, damn I hope they get rid of Elissa. The botox has frozen her face so much that it’s scary. Such a whiny little brat. I was appalled at how she acted on last night’s show at McCreay’s 24th birthday spanking. I know that Amanda is a bossy brat but nobody deserved what she had thrown at her by Elissa. I watched her strut around after she said the ignorant things to and about Amanda. I wanted to smack her.
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I vote to evict Aayrin.
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I wanted Aaryn to go after the first week!
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I am not voting with my heart – it is with my conscience – I vote to evict Aaryn of the Aryan Brotherhood – there are some things more important than strategy – we can not condone racism and hatred because then we are part of the problem – you don’t have to be a good person to win bb; however, allowing anyone who spews such hateful rhetoric against others stay on tv to continue to spout her hateful messages is ridiculous – actually, CBS should remove Aaryn, Gm, and Spencer from the house – and if they were to tape Amanda’s mouth closed for a day I wouldn’t mind that either –
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mike in regard to your post #17 especially to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------β¦what a treat she isβ¦a true new Yorker
please do not lump all new Yorkers in the same category
I also am from Staten Island and do not think I am nor is any of my family like GM in regard to her talking. Yes I have an accent and now live in Missouri and to tell the truth where ever we go 99% of people ask where r you from love your accent.
Just like not all doctors are quacks nor are all lawyers sharks
I took it personal and this is the 2nd time this week I have felt that I have been disrespected, if I am wrong I am sorry, but just feel it is better to get it out then stew or it, to my friends this is the reason I have not been on lately and that was for the first slight, 2 times is a bit much
thanks for listening
LM great job
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duck tape…Susan
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@starfish – quit insulting 2nd graders –
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I vote to evict Aaryn. I know Kaitlin is the bigger threat and I know she’ll probably be the one that goes but for some reason I feel if they don’t get Aaryn out this week they won’t have another chance.
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@MM, I’m pretty sure that the opinion nationwide is that New Yorkers are a strong, tough lot who can stand up to anything and recover. It’s in their DNA. My guess is that wasn’t a slight against any one person but specifically directed to GM and those like her no matter what state they are from.
@Susan π You’re right. 2nd graders have more class than GM ever had.
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Kaitlin is going I think, but would love to see the following turn of events….
Judd realizes there’s a side that wants Aaryon out and a side that wants Kaitlin out. He knows GM will follow whichever one of those two left in the game. He is then able to convince the house to come together, get rid of GM, and let her reunite with her long lost love…. Because let’s face it, she’s playing a great floater game right into the final 2-4.
A girl can dream anyway… π
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3 X what Tuna said!!
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, Aaryn Aaryn….
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I still want a triple eviction. But since no one loves me at Big Brother i vote for Aaryn to go.
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@mm and starfish. I agree with Starfish – I will tell you something mm if gm wasn’t a racist I would love her ballsy personality no matter where she was from – the massacre of the English language in, and, of itself could keep me in stitches for days – I imagine her high English teacher sitting at home saying “I tried I really did – there’s always one student you can’t reach and there she is on national TV”. – p. s. does anyone else want McManda slide face down on a razor blade? Alyssa was not nice about the Amanda bday getup, but she looked like a total tranny – why did she bring a whip with her? That was soooooo not hot! Am I wrong here?
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I wish they could all go including Alisa but I vote Kaitlin. For strategic reasons.
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Amanda’s outfit was no hot but with the slim pickens on BB this year she is better then some of the others and she’s got game.
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Jean I agree. Let me be honest, I would much rather see her in that one piece than a bikini. Sorry, but I think bikinis are overrated unless you’re a guy I guess. Amanda knows she is not a small girl. I thought Elissa’s comment that she would NEVER wear a one piece was petty and disgusting. Even when I was young and a lot littler, I didn’t like to wear a two piece suit. I see a few people who wear bikinis who would be a lot better off in a one piece. Someone ought to do what I read about a parent doing with a teenager who was so arrogant about her clothes. They should take her to a thrift shop and buy her old clothes and make her wear them. I have a granddaughter who had her babysitter refuse to watch her when she was 10 years old because she checked the tags on the sitter’s children’s clothes. I don’t like that kind of behavior.
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If ever there was a good time for a double eviction, this is it. GM can go next week and let the game begin
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Just watched ‘Dick At Nite’ from last night. Key takeaways: Rachel Reilly (now Villegas) is cool as hell and honest about her sister’s Game in the House and Ian sharp as ever. Dude won $500K, lives in a House with eight people in it and is working toward his Degree. Bravo. Also, the nine Juror thing may just be a rumor.
I watched and didn’t think the competition last night was aimed to help Elissa’s game.
Agree with MM that all New Yorkers aren’t the same, even the individual boroughs. Too easy of a stereotype although ALL New Yorkers (NYC) I have ever met or heard think New York pizza is better than Chicago-style deep dish although ALMOST ALL have never tried Chicago style.
and if they all went to Gino’s East, Lou Malnatis, Giordano’s, they’d still stick with NYC style. Something in the water I imagine.
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@Lisa Marie: Am I understanding this correctly? Someone (you?) goes through all of the comments in this post to count votes and adds them to the “official” tally? Also, If someone votes via comment *and* the Diary Room poll to the right, are both votes counted? Finally, how many times can each person vote? Multiple voting seems strange to me as the results can easily be skewed, especially if a voter can view the voting trends beforehand (I hate it when a national election is called before us folk on the west coast cast our ballots!)
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@Susan, GM is hilarious when she isn’t being obnoxious. Love the high school teacher comparison. I wonder if she’s watching this demolition of the English language?
@hpr, bathing suits are a matter of choice. I couldn’t wear a two piece now if my life depended on it. However, there was a time…. π Checking other peoples clothing labels is just plain rude and shows no class and if they are children doing it that’s worse. What will they grow up to be?
As for McManda face down on a razor blade, well, I think I prefer the duct tape for a day. That would be a great one for punishment in a comp. Duct tape for 24 hours or something. They probably aren’t allowed to do duct tape.
Now, back to BB. Does any one know if Howard is aware of Spencer’r horrible mouth?
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@Craig, I seriously doubt that the votes in a post are counted. The voting on the right of the page is what counts as our tally. Nope, don’t see how you could vote twice. It’s just for our little blog. Of course, we’re all that matters. π
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wouldn’t it just be easier to vote on who we want to ‘stay’ in the house?
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@K11 thanks for the Ian update. I’m happy to hear he’s finishing his degree and using his money to his advantage. What did Rach say about her sister’s game? I would love to hear her take. Now, the 9 juror thing “may be” justarumor… you can’t just leave us hanging on that one. What did they say???? Anything definitive?
As for Pizza, love it!
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@ Susan…. CBS cannot evict Aaryn for her nasty bigoted mouth.. and this is why. Big Brother began and still is a “social experiment”. The question being this… What happens when you throw together a number of people from different backgrounds? When you add challenges and deprivations and then put them in the public eye 24/7 for the whole world to see. Who will connect with who and who can figure out some way to get to the end? We have seen many people come through the big brother door and some of those who won we liked and some we didn’t like. Some who were honest and some who were not. Some were completely horrible but kept it in the DR. Aaryn is an awful human being but if CBS were to bounce her it would screw up the entire basis for the show.
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I vote Aaryn out… I like Kaitlin I really want Elissa out but she is not up anymore
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ya know, whatcha gonna do gurl, ya know, bye bye Kaitlyn
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How about a TRIPLE eviction night? Aaryn be the most nastiest. I vote to evict AARYN!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks Julie Chopstix!
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Big Brother began and still is a βsocial experimentβ.
I would agree that the original Dutch Big Brother was probably created as a social experiment – European Television is not as all bottom dollar oriented as American TV. I don’t think, however, that CBS would be dedicating Studio 18 to Allison Grodner’s take on Big brother unless it was designed from the get go as a high ratings and money maker to be assisted, as needed, by the production staff “interjection” to enhance the viewer appeal.
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@Craig Long ……….. The votes in the side bar are automatically counted by the poll app ….. the ones in the blog are just opinions
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I agree with you that Big Brother is a great way for CBS to make money especially in the summer where their network shows are either in re-runs or off the air completely. I even remember when the writers strike was on that they tried to do a winter/spring version to fill their airtime.
That doesn’t change the fact that if every contestant was taken out of the house for being rude or socially unacceptable that the game would lose much of its flavor. After all haven’t we all had players in the game that we “loved to hate”?
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Big Brother, American Style, has only evicted house guests for physical assaults and property damage. CBS takes no responsibility for house guest racism, homophopia, or any thing else demeaning minority groups as we have seen this season more than ever. If the “flavor” of the show ever significantly affects ratings or CBS’s reputation, I think the “flavor” would be adjusted to better taste immediately.
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@Starfish: They all were speculating on when the Jury would start and pointed out the 9 may have just been a rumor. As far as Rachel, she was honest about the choppiness of her sister’s game, said she may be in trouble next week as she can’t play in the HoH or (PoV, I get confused) but was coy when ED asked about her having her lips done (consensus is she did), unsure if sh had a face peel and said she didn’t have a nose job.
I was impressed with her and she also said the MVP was pretty dumb as all HER fans were the ones likely voting for her sister. She really came across as a wise woman and a past winner and not justsomechickdefendinghersister. Rachel is 11x the player Elissa is and understands the social interaction of the Game; also said it’s obvious her sister hates everyone (except Helen) in the House, not a great Rx to win BB with so many HGs left. Hope all is well with you.
Positive energy to my friends here Cynthia and Bobo.
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Nick Uhas β@nickuhas
Chilling with the #BigBrother All-Star Mike Boogie Malin!!!! (Yes, we are 500 ft from the #CBS⦠
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think all the racism, homophobia, and other things demeaning minority groups has only helped the ratings. Like me there are those who have houseguests we just “love to hate”.
As a die hard BB fan I hope it continues so they won’t cancel my favorite summer show.
The truth is that America will be the judge of how those homophobic, racist, bigots will be treated outside the house and as we have seen the “social experiment” is doing quite well. The haters are pretty much going to hate it when they return to the real world.
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@Starfish – duct tape it is! To everyone else, I’m not talking about one piece vs a two piece or Mcmanda’s body I just thought the whole thing was a little too peeping Tom for me – if it was Kaitlin or someone other than his love interest spanking him I think it could have been funny, but being a party to their dominatrix act was no bueno – it has nothing to do with her body – although she went so overboard with the outfit that I standby my tranny remark – only Ru Paul wears that much make-up – yes Alyssa was a bitch about it – it was a cheap shot – if she had balls she would have told Amanda to quit pushing her around, instead of belittling her – maybe she can borrow a pair of gm’s balls!
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Kaitlin , if they are going to consider the threat she is
Howard in my dream eviction, he’s the strongest and lays low so he has strategy and strengh .
Finally can someone tell me what drugs is Alysa on???? she looks like she can’t keep her eyes open and makes no sense anymore. Plus the glue on those fake lashes ?????
Allright lets see what happens.
Thanks Lisa Marie and everyone here.
Going to be supple again after I workout in a minute.
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I vote to evict Aaryn. I don’t know how anyone else feels about this mvp. It doesn’t matter if someone in the house is mvp or America, it is just a ploy to make us feel we are part of the game. It really doesn’t matter who we want to put up because it is up to the house to vote. How about if we actually get to vote someone off as to “Expect the unexpected”. Now that would be a good thing.
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Mike the Mortgage Dr. Please don’t judge all New York girls by GM’s lack of intelligence. We that have an education do not speak like that. LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote for Aaryn to go home.
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Thanks K11 for the Rach update. Happy to hear Rachell has matured. I can imagine her watching her sister during the game and yelling at the TV. Also, thanks for not giving me a bad time about K type. π
@tendr, good point. It seems the ones we like best are few.
Susan, enjoy your workout.
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I want to see alot of people out, but the way things stand now..I vote to evict Katilin. We may hate on Aaryn and GM, but the house will get them out soon enough. And they are dumb enough for them to use in the meanwhile. Kaitlin had alot of mouth and personaity when Jeremy was still there and she was part fo the popular lunch table! But now, she just cowtows, cowers and bores me!!!
@tendr…good point!!lol
@K22…(which is MY fav #,BTW)lol……gracias for the updates on Ian and Rach. ahe been reading her blog and I think she has good head on her shoulders. She is older and wiser and palyed the game successfully..including closing her showmance!!!lol And Ian is doing jsut waht he said he’s be doing. Cudos to him! I wish someone would get him to do some kind of blog or commentary on BB tho!
As for Howie..I hope Candace realizes he is just using her. He admitted last nite he was in 3 alliances and he’d throw his mother under the bus to win this money!! I think he should donate his Bible to the nearest mission when he gets out of the BB House!!
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Heard this morning in the BB House…..
*Howard: Ok.. but I think Andy is good. I’m not worried about that.
Candice: You just shouldn’t have.
Howard: ok
Candice: Everyone’s voting for Kaitlin. You don’t need to go ask everyone. Everybody’s just voting for Kaitlin. It just is what it is. Also, Helen and Elissa made a deal with Aaryn that if she wins HoH, they get to pick the nominees. So don’t tell Spencer that.
Howard: I ain’t tellin’ Spencer nothin’. I haven’t talked game to him in 2 days.
Candice: It’s obvious when you get riled up. You get fidgety. Just calm your nerves and act normal.
Howard: ok.
**Candice is better than Western Union.
So…JT was right,. It will be a 9-0 vote. The 1st unanimous vote this season!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When Candace said you shoudn’t have to Howie, he was going around pressing people as to who they were voting for with Andy as a witness. He thinks he’s a write in or something. Paranoid, much dude??lol He also is wising up and NOT talking to Spencer!! Bout frigin time!!! I actually want Spence buddy out next!! Aaryn may well make it to the end. She hasn’t got game and everyone in jury would hate her. Be great for F2! Meanwhile, let’s clean this house UP!!!!
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This group of houseguest are the dumbest ever. I vote to evict Arran,please find your brain.
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@Star, that’s the best news that H is not talking to S. I agree with you “Bout frigin time!!” Howard is simply a strange one to me. He’s too many people in that one body. If that’s his game, ok but somehow I doubt it. Paranoid pretty much nails it. We can hope Candice keeps Howard’s paranoia in check.
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Triple eviction PLEASE!
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Howard is paranoid (is it paranoia if it’s true?).
Howard wanted everyone to confirm their votes to him because he felt he was being set up as the “odd vote”. He was being set up if Amanda & McCrae had their way. They didn’t want anyone to tell Howard how they were voting.. and Howard knew they were trying to set him up. He knows he’s not on the block π ..but he also knows they would use his “odd vote” as a reason to put him up on Friday.
They may do it anyway.. but he doesn’t want to give them more reasons by voting against “the house” this time.
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I voted on the last page.. but not this one! π
Strategically, I vote to evict Kai……..
WAIT!! I just realized I’m in my family room on my couch watching on tv! Strategy? From 2,000 miles away? And not a penny to be gained? Blah!
What’s best for other HGs strategically? That depends who you ask. For Amanda it’s evicting Kaitlin. For Howard it’s evicting Aaryn.
So for me (since I’m NOT IN THE GAME) π … I will vote for who I want to leave the most. And that is Aaryn hands down!
I know it will be 9-0-0 for Kaitlin to go… but I vote as a viewer.
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Well done JT!!!
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I vote To evict Aaryn, even though i think it’s smart getting rid of Kaitlin, she’s the stronger player.
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Toren β@Toren2
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@JunDishes sometimes Ellissa reminds me of a Jackson
Retweeted by Jun Song
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Kaitlin. Aaryn is harmless except for her viewpoints, which really don’t matter anyway since she can’t be taken seriously.
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I vote to evict Aaryn, and not for most of your reasons. I would love to see the reaction on Amanda’s face when she realizes she doesn’t run the house and all of the HOH’s. I feel Kaitlin could be helpful to some of the HG’s in winning comps.
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Kaitlin does know something is up. She doesn’t know she’s leaving for sure, but she has some idea at least. She may be surprised at 9-0 and that will probably upset her more than actually leaving. Many told her they were keeping her. I think Kaitlin sees something like 5-4 or 6-3.
Helen got in “trouble” for telling Jeremy he would be voted out last week (if you consider a chat with DR “trouble”). So no one can tell Kaitlin she is going home.. some really want to tell her though.
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@ Bonita
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would also love to see that look on Amanda’s face. I never thought of it quite like that.
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Craig, Like others have said, the votes in the comment section are just for fun π one really counts them. The poll on the side is also for fun.. and you can only vote on that once.
The last time I actually counted votes from a page was a couple years ago. We had a couple complaints about spoilers, so BBBlogger did an informal poll in the comment section. Spoilers… Yes or No?
I was interested enough to actually count them… as best I can remember the final total was…
Yes – 57
No – 1
Ever since then… we’ve pretty much quit adding “SPOILER ALERT” to spoilers. π
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BB All Summer β@BBAllSummer
What is GinaMarie doing? Or attaching to her nip? #BB15
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Looks like she’s buckling up to me! π― π
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My vote is for Aaryn
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Doesnt GM have a piercing on one of her nipples?…..or is it Kaitlin?…. π
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Kev, I see now you are saying 9 jurors may have been a rumor. As I’ve said all season, I haven’t read there would be 9 jurors anywhere official. Unless someone can put a link here showing proof.. it is speculation.
I hope there are only 7. Too many people still need to go before they get the extra $$$ for going to jury (GM, Aaryn, & Spencer for a start).
I also hope tonight will be the end of MVP. I hope Julie makes that announcement… and when the HGs go back inside from the HOH game.. the nominee couch is gone and replaced by 2 chairs.
I hope.
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Julie has said that this season we would have (3) nominees . Did she mean ALL season?
If so, then 7 man Jury sounds good.
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LINK…East Coast Feed for tonite’s LIVE Eviction show…..K11 might have another also…. π
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If anyone is here from the West that needs spoilers (if you aren’t watching east links), let us know.. we will post them. Otherwise I’m just gonna sit back & enjoy. π
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That one’s better HoH8. The other one is a choppy as the Colorado River.
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Same here JT. That 9 came from that “fake” Corner Office account I think. Enjoy the show bud.
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Thanks hoh8, I’m watching but I’ll watch again at 9 BB time. I just clicked the link.
@JT, thanks for the offer but I think you should sit back and enjoy the show and not have to post during it. Ok now back to the show to see what this impromptu house meeting is about. π
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I Love that Julie is wearing pants tonite…a change of pace, lol… π
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ooooh, GM using big words…. must have rehearsed! LOL
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9-0…Kaitlin OUT….Jeremy must be happy, lol… π
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I really want Aaryn out next week!
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I have kept my silence for a while, and have really enjoyed what I’ve been reading.
So here it is….
Regardless of the rumor that Amanda is a plant or “in the know” I think her time has expired… As milk suddenly turns, so has she.
McCray be darned, AG be darned, she is tainted.
But then I like Howard! I’d like Howard, Candice, Jessie and Spencer…. Final four.
Thanks, good luck, and stay chilled all.
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Aaryn HOH,,,,,,,,,, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!… π
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So much for the brilliant reasoning of the numb-nuts in the house. Aaryn who can’t compete and can’t win just did…
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UUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHH! Aaryn……HOH noooooooooooooooooooooo!
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Let’s see if she keeps her promise to Helen & Elissa…………… uuuuuggghhhh I don’t want her in JURY…… I’m so sick!
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I’m sorry. I know we all hate Aaryn but — oh my God — that was so funny.
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Yikes!!! Well the people she put up before didn’t go home…. Lets see if America can make it happen too!!
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Well, when Spencer got his high score and Aaryn was up next, I hate to admit it, but I was hoping she would out score him. Now I hope she honors her promise to Helen and Elissa. I wish Elissa would have congratulated her. I didn’t see it if she did. Hopefully Helen can pull Elissa around so as not to continue to blow everything.
We still don’t know when jury starts. Who are you voting for MVP? I guess I’m going with Spencer since Aaryn is HOH. I know why her parents spelled her name like that. It’s so she would always be first in alphabetical order. It wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Now I have to wait to watch it in 2 hours.
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Does this mean that Clownie’s going to come back?
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I don’t know if Aaryn will keep her promise to Helen and Elissa. I have a feeling she might put up Elissa, which I would be very happy about. It will be interesting to see if Elissa starts sucking up to Aaryn this week. So glad Spencer didn’t win.
I would like to see Aaryn put up Elissa and Spencer.
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so with Aaryn as HOH…does that mean she’s allowed to make racist remarks all week?……oh dear…this is going to be a loooooong week….. BLAH !!!!!….. π
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@StarfishSahem here; an Aaryn HoH should be more entertaining than a Spencer HoH.
@Lisa Marie: I’m with you. I loved it. Very funny. Torture all these HGs. Such a random competition. Hoping Elissa gets the boot next Thursday.
Everything makes so much more sense after seeing the context of the Aaryn-Kaitlin-Elissa argument. I missed the beginning by like five minutes then eventually figured out they all kept mum not wanting to expose Judd.
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@Batty…then we can nominate Amanda as the 3rd person. Priceless!
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Aaryn has no allegiance to Candice & Howard… or Spencer.
With the rest of the house in her ear, I think she will put up 2 of those 3. To do anything else would be pretty damn bold when you have no friends in the game.
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Sorry Betty….you’re not Batty. π
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Elissia is now balling on the Live Feeds.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am happy.
DR, please give her the meds.
This will be fun.
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Elissa is crying in the room saying “I’m going home” – Amanda trying to convince her she’s not!
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OMG – Helen & Aaryn talking in room…. Helen throwing Elissa under the bus and saying Elissa is ruining her game. She pretty much said they need to meet without Elissa…………….. Yep Helen wants Elissa out and Aaryn’s happily going along with it.
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I know I’m chatty…… Candice’s Little Girl Voice comes and goes……. it drives me crazy!
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@Frannie – I’ve been called worse. π I am starting to dislike Amanda, but I am not ready for her to go home yet. Hopefully Spencer will go! I would even help him pack his bags! Oh no! What am I saying? I wouldn’t touch them with a 10 foot pole!!!
I will be really upset if Aaryn puts up Candice and Howard.
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RMM… chat away! π Love it! That’s what it’s here for.
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Looks like she could put up Elissa… but Amanda will have something to say about that.
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I sure hope Aaryn doesn’t put up Candice or Howard. Spencer would be ok too.
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Elissa should be worried. She can’t play for the veto, everyone in the house thinks she’s a flake, and what if the Brenchel Army accidentally nominates her again?
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LOL @ LMB. How long is voting open till? I want to wait a bit to see what they say.
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Batty = Infinite Smiles
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So glad to here Elissa is crying. I truly believe there is something mentally wrong with her. Hopefully she will self-evict!!
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@ K11 Elissa Balling makes me very happy, maybe her triple eyelashes will fall off, have you ever seen her without makeup? I think she sleeps in it. Very vain woman
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Thanks JT π
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Quote from Amanda (To Mc & Judd)
“Both of them are going on the block and one will go home.. so don’t even worry about it” (meaning H & S)
IDK what will happen.. but Amanda will certainly have her say.
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Y/W RMM…. you might notice I don’t say much on here π― π π …but I do always encourage other to do so!
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@Kevin11 – Have you seen anymore green men at your window?
Hopefully Amanda won’t go crazy again and start campaigning against Howard.
So happy to hear that Helen has tossed Elissa under the bus!!
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@aggie: Not enough cameras to follow it all! Can’t believe Helen threw E under the bus so quick but that outburst earlier this week made Helen realize she’s teaming up with a Crazy Woman. Actually good game play on her part. So hop Elissa finds out Helen did this and then….BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE. And right when I though an Aaryn HoH would be boring. Crappy, dumb HGs this year but such a great show.
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@Batty: Not enough lately, girl.
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Apparently Amanda has won her 4th consecutive HOH! π
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@aggie: Saw (E) her campaigning the other night around 2 a.m. in full garb and high heels on… π
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Wow Spencer didn’t take long before he tried to wrap himself around Aaryn’s ankles.. but she put him in his place and let him know he was going to vote her out because he was going to go with the house and she will do the same (go with the house)….. GM back to her nasty self angry about who put her up again…. Guess that NUT thinks she’s got power again…. Ohhhh GM you FLOATER!!!!
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Oh No….will McAman sleep every nite with Aaryn in the HOH bed…..No, Serenity now Serenity now !!!!!…. π
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I wouldn’t spill any tears over Elissa going up but I would like to see Spencer go home! I just voted 40 times for him to be up for eviction!.
@JT, the voting stops tomorrow evening but not sure what time.
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Oh, I can vote more times if it looks like Aaryn will put him up. Lots of email addresses to use.
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I think Aaryn will honor her agreement with Helen and let her decide who will be nominated. Spencer and Amanda with Elissa as the MVP nom?
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Amanda quote (to Aaryn)
“The minority side of the house.. literally” (add in vision of racist smirk on Amanda’s face as she says that))
Amanda lying and saying H & S were trying to flip the house right before the vote (they weren’t). She pretty much has Aaryn talked into putting up H & S now and using C as a replacement.
I hope Howard stays…. Spencer can go.
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@ K11 I Agree, of course Amanda’s bugging her about Howard Now, Interesting if she will put him up with Spencer. I would love to see Spencer go.
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Aggie, I’m pretty sure Aaryn will put up H & S. Howard will go unless he wins veto I think.
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@ JT Damn I hope Howard can save himself
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here’s the Link to vote for the 3rd Nom as MVP……
but y’all should wait till late tomorrow just to make sure who Aaryn will make Noms so u wont waste ur votes….wait till at least after the HN Comp but before the Nom Cerm… π ….
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I don’t know why Amanda is so afraid of Howard. He hasn’t won a challenge. When they do have the endurance challenges they usually always add cold water and guys, with muscles like Howard, would cramp up quickly so he would probably lose. Should be a very interesting week!!
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I guess I’m fairly sure who will go up now… same ones as I thought as soon as Aaryn won. So I will go vote now based on that.
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Ok… I’ll wait HoH8. But do you see a way for Aaryn to put anyone else up other than H & S…. especially when she has 6 other people in her ear to do so?
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Helen talking to Candice in storage. She basically told Candice that Howard & Spencer are going up… but she would fight to keep Howie.
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JT do you really think Helen will fight to keep Howard?
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The way I see it….
Elissa is screwed!
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@Frannie!! Good one!! π
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Betty, She (Helen) might suggest it, but she wont fight real hard for Howie. Helen tells everyone she will fight for them.. but they still go home.
If Howie doesn’t win POV, Helen will tell Candice, “I really tried… but the house wants him out”
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just tell me when its safe to vote!
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Wish that were true in a game sense Frannie π
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Sounds like a lot is going on in the house. I hope it continues through BBAD tonight! I hate having to wait an extra hour to see it!!
@JT Thanks
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Holly, I say H & S get nominated. I haven’t been wrong yet (other than saying 2 weeks ago that H or S would be evicted tonight… but that was before ‘we” were MVP) π
I’d say vote based on that… and if I’m wrong.. bash me on Facebook! π (I’ll even throw a “like” in on your comment.)
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@ JT I’m sure your right Mr. BB π
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π @ Aggie π
I spend a TON of my non-working hrs on feeds. I’d be disappointed in myself if I had no clue what was going on.
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@JT…u can wait….there’s alot of talking left till the Noms….but if ur busy tomorrow go ahead and vote now…Aaryn’s ears will be Burning all nite, lol…. π
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@ JT π
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just found out the Voting Ends @6pm BBT or 9pm EST tomorrow… π
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HoH8, what time does voting close? I am on 4-10s so I have tomorrow off. π
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Thanks… you answered b4 I asked π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can wait….. maybe Aaryn will just decide to do whatever she wants.
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I vote for AMANDA…………………….to go for the 2 piece!! No, she didn’t have the best looking back side by WOW what a front side!
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What will be interesting is if GM ends up on the block again (By America’s vote.. but I wont vote for her).
They all had an “agreement” to get out Aaryn & GM the next 2 weeks.. so if GM is up there, it will be fun to watch them all go back on that. π
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@ Big Bob So you like two floppy watermelons, thats what Amanda’s boobs look like π To each his own i guess, bigger isn’t always a good thing π
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@JT…good decision…there’s plenty of time…u never know… π
Ha, i was reading ur mind when i answered before u asked, lol…. π
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On twitter, I made a joke about the Brenchel Army accidentally nominating Elissa. And, it turns out that, in order to be a member of the Brenchel Army, you apparently have to surrender your sense of humor. I seriously wasn’t going to vote for Elissa this week but after dealing with the Brenchel Army, I’m not only going to vote for her but I’m going to ask all of my friends to vote for her too.
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@JT but who will America vote for? I’m thinking crazy Elissa!
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LMB… Too funny. And since HoH8 talked me into waiting a bit to vote… I’ll throw 10 at Elissa as well! π (I was going to vote for Amanda).
Holly, IDK what America will do. Last time it was Aaryn, Elissa, & GM.. but hard to say how many voted Elissa by accident. I would hope it’s not GM again.. that’s too boring because she will get 0 votes against again.
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Its funny…Julie confirmed tonite that Aaryn had the #1 vote to be the MVP Nom but since she was already nominated then Elissa went up with the 2nd highest vote….then GM went up with the 3rd highest vote……weird huh, Kaitlin wasnt even in the Top 3, Julie didnt mention where she was?….. π
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I was glad Julie told us that. She also went into more with Kaitlin than I thought she would. That gives us a decent idea how much she will go into with Aaryn.
I really was hoping it would be the end of MVP.
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Since Aaryn can’t be voted for, I think Elissa because she is so annoying!
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Sounds good to me Holly. I did 8 for Elissa… but HAD to throw 2 in for Amanda π
Amanda would be safe, but it would be so entertaining to see her squirm.. squirm even more than she does already.
I don’t like Amanda. No news there. But she does have game. If she could just relax for a bit she would be in great shape to go to the end. She is her own worst enemy. Constantly pushing others to do what she wants is making her way more of a target than necessary.
Amanda has no match in the house when it comes to talking. Very fitting for her choice of professions. She has to be able to sell a waist high pile of BS to you and get you to say “thanks”. No offence to realtors or lawyers, but Amanda is certainly cut out for it… no wonder she wants to do both. She could also be in politics or sell used cars.
Amanda could probably talk a fish out of water…. but she needs to hide her bib, fork, & butter first.
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The Invisible Floater?
Did a word search through the previous 175 comments and Jesse’s name was used just once before this. Aaryn’s was used 95 times before this.
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I like how JT splits his votes. π An equal opportunity distributor…
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@ JT Did 10 for Mandy, I think Fran did also
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@Holly: I think America votes for Elissa although as Lisa Marie knows, there are a pack of rabid Brenchel fans who will come out in droves. I’d guess Elissa #1, Spencer #2, Amanda #3 and Gina Marie #4.
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I have never seen Howard smile, I wonder if he’s that intense in Life, he’s also way to quiet.
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@aggie27: Right? Me neither. Imagine he’s justasintense in the Real World. He should be smiling as he’s found a honey in the House. And he gets a friendly edit from CBS while his DRs are zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. He has no chance and may be gone before Jury.
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Something funny (to me) I heard early this week.
Andy was talking about what it’s like to have Elissa in the BB house.
he said something like this…
“Did y’all ever see the old Twilight Zone episode where the little kid had special powers?… and all the adults were afraid of him. They hated him, but were nice because they didn’t know what he would do to them… that’s what it’s like living with Elissa in here”
I thought that was pretty funny for a few reasons.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) That is the most famous Twilight Zone episode (top 3 anyway).. and most of us have seen it many times.
2) It’s so true! π
3) Andy looks like the little boy from that episode (played by young Billy Mummy)
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@K11 It didn’t even look like Howard was trying in the last comp, a guy as fit as him should be able to do well, It looks like he throws comps. I think he could very well win them. He probably will go unless he gets POV, we will see him fight when he has to
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Ian Terry β@TulaneTerry
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy’s shirt looks like he bought it at Gymboree. #BB15
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Kev, Wanna know just how invisible Jessie is? Since Jeremy’s eviction, she WAS NOT called to the DR even once… until last night (to say good-byes I guess)
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@ JT Remember that twilight episode, Billy Mummy was kind of cute thought Andy Isn’t
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Clio the Leo β@Clio_the_Leo
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so the white people just corrected the black girl on the proper way to say “cornrolls” aka “cornrows” yes, that just happened #bb15
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Aggie, Howard has thrown most comps. He even tried to throw a have not comp to get Aaryn, Kaitlin, & GM as H-Ns (himself too of course) I wish he had been successful at throwing that one.
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@ JT he better start trying to win or he will be gone, they already think he’s a big target whether he throws them or not
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@JT: I caught that too. She was bitching about it in the backyard the last two days.
@aggie27: Who says Andy’s not a cutie-pie???
Please reserve me a Room in Hellβ’ Bubba next to Alison Grodner and Dane Cook where I shall eat Spicy Slop and turnips until my belly bursts.
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Yep.. he better win Saturday… or hope Candice gets picked and wins. Otherwise he may be gone.
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@ K11 LMAO, perfect pic of Andy, He has fucked up ears also, Everytime i see him, there is something weird about the tops of his ears.
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@aggie: If one was so thin, had Howdy Doody-orange hair and was pale as Casper the Ghost, I don’t see why you’d wear such bright and solid colors to bring more attention to yourself. But to me, right now, dude’s playing the best social game in the House.
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@ K11 They all seem to like Andy, he’s in good with everyone for sure
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Joker’s Daily Rankings (Always love this):
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And “the house” calls Andy’s legs…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“X-file legs” π
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So by those rankings.. GM could be on the block again. I want her out too…. but that’s no fun this week.
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Maybe by season’s end I will have learned how to spell ‘Jessie’.
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Click if you want to see what it would look like if Andy & Elissa had a boy
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LOL at BBAD, I usually dvr it and zip thru commercials but caught up tonight. I happened to glance up from the blog and noticed the “family values, pass it on” ad… Do they know what show they are sponsoring??? LOL!
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Danthebbfan β@Danthebbfan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aaryn JOKINGLY about the fish: “they took out all the black ones because I’m racist” #bb15
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@ JT You know I’m keeping that one, Billy was too cute, nothing like Andy
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Aggie I had no doubt you’d put it in the archives with all the other junk I made. π
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Jessie, GinaMarie and Howard never independently strategize. Always just listen and go along with someone else’s plan. Reactionary globs.
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Howard tried to strategize. He tried to put together a group of 5… all that did was land him on the block this week. Everyone is afraid to stray from the group of 9. You can’t strategize when every time you talk to someone.. the whole house uses it against you.
He really has no shot.. even if he gets past this week.
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Well it looks like I’m revoting tomorrow for Amanda and perhaps a split vote like JT. I couldn’t believe the stupidity of Elissa. She’s clueless and I hope she goes soon but not before Spencer. I agree with whoever said his muscles will lock up. π Also, why do they have a comp that has no skill involved? It’s all luck.
Did anyone notice when Helen was talking with Aaryn and Aaryn told her to tell Elissa if she wins HOH, that she would let Elissa pick the noms? Well, Helen went and told Elissa that Aaryn said “WE” get to choose the next noms. I just thought that was interesting.
As for Andy’s shirt. I mentioned to my hubby that I have a nightgown that looks like that. I’ve had it for years. That shirt was terrible as a shirt but cute as a nightgown. Well sort of. π I clicked on that horrible link of that thing again. It’s really creepy.
Great comparison to Twilight Zone. Perfect!
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I do feel sorry for Andy. He’s been a have-not for something like 24 of 34 days.
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Wonder if anyone on the perceived Howard-Candice-Spencer side of the House will ever realize Andy’s telling Amanda-McC-Judd-Helen everything they say…
LV Odds: Yes +400 No -350
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11:46 pm BB time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aaryn confirms to GM she will put up Howard & Spencer. Only the 2 of them talking in HOH. Aaryn says she has to because of the deal she made to stay.
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The cameras on the Live Feeds often leave a lot to be desired. Four shots, two each of the same conversation. And the time has been off for days.
I guess “It Is What It Is.”
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The HOH comp was a total crap shoot like we all saw.
But it could have been a little skill by removing the obstacles… and have the wheel rotate the other direction. Still some luck needed.. but would have been way more about timing.
When they practiced for one hour, the wheel was turning the other way… they could see when their target was coming.
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And now my LF Clock is right. The Power of Bitching here… π
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Kev, sometimes 4 camera views aren’t enough… sometimes 4 camera views are 4 too many.
IDK why we need 2 views of everything when other things are going on in the house. And sometimes, they even have all 4 cams on the same thing.
Also, would be nice if they could just cut feeds for the offending group.. rather than all.
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Good call Jeff. I know I should probably write down the precise time and CAM when 2 significant conversations are going on at the same time and then go back and study (listen to) it, but too dizzying. Sometimes I’ll watch the QUAD CAM for 11 seconds than freak out at all the noise.
On a side note, Jessie is a pretty good-looking lass and she is growing one me, just not as a player. May shut this down as I stayed up all night to watch Chelsea (EPL) play in Malaysia until 8:30 a.m. PT and I’m pretty beat and it was unbearable hot again here today (and humid). Good job keeping up–your stuff has been spot on brother. Sleeping Saki’ sends her love. Peace and chicken grease….
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Number of days in the BB house. 35
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Number of days eating pizza. 35
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L8r Kev. A cool and comfy 70 degrees here.. windows all wide open.
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Candice talking to Howard. Candice plans on talking to Aaryn and telling her they are all just using her (McManda, Helen, Elissa, Andy, Judd, Jessie). They are all using her.. and slim chance, but if Candice can make Aaryn see she is in 10th place in the house right now, maybe Aaryn will make a move. I doubt it…. but it is BB.
Stay tuned
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Candice (debating whether or not to approach Aaryn)
“If she (Aaryn) rats me out, it’ll ruin my game.. I wont last long in the house”
Time for “Keepin’ It Real With Candi”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candice, let’s talk. Your game is already pretty much ruined. You have nothing to lose at this point. You need numbers.
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I don’t know why Elissa is acting psycho, but my sister Judee was almost a borderline personality when she was on her period. My younger sister, Nancy and I would run like our asses were on fire she was such a crazy bitch, but otherwise was very funny and normal. The more I see these house guests the more I realize there is an inordinate number of douchebags in the house. How is it possible that they chose so many bottom feeders – where’s someone to cheer for? – where’s someone for us to love? – where’s someone to tug at our heart strings? – I want a do over, like in jacks! Sadly, I’m still hooked –
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WOW, they must be related! They look so alike!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BB time: 4:14 a.m. Camera 2……………….snap shot of Aaryn with her creepy Clown and they both have the same expression! Wow
I took a snap shot but so darn challenged on this IT crap that I don’t know how to show you all. It’s a must see……… they have the same lips, eye brows, and STARE! OUCH!
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Wow, GM in HOH room w/ Aaryn kissing butt! That girl REALLY things she is a great game player (GM) –
My hope is that HG’s and America don’t think that Aaryn is a “good” girl and not get her out. She is venom! I think she will try to make people forget all of the things she said and did….. her true colors came through since day 1…………. PLEASE NOBODY FORGET
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Aaryn told GM that she won over Kaitlyn because she told HG’s that she made mistakes, she’s young, and she respects everyone….. Aaryn said that is what kept her there.
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Good Morning all,
Looks like Howard and Spencer will be nominated, I hope Howard can save himself and Spencer goes home, 3rd nom could be Amanda. we shall see, Have a good weekend all.
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Sorry but voted Howard , he’s telling everyone what to do and throws every comp.
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I still like Amanda. I want her to stay a while longer. I want Spencer the pig gone. I’m voting Elissa for the 3rd nom. She has not shown any game play yet. I still want Spencer the PIG gone.
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Another Twilight Zone comparison …… Elissa as Bill Shatner on the Airplane with the Gremlin (all the HG’s) on the wing!!
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@JT and Snakebit – Two great comparisons to the Twilight Zone, but Sal I would have compared Elissa to the ugly gremlin! π
Production must be pulling their hair out with Aaryn winning HOH. Hopefully they will just let the game play out and not give anyone an advantage in the Veto challenge.
I wonder if Spencer’s girlfriend (Marilyn??) will wake up and kick him to the curb!
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Is it just me or does anyone else have a hard time listening to Elissa talk? Her speech is very slow, not to mention every other word being ‘like’. Waiting for her to finish a sentence drives me batty!! That girl isn’t right, maybe she ate too many Fruit Loops, as a child! π
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I agree w/ Susan there is NO ONE to root on this year and they all are pretty pukey if you ask me. I say Amanda shld be MVP VOTE UP! She thinks she controls the house and if I see her lick on Mc Crae on more time I may just vomit
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Hi all! Been MIA but thanks for all your updates π JT Starfish Thanks for thinking of me my Friends……………………
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Good to see you back Bobo! We missed your
popping up all over.
Now I have a lot of reading and stuff to do. bbl8r
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I don’t want Amanda to go!! I think her and McUgly are GROSS too but at least her and Helen are playing the game! If she settled down a little she would be fine. Helen is annoying too but nobody is talking about putting her up, just saying.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m still voting for Elissa, can’t stand her!!!!!
Oh yea, STFU Ted!
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WEll, if aggie is right and Spencer and Howard are going up, I wasted my vote as I spent all 10 on Spencer! Oh well. As long as he goes up..and preferably OUT..I’m good!
I heard Aaryn telling GM what she agreed to with H&E in order to be able to stay last nite. So….is she honoring it?? Do they want S&H up or is it her own noms?? I wasn’t at all sure she would honor her promise!!! But I gotta admit, that when Spencer had the most points last night, I was actually cheering for Aary to win it! I was yelling…* I am voting to get him out! He can’t win HOH!!*lol
Just waiting for noms now… BBL
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@Star, go look at my first couple lines in #108. I had to laugh when I read your comment about actually rooting for Aaryn.
I hope Aaryn is honoring her promise to Elissa. So someone said above that Helen was talking to Aaryn and throwing Elissa under the bus a bit. Is that still happening or was it a three-way compromise to put up H & S? Justaskin.
@JT. This is not a Bachelorette spoiler, just willing to bet on it. Remember at the end of the last show it showed her crying. I figured Brooks bolted as I said in a long time ago post that he wasn’t ready and was only swept up in the family get together with all the excitement and told her he loved her. I wasn’t buying it. I will bet that he did actually bolt. K11, what are the odds?
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wonder we both have Star in our names…we think so much alike!!lol
I cannot imagine Spencer being HOH! NOR do I want him in he JH!! They were talking about that earlier in the HOH room, saying that there are 3 more evictions until jury and they didn’t want him or elissa or Candace in the JH!
Trivia on now. Playing for HNs I am guessing. Going out for a bit. Before the rain hits! L8R!!
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Starfish, Helen is very hot headed & impulsive at times. That’s ok in life.. not real good in BB house. She was really upset that Candice knew about the “deals” with Aaryn because of Elissa. So Helen got a bit hysterical and wanted Aaryn to get rid of Elissa…. but she calmed down after Amanda told her, “NO, Howard has to go!”.
As far as Des, IDK what will happen. I had pretty much fallen half asleep by then (don’t like listening to a bunch of guys whine for an hour and a half) π
I just checked feeds….. trivia. Are they doing noms now or a have-not comp?
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@JT, I know, I was surprised at them actually whining to each other. I thought that was unusual all for the love and protection of Des. She is cute tho. I still really liked Zack. Thanks for the Helen info. I wondered if she settled down on that. So, Helen seems to be leading the house for the most part.
gotta run for a bit bbl8r
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Star, have-nots you think? Ok.. cool. I’ll root for Andy on that.. poor kid’s been on slop all but 10 days in there π
I haven’t seen what they talked about today yet. I’ll watch some flashbacks. But I doubt there was anything that would have Aaryn putting up anyone other than Howard & Spencer. I figured those would be the noms as soon as she rolled her 36.. and I’m sticking to it! π
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Candice was in a good alliance, but she really messed up by siding with Howard. I can’t blame her for doing this, as Howard was kind and understanding to her. I think this will be her number one regret should she leave the house before the final three. She can try to back peddle, but I think it might be too late.
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Amanda is leading the house. McCrae does have good advice for Amanda as well… he tries to keep her from being so pushy… and her being so pushy has been her only weakness so far.
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@Starfish: Re: Bachelorette Bolt Odds…Although he doesn’t watch, π JT better at tabbing that. Seeing as maybe more, or as many on BB have wed, I only watch that in the beginning (Like American Idol) now, to see the Mass Douche-Atude of the prospective suitors of the girl who will break up with them in 6 weeks anyway. (If I understood your question correctly; have a fever and some dizziness from dehydration I believe).
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@JT, I thought it was Drew that bolted so you’re probably right that it is Brooks! They kind of showed Drew saying what appeared to be that he couldn’t go through with it but it was probably taken out of context. I also saw in some spoiler that it was Brooks who proposes. Well, we will find out in the “most shocking Bachelorette finale EVER!”
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Holly, with an “h” π Starfish thinks Brooks might bolt… IDK really. Fine with me if he does.. bring Des back another season! π
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cannot wait for nominations I want ellissa out but that is not going to work
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------next I want Amanda out but so far that is not going to work either
ok let’s try this I want spencer out and ditto the above that is not going to work either
so who do I think is going out who gives a hoot, of all the peeps I want out and in the order listed above if howard has to go then so be it
maybe just maybe all of us bb fans and bb bloggers everwhere will not have to hear Amanda (who I now am going to be calling DeManda) I am soooooooooooo sick of howard has to go, put up howard, we need to get rid of howard, many ask why I can tell u why she is using excuse he lied well la de da who does not lie especially u demanda, no the real reason his he wanted to break up the happy couple and demanda heard about it so howard has to go.
ciao till later
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“DeManda” ….love it MM!
All I hope is Howard wins veto… or Candice gets picked and wins veto. Otherwise Howard is gone. And I’d MUCH RATHER Spencer goes! And one of those 2 are going this week for sure.. that’s how I see it anyway.
The only upside (for me) if Howard goes… at least I wont have to hear DeManda obsess over getting him out 24/7 anymore.
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I forgot. Where do I go to vote?
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Here’s a link to vote janice
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Have-nots are
’bout time GM is a have-not! π
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jt my thoughts exactly if I hear demanda one more time re howard I am going to scream, saw on live feeds candience broke down and was crying that she and Howie r going separate way no more looking out for each other, she knows it is going to ruin her game if it has not already they did have a bit of a go around earlier today so splitsville for them (at least so far)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wonder who demanda will rant and rave about to go on the block after Howie leavies,
so u like demanda new name, doing a curtesy here
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I believe there will be 7 people on the BB 15 jury. So 4 down and 3 to go before jury duty. Hopefully, Spencer, Howard and Elisse in no particular order. Candice’s high pitched squeeky voice is as painful as chalk on a blackboard to my ears, but still more tolerable to me, at least, than bionic, moronic Elisse.
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squeaky is better but still aggravating anyway it is spelled.
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JT Thank you again for the site. now it won’t let me sign in. anybody else having problems?
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the voting page only let me vote 5 times. maybe they didn’t like who I was voting for.
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Janice I voted last nite and all day today said I can not vote any more I did max
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MAMA MARGIE how many votes did you do?
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janice, You should be able to vote 10 times…. but maybe they didn’t like your votes as you said? π
If they were gonna cut someone’s votes off because they didn’t like them… I would think they’d have cut me off. I voted 8 for Elissa and 2 for Amanda… and those seem to be their top 2 faves. π
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@K11, you answered my question, I think anyway!
@Holly, I never read anything about anyone proposing, it’s just a feeling I had that Brooks wasn’t really ready for a serious relationship let alone marriage. So if you heard he proposed, that’s good for Des because she said she was in love with him.
@MM, love DeManda. Curtsy all you want. π Candice has to put on her big girl panties and start playing the game. Howard helped her with the 3 witches but now she has to stand up and play.
@Jt I too would like to see Spencer’s fat a$$ and ugly mouth out the door next week. It will be interesting to see who MVP picked for the block. Thanks for the HN names. I’m happy Andy didn’t get it again. I wouldn’t want him on my team tho because of his HN bad luck. π Happy GM is a HN!
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Thank goodness GM is on slop, maybe she will lose some of the weight she’s gained!!
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bb just made a big boo boo
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@Starfish, I don’t know if I heard he proposed or just that it was him at the end but I know they try and throw us off, that’s why I think they showed a clip of Drew saying he couldn’t go thru with it! I liked Zach and want him to be the next bachelor! I would say Juan Pablo (hotness factor and yummy accent!) but we would probably have a hard time understanding him and Zach is so cute and happy all the time!
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on feeds over loud speaker female voice sounded like it was going to be a comp about desk
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Janice I did 10 last nite
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and none today said I did max for day
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Well I voted 5 times and will have to be happy with that. To quote a former BB hg, “It is what it is.” I actually say that a lot.
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To me voting is a pain. I voted again today and I had to keep refreshing the screen to get my 10 votes in.
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@MM, they won’t let you vote more than 10 times. You have to use a different email address. I’ve used a couple of mine, my husband’s, my daughter’s, etc. Last week and this week is the only time I’ve ever participated in the voting. I really want Spencer gone this week.
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Margie This is what I heard… I listened a couple times. I agree, it was a mistake because that wasn’t heard through the whole house… just on some speakers. Who knows what they were testing… something for the veto comp?
Welcome to the Big Brother evidence room where you’ll be competing in a 2-part brain busting challenge.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In part 1, your goal is to get all of the evidence off the shelves and balance it carefully onto your desks…. (cut to fish)
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Hi Starfish ……………..
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Hey Bobo happy to see you up and about!!
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Got to lay down now…see you all soon……….
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Hi Bob
I think that announcement in the house had to do with the have-not comp.. which they already played. Andy & McCrae were talking about how well they did at stacking things in the challenge.
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From a personal standpoint, I want both Aaryn & Spencer out SOON! But I try to report what’s going on from a game standpoint.
Aaryn & Spencer talking in HOH. Aaryn pretty much knows she is at the bottom of her new alliance (with DeManda, McCrae, Helen, Judd, Andy, Jessie, & Elissa).
Aaryn says she knows the people on the outs are herself, Howie, Sp, & GM and they will probably be picked off one by one. Then she added this, “Unless we win HOH” π―
Aaryn, you ARE HOH right now. Seems odd to me for the people on the “outs” to pick each other off while the other 7 sit back and talk about how fun final 7 will be.
Aaryn admitted that she is afraid to go against the house. She thinks doing what they want will earn her some respect and a place in that group. It will, until she is no longer HOH on Thursday night.
I want Aa & Sp out…. but it makes a boring game if a group of 7 are going after a small group…. and then on top of that, the small group is eating away at itself.
Feeds just cut to trivia… must be nom time.
It will be Howard & Spencer……. 100%
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What happened to Lisa Marie – no blog today from her. Hope she is alright.
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What’s the highest number of posts we’ve ever had on a page? There are probably only two people on this blog who can answer that question.
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candy and Howie nom can it be???????????????
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What MM? How did that happen?
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Hopefully, they hope to backdoor Spencer?
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sorry spencer and howard had the wrong couple
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Whew! That’s better! π
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*fish I wrote the wrong couple
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I lump them together
howard and candy
spencer and howard
my bad
now I am wating for harry to correct me lol
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jt way to go
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------woo hoo u need to go visit k11 and try your luck there
good job
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MM π – New drama on the blog!!
When will we find out the MVP nominee?
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JT had it right. Of course he did! He even guaranteed 100%!! π
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Sorry for the late update. New post is up —
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LOL… I did watch feeds for 2 hours before the nomination ceremony just to make sure no last minute deals were made. I don’t do 100% unless I’ve seen absolute proof… I’l usually back-peddle to 99.9% π
No surprise, I knew that’s what Aaryn almost had to do from the moment she won HOH. Anything else would have brought the wrath of DeManda upon her! π―
Funny, even though Aaryn was going to put those 2 up all along, it’s still smart to talk through options with your “alliance”. Amanda was SO PISSED that Aaryn would even go through options… too funny.
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We should find out tomorrow afternoon or so who the 3rd nom is.
I looked at a poll for 3rd nom on another (no name) site.
There were just over 1,100 votes cast. The top 3 were
1) Amanda 33%
2) Elissa 25%
3) GM 14 %
Not an accurate reflection of America’s vote I know… but still like those numbers π
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