Janelle or Frank? Will Frank be lucky again this week and stick around or is Janelle gone now that she is a player and no longer a coach.
I know there is a LOT of fans of Janelle. She is probably one of the most popular players to ever play the game…but I have a feeling the house is going to get rid of their first “coach now player” tonight!
I think Frank is a cat and he has 9 lives! Still cannot believe his luck from last week! :-/
I could go on and on and on and on about the twists and how I feel about the coaches now in the game or how CBS is doing things wrong…but it does not matter. They can do what they want…to me…what the most important thing is what you, the loyal fans of Big Brother Blog want!
So tell me…who do you vote to evict this week. Frank or Janelle. Vote below by commenting and cast your vote for eviction!
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: Join us in the chat room tonight for fun, refreshments and a show viewing party. big-brother-chat.com is the URL (it is a page on THIS BLOG!)
PPS: Love you all and thank you for your continued support! This is YOUR blog and I love you all!
I know its probably a good decision to put up Janelle but I see Boogy pulling the strings in the background and they are all falling for it. Janelle may be able to make everyone see that. I dont see Danelle and Shane making it to the end, there is too big of a target on their backs now and Boogy will ride right under the radar.
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Houseguest are idiots if they keep Frank in, he will win the game, Jani won’t you could get her later, amazing they are so stupid, Franks only been on the block 3 times people, good grief!
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I vote to evict JANELLE~~
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I vote to evict FRANK. I hate to think that Frank stays yet another week. Note to Dummy Daniell, NEVER put up someone that is not coming after you or that is in your alliance.
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i think it is ridiculous to remove jani now because at the end of the day boogie is the best of them all i would have had his behind on the block where jani is and put him out then target jani and dan. but alas i digress because dan gave jani the okeydoke in front of billions of pp.. lol and she is a nonfactor now. dan is the slickest because he flys under the radar with his boy next door looks of innocence and morality when in fact he is the biggest liar of them all next to britney. but that is the game right? yeah , that is the game.
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I vote to evict Janelle.
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Janelle for sure. She is do fake.
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I vote to evict Janelle, enough said, she needs to go…………………..
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I vote to evict Frank
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I voting for Janelle since I’d like to see all the coaches leave. I would prefer a twist where both nominees left without the need of a vote. That would make for an interesting show tonight.
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I vote to evict Frank! Although I think she should have back doored BOOGER! would have been her best move.
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First off Frank was intentionally kept in the game by the producers it’s obvious.
And shane’s HOH didn’t count.
But yes, I think Janelle is going,
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I vote to evict Frank Boogie.
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How fast we forget that janelle was the best player ever to enter that house, season after season. She either won hon or won pov. You can ONLY back door her. She will out play anyone. I would LOVE to see her go.
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I vote to evict Janelle…she brings nothing to the game this time around
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Janelle must go………………….
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If you watch After Dark closely you will see that Dan is controlling the game more than anyone. He has made deals with just about everyone and is “under the table” about his actions. i would be more cautious of him than even Boogie!
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I have never been a Janelle fan so I won’t be sorry to see her go. I’m really enjoying watching Boogy working his magic, the man can fall in mud and come out clean.
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Janelle has got annoying. She needs to go. And to all who r against boogie and say he’s pulling all the strings..what about dan..he’s just as bad. He will fly under the radar till the end. He has an allinace with everybody but joe for crap sake.
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I think Janelle will leave however I vote to evict Frank. I can’t wait to watch this move come back to bite them in the booty…..especially Danielle and Dan.
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Janelle! She will win this game if she isn’t taken out now. And, you do not want her in jury.
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i vote out janelle…danielle should have IMO put up boogie against frank and boogie sent home…i hope the coaches get voted out asap.
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Get rid of Frank. It will take a lot of Boogie-power away. Deal with Janelle later.
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i vote to bring back willy
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Get Frank out, he is a snake in the grass!!
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I vote to evict Frank, and hopefullt Sani next week so I don’t have to liten to her toot her own horn
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Get Frank out, he is a snake in the grass right along with Boogie!!!!!!!
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Frank needs to go. Can’t stand him or Boogie. They pout when things don’t go their way but are oh so happy when they are in control. Janelle is no threat at this time. Brit is the biggest liar in the house.
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Danielle is so insecure she is catty that’s why she wants Janelle out, I think when Janelle is gone she will set her sites on Ashley , so Shane will only have her left to flirt with. Danielle thinks that she has a chance with Shane , you can tell he wants nothing to do with her, but is forced to act like he likes her
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if they keep frank in the house they are a bunch of fools…or doorknobs…the best way to bring Boogie trash master back down to earth is to vote out his partner frank asnd if everyone can not see thast then these people are just blind…frank this week and boogie next week…ADDIOS…But i am assuming that the idiots will look no further then the end of their noses’s and send Janelle home…
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I vote to evict Janelle
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I wish frank and janelle were both evicted. I wish boog would grow up and stop trying to relive dr. Will days by having frank do diary room sessions with him!!! I don’t like janelle but Dan is sooooo sneaky and Danielle is a little nutty. Coo coo stalker! Poor Shane run run for the door lol
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I’m quickly posting so I can get all your posts to keep up on what appears to be a CBS manipulation of our ‘old’ BB show.
Sounds like most everyone wants Janelle out. I can’t understand what happened to the girl many of us used to like. Why does a little fame make one feel entitled to adulation?
Thanks Bloggergal and everyone for all the updates. Our blog is great and has been since BB1.
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I would have loved to see Boogie back-doored but I feel it would be best for Janelle to go
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I vote to evict Janelle. I think it is funny that ANYONE would think she is not a threat. She just made the mistake of trusting one wrong person before. She really is irritating this time around. I liked her last time. The comment “they can get him/her out later” literally scares me to death. How many times on BB or even Survivor have I heard that by the players and then SURPRISE – The person saying that is gone. The person that can be gotten anytime wins or is at least in the final 3. If she doesn’t go now, she never will. Then I say Boogie just cause I can’t stand him.
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I still don’t like boogie ~ so I want to see Frank go home ~ however Janelle is sooooo good at competitions , but then it will only be for one week…in order to play these reality show you have to be a snake and deceitful…I can’t think of one Big Brother winner that didn’t lie to win the prize… it’s all part of the game…since we (America) see all the little secrets it is easy to call them out…the winner is who can be the biggest snake and fool the players of the game…that is the difference between BB and the Glass House where America votes off their players
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I vote to evict Janelle , but I am ready for a big brother that no one returns all new fresh faces battle it out, if they are not carefully Boogie will win again loyal to frank for now but when the time comes frank will be gone as well.
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Can someone please tell me how to stop all the replys from everyone from going to my email???? I just like to read the blogs, and then Ill put a quick response in, but I dont want 50 plus seperate emails going to my email account. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks, Carol
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I vote to evict Frank. I mean, are this bunch STUPID? They’ve seen Boogie play the game before for God’s sake. So, they SHOULD and I emphasize SHOULD know how devious and manipulative he is for Christ’s sake. HOWEVER, if they are stunned enough to evict Janelle and not Frank, I hope to hell it comes back to bite them all in their collective asses. Starting with that bitch Danielle and trickling down from there.
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I vote to evict FRANK.
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Hey Bun Blank…..I agree with you. I am so over Frank and Boogie’s diary room sessions. It was funny the first time around with Will. Now it’s just lame. This season sucks…..at least for me…..and I’m a huge fan and have watched since Season 1. I still love Janelle however I don’t like the way she is playing this year and I think it’s the dynamics. If they want to do an All-Stars then do an All-Stars. Don’t mix and match. Okay…..that’s my two cents.
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please producers! let janelle go home! no twist tonite! this morn frank was by him self talking to the camera was funny – he tooteed a really long one and said ‘sorry america’ another funny thing he said – he was complaining bout wearing that suit and said -‘but there are 2 upsides to it….less laundry – and its really easy to figure out what ur gonna wear for the day….’
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I vote to evict JANELLE!
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Carol ~ un-check the box below the “Leave a Comment” area that says “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree with those who say use only newbies and have an all-star for the fan favorites ~
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I have read this every week for the last couple of years. I have never written anything or responded to any of your comments. But am so sick of hearing from so many of you that “this is the most boring season ever” or “CBS got it wrong again” Stop!!!! All it is is a TV show. If all you do is sit around your computer and watch live feeds, GET A LIFE! This is a game show to win money. These people are playing a game! Stop talking about them as if you know them. I love big brother for what it is. It is much better to only watch the TV airings on CBS. It might all be exactly what is going on, but it is enough for me. Not hating on any one person. Peace!
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Carol when you comment there is a little box underneath that says receive emails when others comment. Make sure that box is NOT checked.
I agree that Boogie should have been backdoored this week. I hate seeing him and Frank trying to be like him and Dr Wil. I do think the BB producers must encourage him to do that though.
I think either out is good though, but I would vote to evict Janelle.
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there is no box for me to check????? it just has my name, and email bu there is no box that says notify me of follow up comments? Holy crap… what should I do?????
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I’d vote Janelle out. She just a puffy know-it-all (not) who thinks nobody else in the house has a brain and she can say what she wants. (I’m still pissed about Kara being voted off on the second show. Excellent eye candy)
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Janelle needs to go. Her game was really off. Maybe she is thinking about her baby back home too much. She said she did not want to go to jury, so I think now is the perfect time to vote her out!
I hope Danielle will be out the door soon! All she does is brag about herself. She is the typical prototype of the young generation of today…me, me, me!! (Sorry, I mean no offence to anyone on this blog that is in her age group).
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I vote to evict the puppet not the princess…LOL
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Janelle Janelle Janelle Janelle!!! I love watching Frank and Boogie together. So delightfully evil.
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no janelle needs to stay if these dumb house guest was smart they would get rid of frank then mike if the do not then mike or frank will win
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Hi all! I left this on the other page this Morning, hope i am not repeating my self!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle says Janelle’s lip has so much collagen in it that it is starting to do the wave.
1am Danielle and Dan in the arcade room talking about Janelle. Danielle says that she hates bullying and says that she has struggled with anorexia growing up so it hurts to hear that Janelle was calling her fat. Danielle says that she knew Janelle called her fat. She says I have known the whole time! She says that she has known girls like Janelle before. Danielle says that she wishes Dan could have seen the way she looks at her. I wish you could have seen the way she looked at me on the ship, it was the worst. You will see it when you get home. Danielle says that Janelle told Wil he was not allowed to cheer for me. I want to knock her in her face and walk away. Danielle says that she has had a bad feeling about Janelle from the start. Dan and Danielle talk about how Boogie figured out she is nurse. Danielle asks why Janelle is threatened by her? Dan asks what do you want a coach answer or personal. Danielle says both. Dan tells Danielle that it doesn’t matter, she is gone! Dan says that she is probably threatened by you, she is getting older. Dan says that Janelle probably wanted people to vote out Kara for personal reasons. Dan says at the end of the day you get the last laugh without being mean about it. Dan says that she is going to be in Minnesota watching the live feeds and there is nothing she can do about it. Dan tells Danielle that when she gets older things like this won’t bother her as much. Danielle says that it’s just that Janelle just had a baby and she is attacking me.
Hey MIKE!……………
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I vote to evict Janelle, I want to see the look on her face. Be gone girl!!!
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I vote to evict Big Janelle! Then go after the rest of the coaches ! Then we can have some fun with out bringing back all the recycled players
The way the game should be played! ……….. 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PS: I am with you Betty!
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Frank says Janelle will be blind-sided, the only vote being Joe; he will then be on an island by himself.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9:20am – 9:40am The house guests are on an indoor lockdown, as production sets up for the live show tonight. Frank is in the arcade room talking to himself. Frank says that Janelle is cocky and she thinks she has the votes to stay but if things go the way I have heard, then Janelle will be going home tonight. Maybe she is being cocky because she has the votes but I highly doubt that, I trust that people are going to vote the way they say they will. Frank says that she is going to be blind-sided. The only vote being, Joe, he will then be on an island by himself. And he will soon be going home. Frank says that not only did I pass up the $5000, but I took the power of veto and now I am wearing this spirit-tard. Frank says that Janelle apologized to me yesterday, she must have been confident she was staying and didn`t want me to go home and see the bad things she said about me. Frank says that he doesn`t want to be too confident, I really think I have the votes but I thought I did last week if it wasn’t for the twist I would have gone home. I won`t forget those people that lied to me……
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I vote to evict “Cologen Lips” !
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@ Nancy ……………… Go Buccos!!!
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Carol, the little box is only there the 1st time you comment, after that it just says you are subscribed
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luvs2shootpics, I like your Art work!
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What is the site for the live BB chat?
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Looks like it’s on the top of this page!
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Carol ……….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Go Here ——-> Manage your subscriptions. ***** You can find it after the comment box!
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I vote to evict Janelle!
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Okay a little to much on my Mac today! Back to the swimming pool! See you all later, bye for now……………
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I vote to evict Frank
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I vote to evict Janelle. Sorry
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If Shane votes to keep Frank, then Shane will prove to be the biggest idiot in BB history!
Twice he puts the guy on the block and twice Frank manages to escape from eviction. Shane will be the next to go if Frank remains in the house because if Frank of Booger manage to win HOH tonight, Dan will say it was Shane’s idea to put Frank up!
The season is over with the useless HG’s lft in the game and having to listen to Frank and Booger pretend to be Dr. Will and Booger in the DR…..yawn!
Was good in Will’s season, kinda pathetic this season!
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If you want a vet to win keep in Jenelle
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want a newebie to win keep in Frank
just saying
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Janelle, have a great trip Back to the State where the State Bird is a Mosquito…You should really be home with your new Babe instead of spinning all your lies on BB., so I vote for you to GO my dear…….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Carry on Mike and Frank! I love to watch Boogie play this game. You all seem to think he wants to win! Not Mikey….he is a king maker…..watch him go and learn!
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I vote to evict FRANK!!!!
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@kevbotitan..yes this is a game show, a reality game show where money is won, and yes we can get passionate about it. But let me tell u or remind you that in the 50’s, I believe, Game shows where caught rigging the out come of their shows and the goverment stepped in and put a stop to it. CBS is doing the samething by minipulating the contests and outcomes. So yes we rant and rave about it. If you don’t like to read it on this blog..let me ask u this..Then why do U then, keep reading this blog?
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I’ve always loved Janelle but not this season so I sadly vote for her to go. Next out should be Boogie/Frank – asap!!!!!!!!!!!
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If they don’t get rid of Frank now, he will win! Definitely seems to have 9 lives.
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Hey Margie How did you like the rain I sent your way♥
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I vote to evict janelle!!!
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i vote to evict frank he needs to go… i love janelle… unfortunatly i think janelle’s going home ;(
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Dan is being underrated and he’s double-dealing everyone in the house – I’d like him on the block next week. In truth I’d like the coaches to go out 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 after Frank.
This week I vote Frank. I see others praising Janelle but really folks what has she won in BB? Plus, she has been pissing off her own people like Will with her lies. Her ineptitude will do her in if her lies don’t.
Frank/Boogie, is too smart! Frank alone I wouldn’t worry about so much but I honestly can;t stand mousy Boogie and he is a skilled manipulator/liar. If they can get Frank out Boogie is mortally wounded.
What do I expect? I expect that the sheep will vote blind-folded by Dan and Boogie and vote Janelle out.
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I vote to evict Janelle. If they leave her in she may very well win the game.
It is interesting to me to watch as Boogie and Frank manipulate the others. Boogie isn’t given much credit here by some, but in my opinion he is truly a good player even though I don’t always agree with what he says and does. He is doing what is needed to advance himself, and that’s good strategy.
I look at it as a game of lies and deceit, and Boogie is good at using those qualities. My guess is he is much different in real life. I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see Shane, Frank and Boogie in the F3.
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FRANK NEEDS TO GO !!wake up people ..Boogie makes me sick can’t stand him & Frank! and Danielle you are really stupid if you think shane likes you he is just using you , so sad too bad can’t wait to see you go too and Britney you are the one that causes all the problems with your running to everyone saying things then you say you didn’t .. I’ts not time for janelle to go .
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@Tuna and Mema Margie – I too love to see the way Boogie plays. I don’t care how evil people think he is! Boogie is playing a masterful game! Now if Boogie can manage to weave his magic and get Jenn and Ian back on his side and then convince Wil to join their team, all will be well in Boogie-land! I want to see Danielle and Shane out! I am getting so tired of the goody goody boy next door and the fat smarty pants!
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Carol look at the bottom of email their is usually a prompt link telling you where you can unsubscribe
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I vote to evict Jenelle, Boogie is more entertaining with Frank
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i vote to evict Janelle for the last time please no more returning players
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OK BOBO i know im gonna come off lookin a bit dumb – but wassup with the ‘mr. green’????
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I vote to evict janelle. Then let’s see how long the “Silent Six” remain either silent or SIX. It should get interesting.
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I agree with so much of what everyone is saying…but then again ,we are all seasoned BB watchers and know what to look for!!
Dan is running the show….and in the same exact way he did in HIS season!! So….why isn’t anyone getting that???? No one’s head is in the game as far as I can see.
For that reason alone..I vote to evict…Janelle! I actually am not hating her this season and she was totally blindsided. But..the only people strong and smart/shady enuf to form an alliance are Dan and his group so..might as well give them a shot to play it out!!!
I don’t think this season has been boring at all!!! And I think the twists and Vets are the ONLY reason!!! Didn’t know what was actually going to happen last week and I don’t feel like I am sure who is going THIS week!!! How is that boring????
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I vote to evict Frank. Then next week put up Boogie and Dan.
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I hate that Janelle is being evicted…Danielle is a beotch. I cannot not wait for her turn to be evicted because we all know it will happen as Mike and Frank have all the power because they are playing the entire house. Do I like them,no however moreso than Danielle, I hate her phony ads so bad.
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@ Macy123123…..
It has been a running joke with all the Rain I have been getting In the Garden State of NJ + I am a Army Veteran So I thought it would be cool to do a Mr. Green but I don’t have to do that! I just like my friend JT who gave me all the Smiley faces to use some of them………. 
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I so agree with your post. Something’s fishy and the way Boogie talks on BBAD makes me think he thinks he’s entitled to be there. I saw on Twitter he may be friends with one of the producers and the way production has taken over the show is pathetic.
This week I’d vote to evict the producers as it’s not only been unfair, but so many cracks have been revealed at DR manipulation has never been more evident. One week they don’t care who’s telling who whom they’re nominating and then all of a sudden, this week, it’s the end of the world.
I just saw this on Twitter, that CBS has asked ED, Rachel and Jeff to Tweet out BS Tweets about the show. Here a post from a fan who’s spot on about it all:
BB14 DianaWatt @DianaWatt
So Dick, Jeff, and Rachel have been begged by @CBSBigBrother to tweet to gain interest in a show they are screwing up #BB14 #BBLF #BADEDITS
So CBS blindsided the best blindside (Frank) in BB in several years, lied about the Coaches playing for $100,000 on Opening Night and hoodwinked us all with the Coaches Vote crap a week ago….even though we all saw it coming.
I didn’t think it could get much worse than the last two seasons but I am sadly mistaken. Think the Jury may have 9 (supersize?), but as this point, the teddy bear and the fish are the only things on my screen I have come not to loathe in recent weeks. Still hoping a meteor hits or they let a grizzly bear in the House or something at this point. And I do believe BB may have lost between 2 and 5 million fans for good this time around. A classic case of thinking too much. Nothing wrong with 14 or 16 strangers who nobody has heard of before going in and simply playing the game.
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I vote to evict Frank, simply because he’s with Boogie
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I like the way you put things Kevin

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BOBO send a bit of that rain here to texas – getting yellow patches in the grass – mrs. yellow here
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Mike says just put an empty suit case in there. Frank says yeah, and show up to the Geisha House wearing the leotard?
1:05pm Janelle and Ashley are in the downstairs bathroom. Janelle is asking her if Wil has said anything to her about not voting for her. Ashley says no. Janelle says okay because he would be a real di*k if he didn’t vote for me. Janelle tells Ashley that they have to make it to the end together. Meanwhile Danielle is packing up her things in the HOH room to move downstairs. Britney and Shane are up there helping her.
1:10pm – 1:30pm Mike and Frank are in the living room talking. Mike says moving out of the big house, that’s a terrible walk on Thursday. Mike tells Frank to put just an empty suit case in the storage room with just a pair of shoes. Frank says na. Mike says I will get you your stuff. Frank says yeah, show up to the Geisha house wearing the leotard. They both laugh. Dan and Shane join them on the couches. Frank asks you really think I should pack nothing? Mike says yeah, I would put a little weight in there though… don’t worry I will get you your stuff if something crazy happens. Frank says maybe after whoever wins HOH we should hold a house meeting……

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Mike says just put an empty suit case in there. Frank says yeah, and show up to the Geisha House wearing the leotard?
1:05pm Janelle and Ashley are in the downstairs bathroom. Janelle is asking her if Wil has said anything to her about not voting for her. Ashley says no. Janelle says okay because he would be a real di*k if he didn’t vote for me. Janelle tells Ashley that they have to make it to the end together. Meanwhile Danielle is packing up her things in the HOH room to move downstairs. Britney and Shane are up there helping her.
1:10pm – 1:30pm Mike and Frank are in the living room talking. Mike says moving out of the big house, that’s a terrible walk on Thursday. Mike tells Frank to put just an empty suit case in the storage room with just a pair of shoes. Frank says na. Mike says I will get you your stuff. Frank says yeah, show up to the Geisha house wearing the leotard. They both laugh. Dan and Shane join them on the couches. Frank asks you really think I should pack nothing? Mike says yeah, I would put a little weight in there though… don’t worry I will get you your stuff if something crazy happens. Frank says maybe after whoever wins HOH we should hold a house meeting.
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1:05pm Janelle and Ashley are in the downstairs bathroom. Janelle is asking her if Wil has said anything to her about not voting for her. Ashley says no. Janelle says okay because he would be a real di*k if he didn’t vote for me. Janelle tells Ashley that they have to make it to the end together. Meanwhile Danielle is packing up her things in the HOH room to move downstairs. Britney and Shane are up there helping her.
1:10pm – 1:30pm Mike and Frank are in the living room talking. Mike says moving out of the big house, that’s a terrible walk on Thursday. Mike tells Frank to put just an empty suit case in the storage room with just a pair of shoes. Frank says na. Mike says I will get you your stuff. Frank says yeah, show up to the Geisha house wearing the leotard. They both laugh. Dan and Shane join them on the couches. Frank asks you really think I should pack nothing? Mike says yeah, I would put a little weight in there though… don’t worry I will get you your stuff if something crazy happens. Frank says maybe after whoever wins HOH we should hold a house meeting.
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I guess this Blog is not letting me put anymore stuff from the BB Site?
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Mike says just put an empty suit case in there. Frank says yeah, and show up to the Geisha House wearing the leotard?
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1:05pm Janelle and Ashley are in the downstairs bathroom. Janelle is asking her if Wil has said anything to her about not voting for her. Ashley says no. Janelle says okay because he would be a real di*k if he didn’t vote for me. Janelle tells Ashley that they have to make it to the end together. Meanwhile Danielle is packing up her things in the HOH room to move downstairs. Britney and Shane are up there helping her.
1:10pm – 1:30pm Mike and Frank are in the living room talking. Mike says moving out of the big house, that’s a terrible walk on Thursday. Mike tells Frank to put just an empty suit case in the storage room with just a pair of shoes. Frank says na. Mike says I will get you your stuff. Frank says yeah, show up to the Geisha house wearing the leotard. They both laugh. Dan and Shane join them on the couches. Frank asks you really think I should pack nothing? Mike says yeah, I would put a little weight in there though… don’t worry I will get you your stuff if something crazy happens. Frank says maybe after whoever wins HOH we should hold a house meeting….. Here we go
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…….. 1:05pm Janelle and Ashley are in the downstairs bathroom. Janelle is asking her if Wil has said anything to her about not voting for her. Ashley says no. Janelle says okay because he would be a real di*k if he didn’t vote for me. Janelle tells Ashley that they have to make it to the end together. Meanwhile Danielle is packing up her things in the HOH room to move downstairs. Britney and Shane are up there helping her.
1:10pm – 1:30pm Mike and Frank are in the living room talking. Mike says moving out of the big house, that’s a terrible walk on Thursday. Mike tells Frank to put just an empty suit case in the storage room with just a pair of shoes. Frank says na. Mike says I will get you your stuff. Frank says yeah, show up to the Geisha house wearing the leotard. They both laugh. Dan and Shane join them on the couches. Frank asks you really think I should pack nothing? Mike says yeah, I would put a little weight in there though… don’t worry I will get you your stuff if something crazy happens. Frank says maybe after whoever wins HOH we should hold a house meeting.
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I guess I can’t put some of the other stuff in here!
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1:10pm – 1:30pm Mike and Frank are in the living room talking. Mike says moving out of the big house, that’s a terrible walk on Thursday. Mike tells Frank to put just an empty suit case in the storage room with just a pair of shoes. Frank says na. Mike says I will get you your stuff. Frank says yeah, show up to the Geisha house wearing the leotard. They both laugh. Dan and Shane join them on the couches. Frank asks you really think I should pack nothing? Mike says yeah, I would put a little weight in there though… don’t worry I will get you your stuff if something crazy happens. Frank says maybe after whoever wins HOH we should hold a house meeting.
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So what’s up? Am I being cut off from some of my stuff? BBBloger
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Mrs. Yellow I will see what I can do!………………
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Big Brother Spoilers – Live Eviction and HOH Winner Results Frank Vs Janelle
Confused about all the alliances in the Big Brother House this season? Check this map out it’ll help you out
Speculated Vote results
Janelle Goes Home
Tonight on the live feeds
A lot of unknowns what will happen next. Really depends on who wins the HOH. Most Thursday – Friday – Saturdays are usually really exciting on the feeds
Actual Votes
Joe Votes to Evict
Shane Votes to Evict
Dan Votes to Evict
Britney Votes to Evict
Boogie Votes to Evict
Jenn Votes to Evict
Ashley Votes to Evict
Wil Votes to Evict
???? Is evicted from the Big Brother House
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It’s getting really sloppy in the House…
Reality Nation @Reality_Nation
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#BB14 leaks Dan DR session to the other HGs! What did they hear??? http://bit.ly/MlnDyj #BBlf
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Hi Bobo… Ted loves the smilies!
So the vote is a Vet vs a Newbie???
No-brainer for me!! I vote to evict the Vet!!.. she had 27 mostly care-free days. (I don’t like Boogie all that much, but he isn’t on the block. I will vote to evict him when he is)
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Thanks for your help everyone, I hope this works and I still get the spoilers! I can’t wait to see Janelles face when she gets evicted!
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Interesting Kev11. Guess I will see how it all plays out soon enough.
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I vote to evict …… J A N E L L E
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Janelle goes home 8-1…I’ll say Ian will win the next HOH, and Joe will be evicted.
That smilie is for Ted.
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Thanks mr. green!!!
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****Spoiler Alert****
Frank new HOH
Stupid not booting Frank out this week………bye Shane
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Mel, I hope not.. hope they go after Joe.
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JT, Joe is a lame duck and basically useless.
Nominations this week will be Dan and Shane because Booger will scheme it as a backdoor nomination and with Shane gone there is no one left to compete against Booger and Frank for the rest of the season.
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Well, I must say …….that was interesting to watch. N-O-T!!!! And what is wrong with Booger?? Has he no brains at all??? Sure he pretty much got Janelle out but did he have to be so tasteless about it? Not that I cared for her this season but….that punk has no class at all. Just proves that money can buy a lot of things but if you’re an a$$hole…..you’re just a rich a$$hole. And Frank winning HOH
….bye bye Shane or Joe. (Don’t really care) But wouldn’t it be soooooooooooo sweet if he backdoored Booger?? Hey one can have fantasies. LMAO I was soooooooo hoping that Ian would win. In fact I’m pretty much rooting for Ian to win the whole damn thing. He’s such a likeable little geek.
Well….off to gameland. LMAO Just putting in my two cents worth.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace & Much Love,
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They should simply go after Joe to win their own kitchen back.
Funny how Mike Boogie thinks he’s such a bad-ass when the camera is on but he doesn’t have the onions (or anyone else) to say “Hey Joe, what’s with the comandeering of all the food every week?”
And two things on Twitter irritating me: 1-Several still jabbing at Shane, saying he’s gay. Had to “Unfollow” a past HG I sort of respect. Justtoomean for me. He’s not gay IMO, just may have better taste than Danielle (deemed a “bunny boiler” by some on Twitter; strangely I think that’s funny) in women. and if he is, who gives a rat’s ass? If anyone’s gay, it’s Wil (Heavy sarcasm implied).
And 2-This demonizing of Janelle. She didn’t play the best game and definitely got played but didn’t this woman just leave dresses, mascara, lipstick and other stuff for the girls in the House? I think they (Britney, Danielle) are realizing they screwed up and it will be a matter of minutes until Boogie turns on them. And his goodbye message to Janelle shows he takes this stuff way too seriously and personally. I no longer am a fan of Chilltown and think his all-Satrs win is tainted as he and Dr. Will cut a deal before entering the House….proving BB has been fairly corrupt since Day One. Not sure who I am pulling for but still leaning toward Frank and Shane. And I can’t believe the women let the men in the House do this to them another season. Hoping House turns on Boogie quick and that Dan has some balls to do it. Doubting he does. BBAD should be interesting….
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Hey all…. Since the old Team Boogie is the only “team” still intact in the house…. they all got together and posed for this group photo!! You gotta check it out!
..and a special thanks to whoever it was that compared Boogie to Doonsbury earlier this season.. spot on!! So I stole that idea!
(and please remember, it’s all in good fun)
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Got it on facebook JT, good one
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@JT: Love that. Spot on. I saw a funny Tweet last night that said Danielle looks like a baby hamster without her make-up on. I actually laughed out loud but refused to put it in the modern “LOL” “or “LMAO” format as that makes me feel to young and carefree. And how many people who have typed “LMAO” in the history of the Internet have actually had their gluteus maximus separate from their lower back? Exactly. I shall stick with the silly, sarcastic smiley face
but am having some color envy as I see Bobo’s posts have colored faces and icons bearing teeth. Spread the wisdom wealth brother…
Joe Owns All The BB House Food Part 546:
Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jenn put food aside for Brit who was in the DR. Joe ate it #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
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Jun Song @JunDishes
Dear CBS Intern: Stop giving us close-ups of Danielle’s bare face. #BB14 #BBLF pic.twitter.com/eSQgRwIy
Jun Song @JunDishes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle kinda looks like a newborn hamster without her makeup on. #BB14 #BBLF
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Let’s try that again. Maybe it’ll stick. sorry if not. Erased a part of it…
Jun Song @JunDishes
Dear CBS Intern: Stop giving us close-ups of Danielle’s bare face. #BB14 #BBLF pic.twitter.com/eSQgRwIy
View photo
Jun Song @JunDishes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle kinda looks like a newborn hamster without her makeup on. #BB14 #BBLF
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@JT, Breaking Bad fans:
Aaron Paul @aaronpaul_8
Check out our brilliant creator of Breaking Bad Vince Gilliagan on Conan. We love you Vince!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKttjlC0LzU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
>If this doesn’t stick I shall jump off my second-story balcony only to break an ankle…
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Are these HGs dumb as rocks or what? For even Dan and Brit to listen for a minute to anything Booger has to say is stupid. Frank should have gone home tonight simply because Booger was fighting so hard to keep him.
I did love Jan’s parting shot. ‘He’s such a loser.” Yeah, he did win All Stars. After being carried to the finish line on Dr. Will’s shoulders.
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@ K11
Thanks for BB Video, Breaking Bad looks like this might be it’s darkest season of all. Now Skylar is just Waiting for Walt To die.
Too Bad it had to come to this, I see Skylar losing it at some point, she’s not holding up very well. And I do believe Walt being more like Heisenberg now, is capable of almost anything. I just wonder if it will get to a point he will have to do something about Skylar. I know Ted’s days are numbered, he’s a loose end now. I can’t get enough of this show, I see it at least 3 times.
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I feel for Britney, Boogie is going to give her a repeat of her season he is already putting the bug in his pupet Frank’s ear. Even through there are no coaches, but there is the newbies this season are not playing there own game.
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Hi everyone, I watched the show this morning glad she was evicted. I went for my appointment withe the endocrinologist yesterday morning anf they took me to the ER so had to stay there all day for tested. Still feeling pretty drained so won’t be chtting much on the group
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Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling so good. I hope all works out for you….you are in my thoughts, Tammy.
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