Once again I am opening up the diary room. From the use of the veto it looks like we are going to have our first backdoor of the season.
So with the renom being Brendon, is his fate sealed? Or are people seeing Shelly as a strong player and ready to get rid of her?
All I know is one of them will be gone tonight!
So enough about them….it is all about you! It is your turn to vote to evict either Shelly or Brendon! Please cast your vote to evict!
Peace, BBBlogger
I vote to evict Brendan
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Hi Julie!! I vote to evict Brendan.
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BRENDAN MUST GO!! Can’t wait to see Rachel cry like a baby again. Gag me.
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I vote to evict Brendan. I laughed when Dani called him a zombie.
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I also vote to evict Brendon. My main reason is that Rachel is sooooooo annoying when he is around. He is a great game player and I would enjoy watching him (without Rachel). However the best move strategically for the house is to evict him and keep Rachel as she is useless without him and he would come down on the house with a vengeance if they evicted her.
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I vote to evict Shelly.
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I vote to evict Brendan!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AND if we’re lucking Rachel well be keeping him company next week in the jury house.
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I vote to evict Brendon.
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I say evict Shelly. She is nothing but a liar. She goes back an forth with whoever has power. I want to see a real competor win this year. She is playing a bad social game. Shelly lies to everyone and is playing for herself. She has not won any compentions and she makes it look like she never lies and everyone eles does. She says she has integerty by really she doesn’t I don’t know if she really does’t know what she is saying and forgets. But she has been doing all this information gathering for herself not anyone eles then lying about saying things. Last year I hated Racheal but this year Shelly and Dani has been the one I hate watching in the house. Most people hate Racheal and Brendon because they are truly in love and jelouse of what they have. Go Bracheal/
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Brenden is a huge neandertal!! Just like last season! I wish dani would’ve called him that instead of a zombie! That wouldve been hilarious! I can’t wait to watch him leave and rachel cry again! Hilarious! Although, Rachel could win the HoH. I think she has a better chance than brenden. That’s the only reason I would think about getting rid of Rachel before brenden. But too late, brenden your out like trout in a drought!
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I vote to evict Brendon!
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That’s why production fought and made the twist and faked the vote and brought brenden back, so they can still have footage of Rachel and him at the jury house, they didn’t want Rachel there by herself crying the whole time. Now maybe they get to watch them bone when it is only the two of them in the jury house.
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I vote to evict…BRENDAN !!!….and then hopefully next week…Rachel will join him !
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I vote to evict Shelly
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Also if you look at all the neg comments is about Brachell they are all from women. Who are just being petty and jelouse of the love they show on tv. I believe it is true love I watch BB after Dark every night. I see how they are and how they care for each other. How Brendon really tries to talk Racheal into acting more mature. They are great together. I wish them the best of luck in the game. Plus They have help Jeff and Jordan get where they are and haven’t turned there back on the orginal alliance and I think that shows how good they really are.
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I vote to evict Brenden.
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brendon 4 sure bye bye fiancee
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I vote to evict Brendon and after Rachel wins HOH, Dani goes up to her and tells her to put her on the block because she’d enjoy a week alne with him in the jury house..rotflmao
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Brendon make Racheal a better player and person. Watch showtime BB after dark you will see what kind of people they are and what kind of person Shelly, porcha Dani who is an evil drunk and Kailia is right there with her. Thank God PT isn’t around for her evilness to rub off on. I doubt BB had a FAKE VOTE Brendon will be big brothers player of the year. He is good had the game! makes it worth watching.
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Would love to see Shelly and that bucked toothed grin go away. Not b/c she is a strong player(thats laughable), but b/c she follows all the other players around like a parasite, eck! She has no class. Proud of Jordan lately she has really been paying attentions and making some pretty good moves. That giving Shelly the phone call was smart it will insure her America’s vote which is how much money, remind me.?. My prediction is Jeff and Jordan 1st and 2nd plus all the money they can possibly pull in. Will leave all the rest standing there with their jaws on the ground wondering what happened.
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I vote to evict Brendon….bye bye… bye bye!
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I vote to evict Shelly she is turning into a Rachel with all that crying and carrying on – hope Dani and Kolia got next they are getting annoying – go Jeff and Jordan
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I vote to evict the Zombie
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and next week he should be joined by the Zombie Bride.
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I vote to evict Rachel, O that’s right she’s not up darn. OK then I vote to evict Shelly, talk about the back door kick out of the century.She is just as annoying as Rachel.
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I vote to evict SHELLY….there is one in every season who thinks they are smarter than the average bear! Everyone is one to her…plus she can win anything….what is she even doing there…is her life not fufilling enough with here career, husband and cute little girl…REALLY!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bye BYe
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Vote to evict Brendon, just because I want to hear Rachel whine. ROFL
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good bye Brendan…………….hopefully for the last time!
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i vote to evict shelly
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tired of hearing how good a person she is
and all the people she knows
once a liar always a liar
bye bye
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I vote to evict Blandan. I can’t wait to see Rachoe self destruct when he’s gone and noone will babysit her this time….
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Why Just Shelly is a Liar, they are all liars thats the game, wou wants to honest it gets you no where in this game, Brendan is gone and although I like the guy he has no balls at all, can’t wait to see Rachel go soon I hope and please Big Brother please stop showing Kalia the Hut and The Porch eating, there are starving children everywhere that are hungary and those two do nothing but eat, its so gross to watch them do nothing but stuff there faces.Please let anyone else win HOH and get Kalia the Hut out and her sidekick The Porch out of this game!
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I gladly vote to evict Brendon.
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Brenden is gone. With that in mind, if Rachel wins the HoH and put Dani on the block, does not win the Veto comp and is voted out, team J&J are in the driver seat.
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I vote to evict Brendon. Get ready for crocodile tears……….LOL!
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I vote to evict Brendon
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I LOVE Mel’s idea!!
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I vote to evict Brendan
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I vote to evict Brendon ! Then maybe next week, Bridezilla can join him at the jury house and the game will be worth watching after those two nuts are gone.
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I vote to evict Brendon…and then next week Porshe to join him in the jury house…then the jealousy/insecurity of Rachel wondering if Brendon and Porshe will “get along” or “really get along” would be so fun to watch..tee hee.
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I hope Shelly goes
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I hope Jordan wins this whole thing.
Cannot stand matt hoffman…wish he’d be in a position where he could be booted out of giving his stupid comments.
He said Jordan has an empty head.
Well guess what Matty…………………Jordan won and you haven’t. so who had the idea to let him spout his comedy (not) routine about BB?
I want to barf just looking at him.
About lying. Everyone lies in the game. It’s part of the game. Also there’s so much we don’t see since we’re not actually living with the other BB members. Shelly’s no worse than most in the game ‘to me’
and still J & J are the only one’s I feel good about.
No one else is really likable to me “as far as me wanting them to win”
I did like Daniel but she laughs when other’s fail at a game. Several times I’ve seen her laugh and make fun of them. I kind of wanted her to go far withOUT her dad but now i’m just wanting J n J to win it and go get married.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And please BB, don’t put Matt Hoffman’s opinions or a soap box to stand on. He’s so gross and Not Funny.
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I vote to evict Shelly! I would be so happy to see her leave!
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Brendon looks like your history! Bye
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Would LOVE to see Shelly evicted…..don’t know that that will happen but man it would certainly please me:)
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Either one for me. I’m tired of Brendon and Rachel, also I think Shelly is a liar so it really doesn’t matter.
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I happily vot to eveict Brenden. He never should have come back. Still do not believe he got that many votes. Hope one of Dani’s girls wins HOH too.
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I vote to evict Brendan, wishing it was Rachel on the block instead!
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I vote to evict Brendan. I would love to see J&J go all the way. Jeff could stand to clean up his language a bit but, other than that, he’s likeable and Jordan obviously has a heart of gold.
I agree with Tendr regarding Dani laughing when others fail. Not very classy in my opinion.
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Hey MM!! Good to cya back!!!! And I totally agree!!
So ..I happily vote to evict the NeanderTal…….Brenda!!!!
I didn’t vote for him last time and he came BACK!! So I am making sure this time he’s gone for good…or if not, at least I won’t feel so quilty about it…lol
**Bye bye, Breandon, Brendon, goodbyyeyeyey…….whoa, whoa, whoa…..**
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I vote to evict Brendum….this time for good!!
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I VOTE TO EVICT THAT LYING SHELLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I vote to evict Shelly
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I definitely want Brendan gone (again) If people get evicted for ‘lying’; CBS should be evicted for the bogus voting to bring him back. They control the whole game, and rigged the vote, in my opinion. ( I don’t believe I’m the only one who thinks that, right??). They’ve consistently had the highest ratings in their time slots, so lie, cheat, and steal to do anything that will maximize the “drama” to insure they come out on top, anyway possible. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe this year, they’ve had higher ratings than in any other season.
BTW, if Rachel thought she had a hard time finding a job after last year’s shows; she may as well go back to the casinos in Vegas. No reputable company would hire her, I don’t believe. Her behavior this year is even worse than last year.
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I vote to evict Brendon.
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I vote to evict Brenden, and Rachael next and please dont show them in the jury house.
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*********************Spoiler Alert********************
Before the house guests cast votes to evict, I have an advance copy of Brendon’s final plea to avoid eviction.
My fiancé worked very hard this week to cover my ass because her’s is bigger and, thanks to my fiancé, every room in the house smelled better when my fiancé did cover my ass. Dani, you called me a zombie and, though I resemble that remark, my fiancé has seen my reflection in the mirror while I watched her pop pimples, so my fiancé was right all along – you really are being a mean person. Jeff and Jordan, my fiancé and I thought you wanted to go to the end with my fiancé and me but you disrespected my fiancé and me and betrayed us before my fiancé and I could betray you. With that in mind, please join with my fiancé and vote to keep me in the house and evict Shelly.
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for the second and hopefully the last time i vote to evict Brendon
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i vote to evict the ever so wholesome and honest to a fault non engaging non playing and sweet talkin southern belle ,household mom and women of the year shelly. see ya bren.
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Why is Matt’s 2 cents being brought in? He was the biggest liar when he was on. But……you can’t get ahead without being cunning and deceiving. That’s the name of this game. With that said, I vote to evict Brandon.
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I vote for Brendan. Shelly somehow makes all her lies believeable…suspension of disbelief.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Isn’t Jordan the cutest and sweetest person in the whole house?
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I vote to evict Brendan
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Get Brendan out and Rachel next week. They have to go!!!!!
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You all must all just watch the CBS shows.. R U kidding me? Straight shooter Shelly who actually believes her lies upon lies and then has the BALLS to talk about how lying is the worst thing one could do? I VOTE TO EVICT Straight shooter SHELLY! ( and I actually felt extremely emotional when she spoke with her husband and daughter) I hope Shelly, you look back at ALL of these blogs and hope in the heart of your heart you know and realize that U STRAIGHT SHOOTER are such a JOKE!!!!
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I vote to EVICT DOUCHE BAG #1 BRENDON Hopefully Next Week Will Be Followed By DOUCHE BAG #2 RACH
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I vote to evict brendon.
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Brenda must go! Lying is a regular weapon in the Big Brother house, but being sanctimonious about it IS SICKENING, but Shilly (not a mistype) is a LOUSY competitor, so get her out later, HOPEFULLY after Roachel!
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I vote to evict Shelley. Although she is a vote for J & J to stay in the house, I believe keeping Brendan and Rachel both in the house for now keeps the heat off of Jordon and maybe even Jeff. I love Jordon and Jeff but Jeff has been a bit nasty at times this season. I really don’t care if he goes. I ultimately want Jordan to win again. That girl may be naive and ditzy but her heart is pure gold and she deserves to win. Who says the only way to win BB is via comps? I say Jordon’s social game and her sweet spirit is a life winning attribute. Go Jordo!!
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I vote to evict Brendon…. hopefully Rachel will lose her mind again and provide us with some entertainment in an otherwise pretty boring house. I feel bad for Brendon because he’s not a bad guy… Rachel taints his image with her silly immature ways that Brendon feeds into and supports. He could have went further in the game without Rachel. Jordan is a sweetheart and has stepped up her game this season. And dont be a Shelly hater, she is entitled to play the game playing both sides if thats her strategy than so be it!
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PK ur so funny – (brendon speach) i vote to evict brenda – and i am with most of you about shelly – hisssin snake in the grass
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I vote to evict Shelly. She adds nothing to the house except second hand smoke and lies. And that phone call to her daughter and husband made me nauseous. Did her daughter need to hear her cry hysterically? You are the adult and should act like one in front of your kid. Besides, Brendon is a stronger player who provides much more entertainment value and deserves some reward for putting up with Rachel.
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I vote to evict Brendon! Brendon!! Brendon!!!
Then Rachel. Then Shelley.
And a big BWHAHAHAHA! @ PK
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B √
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ditto TUNA… In that order pretty please
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I vote to evict Brendon.
I also love Mel’s idea, with an added twist that Dani gets to come back in the house to win the game 🙂
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Dorina Wood,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You said it all. Shelley is the biggest liar and then tell’s the rest of the house that is was Rachel. I did really like Rachel and Brendon, until they tried have Danielle backdoor Jeff. Jeff and Jordan are my all-time favorite’s. I want them all gone, Shelly then Danielle Kahlia Rachel Brendon and Adam. Jeff and Jordan final two. Jeff win’s this time Jordan in second place. Go Jeff and Jordan
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I vote to see Rachel Cry
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OMG…look who the cat dragged in. Hi Bulwinkle
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Hi Everybody — now watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
It’s been awhile — way too busy but I couldn’t miss Brendon going home AGAIN without putting my 2 cents in.
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and if Brendon stays, it’ll be time to get a new hat… LOL
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5-1 bye Brendon
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Turn on the water works, Brendon is going home… AGAIN!!! Woo Hoo
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Rachel handled it much better this time. What a shock!
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Thank Bulwinkle you are back in time to evict Brenda!!lol Long time no see!! Skelly was asking for ya at the beginning of the season!!!
Ya, fran…….I think Rachel finally found her balls!!! Good thing ONE of them has some…. 😉
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Ah, CRAP!!! Trivia on the LFS!!! What is it we PAY for again exactly?????? 😡
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😯 I think I saw a moose
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Ok..take itback..they are on!!! Can’t tell who’s ahead but this could still be on during BBAD the rate they are going!!!!
Anybody else here???? *echo, echo*
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A Moose sighting? 😯
Hey Doc… maybe he knows where kev11 is! 😆
Hi Bulwinkle… glad you could stop by!
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Hey Stra… looks like Jeff is ahead? Hard to tell.
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Look at who I see in my Romper Room mirror. Hey BB Buds. =^^=
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I knew I would find you guys over here, at least they made this fair for everyone, it has to be tiring, who will wear out first ?
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DONNA ROSE, Good to see you
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I don’t know how fair this is….it’s now raing and they could dump more rain in Rachels bubble. I wouldn’t put it past CBS to do that.
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WTF is raing? I meant raining….lol
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WTF is going on here!? 😆
First Bulwinkle…. now Donna =^^= !
so happy to see both of you! 😀 (Is kev11 hangin with the AWOL kids too?)
Kim M, kev11, kinogirl, AC…….. it’s safe to come out now! 😆
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You’re right JT. I see one bubble and I say that one is the fullest. Then they show another and I say no, that one is the fullest. I’m sitting here arguing with myself.
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Wow a moose and =^^= all in the same night. Didn’t find Kev11 on my trip, but it worked to surface a few of our characters.
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fp2 who’s winning the argument 😀
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They are all doing well… gonna be a close one.
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I don’t know yet Dok…I can do this for hours.
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rachelle is behind
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LOL JT!!!! So good to see youy guys!!!! So all it takes is a lil soap down to get you guys back,eh?? Guess it’s all your CLEAN living…..you can relate to this comp!!!lol
I’m SO excited…about the comp but seeing everybody again!! WHOOHOO!! It looks like Porsche, J&J are about neck and neck!! really hard to tell..especially with the camera angles!!!
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They are not showing Rach much
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It looks like Julie is preg…………….
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1/3rd point, Jeff Jord Porsche neck in neck
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I want Rach to win! lol
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Jeff looks like he could be a little ahead
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Looks like Jeff is pulling ahead!! He NEEDS this HOH!!! Think he knows it too. Dani is loking very grim over on the sides too …….not rooting for J&J Im thinking..lol
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They are all getting tired….if they’re not, I AM!
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not seeing Rach yet
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way to go Jeff, How’s Rach Doing
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She is not doing as well as Jeff or Porsche
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WOW, that rain, the soap makes it more slippery
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Kalia seems to be doing pretty well also. I tode you I can’t decide
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glad to hear it
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the bubbles are making Adam choke
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I think I’d try to funnel some of that rain into my bowl! 😆
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ADAM is freaking boy he won’t last that long
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Don’t cheat JT….I’m sure production is helping Rachel with that.
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good Idea JT, the soap is getting in their eyes also
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YEAH FRAN, they might see she wins this
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Boy isn’t Dani nice, offering Jeff a glass of water?? More like offereing him a chance to slow down!! glad he didn’t take it altho you can tell by the way he is clearing his throat, he is drinking in bubbles!!! He’s got a good rythmn going tho….keep it up JEFF!!!!!
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jeff is puking by the sounds of it
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I thought that was nice of Dani to offer him a drink. I don’t think she meant anything bad by it at all.
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Shelly looks like she’s doing well also
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WTH makes it go to trivia?? No one’s even talking!!!
Jeff looks way ahead to me..he’s over half way!!!!
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Fran, Can’t trust Dani, she probably did
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Damn trivia…I guess they need time to do some cheating there. Can you tell I don’t trust CBS very much?
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Hey Star, I thought so also
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Dani probably would have slipped sleeping pills or laxitives into the drink she wanted to give Jeff lol If production is helping rach they are NOT doing a very good job she is behind lol
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Yes Fran, We have reason not to trust them
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I thot the same at 1st too fran…..but this game does weird things to your head…..you don’t trust anyone!!lol I can’t imagine being IN there for 3 months or whatever it is!!! Paranoid much??LOL
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So Aggie, if it were J or J asking if someone needed a drink, could they be trusted? I’m just saying I think she meant well. Jeff sounded like he was about to cough up a lung.
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man they control those feeds so much, they go to trivia too much
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Thanks aggie. I don’t feel totally crazy now…lol from drinking soap…lol
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Nope, I suppose Fran, you really can’t trust anyone, Maybe Jordan
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trivia now, they puting the fix in for HOH now?……lol
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I wonder WTH is going on that they don’t want us to see?????
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@ Star
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Kalia, Adam and Buck all look about the same to me.
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They all seem to be doing pretty well
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Star, maybe rain fills into one bowl more than the others
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how is rach doing? I really want to see her win to wreak havoc
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Yep Star, this will be very close
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Jeff looks to be ahead of the rest
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PORSCHE Seems a little bit ahead
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Jeff is way ahead
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Jeff a little ahead also
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I’d say Porsche and Rach are about the same..not too far behind jeff but when they show all of them , his is definitely higher!!!! no one is really sucking tho!!
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GO JEFF, you might have this one
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Porsche is second… and if she can reach into the bowl sooner than Jeff.. she could win.
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I noticed none of the posts are the same height so levels are very decieving
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nope Star, they are all trying really hard
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JT, I hope JEFF Does get it
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Wow… gotta say they are all trying.. and doing well.
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reading the blog sounds like they r at the camptown races lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------any idea who is a bit ahead?
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LOL they are really getting dumped on with suds now… up to their waist.
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Doo dah doo dah
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They should at least keep soap out of the face
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the frigin soap is up to their armpits..lol eerypone is coughing but mostly the SMOKERS……notice that????lol
I think Jeff is absolutely in the lead…….
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Jeff looks to be ahead
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Margie, Jeff and Porsche are ahead
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Yeah Jeff is halfway finished
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Jeff has a good lead on Rach
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Looks like Jeff will win
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JT.. I thought the same thing since Porsche’s hand is smaller…she may be able to retrieve it sooner!!
hey MM!!*waves and batts bubbles out of her face*…..lol
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TOO FUNNY ADAM is really having it tough
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Rach is only halfway
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txs aggie 4 update lol @ stra
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so tell me how is adam doing how many times has he fallen???
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Yep Stra… it’s one thing to fill the bowl… and another to be able to reach in and get the ball.
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There have been some falls.. not that many though. Kind of surprising.
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JEFF has biggest lead he is almost done
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Adam has fallen twice that I’ve seen
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bbl got to make sure hubby has taken his meds
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margie they are all doing well, Adam is having a tough time
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I’d say Jeff is about 20 mins from being the winner!! GO JEFF!!! it’s your turn, dude!!!
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I’d agree… 10:30 (BB blog time) sounds about right.. maybe less?
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Looks like Sheeley is catching up to Jeff…..
Adam fell twice?? I only saw once…..
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they have to be dying, this could go on for awhile
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I’d say that sounds about right JT.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was thinking about 1 1/2hrs after the show was over when it started…..
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POOR ADAM might just have a stroke
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Feeds go to trivia. Allison Grodner gets a leaf blower and blows Jeffs suds into Porsche’s lane. Feeds come back.
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COME ON JEFF, You have this, just a little more
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JORDAN IS only halfway
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Porsche is quite a few trips behind Jeff… just looks like a matter of time now.
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OMG!! Jeff is SOO close! Looks like he got his 2nd wind too!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GO JEFF!!!
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LOL.. this is the comp that sent Jeff to jury in BB11
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AYFKM….Trivia again?
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Dirty !@##$%!! Don’t tell me they aren;t going to show the win???!!!!
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I can still see Kevin racing back n forth while Jeff watched helplessly on the sideline.
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JT….did you remember that ..or look it up??LOL Be honest!!!!
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Jeff wins!
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Wow… he got it
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he did it!!!!!! WHOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well I guess Jeff won but they didn’t let us see it. 🙄
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I do remember that Star… Kevin won that comp against Jordan, Michele, and Natalie… Jeff was outgoing HOH.
It was the hot chocolate one.
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Say Bye Bye Dani girl…lol
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Wow!! Cyn too? Hello girl!
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Missed you guys at the usual spot. I knew you would be over here & I cheated. My sister told me Brenda left & the HOH was going overtime so HAD to cheat & take a peek. THANK GOD JEFF WON!!!
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Hey Cyn… bout time you show up! 😆
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HEEEEEEEEEEY STRA!!! WHAT UP?? Going back to the usual place now. 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goodnight everyone.
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Oh ya……I remember now!! And I knew you KNEW JT……Justa teasin’…lol
I am SO excited tht Jeff FINALLY won an HOH!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------High Fives all around!!!!!
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Damn skippy…I couldn’t wait for the late show for this one. LMAO
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Nite Cyn
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BUH BYE DANI…you worthless brat!! 😆 😆
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Hey Cyn!!! The USUAL place??? Are we supposed to follow or…..???LOL
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Not so fast. JJ may make a deal with Dani… and even if they put her up.. Dani is the veto queen. Gotta give her that.
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Breadon this week, hopefully Rach is next, then its time to start sinking the floaters.
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What is the ussual place??
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Who do you think he will nominate?
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I hope it’s Rachel and Shelly
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jeff got hoh? good for him, will be interesting to see who he puts up wonder if rachoe will be one of them??? nite all this is going to be another good week for bb
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao and txs for updates.
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Who do you think he will nominate?
Rach and Adam
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Night everyone have a good night
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well, she used to be the Veto queen. To be seen so far this season!!!
Hmmm..Rach or Dani….so many FUN decisions to make, Jeff…lol
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Goodnight Tammy
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Rach Start Packing
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Putting up adam as a pawn could backfire tho…….had before! And Adam is part of his alliance.
I say Dani and Porsche
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As long as it’s Rach and anybody else it’s ok
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Nite Tammy!!
BBL………good time tonite…..like Old home week!!! 😉
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He should get rid of Rach first
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L8R Star
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I think they will make a deal with Dani and put up Kalia & Porsche… then maybe Dani is a replacement if needed.
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aggie…didn’t he say Dani was his target if he got HOH?? really thionk he’d put Rach up?? I think they are going to use her for awhile yet…….
Well, i meant to go!!lol
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Nite Star….I’m off too. Goodnight all
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Last I saw (and I have to admit that i haven’t watched any feeds this week or even BBAD)
Kalia was Jeff’s #1 target after she put him up. Isn’t that still the case?
Nite all … good to see the usual suspects… and a great surprise from 2 of the corner stones of this blog! Hope to see you 2 on more often.
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Night Fran and JT and Cyn
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Nite Aggie 😀
OMG… when am I gonna get it through my thick head that BBAD doesn’t start til Midnight on Thursdays? 🙄
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Good night all thanks for the update! 😉
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JT…I agree. If I was Jeff, I’d put up Porche & Kalia. It ensures that he weakens Dani’s alliance. If,( small “if”), they win veto he has the potential to BD Dani or Rachel. It could be a smart move to make a secret JJD pact. He can use Shelly & Rachel for a couple of weeks. There is no way Jeff or Jordan will get the vote from Brandon or Rachel after hearing Jeff’s parting message “Leave the instruction manual on how to deal with Rachel”. Brandon’s face said it all as he listened. Rachel will be bitter, remember…. “worst alliance ever!” Jeff, Jordan & Dani could/should actually make it to final 3.
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I’d say putting up Kaila and Porsche would be a good way to go, plus, Jeff, i’m sure is still steamed at Kaila. By the time I see the show it’s too late to go to the LF’s or BBAD to see the comp, so thanks to everyone who watched for the blow-by-blow. And, nice to see PK finally make a contribution to BBB that is correct! But, he forgot the *****SPOILER ALERT*****!
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Daniele looked absolutely radiant this evening! I had not seen her made up so much before… I loved her red lipstick, braided hair and her dress was lovely. She is a well spoken woman and definitely thinks before she speaks.
Porsche did very well in the Comp, keeping up with Jeff.. it would have been fun if she had won. I don’t think he will be bouncing Rachel out, unless she becomes unbearable.
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RE: Bob Thinkb4buying 08.18.11 at 9:27 pm
I have thought Julie was pregs since the beginning of the season. I always envied how svelte she appeared, she wears clothes so well … this year? not so much. I thought either she is pregs again … or that is momma weight.
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Hey all! I’m sorry but I just finished reading the last post and no way can I read 241 posts right now. Just wanted to say Hi and thank you for all the updates.
@Hpr, hey girl I couldn’t agree with your comments more if I wrote them myself. I’ve posted that convo with the so called deal between Shelly and B/R twice now to show there was NO DEAL made. I also love your critiques/smackdowns cuz they are right on.
As for the show, I haven’t watched it at all but hubby’s recording it for me. If he talked to me the way B treats R, he wouldn’t be around very long but the same goes in reverse. He would prolly shoot himself if I was like R. 😀
I vote to evict Star’s Neandertal Man – Brenda!
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