…REVEALED!! Have you seen them yet? If not, sign up for CBS All Access!
Or…you can just go to http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/ and check them out!!
Here are the 14 new people we will get to know this summer on Big Brother 17!
Audrey Middleton
Age: 25
Hometown: Villa Rica, Georgia
Current City: Villa Rica, Georgia
Occupation: Digital media consultant
Austin Matelson
Age: 30
Hometown: Woodland Hills, California
Current City: Woodland Hills, California
Occupation: Professional wrestler
Becky Burgess
Age: 26
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Current City: Denver, Colorado
Occupation: Retail manager
Clay Honeycutt
Age: 23
Hometown: Dickinson, Texas
Current City: College Station, Texas
Occupation: Graduate student at Texas A&M
Da’Vonne Rogers
Age: 27
Hometown: Inglewood, California
Current City: Los Angeles
Occupation: Poker dealer
Jace Agolli
Age: 23
Hometown: Dunwoody, Georgia
Current City: Venice Beach
Occupation: Personal trainer
James Huling
Age: 31
Hometown: Sumter, South Carolina
Current City: Wichita Falls, Texas
Occupation: Retail associate
Jason Roy
Age: 25
Hometown: Fall River, Massachusetts
Current City: Swansea, Massachusetts
Occupation: Supermarket cashier
John McGuire
Age: 27
Hometown: Scranton, Pennsylvania
Current City: Jefferson Township, Pennsylvania
Occupation: Dentist
Liz Nolan
Age: 23
Hometown: Miami
Current City: Miami
Occupation: Marketing coordinator
Meg Maley
Age: 25
Hometown: Collingswood, New Jersey
Current City: New York City
Occupation: Server
Shelli Poole
Age: 33
Hometown: Marietta, Georgia
Current City: Atlanta
Occupation: Interior designer
Steve Moses
Age: 22
Hometown: Gouverneur, New York
Current City: Gouverneur, New York
Occupation: College student
Vanessa Rousso
Age: 32
Hometown: Las Vegas
Current City: Las Vegas
Occupation: Professional poker player
So with 14 new house guests I feel that we will for sure see some returning house guests from previous seasons!
If you want to see more info and their videos please go to http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/photos/1004298/meet-the-new-cast-of-big-brother-/
So who do you like? Interesting looking cast for sure! Lots of beautiful ladies that BBBlogger has NO SHOT WITH again this year!!! 😉
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: I also want to know what you would like from this season of Big Brother Blog! Let me know in the comments below!
I don’t dislike anybody…..yet 🙂
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No worries Jen! There is still lots of time to dislike them!! 🙂
– BBBlogger
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Not much eye candy in the house for the women this year! Very disappointing.
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I’m sure we will all find someone to dislike during the season. And inevitably we will not agree with each other and feelings will come out. Hopefully no attacks or real arguments though.
I’m so excited.
I feel like Jen for now. I don’t really dislike anyone.
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I’m excited and hoping for a good season. I see some potential at this point but only time will tell. I may have odd taste but I think Austin is nice looking and interesting. I’ve always liked long hair and he is intelligent. I watched Jeff’s interviews and the ones on another network so I do have preconceived ideas. We will see how wrong I am.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BBBlogger I’d love a season with good strong personalities and fun people. Please , not another cast of sheep.
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I agree Betty!!
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Let the fun begin!! 🙂
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Did anyone watch The Talk today? Interesting information about Audrey!!
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I am so ready!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just found out I have a training on Wednesday night. AAAGH!!
No DVR, so must see if I can remember how to work this vcr thing in the closet and find a tape to put in it.
6 more sleeps!!!!
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Audrey used to be an “Andy” !
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What is a VCR?? #oldschool
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Looks like we can expect the unexpected. Hummmm. Let’s keep it P G 13 lot’s of teens watch this show including my Grandchildren.
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Young group this season, no oldies (at least no one over 33), who’s gonna play “mom”?
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I’m thinking Vanessa might have a chance to go far since she’s a pro poker player. She should know how to read people!
I’m hoping for a season that has players that have a passion for the game and want to make moves, just not a bunch of followers. Bikinis are always welcome but, I hope there isn’t any ridiculous sexual perverts like we have had to endure the last 3 seasons.
Do they even make VHS tapes anymore?
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Nice group
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I like the dentist …he seems like fun
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I am hoping no one is super rich this seasonh in! I see cashiers and other jobs that might not pay great. I would love for the winner to be needing the money! No movie stars!
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ok i forgot her name but the poker player i’m pretty sure ‘to me’ is rich..I’ve looked at the vids for some of the players so far…will watch more later….i saw a couple of cute guys but of course they’re all young and it always makes me feel so old. lol…i feel i won’t be as bored this year as i was last year.
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I trust the friendships we made here last year helped us through the boring season. Hopefully the people at CBS listened to us. It looks like a good line-up so far …. but with Big Brother you never, ever know! We shall see in six more days!! 🙂 <——— excited!!
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My advice to Betty is: “Cool your jets, Sweetie… more to come from outside… maybe you will get Frankie!”
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I find it interesting that Da’Vonne is a poker dealer and Vanessa is a poker player. It makes me wonder if this year’s twist is going to be one of those things where some of the HGs are secretly connected to each other.
By the way, I sent a tweet to Dan Gheesling, telling him that I thought it was funny that some people think that he’s Austin in disguise. He replied with a thumbs up.
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Well hello all,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope my avatar is working ( my thanks to Jolee) if it is. I think its great there is a transgender on the show. Actually I don’t think its a big deal, but I know people will make an issue out of it 🙁 Some day it will be very NORMAL. Hope I’m around when that happens. Talk soon
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If Austin isn’t Dan, could he be related to him??? Think about it! 🙂 His eyes, his smile!!! ???? Makes you wonder!
Lisa, when will the comments made here be in our e-mail, like previous seasons?
I have checked the box below to be “Notified of new posts by e-mail.” I’m thinking they may wait until the show begins next Wednesday!!
🙂 <————- really excited!! 🙂
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You are very welcome Kerry! Nice car! 🙂
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Did you also check the box for follow up comments?
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Take the house tour on the CBS site. Do you count 8 orange and 8 blue chairs? 14 houseguests or 16?
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Jolee—-I saw Dan under all the hair and beard myself.
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I’m sure my mind will change numerous times throughout the season but as of right now my favorites are James, Austin and Vanessa.
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SnakeBit Sal, yes, I check both boxes each time we have a new blog. I think they may be waiting until the show starts! Is anyone getting comments from here in their e-mail? Thank’s Snake! 🙂
April, I saw it the first time they revealed the new houseguests! 🙂 We shall see! I think we are in for a lot of twists and surprises this season!
I just hope the houseguests don’t get perverted like some did last season! It was the worst … So embarrassing! I like them to have fun, play pranks, disagree, but keep it below an R or X rating please! 🙂
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With a young group and no sensible older folk, this season is bound to be another CMT Original, REDNECK ISLAND and PARTY DOWN SOUTH.
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Why does it take sooon looong???
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Take the house tour on the CBS site. Do you count 8 orange and 8 blue chairs? 14 houseguests or 16?
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Happy Father’s Day to all of you BBB father’s. I hope someone spoils you today! 🙂 <3
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I just hope theydont bring back jesse or frankie – but i have a feeling frankie will be back for at least a short time. He has been at many award shows this year – he is all over the place.
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Macy, I am with you all the way! Please, please, don’t let Frankie near the Big Brother house! I will ‘fast forward” on my remote until he disappears! Please CBS and Julie lock him up until this season is over!! Pretty please!!!!
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Hi! It’s a little lonely in here! 🙂
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Starting my ‘Happy Dance’ – just can’t wait for the new season to start !!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and checking out this site -for updates etc;
Wednesday – Thurday night …..start of summer fun !!
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Starfish — I was looking at those mugshots earlier today. Jace looks like he’s trying to do the whole defiant “I don’t care if you arrested me” thing that some people do in mugshots. Amber looks like she’s been crying. James just looks stoned.
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I saw on some spoiler page that Jackie and whoever she raced with on that other show were going to be on BB. Anyone else seen or heard?
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Lisa Yep, I couldn’t agree more. I would hope CBS knew this beforehand so that the media could pick it up and cause more hype for the show. Seems premeditated. They’ve really got a bunch this year for sure.
KeriJ Yes, I’ve heard that the couple from Amazing Race would come on but I don’t know if it’s true. They were a fun couple so we’ll see.
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