Even though we are far past last night’s show, here’s the recap. Julie interrupted the house guests to tell them that “surprise, surprise!” the eviction would be in a little while and then the HOH competition would be held. This happened on Tuesday.
As the house guests prepared for the live (taped) show, we watch the POV. At this point, Ian is the HOH. Nominated for eviction are Shane and Jenn. Dan and Danielle are the other two remaining HG’s. All will play for the POV. Those of you that watched The Glass House this summer know that CBS totally ripped off one of their games for this POV competition. It involved jumping from one platform to another while putting a puzzle together. To try to disguise the game, CBS used timers to make it seem different. As we all know by now, Shane won the POV.
It really bothered me to see Ian trailing after Dan into one of the rooms after the POV ceremony. Dan sure does spread that “mist” that Britney was talking about. Deep down, I keep hoping that instead of Dan “playing” Ian that Ian has some incredible plan and he is “playing” Dan. A girl can dream, can’t she?
Along with winning the POV, Shane received a luxury prize. He had the opportunity to leave the BB House to attend an Olympic Gymnastics performance and he was able to take one HG with him. He chooses Danielle. They have a cute first date, but I can’t help wondering if he’s playing along for the cameras and for his game. Actually, I really think that’s what he is doing. I wonder if they had the opportunity to talk game or if BB prohibited them from doing so? No game talk during the date was shown.
At least Shane was smart enough to use the POV on himself. Ian had to nominate another HG and he nominates Danielle. That means that either Jenn or Danielle will be evicted. Ian is an idiot for not putting up Dan. I keep trying to figure out his thought process on this, but I can’t. All he had to do was get Shane and Jenn on board with a separate alliance. Ian is stubborn and is sticking to the Quack Pack to the bitter end and I do mean bitter!
After reading Ian’s HOH blog, I think I understand Ian a little better, but that doesn’t mean I agree with him. He goes on and on about his creating the best alliance in BB history with the Quack Pack. Evidently, this was something he thought about and planned for quite awhile before entering the BB house. However, he is sacrificing himself at the expense of saving his Quack Pack. Silly, silly boy. He really believes that it is him and Dan (Renegades) against Danielle and Shane (Showmance). I don’t think this whole Dan playing such an evil game would bother me that much if it wasn’t for Ian. Ian has had to overcome a lot in his life and I just hate to see him not win this. I don’t understand how Dan can be so cruel as to lead this kid (because that’s what he is–a kid) on.
It was interesting to see Jenn speaking out against Dan. She didn’t seem to be taken in by the mist. Now, this doesn’t mean that the other HG’s don’t have reservations about Dan. It means that the producers haven’t shown us if they do or not. It’s all in the editing baby!
With a vote of 2 to 0, Jenn is evicted from the BB House. Since the eviction was a surprise, she doesn’t get House Guest goodbyes. Julie surprises her with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich since she was eating slop for weeks. She immediately begins wolfing it down. If you are a BB diehard you know that before slop the HG’s would get “punished” with only being able to eat peanut butter and jelly.
Let’s move on to the HOH competition. I had questioned this and we were receiving conflicting opinions, but Ian was NOT able to compete. Not being able to compete in this competition really puts a crimp in his game, not to mention that it was a memory one and he would have slayed the competition. The HG’s had to remember pictures that they had seen earlier in the day. Julie would read a statement and they had to decide if it was True or False. Dan and Danielle tied and had to play a tie breaker. I hate those tie breakers because they really are just one big guess. Danielle played it smart and picked a very low number hoping that Dan would go over and that is exactly what he did! Danielle becomes the new HOH and thus secures her place in the Final Three.
That’s it for the television show, now onto the spoilers (she says while rubbing her hands together with glee!). Danielle now has to choose who will be put on the block, her boyfriend or her coach. It doesn’t really matter much because the winner of the POV will hold all the power this week. She puts Ian against Dan. The POV competition is held and guess who wins? Danielle! I know, right? LOL
Now once again all the power is in Danielle’s hands. She will choose who secures the second place in the final three. That player will cast the lone vote for who will be evicted and who will have the third place in the final three. Simple, leave the nominations the way they are and throw the ball into Shane’s court, right? Wrong. Danielle is now considering removing Dan from the block and putting Shane up so that Dan is the one to have “blood on his hands”. What??? I really want Ian to be part of the final three, but I also don’t want to see Danielle play right into Dan’s hands. So I’m torn. You see if she does pull Dan down, word on the street is he will keep Ian and evict Shane. Most likely this is because there will be an endurance competition and he thinks he has a better shot against Ian than Shane. In endurance, I personally think Danielle, Shane OR Ian are likely to beat Dan.
We are almost at the end of this BB season. I can tell because it’s getting a little chilly at night here in Georgia. Next Wednesday is the BB14 finale. Then we move on to Survivor! Bloggergal
xxoo Happy Birthday JT!!! xxoo
I think Jodi should win the $25,000 because she was shafted by Big Brother! #9
I also think you all have to repeat your Happy Birthday’s to JT on the new page!
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Hapoy Bday JT. Thanks Bloggergal for new page!
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Good morning all, I hope she pulls Dan down, and he keeps Ian that would serve her right for trusting Dan, If she win the money all she will do is but mirrors so she can look at herself.
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Happy Bday JT
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY JT, Remember you are like fine wine you get better with age, just dont pop your cork.
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I agree with Mike! So is F3 announced tonight?
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they should evict someone to night
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Good! Thanks!!
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OK No offense intended to this blog…..BUT since I can’t post this in the spot I normally would I MUST do it here. đ I just want to tell JT HAPPY BIRTHDAY & this is for you my friend.
My biggest wish for you today is that Denise gets better real soon & that you also have a super great birthday. You deserve it.
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Now on to BB…..I cannot believe that Dani has all the power this week!! WTF??? Did the daffy heifer eat some wheaties or what??? If Ian doesn’t make F2 I’ll shoot myself in the foot. Well ok…not really. đ But you know what I mean! Right??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok guess I’ll go read last night’s comments now. đ
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Oh…wasn’t trying to be rude. Sorry. GOOD MORNING Mike, Bloggergal, Jane, & Sylvie. And Good morning to all that come later.
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I don’t watch the live feeds or big brother after dark so I only see what is aired but last night it looked like Shane seemed interested in Danielle…all this time I thought Danielle was a delusional loser and Shane wasn’t liking her at all…does he like her behind the scenes or was it like the blogger said ‘all for the cameras’
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t want Ian to get evicted tonight! I honestly think Dan is a bigger threat to all of them just because of his master manipulation skills…keep him on the block dani and Shane evict Dan!!!
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I hope Ian stays Dan doesn’t deserve to win again I didn’t like the idea of the “coaches” from day 1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now onto Shane, seriously I think he’s honestly gay and is playing her to get to the end! Only thing I can see with that
But then again I can’t stand the zit face liar either
As for Americas Choice I voted for Frank he got boned by those fools who really think that Dan is out to help them win
How stupid can people be really
Hated Dan in his season hate him more this season
BB needs all new fresh faces is CBS renews them next year and right now it’s a big if I think their ratings dropped big time this season
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Wow people please don’t loose sight of the fact that this is a game. Please stop all the hating on Dan. He can only do what these people allow him to do and at the end of the day, he is doing a good job of playing the game to win it. Like him or hate him, he seems to be the only one playing to win the game therefore, I hope he does win. I was really pulling for Ian but I think he’s a lost cause now.
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Just a quick post for JT
Blessings, prayers and well wishes to you, Denise and your entire family!
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as I said yesterday, the coaches got 20,000 to walk though the door, they get 2,000 a week while they are there the other HGs just get 750.00 a week. Dan has won it all ready let someone else win . what has he made so far 50 or 60,000.00 that should be enough.
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Bloggergal Wow, thank you for that update. Fills in all the blanks. As for the comp that I thought was really something new for BB, it was “ripped off” from Glass House? OMG, so funny but not surprising. I even said to my hubby, that it was nice to see a new comp in the game and how interesting it was. Well lordy, lordy, CBS doesn’t seem to have a creative bone left.
As for Miss Dani, the southern belle. Let me tell you, I know a few of those SBs and they are and can be ruthless with their sweet little smiles, and cute demeanor, not to mention their polite little selves – they turn into werewolves when necessary.
I too would love to see Shane vote out Dan or have Dani pull Dan off the block and Dan votes out Shane. My hope is that Dan goes tho. I still have hope for Ian. I voted for Ian for America’s Player, who are you guys voting for? đ
Now I’ll go and read the rest of the posts above. I just got caught up on the prior page and can’t possible answer everyone but there was some great stuff on there and you know who you are. đ
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Why have we not seen the jury house this season. I really enjoy that.
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Was it me or did it look like Dan threw the HOH comp? He starting writing before Julie even finished the question
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Okay – I voted for Frank to get the $25,000 because I think he really played hard and deserved it…………after Boogie left anyway. I hadn’t thought of Jody or I may have voted for her.
I think Dan counting on being able to win the endurance against Ian is over inflated in his own mind. He is wiry and small but he has done really good when he needed to. He can also beat them in other challenges so keeping him may not be that smart. I also think he could do better with the Jury than any of the rest of them. He may not have social skills but he managed to outdo the rest of them at having people want to keep him. Dan has played a good game in order to stay in. I wish they hadn’t brought back old players in the first place and I hated the whole concept of coaches and of them being able to play after the reset. But he has played hard and smart (whether you like his methods or not) since the reset. It will be interesting to see how this one turns out.
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I thoght I would repost this in case you missed it from the grapevine,Ian says they could vote me out or you out. (no crap,lets hope Dan)Dan asks is there any other possibility? Ian says like Shane goes up and then he is voted out. Do you honestly think she would do that? (she is thinking about taking down Dan and putting up Shane so Dan will have Ians blood on his hands)Dan says probably not. Ian asks if there is any way they would keep me over you. Dan says not logically because everyone knows they can beat me in the end. Dan says just know that I didnât let Memphis go down. I just donât want to see you down, we will see what happens. Ian says that if they had more time maybe they could make it work but he thinks the vote will tomorrow. Ian says I am not giving up but I donât think she will put Shane up. Dan asks do you trust me?(I wouldnt trust him as far as I could throw him) I think if you continue to be positive and that you continue think you are going, I will see what I can do. I donât want both of us going to her about it. Dan says that he doesnât think he can win the second part of the 3 part HOH. Ian says that he thinks he would be hard pressed to win either of the first two parts. Ian asks what do you think my changes are for staying? Ian says not so good. Dan says I just need to know you can beat her in the second part of the HOH. Ian says I donât know what that has to do with it but okay. Ian says that it would be fitting if he left tomorrow because Britney left fourth day 69, and so would I. Dan says that he would vote for the best player. Ian agrees and says even if Shane votes me out he would still consider him.
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Just to clarify and not get anyone upset, my abbreviation for Southern Belle to SB was only an abbreviation and not meant to mean anything else. No offense intended to anyone who may be a true Southern Belle. Honest!
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I believe Dan started writing his calcs before Julie finished the question like 60 times blank and then filled the blank once she finished…I don’t think he threw the comp…that would be pointless
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BBgal txs for new page i appesch, for the new page bloggers check out previous page hillbilly (mike) got some juicy stuff from the grapevine, u did good hillbilly, not bad for a guy who lives up on top of a mt and has a still, lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------good morn to all you guys, and again happy birthday JT with hugs,
what can i say that has not been said a zillion times already, get dan out and keep ian, plain and simple oh how easy it is for us to plan we see and hear a lot more then the hgs but they do have a brain (well most use it now and then) they just seem to have a closed mind and think they have to play the game a certain way, oh well. i read that americas choice was close between dan and ian. not my choice but oh well. i really think (andi know a lot of u will disagree) frank deserves it, come on guys he played the hardest had the most hurdles to jump, swam the deepest seas and climbed the highest mt and mostly ALONE, he deserves it just for all the knife wounds he has in his back, but again this is just the humble opinion of an old lady đ
I did read (not sure how true this is) next year (and i am a bit surprised there is even going to be a next year, due to fan dissatisfaction) it will be all newbies can it be true ???? and the year after will be all stars which according to danielle and ian they will be among the all stars.
It would be the stupidest move in bb history almsot as stupid as marcelas move for dani to take dan the devil down and put up shane did the zit germs get into her little pea brain the little she has left, she cannot see the forest for the trees, i can just see dan voting shane OUT would love to see the look on mirror mirror on the wall hg when that happens THERE IS NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES, I would love to cross stitch that in huge letters and pay bb to hang on the wall under the tv screen or use as a screen saver on the tv, well my fellow bloggers enough of my ranting ciao till later, was so happy we heard from star sending her mom lots of prayers. and in closing my birthday wish for jt is for denise to be well and free from any and all sickness
ciao with hugs to all my darlings will do fly by later
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@ *fish rofl did not take it as anyway but the way u meant it but yes at times it is not what we read but have our brains receive it, soon we will have to have a disclaimer with all posts đ
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey sb could also be So Beautiful, we have to think positive
ok ok i just looked at my post woweee i do write long blogs \bbgal is there a prize for the most words blogged? there would be a few of us who would compete and i would be in good company
hugs and again ciao
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mm, your posts are not too long. They are just full of information. I appreciate it. I would really love a BB with all newbies if they are not all boring. Not sure about the all stars. I do not want to see Dan, Rachelle, Brendon, Janelle, Britney or Boogie again. I would maybe like to see them do something similar to Survivor this year. Maybe bring back houseguests who never really had a chance to play the game. Perhaps if they were voted out in the first or second eviction. I don’t know. What do the rest of you think.
I really don’t like the idea of someone who won the money in the past to be able to do it again.
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Repeat – sorry, but I posted this on the wrong page!
Shane might evict Dan, as I believe he likes Ian more than Dan.
If Ian is evicted little Princess D will sit back and let Shane and Dan battle it out. She knows that no matter who wins, she will be in the final two! Oh my, it will be just like the old South when two men duel over a woman and Danielle will be in her glory, which will be sickening to watch!
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Say K11 – If Danielle and Shane end up in the final two, would you please lend me your gun? đŻ
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BLOGGERGAL – hope u have a survivor blog
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@betty, well i do declare ms betty y’all have our sweet little belle all figured out, lordee mercy u hit the nail on the head, go on with your bad self
a duel omg rofl they would more then likely shoot each other dead then to have her hand never mind the rest of her,
love the post missy
p.s. my pal hillbilly was smart enough (guess he did not partake much of his moonshine) to reprint his grapevine update from last page, what a guy txs mike
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Wow what slot of info..cant wait for tonight
@MM. Hows kimberly?
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@ tomi, kimberly is more then fine she is so busy planning the wedding i thinbk going to be in south carolina, we r so looking forward to it she is so precious love her lots i have never met shaun but looking forward to txs for asking, i have not heard from my step mom she was going to chat with david n marian kims parents and tell them what a small world and how we met thru bbblog & FACE BOOK GOT TO LOVE FACE BOOK đ
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao hugs
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Go Dan
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just checking to see if tamo followed the breadcrumbs and made it here guess not i left info on previous page txs hillbilly for helping her too
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@ sal txs for updatnig my info re procedure of what comes next for bb i guess i was incorrect about all 4 playing in comp, txs
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your welcome ma’am
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For those who wonder (I am Sal / SnakebitSal) and a few others that Ted will kindly let you know!
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@BBBgirl ….. if you need any help with Survivor Blog this season, just let me know!
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@Cynthia, rude? didn’t notice
Rude were those bank robbers in LA yesterday throwing money out but not on my street!
What was Shane doing holding Dani’s hand? He looked pretty cosy next to her in limo. Maybe just playing game???
Ian stop talking and play the game.
Dani i don’t dislike you, but your voice was normal did you forget to sound like a duck?
Dan , glad you’re not my friend. You wouldn’t last
I would like to see Dan go only so the new bees can play .
Also the look on his face, MR F2 with the whole house
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I’m still thinking that Shane is playing Danielle
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BIG TIME!!
I have a feeling that he is gay and is playing with her wanting him
Think about it he only does enough to keep her happy & that’s it!
He makes comments that go in one ear & out the other with her
I would just love to see her face if I’m right!!
Also poor Ian if he leaves tonite he’s going to cry
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just turned on the feeds and dan is sleeeping on the couch in hoh with dani – does anyone know what the convo was between them???????????????
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Mike Thanks for the update. That bit about Dan telling Ian not to go to Dani because he didn’t want both of them going to her is a crock and we all know why. Dan really has them in the palm of his hand. I don’t see Dani taking Dan off the block to give him a chance to evict Shane. She knows he wanted to evict him before so I doubt she’ll give him the chance. The hope I have is that because Dani already told Shane about Dan wanting to evict him before, that Shane will just simply vote Dan out. Like Bloggergal says, “a girl can hope.” đ
As for Shane’s feelings for Dani…I think they are real but like a sister. He likes her as a friend but I doubt it’s much more for him. Now, we may have seen a different Shane had Jojo stayed in the game. Yep, that would have been fun for sure.
I hope Jodi gets another shot at this game because she certainly could be considered a new person for next year’s BB. She can’t possibly be considered an ‘oldie’. As for another All Star’s game, I’m in no hurry to see that one again. They need more of the newer All Stars before they do that one.
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STARFISH where did u see that update from mike
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from the gapevine last night , Danielle and Shane are up in the HOH room bed talking. Shane tells Danielle that we have got to beat Dan at his game, socially. Danielle says that she is thinking of using the veto on Dan tomorrow. Shane says that he thinks Danielle should tell Dan that she is mad at Shane and use the veto on him and to confirm their final two deal. Shane says that he wonders if he should try and pitch a final two to Dan. Danielle says that she thinks that is too much, heâll know itâs fake. Danielle says that she thinks Dan is too smart and they have to be careful not to let him catch on that her and Shane are planning on going to the final two with each other. Shane says if she goes out third then he will take care of her. Shane calls her a numskull for thinking he would make a final two deal with Dan. Danielle says that nobody in this house can beat Ian in the finals. (I hope she put Shane up)Shane tells Danielle that he isnât going to throw the competition unless Dan comes off first. Shane says thatâs saying a lot if I throw you that first HOH. Shane says that he thinks Danielle will beat Dan at the second part of the HOH. Shane tells Danielle that no matter what happens at the HOH he is going to act distant from her tomorrow for at least a little while to throw Dan off.
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@Sylvie, I totally agree with you about Dan needs to be gone and let the newbies try for the prize. Wouldn’t he be shocked.
I like Danielle at first but she has really gotten on my nerves for a few weeks. I think she came on there looking for a showmance. I don’t know if Shane is gay or just not interested in her. I think he is trying for the final 2 whatever way he has to. Just my opinion.
I think Ian is trusting Dan and I believe that is a mistake. Again, just my opinion.
I think Ian could probably win the Jury against any of the others. But I think it will be Danielle and Shane and I’m not sure which one would win that one. Tonight should be interesting. Ian believes he has thought everything through but I don’t think he realizes Dan would hang his own brother in this one.
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Oh Dear….things are looking interesting now…..its looking like our little boy Ian is ALIVE and might stay……WOW that Dan Mist is getting strong now, lol… :-)…
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Sorry the grapevine is just about dried up, Ian was talking to Dan, and Dan asked him if he would take him to f2 and Ian said yes, Dan wanted to know if Ian could beat Dani in the comps. and he said he would try, mean while Dani and Shane said they werent going to take Dan to f2 and I think that Dan doent think that they will either, Dani is thinking about taking Dan off the block and letting him send Ian home, dont know if she will or Dan just might send Shane packing because he is more affraid of him in comps than Ian. we will just have to wait and see tonight. the HGs have slept most of the day and now are comming off HOH lock down.
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It is about 2pm Shane is in the kicks room packing up his clothing. Dan is just waking up in the HOH room and heads down stairs.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i am so impressed he is up and about)
Danielle gets up from the HOH bed and starts eating snacks (say what danielle eating snacks nah r u sure cannot be) and packing up her stuff to bring it down from the HOH room.
Dan says to Shane I donât want to keep asking but we are good right?! Shane says Yeah, I donât know if you want me to swear on Dozer or not? Dan says no thatâs cool.(can anyone fill me in on who the heck dozer is does not sound like the name of anyone in any bible i have ever seen)
Shane says that he isnât sure if the nominations will stay the same or not, I havenât talked to Danielle about it but either way you are good.(guess pov comp not done yet orrrrrrrrrrrrr they r forbidden to discuss since feeds must be up)
Danielle and Dan are in the arcade room. Danielle is complaining about how an HOH isnât even crowned today, why canât I keep the HOH room wah wah wah, yadda yadda yadda queen of the hop does not get to sit and crap on the royal hoh toilet if she is looking for sympathy she can find it in the dictionaryt between shit and syphllis cause she is not getting it from me)
She says I have only used it for two days.(eeer queenie shane has been using u r about 2 months so what is your pointy?)
Dan agrees and tells her to go ask. Dan tells Danielle that he needs to pack.
( I hope he remembrs the bible is property of bb and he cannot pack it)
Danielle asks why he needs to pack?(hhm is this a hint nah she is that dumb )
Dan says that he doesnât want to be that guy, like how Frank didnât pack. Danielle nods her head. Dan leaves the room and heads into the stereo room to pack.
that is it for now guys wish it were more
ciao with hugs
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If she takes Dan off I really believe he will send Shane home. He would be crazy not to. Ian would take him to the final 2 I think. And I believe he could win comps …………………again. He’s already shown he can.
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Had to stop in quick to say…
Thanks all for the birthday wishes!! đ Appreciate it very much!!
…wish I could hang around for BB… but I have to leave for work now… oyy đ
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Really do believe Dani is gonna take Dan down and put Shane up. hope Dan stabs her good if she does Dan is a monster and one of these day’s maybe he will fill sorry for what he has said and done..no dont think he will..Just goes to show you Money is The Root of All Evil…Shame on him wouldnt want him Teaching my children, NO way..
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@Macy, see hillbilly’s post #20.
Thanks everyone for the chatter and updates!!
Thanks for checking in JT!!
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@mm, yea, I’m crying my eyes out for poor Dani not getting the HOH room longer. Sheeeesh justaspoiledbrat!
@mm & Hillbilly, thanks for keeping the “grapevine” alive for us! đ
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Dozer is Shane’s stuffed puppy he got in his HOH basket and he carries him around on his shoulder.
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from the grapevine,Dan and Danielle are talking in the kicks room. Danielle says that she is thinking, and says that she needs to think for herself and says that she is going to use the power of veto on Dan.( lets hope Dan lied to Dani) Dan says that he will evict Ian. But with Dan you never know if he will or not.
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@jt sorry it is late but here is your time capsule enjoy
Monday, September 13, 1965
Top News Headlines This Week:
Sep 13 – Beatles release “Yesterday” Sep 13 – Today Show’s 1st totally color broadcast Sep 13 – Willie Mays hits his 500th HR Sep 14 – 4th meeting of 2nd Vatican council opened Sep 14 – “F-Troop” premiers Sep 15 – “Lost in Space” premiers
Top Songs for 1965
Help! by Beatles Yesterday by Beatles
I Got You Babe by Sonny & Cher You’ve Lost The Lovin’ Feelin’ by Righteous Brothers
Turn! Turn! Turn! by Byrds Satisfaction by Rolling Stones
Downtown by Petula Clark Mrs. Brown You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter by Herman’s Hermits
I Can’t Help Myself by Four Tops This Diamond Ring by Gary Lewis & the Playboys
1965 Prices US President
Bread: $0.21/loaf Lyndon B. Johnson
Milk: $1.05/gal US Vice President
Eggs: $1.00/doz Hubert H. Humphrey
Car: $2,350 Academy Award Winners
Gas: $0.31/gal Best Picture: The Sound Of Music
Directed By Robert Wise
Best Actor: Lee Marvin
in Cat Ballou
Best Actress: Julie Christie
in Darling
House: $21,500
Stamp: $0.05/ea
Avg Income: $7,704/yr
Min Wage: $1.25/hr
DOW Avg: 969
People born on September 13
1944 – [Winifred] Jacqueline Bisset, England, actress (Class, Deep, Secrets)
1948 – Nell Carter Birmingham Ala, actress (Nell-Gimme a Break, Lobo)
1925 – Mel Tormâ Chic Ill, jazz singer “Velvet Fog” (Jet Set, Night Court)
1931 – Barbara Bain Chic, actress (Cinnamon-Mission Impossible, Space 1999)
On TV in 1965
The Addams Family Gilligan’s Island Lost in Space
Hogan’s Heroes The Man From U.N.C.L.E. I Dream of Jeannie
Green Acres Get Smart The Fugitive
Hot New Toys in 1965
Secret Sam Exploding Binoculars Shooting Cane Weird Clyde
Screaming Mee-Mee Gun G.I. Joe Operation
Man From U.N.C.L.E. Headquarters Transmitter Battleship Green Ghost Game
Top Books in 1965
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shadow of a Bull by Maia Wojciechowska The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley and Malcolm X
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
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@MM, now you make me feel real old I was a jr. in high school, oh wait you are 5yrs older than me LOL
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I hope Shane evicts Dan!
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Did I spend the summer gobbling up every moment of BB only to see Danielle and Shane as final two? Dan can’t win this game in the end. If Ian has to leave, so do I.
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@ *fish u r more then welcome my dear i am sure hillbilly will agree it is our pleasure
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ joan many thanks mystery solved i see him with the stuffed dog on his shoulder but had no idea he named it, i appesch your answer
@hillbilly txs for helping with the grapevine and as long as u pick from it BEFORE u hit your moonshiner it is all good. I have a feeling if danielle uses veto on dan it will be bye bye doozers daddy, going to be interesting to say the least.
hope no one is upset i put up time capsule for jts birthday a lot of his friends come on here and i know he would want to share with guys and i just got his date of birth, if anyone is interested in the site please find me on facebook or email i will send it is a nice little extra for someone birthday
ciao till later
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making note to self, contact deputy fife at hoot and holler town to turn in hillbilly and his still lmao but i am young at heart and that is what counts at least i think it does
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@MM,I guess I will have to send you some moonshine, that will have you naked on you roof and howling at the moon.
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@mamamargie, thanks so much, I finally got it. Never noticed “previous post” b4!!!! I read and re-read all the posts, still somewhat confused, (shock…please dont call me Dani!!!!)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you think Ian will be evicted???
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ok that does it he has been in the moonshie already lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------can u be sober enough to pick at the grapevine ???
gonna get u and your friend tedster too
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mm: Love the 1965 stuff. That was the year I graduated from High School. Sure brings back memories. Hope everyone has a good night and I guess we will see what we will see.
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@MM, see my picture on the right,If you drink some shine I look like Shane, but you have to drink a lot
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@ tambo u made it lmao i was ready to put your name and profile on the side of a cyber milk carton ok now u got it rite, good lol\
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------u have no idea how long it took me i was frantic did not want to miss one comment and i felt like i was in quicksand and sinking fast i forgot who told me about it but it is all good . not to worry there wil never ever be another dani she is truly one of a kind
i think if noms stay as they r ian is gone but dani is thinking (that is a first)
she is going to use veto on dan, then i think ian is safe and shane goes.
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MM & hillbilly u QUACK ME UP…(pun intended)
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I’m dreading the show tonight. Since I don’t have a favorite I was hoping Ian would win since he seems to need the money the most. Not Dan!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the 1965 post MM. I’m another 65 high school grad like hpr56
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@ tomi lmao that is a good one
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ wisteria it is all in dais hands and Lord help us
glad u liked the site time capsule it is really neat
time is dragging i cant wait
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Dozer the stuffed dog is named after Sbanes real dog and best friend. He said on LF its his only true love and he’d be happy being with just Dozet for the rest of his life. Danielle got frustrated and made up many reasons why he needed a woman and he just hadn’t met the right girl yet.
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Dan says that he will evict Ian. Danielle says that Shane said he is going to drop during the endurance competition.(i ask u how stupid r these people)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle says that if I drop the endurance to you (Dan) then I can win against Shane in the puzzle.(they have it all figured out how do they know it is going to b this way again)
Dan asks when is Shane going to drop endurance. Danielle says after a while, and then I will wait a bit before I drop.(well dani u r going to drop all right dead from shock, ever hear the term the best laid plans of mice and men?)
Dan and Danielle hug. Dan leaves the room.
(and the scene is set)
ciao for now
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@jane, makes sense dozer named after his dog after all a dog is a mans best friend and compared to dani and her fits of dis temper oops sorry meant temper no wonder he will continue wanting his dog
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@mm Dozer is the name of Shane’s beloved dog at home. He’s talked now and then about how much he loves and misses Dozer. Said in case of fire, Dozer would be the only thing he’d save. When shane won HOH part of his perk package was a framed photo of Dozer and a little stuffed look-a-like doggie that he sometimes carries around. Devotion!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY JT!… Thank you all for all the feed back! I hope the little guy wakes up â Too bad he is next â Thanks for all your support every one I think you all are a great bunch of people! Hope the game turns a round for the better! With much ⼠Your friend Bob!
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Danielle and Shane slept together last night and made out for bout 5 minutes, it was a full make-out session in the dark…..FlashBack time… 9/13 3:22am Cam 3…… đ
Yeah, its pretty much confirmed justwhen the Feeds went to Trivia….Dani will use the veto on Dan and Dan will vote out Shane….all unknown to Dani&Shane, OMG…Shocker !!!!…u gotta Love BB, lol…. đ
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I would love to see Shane voted out tonight, but I just can’t bring myself to believe it. It would be nice to see Ian and Dan in the final 2, as they are the most deserving.
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Ok if dani takes Dan off the block she is dumber than dumb…I like Dan but I can’t believe how taken in by him they all are…she needs to get him out now while she can…she won’t win against anyone in final 2 except maybe Shane so she shouldnt be taking any chances on getting Shane evicted…Shane agrees with this dumb plan? I wish they could just throw some last minute twist in there that would send dani and Shane home right now.
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@Otracia txs for update on dozer i appesch makes sense now re chat betwee him and shane, i think he cares more about the stuffed dog dozer then dani
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@bobo hope u r feeling better and u will be able to watch show tonite i am so looking forward to the jury house maybe prod took pity and decided we can see it
@hoh8 what some guys will not do for a vote i can’t blame him what is 5 mins with someone that u really do not care about romanticall compared to half a million bucks good thing was in the dark she could not see the grimace on his face maybe she heard his teeth grinding
in re to taking dan down and him sendig shane home well they reap what they sow or sow what they reap, whatever they r so crazy and find out too late they trusted the wrong people
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I just watched the show on Hulu because I missed it and have been trying to avoid knowing what happened. I must say this had to be the most stupid episode I have ever seen. Jenn basically said, “I have no way of winning, so I may as well boost Dan one step further to winning his second half million dollar prize!”
What girl? Do you have rocks in your brain besides being a rocker chick? Or have you been smoking too much wacky weed?
It’s not like other evictions where she didn’t have time to talk to Ian. Any normal person would have gone to him and exposed Dan and the others for trying to back door Ian the other day. But no, for some weird reason, she’s going to remain loyal to the one person in the house who hasn’t been loyal to anyone in the house and get voted out.
Had she informed Ian, and Ian put Dan up in Shane’s place, they could have gotten Dan out no matter how Shane voted.
Makes me wonder why people try out for this game if they are not out to win the money for themselves!!!
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@khankubla u made some very valid points make u wonder huh
to quote forrest gump stupid is as stupid does
did you all catch jules last nite when she said something like dan is only loyal to himself i said to my self self wow for jules to make a comment it must be bad.
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One thing – I do not think they should bring winning veteran players to play against newbies! I don’t like veteran players coming back and playing against newbies anyhow, but winners especially. Last season really sucked because they didn’t just bring back veterans, they brought them back in dedicated 2 people teams and together a super team of veterans against the newbies. SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE -A VETERAN WON THAT SEASON!!!
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Since Kevin is missing, i will help out……for those on the West coast and want to watch the Live show now when it airs in the East coast go here and watch with us…… đ
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@ the k k i agree no more vets not fair they have ab unfair advatage
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hoh8 txs for up date on times and location
.ok i am off to my front row center seat have fun all and know this blog will be buzzing
and let the show begin…………………..
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dani is so stupid all she has to do to keep her 3 have let noms as they r have shane vote out ian and wallah there is the 3 she wants why does she make it so complicated makes no sense to me
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macy shane migt not even be there to do endurance if dan is off the block an votes out shane
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Shane is so stupid! I would be like, “I can vote Ian out myself. There is no reason to change the nominations!”. Shane needs to get voted out if he agrees to that! Dan is afraid he can”t beat Shane in endurance!
I really want Ian or Shane to win this.
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Please let her use her veto!
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Wow! Dan is a true player!
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I can’t believe Shane is crying!!! Brilliant move Dan!
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OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT BELIEVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO-HOO!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DON’T KNOW IF Y’ALL HAVE SEEN TONIGHTS BB EPISODE, SO I DONT WANNA SPILL THE BEANS!!!!!!! MUST SEE TO BELIEVE!!!!!!!
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The look on Dani’s face – Priceless!
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Hahahahahaha Danielle + Shane= stupid stupid stupid stupid!!!!!
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Hopefully Ian will win the last few comps and Danielle will walk out the door! Please Danielle, don’t let it hit you in the a$$!! I am doing the happy dance!!
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@CML, don’t look now but her stupidity is showing!!!! SUCKA!!!!
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As the Brits say ‘gobsmacked’.
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Okay so is Dan the the biggest old back stabber of them all! And will Dani finely wake up?………………
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Agreed!!!! Happy dance here as well!!! đ đ đ
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going off subject, for all you AGT fans , the dogs won it.
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I think Ian is going to hyperventilate. Poor kid doesn’t know what just happened – he looks like a deer in headlights:)
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I can’t wait to watch the show. I went on videobrother just in time to see the end of Shane’s interview. I almost jumped out of my seat. WooHoo!!! I’m so thrilled. God are they stupid r what?
@Mary – GOBSMACKED it is! Perfect. đ
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Now do we all love Dan??? lmao
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I think if Ian makes it to the final 2, no matter who he is up against, he will win. No one likes a skunk. Frank is all about loyalty and since the Quack Pack formed, Ian has been totally loyal to it and if Ian can voice that, he’ll have Frank’s vote. He also has Brits vote as well as others. But OMG, many of these players have come across as so stupid!
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I thought Dani jaw was going threw the floor
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well dani see what happens when u r so smug? u know nothig dan just chewed u up and spit u out, and there is more to come, yet u look like u r still buying into his crap dani u were never in control dan was, jim jones the horrible cult leader looks like a boy scout next to dan,well dani heres hoping u r next no one to blame but your self
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------all i can say is go ian go
i guess the grapevine was rite on
ciao guys will be back later to read
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It the jury does not name Dan the winner they are a bunch of sore losers. Dan should win hands down and Ian should be second. I am going to vote for Ian to win the $25,000.
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Was that a Fly i saw go into Dani’s mouth?, LOL…. đ
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Shane moves off to the jury house and the pebbles are clattering together in his head as to how he got voted out! Jeez, Shane, couldn’t you have made the vote to get out Ian? LOLOLOFL!!!
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What I want to know, last show, what the heck was that on Dani’s forehead? It was gone during Her and Shane’s date, but what was it?
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@MM, that what our grapevine said would happen, hope you LFs tell us who wins HOH tonight
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I said this before, with more experience in life, I think Ian would have realized he was being played. Then he also had such other stupid players in this game, like freaking Jenn – who was willing to go down without a fight telling Ian he was going to be backdoored the week before by Dan. I still say, WTF was up with that? Not trying to save yourself so someone else could win the cash?!!!
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Oh, one last post – I think Dan actually made the wrong choice. He lost Shane’s vote and now he has to go up against Ian who’s been winning consitantly these last few weeks. Ian’s also proven himself to be a loyal player to everyone and Dan has shown himself to consitantly backstab his alliance members. Shane is going into the Jury House and will voice his oppinions of Dan to everyone there. No matter how good Dan has been good at saving himself so far, making a stupid move like this will tell in the end-game!
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Great move Dan, now everyone hates you! what a scumbag move, go Ian! Wake up America, Pits off!!!!!!
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i wonder if dani is still planning on dropping early from the endurace comp
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------again i will say stupid is as stupid does
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Dani’s Face……PriceLess !!!!!!!!!…. đ
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I can only hope that Dan get’s Burned by the Jury, I think people underestimated Danielle also, she has proven to be able to do mental and physical challenges, it was a mistake not to break up those two. OY, now look what happened đ
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@hillbilly rite u r the grapevine was rite on the money good job
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here’s another !!!!…. đ
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*giggling uncontrollably* I still wont fully voice my opinion on who I want to win because everytime I do they lose but…… HAHAHAHAHAHA! That was bad ass!
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Oh, heck, one more. In the veto, Ian at one point was just 2 off. Had he got it and won, Dan may not have been quite as exposed as the skunk he is. I hope both he and Dani finally realize that Dan is out only for Dan!
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to all the animal lovers…here’s dani’s face, LOL….. đ
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Is it me, or in the earlier seasons of this game, did they have more smart people playing and less people picked because of their looks?
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The OMG Cat – I’m still laughing my ass off!!!
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I know a lot of people said this season was boring, I found it to be very good, I have seen so many new people on here this year and had a lot of fun, the one that was boring for me was the one with the brogade, all they did was play pool ,eat and sleep
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Danielle took Dan off the block nd Dan evicted Shane.
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My boy Dan once again spread his “mist”, worked his puppet Dani, and kicked her boytoy out the door!!!
Best BB move maybe ever!!!
Dani’s face and Ian walking around muttering “what…what….what….what…” LOVED IT!!!
Now Dan has to cut his student Dani’s throat and cash some checks. đ
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this vid shows how Great Big Brother was and will Always be….Enjoy it… đ
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If it were just playing the best to keep yourself in the game that counted, then Dan would win. But the game is also winning the hearts of those who are voted off and who are in the Jury. I don’t think Dan has done that and he has probably turned most of the Jury against him with this last move!
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Goodnight my friends… Keep it coming I will read your comments sometime in the morning,,, Got to lie down now still under the weather â
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Take care all………………………………………………………………………
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Britney will vote for Dan but it seems like pretty much everyone else in jury is against him.
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Dan just has to spread his mist and the jury will find themselves voting for Dan to win without knowing why hahahaha
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You think?
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Tonights show was the Big Sucker show Shane for being so trusting and Danielle the Big Sucker, and Dan is doing or should I say trying to do damage control but it might be a little to late .
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now Shane will go to the jury house and explain what Dan is doing don’t think he will get the jury votes but never know what America will vote. This season has truely been one that will be remembered!!!
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HAHA Just had to put the OMG Cat on my FB!! Thanks for the laugh!!!
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I was so hoping that Shane would have the chance to evict DAN.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How did Ian NOT win that POV?????? He must have really panicked and couldn’t think straight.
It looks like Dan and Danielle may be F2.
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I voted for Ian on the American Choice. I would have voted for Frank, but I think Frank comes from a wealthy family with his famous dad and probably doesn’t really need the money – he sure seems like he doesn’t worry about finding a job!
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the FEEDS are Back !!!!!……all 3 are hanging on a rope with water pouring on them and slamming against a wall…looks tough….something Shane could’ve won……
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its like a big hook attatched to a thick rope……the rope moves and dunks them in a river of water up to their heads then pulls them up and swings them against a wall….oh boy…this is gonna be a tough one…..
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The show was great tonight. I suspected what happened would happen and my son, who doesn’t usually watch BB was certain this was Dan’s play. Dani and Shane are just so stupid.
Now Ian just needs to win the final HOH and I believe he can do it with ease. He’ll win the game over ditzy girl and back stabber by a landslide.
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**** IAN FELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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oh well, Ian lost Part 1…now its just Dani and Dan and his Mist…lets see how he’s gonna spray her with the Mist and convince her to drop, lol……
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Just woke up ,again…. so whats is up?
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Who is on first?
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Can’t keep my eyes open đ
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LOL BoBo…u Love BB, huh…… đ
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I think it’s the heavy pain pills I am taking……
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HoH8 I guess I do đ
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yeah, Dan and Dani are still up there….its a tough endurance…and it looks like Dani might be trying to POP one of her ZITS to hit Dan and get him down, LOL…. đ
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I am having a quick smoke… woke up in a sweat So here I am…:smile:
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hey Bobo…i hear we’re nieghbors…..i live right across the river from u…in the Bronx, NY…..nice to see someone close by…. đ
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Hey I live in NJ now but from Astoria Queens ….
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Eisli Islip Long Island
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My wife grew up in the Bronx……….
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I used to hang out on Morris ave. In the Bronx…. Tough place….
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Dani backdoored 2X ??? Being backdoored means u are the intended target and u are not an original nom. The one of the original noms is taken off the block and u go up and u r evicted with no chance to plat pov….she is a moron.
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Lin is from Throungs neck…Spelling…:lol:
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Tomi Yes you are so right….. đ
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Hey HoH8, where did you go?….. ….
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bobo…nice to hear that…i grew up near morris ave myself but raised my family in throggs neck…a now live by castle hill av….i was born & raised in thre bronx, never left it….. đ
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sorry bobo…i was eating…lol…..
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Tried a new photo of myself with my stash… Not so good…. đ
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dan & dani still up there alone now so they can talk….dan is saying that he cant beat ian in part 2 so he wants dani to drop….oh boy…is she that dumb?…..
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I lived all around …but wound up down the NJ Shore……….
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Very DUMB!
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Okay had a quick smoke…. time to lie back down..See you soon my friends…:mrgreen:
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ITS OVER….DAN WON….dani let him win….she dropped…dumb fool……
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He put a spell on her…………. đŻ
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Spell my arse…She’s just dumb but come on that was way beyond dumb!!!!
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How freakin’ infuriating. she just handed the money over
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Maybe, They still got to vote for him……………
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Dan is sitting so pretty, he knows that both of them will take him to Final 2 so he doesnt have to do anything else….. đ
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I just can’t stand the game Dan played this time……….
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i feel Dan has the votes to win BB…..it will be close, like 4-3 but he will win especially against Dani…… đ
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WOW I look so tired in this photo â I think I should go back to bed…
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it is now official here is your sign danielle
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YOU ARE THE BIGGEST IDIOT IN BB HISTORY
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i know bobo…totally different then BB10 but with the same results…a BB win, right…. đ
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Hey my friend you still up â
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hey mama…ur awake, lol…u missed the whole party, lol…..yep ur right…she Beat Marci as the DUMBEST HG EVER, lol…..:-)
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OMG!! What the hell is wrong with these people??
OK I’m VERY happy that IAN made it to F3. Soooooooooo sad he fell in the first part of this comp though. BUT……if Dan wins this 3 part comp…. he may very well take Ian to F2 because as the show was going off…Dan was telling Dani ALL THE VOTES she would have in the jury house. Which is probably true…she probably WOULD get those votes. SO HE PROBABLY WILL NOT TAKE HER TO F2. She seems to forget….like they ALL have……that Dan is there to win $500,000 just like them now…not $100,000 as a coach. WHY CAN’T THEY SEE THAT!!!!??? I just hope Ian can pull it out for a part 2 & part 3 win so HE is a shoe in to go & can decide who goes with him. Still keeping hope for Ian!! đ
Wonder when they will do part 2?? Does anybody know?
BOBO Feel better soon dear. đ
K11 Was shocked to see you in Aggieland. You should come by more often.
AC Glad you made it through the storm dear. Good to “see” you. đ
Going to check for more info then off to watch BBAD!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PEACE & LOVE TO ALL,
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So Margie you like the Mustache ?…. đ
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hey bobo….dont worry bout ur Pic…u look very handsome with ur stash, lol… đ
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Cynthia Thank you my Dear!….
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Well guess no need to look for more info. Not right now anyway. Too sad!!
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Goodnight Mama, HOH8, & Bobo!! Have a good one.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PEACE & LOVE TO ALL,
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Thank you, but I am very tired…. Look in those baddie eyes…. đ
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I was so thrilled and excited that Dan evicted Shane, I could hardly stand it. then I find out Ian fell and Dan convinced Dani to drop so he wins the first comp. Yin and Yang. good and bad news. My heart can’t take it. I neve thought Dani would forgive Dan for ousting Shane…especially because she was looking forward to many, many make out sessions with Shane over the next 6 days. She had shane where she wanted him…in her bed. Dan convincing Dani to use the POV was just idiotic. Proves what a moron she is. Shane was so shocked…and angry. I’m afraid that the members of the jury have such limited brain power that they will shrug their collective shoulders and decide to a man that Dan played the best game. I’d feel a lot better if Dani or Ian had won. But only if Dani suddenly grows a few IQ points.
@Kahn that was a zit on Dani’s face. On the date it was buried in make up. She popped a smaller one on her chin last night on BBAD in the living room, looked at the pus on her finger and wiped her finger on her pants. Ugh!
@aggie I can only hope along with you that Dan gets burned in the jury. when are these people going to start comparing notes????
@JT Happy birthday. I’m late getting to you, but the sentiment is true!
@HoH8 I loved the cat link. A lot like Dani only the cat was cuter…
@bobo Perhaps hillbilly should deliver some of his miracle moonshine to you. You may not feel better but you’ll forget you feel bad. : )
I forget who said it, but thank you to the person who posted the winner of AGT. I loved those dogs. Didn’t think they wre the best, but glad they won anyway!
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Okay my friends , time to go back to my bed….Goodnight all!
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Okay #2………………
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here’s a pic of the HOH comp for those who didnt see it…it lasted 1 1/2 hrs…..
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Goodnight BoBo…nice talking…sleep well my freind…. đ
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CATCH UP WITH U GUYS TOMORROW I FELL ASLEEP THE CLOCK WOKE ME UP I AM EXHAUSTED FROM SHOW NITE U GIUYS
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Watching some live feeds tonight. Shane was back door’d.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle was shocked, Dan took one hella long shower to avoid interaction.
Dan in DR, Danielle came out from Arcade to eat and talking to Ian.
Ian is doing a good job helping her, but saw her watching and processing his actions.
Ian, beware!
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1:45Am Eastern,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle crawls into bed alone, sobbing, and then calls Shane.
She’s covered head to toe.
Poor girl, she has been played so well, she really has no idea where Up is.
Finale + 30 days, Danielle will be deep in therapy, on anti depressants, and unable to continue a career as a Registered Nurse.
This game will have provided too much for her to remove the game from life.
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1:57Am Eastern
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Following Ian. Have understood his challenges, but these past 10 minutes have been painful to observe.
Yes, the game has parameters, yes there are rules to follow however, the lockdown at this point appears to be quite painful for our resident genius savant, ie Assburger houseguest.
From what I have been witnesing, Ian is fairly high level functioning, but there are times young dude is hurting, and I wonder at the long term effects.
Any comments?
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I got up again just to read what was going on here. I kind of disagree with what people are saying lately. Yes, Dan played a great strategic game. But his social game? He back doored and lied to so many people to get to where he is at and now you are asking them to forget all of that and vote for him just because he is still there. I do not think that will happen. Dani would be the better choice for him in the F2, Ian has won too many challenges and he has also been totally loyal to his QP alliance since it formed. Frank may be made at him for him changing alliances after the reset, but that’s the game, and he trusted Dan and Dan screwed him. Joe and Dani will most likely vote how Shane wants and I don’t think Shane will vote for Dan. Brit definitely won’t because Ian was loyal to her since the reset and he took so many risks for her benifit. Dan has just been sneaky, Ian has been winning challenges and been sneaky. Dan has been only considering Dan. Ian has been considering the whole alliance. Sorry Dan, let me pull this knife out of my back as I make my vote!
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have 140 posts that i havent read and prolly wont til tomorrow – AM SO MAD RIGHT NOW – HATE is a terrible word that i NEVER use – but for dan its befitting – i need my momamargie right now!!!!!!
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Just had to jump on even tho you’ve all called it a night. Don’t forget to ignore the ‘troll’. đ
HoH8, Thank you for all the great links. Dani’s surprise was priceless and thanks for the video down memory lane. Very cute.
Bobo, keep getting better my dear.
Hey 2 and mm
I can’t believe Dani still trusts the BS from Dan. For sure she’s the BB idiot of all time and beats Marcelus big time. Good grief. See you all in the morning.
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Nite Macy! I agree, there’s no word to describe Dan’s play. Some say he’s the best of all time and others will say he’s the biggest scumbag of all time.
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I just wanted to say that the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated!!!lol
and to thank all of you who have sent good wishes and prayers to my mom. They are appeciated more than you know.
And even tho I DID already say this on time, I haven’t said it here so…HAPPY BIRTHDAY,JUSTA!!!! đ
I cannot believe how Dan still has total control over this game!!!! Even if he doesn’t win it, he will definitley go down as teh best plaer EVER!! Like his style or not!!! He got both Ian and Dani to throw a F3 como to him!!!! even ED had to play it fair and square and suffer in the wet and cold for 7 hours!!!! I have never seen anyone negociate a comp in the finals!!!! It’s unheard of! He has a shot either way as he has a F2 with BOTH Ian and Dani!!! And from waht was going on on BABD it sounds like Danis and Ian are for SURE traking him and NOT each other, altho Dani is trying hard to convicne ian she will!!! (as per Dan’s coaching) but after Dan told her tht Ian sadi she was basicaly stupid, (true or anotehr of dan’s mists???)dani wouldn’t take Ian if her hair was on fire!!!!
Dani should ahve stayed up tonight. She could have beaten dan and Ian I think. She looked more comfy than either of them up there!!! She also shouldn’t have taken Dan down but she doesn’t seem to be able to get way from his Svenagali eyes!!! Ever notice dan’s eyes?? ALways moving…kinda buggy. Creepy!!!!
Well, all are in bed and I bet all are here too!!!! The last 2 shows should be good but I beet most of the LFs and BBADs will be BORING this week!!!! I tuned in today about 1:30BBT and everyone ws in bed! Riveting!!!!
Nite all!!!
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People forget, that Dan did not get to the end on his own, he had a very loyal partner, as I said I liked Dan in season 10, But he is truly a scumbag this season. I don’t like Danielle , But she was very capable of doing Physical and Mental comps. She is obviously not a dumb person, not sure why she let’s Dan constantly SHIT ON HER. And then forgives him for doing so. Tonight was a real example of what an asshole Dan is. I really hope, Ian or Danielle will finally get the message and send Dan’s Slimy ass to the Jury house. I felt sorry for Shane, true he should have known better because Dani did tell shane That Dan wanted to evict him. So Sad, I can only Hope that Karma comes Dan’s way. I’m not so sure he can win against any of them now, when they compare notes at the Jury house.
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@Star Hey! We all know not even death would keep you away from blogging here!!! You can blog from beyond or we will come drag you back to earth. : ) Loved your synopsis and totally agree. What is wrong with Danielle? I was starting to feel sorry for her with all the water works but if she came out to eat pizza, she can’t be all that upset. Dan will probably win. I was hoping for Ian, and after Dan evicted Shane, hopes rose higher but after all the fixing comps talk, I feel like he won’t make it. I’m going to bed too.
La la
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Dan did not get to the end on his own, he had a very loyal partner,Danielle. She won the HOH’s and Pov’s, Danielle voted however Dan wanted. She is/was very capable of doing physical and mental comps. In spite of all her flaws that irritate a whole heck of a lot of people (and there are so so many…Flaws) I don’t know why but I still like her. The only person I truly did not like was Mike (Boogie). But that’s another story already had it’s day. I can not for the life of me see how Danielle didn’t ‘wake up’ after Dan blindsided Shane right out the door. Instead she forgives him and falls for his crap, that everything he has done and is doing, is to help her get to the end.WAKE UP girl it’s not too late yet. I felt so sorry for Shane he was so nice but too trusting and gullible (AS Danielle is gullible to a fault). Been rambling here. hope it makes sense to someone. lol
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@john I agree its painful and quite uncomfortable to watch.
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p.s. it’s spelled Aspegers
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The look on Dani’s face ! Priceless!
Shane !!!! Never volunteer to go up! Watching previous season is a must.
Pawns go home more often than not, but that’s good for Ian.
Poor Ian he was shaking and rocking and moaning, little guys needs to rest on some island when he’s done with lots of fun DNA or chemistry books and relax.
Dani, your boyfriend just moved out, how do you feel now?
Still under Dan’s spell?
We finally got to have a fun show with the JH. Nice đ
At least they have personalities and some fun. It’s not bad, Asley seems to be on less Xanax but seems to be permanently smiling.
Frank is now trapped with her and Jen , the trio love affair can go on.
Brit, was so funny. Go girl, Frank is from the Dan School of Sociopaths so you tell him.
Joe still gross to think of him…..
But at least they don’t have to deal with Dan and can heal their KNIFE wounds
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I just got home a while ago from work… and am very tired.. but I did have time to watch BB On Demand.
……..did I really just watch all that go down??? đŻ Or am I actually sleeping and just don’t know it yet? (If the latter is the case… this will be the first time I have ever blogged in a dream!)
I am going to sleep now… just in case I am really awake!!
L8r all
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Dani âI want Danâs head on a platter and I want to serve it to Shaneâ Ian âthere goes our Quack Pack t-shirts!â
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Hi Star! Welcome back! I was going to call a secret Blogfia meeting, send out the troops, and make sure you weren’t “swimmin’ with tha fishes”.
Re: Ian Yes he shouldn’t have extreme special priveleges but common.. knowing his condition they could have let him chill in the HOH room and provided him with some OT objects! Shoot they let Frank play Ashleys Have Not Challenge! So why not. I agree with @John it was painful to watch, I felt like I wanted to do something to help him.
Re: Danielle…
Inside the house I don’t feel sorry for her at all. As i said before I was never a Rachel fan, but at least she had a vulnerable side that just yearned for approval but didn’t know how to go about it… so she threw tantrums. Rachel has grown up a lot so maybe there’s hope for Dani. On AR Rachel met her match and there was a chick who out bitched and definitely took her Miss Catty Crown. However Rachel handled the situation suprisingly well. She held her tongue and stook up for herself when necessary. She had a couple oneliners, but the chick had it coming. So maybe there will be hope for Dani. She is really young. That is probably why her parents would never appoved her going on the show. I am sure they know how she is and didn’t want her to embarass herself. Heck if I was in BB house at that age I would have humiliated myself thouroughly. Shoot if there was Social Media for me at that age… I would’ve ruined any chance to be where I am today.
Outside the house…that’s where I will feel sorry for Dani. All though she made her bed now has to lie in it… the backlash she is going to endure is going to be harsh. Social Media has no filter and I too hope she gets therapy. It’s going to be rough.
Although I love Reality T.V. I am more than concerned about it. I hope nobody takes or loses a life. The backlash from BB at such a young age could be too much to handle. The conditions of Survivor can be scary at times, even something so simple as the drastic weight loss.. what does that do to your organs? And have you ever seen The Challenge on MTV… they have Challenges that trained Athletes would find tormenting. I cross my fingers every season over that show. I don’t know what the producers are thinking, definitely not Safety First. One of the kids from MTV’s Real World just commited suicide. He went on the show with an extreme alcohol & drug addiction. The producers and cast knew, they talked about it all season. Yet they placed him in a house with 7 Strangers and unlimited Alcohol. It was a scary season to watch.
Devils Advocate: about the BB Challenge possibly ripping off BB. Could it have been the other way around? Did BB have time to make that Challenge up since it was only a couple weeks ago on GH? Could the person that left BB have taken the idea to GH since I am sure they must create their challenges way in advance and have some in the pocket to pull out when necessary? Just wondering.
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p.s. the kid from Real World “overdosed” not committed suicide. I was typing faster than I could think. poor guy either way.
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Danielle says that Ian smart too. Dan says he thinks we are both taking him to the end, he doesnât care who wins. You have got to make him believe you are taking him to the end. Danielle says I havenât made a final two with him. Dan says even if you havenât you probably wonât have to make it. Danielle says I donât care if I have to fucking cut him at this point; I just want to get there. (good luck with that dani, u screwed up big time and if u gave dan the first comp shows what an really true idiot u r sorry there is no hope for you both mentally and in real life)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan asks Danielle do you think all this happened by accident? Danielle says no, but I am so drained. Dan says all I ask of you is one more competition and I will take care of the rest. (OMG of course he will TAKE CARE OF THE REST WAKE UP NUMB NUTS WHAT ELSE DOES HE HAVE TO DO TO MAKE U SEE WHAT IS GOING ON)
Thatâs all, youâre best effort. We will look back at this and laugh.(no dan u will look back and laugh none of the others will, dan can you say KARMA????) Dan I am now more convinced then ever u r a child of the corn, the real son of satan and the real Rosemarys baby, yes one has to lie, and back stab but there is a limit u have gone above and beyond devious your, family, wife, employers and inlaws , must be hiding their heads in shame, in your head you are the and improved JIM JONES and sorry to say there is still kool aid being served in the bb14 house. this is MY opinion, i know there are those who love admire and even stand up nd cheer for you, but as for me i think your tatics suck the big one (readers insert here what u will)
what goes around comes around, it is not you that i detist but your tatics I hope it is not too late for the good Lord to save your sorry ass soul.
macy my friend i am here for you sending warm hugs just keep thinking pay back is a bitch SERENITY NOW SERENITY NOW
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Hopefully someone will switch glasses with Dan and he’ll drink the ‘kool aid’
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Well if it wasn’t for Dan (assuming coaches are still in play) this season wouldve sucked. I for one would sit on the edge of my seat to see F2 Speeches with Dan and Ian. That would be awesome. I think Ian knows that too and is the type of player that wants to win against the best. Those speeches would be kick ass!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted something 1 hour ago don’t see it
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I’m with you Jane…Ian and Dan in the final two would be great and I agree that Ian wants to be against Dan just because he is such a huge bug brother fan. I really hope Ian wins HOH …I don’t want Danielle winning any money
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from the grapevine,Ian says the name of the First HOH competition was âHook line and Sinkerâ( it seems like Ian drank the kool-aid) Ian thinks it wasnât cool after what happened tonight. Ian tells him he could have sat in the hook forever and he tried really hard to make him falling off look natural. Dan says it looked âEmmyâ (OMFG he threw the HOH comp ) and Dan talked Dani to drop too, when will they learn, Dan wants Dani to tell Ian to throw the next comp. I hope he doesnt.
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Another Devils Advocate: Why do people think Frank should get AF. His gameplay sucked. If Dan is Judas Frank is un-god like. He was a Bully and very mean. If we are going by the idea you don’t have to lose integrity to win then Frank loses in that category as well. Albiet I believe Boogie brought out the worst in him. I don’t think he is mean outside of the house. That few days with Boogie isolating, moping, and smack talking really put into Franks head that he was King and the Peasants are beneath him. If you are a LF watcher you saw some sides of Frank that were very unnattractive. Yes he won POV and got himself of the block… but against who? Floaters & Challenge throwers, and a lil’ help from The Wiz? I’d rather see anyone but Frank get AF.
Also I always crack up at everyone complainging about Frank not washing his hands and then interacting physically or digesting his creations. Did you guys catch how many Audience Members gave him high fives… um fans… have you not been watching. I still think it was foul that nobody brought it to his attention. Someone could have pulled him aside and talked to him. He has a family to support and wants a big time career in catering. Tell the guy! Maybe he didn’t have that home training.
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Last year I was certain that I was looking at the face of the Devil when drug and booze crazed Charlie Sheen spewed his “winning” chant over and over ad nauseam. Charlie, please forgive my rush to judgment before all of the evidence was in. Dan Gheesling IS the face of the Devil, tempting all who will listen to his self-serving blasphemy just for a chance to win 500K. I don’t live in Michigan, I don’t have any kids and I’m not Catholic so there is no chance in Hell that anybody related to me will ever attend a school where Dan “teaches or coaches.” Thank GOD!
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@cml Ditto!!!
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oops I meant everyone complainging about JOE (not frank) not washing his hands
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@jane, dont you mean Joe, they realy do have you going crazy, I know I am
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No problem Jane đ we all knew who you meant
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@DewyRose haha! I guess that needed no clearing up LOL!
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@Mike… I type 75 wpm and I am out of practice from using the cell. I am on the puter today so I am on a roll lol!
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I barely type at all must look at keyboard and still get it wrong…ahhh old age is golden LOL
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New Blogs up darlings!!!! Bloggergal
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@ Jane, mea culpa. I knew it was wrong but spell check wasn’t helping!
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