Hi, everyone!
How is everybody enjoying life without Big Brother? Is everyone watching Survivor and, even more importantly, are you checking with what Bloggergal has to say over at SurvivorBlog? If not, be sure to check things out over at http://survivorblog.com!
Anyway, I’m just doing a quick check in to share the latest in Brenchel news. That’s right, Rachel and Brendan are coming back.
No, they’re not returning to Big Brother.
Instead, they’re returning to The Amazing Race!
Apparently, the next season of The Amazing Race is going to be an all-stars edition and Brenchel will be one of the returning “favorites.”
According to Reality Blurred, here are the returning teams:
- Jet and Cord, cowboys, season 16 and 18
- Andy and Tommy, snowboarder friends, season 19
- Rachel and Brendon, Big Brother couple, season 20
- Bopper and Mark, best friends, season 20
- Natalie and Nadiya, twins, season 21
- Caroline and Jenn, country singer friends, season 22
- Dave and Connor, father and son, season 22
- Joey and Meghan, YouTube friends, season 22
- Pam and Winnie, best friends, season 22
- Tim and Marie, exes, season 23
Obviously, some people are going to be excited about the return of Brenchel and some people (like me) are not. However, as annoying as Rachel and Brendon can be, I’d rather watch them on The Amazing Race than Amanda and McCrae.
Now, I’ve been watching The Amazing Race since it began. It’s right up there with Survivor and Big Brother as far as my favorite reality shows are concerned. And I really have to say that it looks like, for this All-Star edition, the producers really do go out of their way to find the most annoying previous contestants possible.
I mean, does anyone really want to see Natalie and Nadiya again?
Myself, I’ll be rooting for Jet and Cord! Go, Cowboys, go!
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Thanks for the update
Not watching survivor but once
Sick of the “returning” guests on all shows
Looks like my friend Tiffany Michelle
Is not returning she us a poker player and actor .
But happy for them they’ll make some money
Just won’t watch thus either
Have a great weekend everyone
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Thanks for the update Lisa Marie. I loved the cowboys and will be rooting for them. Rachel will probably have another one of her breakdowns, so I don’t believe she will last that long. Wonder if we will see Brendan controlling her again! I am glad Elissa will not be on the show too. 😆
Have you heard any updates on Andy, Spencer, Helen, Gina Marie or any of the others? Did Spencer go into hiding? I would love to hear what they had to say for themselves about their behavior on BB.
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I’ve been watching Survivor.. feel asleep last week though. I don’t comment about Survivor because I see nothing really to say. We all see everything they want us to see.. it is what it is 😛
As far as R&B being on AR again.. yawn… I’ve missed probably 15 of 22 seasons.. so no big deal if I don’t see that one either.
Too many good shows on Sunday night to watch those 2 clowns.
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Thank you Lisa Marie, this is exciting news indeed. Love me some Rachel. I like most of the teams… Mostly the twins and the country singers. I can only hoop that Dave and Conner are eliminated the first episode.
Oh, and thanks to you and Andy D for ruining the latest Amazing Race for everyone… Tim and Marie are still racing. Oh well, I didn’t expect them to last… She is such a bitch! But I like her.
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I’d rather see Rachel and Ellissa on amazing race, I hate Brendon the control freak
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Thanks for the update, Lisa Marie.
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Here come my comments on ALL of the afore mentioned shows. I don’t watch AR since the Cowboys were on and probably won’t for the reason Justaguy mentioned…too many GOOD shows on. As for Rachel and Brandon, well, just remember that Boston Rob worked the same circuit that they are. The big difference…He is entertaining! I don’t think that he was ever on the AR though. I like Survivor but not real happy with this one. No one is really standing out yet, but, in true Survivor style, anyone who is helpful or wins contests, soon gets to walk their torch to Redemption Island. This early in the game…pretty chancy!!! They needed to make better choices. Big Brother..will I ever watch again? If they dump controlling who is supposed to win..maybe. This last season was, in my opinion Disgusting!!! The bad Housekeeping and the lack of Showers, Laundry (good grooming/McCrae&Amanda) was bad enough. but, the two of them copulating on the show was more than I could handle. If I want Porno….I can watch it on real Porno Channels!! Just not my Cup O’ Tea. Dirty People are not what I want in a TV Reality Show like Big Brother, but, obviously the Producers get off on it! There! I have vented! Now I hope for better shows in the future, but, with things the way they are in the world, I don’t see better.
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I like all of those teams except for the twins! They are so annoying. I’ve never missed a season of TAR and couldn’t comprehend bailing on that show no matter who runs the race.
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Hi Lisa Marie, what a surprise to see our BB blog in my email today. Thank you for the AR update. I’ll be rooting for the cowboys too. As for B & R, they are something to watch and learn never to be like that. He’s too controlling and she’s too too. 🙂
I am watching Survivor and it’s a great show to pick and choose who we love and who we hate. I can’t remember half their names but I do hope Laura M beats Culpepper on RI this next time out. Don’t like the man or his wife for that matter. I was sorry to see Candice go.
Like Betty, I too would like to know if there’s any info on the infamous BB 15 HGs. Especially the ones who lost or almost lost their jobs. We see Nick a lot but are he and GM an item or has she given him a loan? 😆
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I’m no fan of Brenchel either.
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Hey Lisa Marie. Thank you for the update. I’m a twin, but not looking forward to the twins coming back. Thank you for the time you invest in this.You are appreciated. God bless you.
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Hi everyone! Maggie, I agree 100% with all you said. Good to see all of you back. Hi Starfish and Justiguy. I am having a hard time with Survivor and Amazing Race this season. We watch it while we cross-stitch and crochet! 🙂 Thank you Lisa for the update. I always enjoy your comments. We definitely will be rooting for the cowboys. 🙂 Bye all. Until next time!
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Miss youLisa,, can you do an updste on the guestwhat are doing now
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Hey Lisa Marie!! I could justa cut & paste JT’comment and it kinda sums it up for me. I have tried to like AR and just DON”T. I usually made a stab at watching most seasons but not even bothering this year. I do remember most of those couples tho and couldn’t stand the tiwns either!! IF I watch, it will only ge to see how badly Brenchel screws up!!lol
As for Survivor, I have been watching ever since Ted joined our blogade family, but as JT said, one again, it just IS what it IS. You see what they want you to. No room for guessing or gossip or getting to know the people better. So I don’t usually blog. I never even have a fav, if at all, until about the F6.
As for the other HG Houseguests, I have been keeping tabs on Nick on FB. And he is everywhere. I guessd he owns his own production company and he is getting as much mileage as possible from BB15! He has been having Look See and signing parties all over with the likes of GM….even went to her house and had dinner with her family….Elissa……was doing Yoga with her at her house…..and has been to Judd’s and McCree’s both and with all 3 of them together. Added Jeremy to the mix and the 3 boys, Judd, Jeremy and McCrae, all got BB tatooes!! Jeremy got XV on his big toes……McCrae got the Veto on his right shoulder and so did Judd get the Veto but I think on his chest or belly!!!
If I get anymore deets, I will add here if anyone is interested!!
Feels good to be back!! We need to get a petition together for a Winter BB!!!! 😉
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Thanks Stra… are McCrae & Amanda together? someone please tell me they aren’t.
I have been trying to watch AR this year… but it’s always on late and gets in the way of my other shows. It takes me about 2 months to learn their names anyway. I do like Survivor.. but also takes me a while to learn names. I hadn’t seen a lot of the returning peeps on their previous season(s). I think there are 17 seasons of Survivor that I didn’t see. I’d like it better if they had time to show a little more of what happens…. comp/reward/comp/immunity/vote is a full show… but doesn’t give me a chance to get to know them better. 2 nights a week would be great IMO. Thursday is wide open for me!! 😆
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Hi JT & Star! I agree, AR is just what they show us but I still enjoy the show. I usually record because there are other shows I watch first. Same with Survivor. I can’t remember very many names either until well into the show. Yes JT, two nights for Survivor would be great and Thursday would be good. 🙂
As for Amanda & McCrae, I read somewhere that she went to his home and met his sister and they all got along swimmingly. She professed her love for him but who knows what will happen. Anyone know anything more?
Ted, of course, you love you some Rachel! Never a doubt about that. 😆
Star, remember the last time BB did a Winter BB? It was horrible. I hope they do a better job of picking their HGs next year. Maybe they’ll do a winter BB to make up for their awful choices last year.
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Nice to see your post Lisa Marie, thank you.
Agreeing with m.ost of what has already posted. From watching the last few seasons of BB 24/7, I see how much production is showing just what they want to the public, the show is so scripted mainly via the Diary Room.
I’m enjoying BB Australia 2013 via You Tube. This season offers twists and a wonderful cast of housemates. Foul language is not permitted. BB plans special evenings for the HMs, including costumes or fancy evening wear. They have weekly challenges for their food – failure means only the staples for the next week. Two houseguests are called to the DR each week for a challenge to win a nice dinner, losing may give them sardines & bread, etc. Overall I believe the Aus. production staff excels by leaps & bounds over what the USA/CBS staff puts out. Take a lesson CBS.
BB15 was a waste of air time IMO, poor selection of HGs, poorly edited, and lack of control over the HGs.
Hoping BB16 will be much improved and worth watching, it cannot get worse.
No plans to watch AR next season.
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Looks like Lisa is the only one that saw my post on the Survivor Blog.
SnakeBit Sal on October 18, 2013 at 1:23 pm said:
Amazing Race 24 all-star teams identified
Reply ↓
Lostieon October 18, 2013 at 10:34 pm said:
Go Brenchel….lets see if Rachel will shave off her hair this time for the million dollars, lol….. Jeff & Jordan couldnt do TAR cause she is still in school and is close to finishing.
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©¿© I read your blog on Survivor. Good to see you here! 🙂
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Hello everyone! Thank you Lisa Marie for the bits of update. I never really go interested in AR. So most of the updates are meaningless, well not meaningless, I just really don’t know any of the people on that show.
BB this season was such a disappointment to watch! I can’t believe Andy won! This was the biggest bunch of crazies I have ever seen on any season. But as much as I did not like the people I am really curious to know what happened to all the houseguests whom were fired. And what they thought about when they found out how much most American’s disliked them. All the racist issues. I really have not heard anything since the show ended. So when I recieved this email I was very happy to get a chance to catch up with everyone and the terrible houseguests lives post Big Brother. Is Amanda and McCrae really still together? I thought that was just Amanda using him to hide behind. And our dear sweet (irony) Texas gal found out how much she was disliked! I have a friend whom is a REAL IMG swimsuit model and she makes the Texas girly look like road kill! A lot of that comment has to do with Aaryn’s ugly attitude. (And the fact she is like 5’2″ tall, come in!). Obviously she was almost my least favorite houseguest.
But I have been curious as to what they been up to etc…..?
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Sorry Sal, I forgot to even look at the new Survivor post. That’s terrible. I don’t think I got a new email either. Loved the show though and the fact that Brad is in RI.
Hi to everyone and so happy to see you all are still interested in what happened to the miserable BB15 HGs. To those I haven’t already talked to – good to see you: Sylvie, Tammy, Madisonc, Sherry, Keith, Susan, mama and anyone I missed.
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The Return of Brenchel, I wish i could turn a fire hose on them and blow them down a Chicago sewer, I imagine the Rats wouldn’t even want to eat her and they have ones as big as cats down there. These are two gross people who definitely deserve each other. BLeh, who the fuck cares if they are on anything, they have nauseated us enough from being on BB Too much. BLEEEEEEEEHHHHHHH. 👿
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Well Aggie27, you have the distinction of being the first person on this current blog to use profanity! That “word” takes me back to the grossness of BB15. I thought we were over that. 🙂 \^/
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do you get all your information?? I love watching TV and watch them all. Survivor, Amazing Race, and BB. I hope Jet and Cord win. The twinnies were the most annoying of all. This seasons of the Amazing Race I am so tired of Pink hair holding the express pass over everyone. Just give it to someone and be done with it. How long do they have until the express pass expires?
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Thanks Lisa for the updates! Survivor is good this season…. still don’t know everyone! Aggie I’m with you my friend, can’t stand Brenchel So over the both of them ❗ See you all soon…………………..
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Hey Bobo, I’m lovin Survivor too.
Aggie, you said it and I couldn’t agree more with everything you said about Brenchel!
LM, love your comments on Survivor! I don’t comment too often but I do read the posts most of the time. 🙂
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LISA marie – nice surprizzzze – appreesh!
I have tried and tried to watch AR and I come up with a big fst yawn. Will tune in though to see what they look likr these days……
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@SF..yes i DO remember the winter BB9 season and altho the people on it were mich like this season’s, I haven’t forgotten them or much that happened! We always complain that we don’t LIKE the HGS but really..if we liked all of them, how BORING would that be??LOL But I am sure they won’t be doing a winter BB anytime soon as I am sure it is expensive and they want us salivating for the summer one..lol
I also heard that McCrae and Amanda are still together. Have seen pics of them goofing off in McCrae’s baesment with his frends and all I can say is Amanda looked SOO out of place!!!lol Haven’t heard if he has gone to Florida yet. I doubt it. He seems like a real *townie* to me. But maybe he will during the winter. I actually think she is more in love than he is and always has been. She seems to go thru men alot. Maybe it’s her *clingy* attitude, despite her *I’m a tough, bad-girl* mouth! I don’t see this lasting.
I read that Howard and Brendon are going to be on the Bold and Beautiful on Oct 24 & 25. And then on the 30th and 31st, Elissa and Rachel are going to make an appearance. It is the dumbest and only 30 min soap on TV, but exposure is exposure I guess!! lol
Also, here is an interview with Aaryn. She seems exactly the same to me even tho she feigns remorse for what shat she said. I think the only remorse she had is that she didn’t realize there were cameras in the BB house!!lol She has a very healthy ego and it seems to not have bgeen damaged at all by the aftermath. She hasn;t relaly watcvhed the shows OR the LFs which she said would bge BORING, but she had watched some clips on Youtube. I didn’t really expect this experience to change her. I don’t think it *changes* anyone, unless you win the money! And most of these idiots run thru it pretty fast and/or it brings out the EVIL in them!! I haven’t finished watching this as I think it is an hour and after about 25 mins I had had it! So I am not sure if she talked about her jobs or anything after I stopped. I may go back to see the rest of it later when I have time to waste..lol Anyway, here’s the link…. http://www.spreecast.com/events/the-murtz-show-w-aaryn-gries
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Good to see you too Starfish. i haven’t been around much i had been in the hospital until last Sunday, been spending the week trying to build up strength and went to a doctor out of town. how are you??
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You don’t have to like what I say, and i don’t have to like what you say, Different Strokes, It pretty much makes this world a more tolerable and interesting place.
I do have a question for you though, If BB and this blog is so offensive to you then Why are you here? This is a blog, not a Church. You should also remember You are a newcomer here, many of us have been here long before you. So save your preachy attitude for Church, It doesn’t belong on a blog like this.
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@ Starfish And Bob
Thanks Guys, I won’t be on here much this Blog makes me even more Crazy
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Aggie27, I just think it’s necessary to use foul language to express yourself. I was glad to come back on here to see some old friends (and I did make some new friends here). I have watched BB since the first season, but my first time blogging. Some of you were offended by my “God bless you” so don’t I have a right to be offended by foul language? As you so wisely said “Different strokes…..” Sorry if I offended you. Have you noticed that no one else on this blog has used foul language? Nice!! 🙂
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@ Jolee
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Aggie 27, My mother was very wise. She said “It is better to remain silent and thought a fool, then to open your mouth and removed all doubt” )*
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Wow Aggie! I hope you feel better!! I want to sincerely apologize to you for mentioning my distain over your foul language. I didn’t mean to open Pandora’ s Box!! 🙂 From now on, I will skip your blogs and I would ask the same of you. Friends?? 🙂
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Hi Tammy: I’m doing pretty well but it sounds like you’ve had a rough go. I hope you feel better soon and get your strength back quickly. Hospitals are no fun. Take good care.
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@Wingnut, I think the express pass for AR expires on the fifth leg. At least I know they have to give the extra one away by that time. I don’t like her, she’s really bitchy and she thinks she’s nice to people but she’s cocky as can be. I like the bearded guys and the ER docs. I’m still getting used to all their names and personalities.
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I appreciate the info. Honestly i am really debating if I will watch it next season. I agree with a couple of posters. I am tired of returning players. Also I agree that most of the returnees are not the best but rather the most annoying and irritating.
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@Star yes Amanda & McCrae are very together! My friend knows how much they drive me crazy so she’s always texting me their instigram and media pics! Bleh!! Omg Bopper & his sidekick back on AR Allstars??!!! say it ain’t true!! boring! They are a hot mess.
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@Jane…maybe I need to sign up for instagram. I really never saw the need. You can text, email or FB pics. But i do like to keep up with the BB HGS….as opposed to the Kardashians. GAG me!!lol Mayve Ineed to give you my cell# so you can pass your annoyance on to me!!lol
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@Jane & Star – a Big DITTO! Kardashians and now the Wests and a little North, will it never end? Why is it national news? 😆
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Happy to see Bopper & Mark, Andy & Tommy, and most of the teams except the twins. Thanks for the update, Lisa Marie, wasn’t expecting it and was happy to receive it. 🙂
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Hi, everyone! First off, I wanted to say “Hi” to everyone and thank you for all the comments! I don’t know if I made this clear during Big Brother 15 but y’all made writing about the show a true pleasure!
Secondly, I get my information from a variety of sources. However, my info on the Amazing Race I owe to a link to Reality Blurred that was brought to my attention by Ô¿Ô. Thank you, Sal! 🙂
I’ve really enjoyed everyone’s comments over at the Survivorblog!
Finally, I will do my best to keep up with what is going on with our former Houseguests and I will try to post anything relevant here.
P.S. I also discovered today that apparently, the comments section closes 10 days after a post is first published. So, if like me, you were surprised to discover a note reading: “Comments for this post are closed” at the bottom of your screen today, that’s why!
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The. LM
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It’s supposed to say thx. LM :*
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LM, looking forward to any updates you have! Thank you!
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Thanks to you all again for the update. I don’t watch AR so I hope everyone is enjoying it. I wanted to thank; I believe it was Star whom posted the Aaryn I interview on here for me. I remember you saying you could only watch about 1/2 of it! Well God Bless you ’cause I couldn’t make it past the 15 minute mark!
She has not changed and re-admitted howuch of a racist she STILL IS! I was shocked how she tried to rub it off as ALL TEXANS are that way and her family and friends are that way too! Well that is obvious that her immediate inner circle is that way. But, my family in Houston and Plano don’t act that way!
It is shocking to me that she still will not admit the obvious, but she is not the only one!
Again THANK YOU SO MUCH LISA MARIE for posting this and keeping us all together. I miss my BB family and hope all is well!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Madisonchris (Donna)
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