There’s a Whole Lotta Campaigning Goin’ on in the Big Brother House!
…and most of it is coming from Kristen. Whether she’s promising to go after Brenchel if she wins HOH or promising to vote them out, she definitely wants to stay in the house! Hayden is doing his fair share, working Ragan for a vote since he already has the Brigade in his corner. We’re all pretty sure Kristen is going home, if for no other reason her relentless begging and poor mouthing has gotten really old! Come on, they all need the money, think they’re “strong” competitors and believe they “deserve” to be there.
And I must say, Ragan is a very likable HG and turning into a personal favorite of mine. Besides his compassionate nature and great sense of humor, he has already considered allowing Kristen to live in his apartment in L.A. if she’s evicted from BB since he knows she does not want to return to the East Coast. That’s a pretty generous offer to a virtual stranger. He says she can care for his dog since the rent is already paid, and it’ll give her a chance to look for work.
There’s a lot of “down time” in the BB house and the HGs take a lot of naps! There are several lapses in conversations and they’ve turned eating into a sport since none of them are on slop this week. They eat, they sleep, they play. Kinda reminds me of my cats!
And this falls under the “Is it me or…” file:
Is it me or do these people spend an inordinate amount of time under blankets? And am I the only who notices that every HG since Season One walks around with huge cups of beverages and big, Fred Flintstone ice cubes? And do you think maybe, just maybe, the sound guys could cut the mics when there’s major chewing and smacking going on?
On the other hand, I really like the familiarity of the Big Brother voice: “Britney! Stop That!” or “Hayden, please go to the Diary Room,” or my favorite, “Please stop singing!” Could you imagine being one of the guys on the other side of the wall? Or the guy who creates some of those amazing challenges. Sorry. I promised myself I wouldn’t say amazing anymore after watching all those Bachelorette episodes and the Jimmy Kimmel tally.
Since yesterday was pretty mellow with the only infighting being between Brendon and Rachel (no worries, just a little Pebbles & Bamm Bamm bickering) how about this: I think it would be fun to hear some of your observances of the Big Brother idiosyncrasies that either drive you nuts or those you really like. Whether it’s comparing this season to others, let’s hear what you think! =^^=
Brendon and Roachel kissing turns my stomach and I have to fast forward through it.
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If I hear “Brendon and Me” or “Brendon and I” one more time – I will barff. Or, and the ever popular “me and my man”. Who are these guys kidding. Two weeks after this show ends, we won’t remember any of them.
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I think BB should allow the HG’s to sing, I would think that would be another way they could annoy each other. I’m sure hearing some of them singing would definitely NOT be a treat! Also I know they aren’t allowed to have paper/pen, but don’t they have papertowels and lipstick they could use for “secret” messages?
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Shelley, I agree, the kissing needs to GO!
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Not all kissing…just theirs
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That’s not kissing, it’s just sucking face. Between that and her leaping on him to wrap her legs around his waist, I’m beginning to wonder about that girl. They sure got pretty darn intimately close pretty darn fast. Of course I guess in this day and age, sex is just about as personal as playing chess with a friend.
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Shelly I’m with you…I literally get uncomfortable watching the two of them…I can’t take it…On a side note I love Brittany, Lane, and Ragen…They are my top 3 favorites!
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So production is trying to oust the brigade to Ragan. WTF is going on now they have production after them. That is very unfair and really tick me off. I wonder if the “power couple” is getting any coaching from production.
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Too funny, I too wonder about the blankie thing, I live here in So Cal, when do you need blankets in the summer?? and a few of these HG are from the East coast, they should be use to it being a tad chilly, Enzo is always cold lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love it tho! Wouldnt miss an episode or AD for nuttin!
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True skank and pwhipped’s kissing can get on your nerves because they are always so noisey, and what’s even funnier do they still have those mics on under the covers, I guess so when you can hear him recieving a B. J. and Handjob, what do they not think that’s heard, HMMMMM. As for Ragan offering his place to kristen, I’m not surprised, he is just a very compassionate great guy, I doubt he will be their in the end because he is too liked who could win against him, i’m hoping he will be there, I just adore him, for a change, they have a sweet gay male, instead of their typical, bitchy raving queen type of gay male that they seem to prefer. Go ragan, I hope you hang in there.
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Rachel and Brendon are definitely on my nerves! Her high-pitched voice when she goes in the diary room. I also agree that it is unfair if production is doing any coaching. “Power couple” needs to leave. In the words of annoying Rachel, “Obvi!”.
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Production determines reality on Big Brother. Annie had platinum blonde hair until production told her to dye it a dark color for the show because there were already too many blondes…
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Question???????????? Why is Rachel so ticked off at Kristen & Hayden and their showmance when I think she and Brendon take it over the top — almost like she thinks she is a porn star, is she just acting for the cameras???
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Rachel jumping up and wrapping her legs around Brendan has to stop !! Poor guys back is going to give out if she keeps it up.
The blankets……..!! Is it freezing in the house or what? Everyones all curled up and covered all the time. Maybe it’s a self-security kind of thing.
Does anybody else think the HG’s just are not having fun like in years past. Weightlifting, hot-tubbing, swimming, playing cards, and other games with each other. They just seem to lay around hating on each other and snacking.
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Anything dealing with Rachel in any way – shape – or form annoys the P I S S out of me. I hate her skinny whiny lips – I hate her Raggedy Ann Red hair – I hate her fake boobs – I hate her laugh so much that I would probably go to jail for hurting her if I was in that house with her – dare I go on? ๐
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Roachal has got to go!!!
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I had to fast forward through most of after dark this morning. I couldn’t take any more of Kristen’s begging to stay. Put Britney and Ragan together and I was laughing out loud every minute. Those two are my favorites to win and I hope they go far.
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Why’s everyone beating up on Rachael. If she goes home BB12 will be a “bummer”. Although she LOOKS like a bimbo she most certainly is not one. It wouldn’t surprise me if she & Brandon knew each other before coming into the house. As for Kristen, she has got to go…..NOWWWWWWW!!!! She’s a schrew; when she’s raising hell with her voice its like scratching on a blackboard. She’s useless; almost as useless as Kathy.
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Kristen is gone as she does not appear have the votes unless Hayden pissoff his Brigade buddies he should only need one more vote to stay and I am sure if Rachel wants Kristen to go he will get Bredons vote. As for Brendon and Rachel they have a major target on their back and one should be gone very soon, most likely Rachael.
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Finally someone else besides me is calling her Roachel. Thnx Indazone.
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I agree with you Carmen
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If you agree with Carmen you both must be related to Roachel.
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For one of the very few times in my relatively long life; big boobs don’t turn me on. We can hate Rachel all we want, but she does compete and win. We have to give her that much credit.
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I now record BBAD so I can FF thru B & R.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I liked Kristen early on, but how does she feel she doesn’t deserve to be on the block? She does nothing. Whines alot. What her boyfriend on the outside? He must be an X by now.
Boston Rob, I agree. He is going to need a chiropractor not a scientist when he leaves. She is not a tiny girl. I think he secretly hopes she goes. I think he is afraid to cut her loose and is sorry he jumped in so fast. Maybe they are the friends from the outside, but the word “lifelong” makes me think different. Kathy & Brit seem to obvious both from Arkansas, but they could be Aunt & Niece. I am still wondering about Andrew & Brendon. Lane, the oaf, he is just ‘brawn’ no brains. Matt maybe have a high IQ but common sense and street smarts will get you farther. Ragan is floating, Kathy is weak, this season is disappointing. I still think they should have Brendon have to follow our instructions and push Rachel into the pool, ignore her, and anything else we can think up.
I wonder why they can not sing. Sitting around the pool singing would give us something new to laff at.
‘aw dawg, that was a lil bit pitchy, I dun no dawg that wasn’t a good choice dawg’ Randy Jackson style or Simon saying THAT was dreadful.
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On the other hand, I do like Kristen. From what it sounds like though , she might have destroyed her life outside of the BB house. She isn’t thinking her boyfriend back home is liking her minor (compared to B and R) showmance.
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drgma- I totally agree- yes she makes me crazy but she is doing well in comps- plus the more everyone complains about her the more BB will “encourage” her to stay because she keeps the show interesting!
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These people have to be the dumbest HGโs ever. Whiny, bitchy, boring, mensafied, no common sense and about 20 others I could mention.
WTF is with Kristen. โOh Iโll just lay in the cabana room and have everyone come in here so I can whine and bitch and pitch the same dumb speech to try and get their votes WAKE UP WOMEN Your going home, get out in the house and enjoy yourself instead of wallowing in self pity!!!
The โBrigadeโ, just tell her she is stupid and would never get your vote, NOOOOOO, weโll just sit there with here for 2 hours and get bored to death.
Brenden and Rachel shut up and quit trying to over analyze this game and realize youโre on an island and there are no deals to be made!!
Brit, ease up on the ass kissing for awhile.
Ragan, just keep watching, Iโm sure you know what most of the alliances are already.
Kathy, youโve been floating to long, start looking for holes in the raft youโre traveling in.
This vote will be interesting. It should be 6 โ 1 sending Kristen home. I want to see someone grow a set of kahoonays and vote to keep Kristen. She has turned into a whining pile of beetle dung and is smelling up the place.
B & R, yโall are on the block next unless Brendon can win again and this time one of you WILL going home!.
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No not related to Rachel lol
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Too funny that almost everyone on here has annoyances w/ B & R. So funny bacause I agree. The “me and my man” is so corny & I totally agree, the porn is a lil uncomfortable w/ them both, and really, the LOVE word, WTH? I bet Brendan’s mother is ready to kill him.
I agree this cast sucks. They are so boring, but, that is BB’s fault. Give them more alcohol. This 6 beers and 2 bottles of wine for 10 people, really. The best seaason for BBAD was the yr w/ Dick and Eric. They made BBAD so fun and BB gave them more alcohol. This cast just eats, sleeps, and gripes constantly.
Oh & I can’t take them talking about their celeberity, really? Has anyone from BB went on to big Celebrity that I missed? I can only recall a whole lot of BB crap they did after their seasons.
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If production is feeding info on the brigade that is crap. Total crap. They are all morons and will be their own demise, let’s not help them. Besides, if they can keep it hush until final 4 that would be cool, rarely has it happened an alliance go un-detected to the end.
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Oh, I stand corrected, Dr. Will, he is a celebrity w/ his Dr 90210 show, but heck, he was a celebrity in his own right, LOL
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Carmen..I totally agree with you. Actually. I agree with alot of the posts but that’s because we are all avid fans and tend to notice. like and dislike the same kind of gameplay.
I do agree Rachel is totaly annoying and has alot of undesireable qualities, to be nice, but production IS probably taloring things for her and Brendon to stay because the rest of the HGs arent playing the GAME and if they were gone, can you imagine how bleakly BORING it would be in the house??!!
I think the reason many liked Kristen before and don’t now is because she wan’t TALKING before!!!! She used to just sit and *observe* people, which was supposedly her gameplay. And then she didn’t need to talk until she was on the block and now it’s just torture!! I also FF through anything to do with her last nite! It’s like alright already, you have been saying the same things for DAYS now….mix it up or SHUT UP! I can’t beleive she doesnt know she is going home and her behavior isnt embarrasing her!
The brigade think they have it made in the shade, and are laughing at Brenchel for thinking any of them are on thier side. Also, it looks like Matt is the expendable one in the group. I think tht has to do with his friendship with Ragen, which they may see as a secondary alliance.
Also just heard that Jeff from BB11 is going to come back to spend a nite in the house. Wonder what THAT is all about?? Or when it is going to happen.
Oh..and about the signing……the problem isnt that the HGs may have bad voices but royalites. Everythime they would sing a song,BB would have to PAY! Remember during BB9 there were alot of BDs and when the HGs sang Happoy Birthday , they had to bleep it out! I’m surprised they let them sing *He’s a jolly good fellow* to Matt last week. Maybe that song wwas PRE
I was SO disappointed last nite. My inner BB clock told me it was time for a show at 8:00….and then I remembered it was WED now. I was SO bummed!!! ๐ Ready even more for tonite now!!!(Even tho we already know everything that ‘s going to happen……)lol
Ok…done rambling……
Peace OUT!
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Blankets: Probably thinking they look bigger than they are on TV
Braechel: Painting her toenails? Sucker!
Singing: Karaoke competition for prizes, how about that?
Back to Braechel: Anyone consider they’re the ‘long time relationship’ couple? Considering they got so close from the beginning?? Both are supposedly ‘scientists’? Perhaps she ‘dances’ to pay for school?? Hmmm
Love it all except for night time listening to people beg to stay in the house!
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I would like to see Brendon and Ragen win. I can’t stand Britney, shes a cut throat and she is always picking at herself. It turns my stomach..
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Hey Star, you beat me to it. Yep, you’re right as always. ๐ The no singing rule has to do with royalties. I remember the HB songs being bleeped.
Okay, I’m in, Roachel it is!
As for R&B, that is not kissing, it’s sickening is what it is. Sick of them already. That’s what I thought also about B’s back straining when she jumps on him but maybe he’s trading his back pain for his other pleasuring activity. ๐
I wonder how they pick these HGs. Someone said, it’s CA and why are they under blankets. Sure it’s a bit cooler this year but I’m still in bermudas and a T-shirt and I live in Dana Point. It’s gorgous even when it’s overcase it’s not cold. Don’t have a clue what’s up with Enzo being cold except that I’d be willing to bet he’s a mama’s boy at heart.
Still like Ragan and I agree Star, Kristen was “observing” until she opened her mouth. No gameplay for sure. Plus she has really funny looking eyes. They may glow in the dark. ๐ฟ
Looking forward to the show tonight that should have been on last night. ๐
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Rachel in the diary room….WTF??? She’s so loud, like she’s yelling at the camera. “My man” crap is retarded, too. Sadly I agree with most of you….she has to stay for the drama.
They do need to hand out more booze. That always get’s em going.
One rumor I heard about Brit/Kathy life long friends….she’s the Mom of Brit’s fiance. Not sure if its accurate. That would mean Brit grew up with “her man” and knew Kathy. Seems plausible.
What’s this about production giving advice or tipping off others about alliances? I had BBAD the last few years….not this year.
Oh yeah, the no singing is about CBS being stingy and not wanting to pay royalties. If someones song is sung/played on TV, they owe them for it.
I also dig the BB voice saying the same shit. “Come to the diary room”…and what not.
Jeff coming back for a night? Where do you guys get that inside info?
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OK, the no singing because of royalties makes sense, thanks! I am looking forward to tonights show, I also haven’t gotten used to the Wednesday night instead of Tuesday night. I have Showtime but haven’t been taping or watching BBAD because this season has been so BORING! Was waiting until something happens, then will probably start. Not working right now, so not much to do during the day.
My fav’s in order are Ragan, Britney, Lane, Enzo, Hayden, Kathy, Matt, Kristen, Brendan, Rachel. If they can evict Rachel, I will probably like Brendan more, but if he wins HOH next week, thats another week the HG’s will have to put up with Rachel and “her man”.
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Rachel completely attacked Kristen for no reason and now everyone seems to hate her and Brendon even more. Brendon’s not that bad when he’s not with her, but he turns into a complete tool when he is with her. I think the two of them want to be like Jeff and Jordan from last year, but the problem is that those two were nice and treated everyone with respect. Plus Jordan is way hotter than Rachel. Rachel only has giant boobs but she is a total moron. Just because you’re a chemist doesn’t mean that you are smarter and better than everyone, especially in the Big Brother House. I’m getting a little annoyed with people saying how great of competitors they are and how smart they are. All of that goes out the window when your in the house because what you need to succeed in Big Brother is friends and luck. That’s it. My favorites are now Britney and Lane because they take nothing for granted and are hilarious. I also like the Brigade and Ragan. Hopefully Kristen goes home. Long live the Brigade.
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hopefully with the double eviction coming up we will be rid of at least one of the skanky couple, but who knows they have been lucky. and anyone against #1 skank will win in the end, because no one in the house likes Rachel, Brendon is at least more tolerable. ๐
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ok, so if kathy’s on a raft then she’s sharing it with most of the house.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YES roachel Does win alot as does brenda THAT is why i always bitch about them not getting voted out. It only makes sense to get rid of the ones who ARE NOT FLOATERS first and THEN go after other’s you feel don’t deserve to win for some reason but then remember Dr Will came off as a floater tho we knew it was his game play. “not winning and acting all willing to go with the flow” but then to US he’d say he was doing it on purpose.
kathy is a sweet person…at least she seems to be. I imagine with all the drunk emotional kids in there she feels sorta like the mom. I know i would. AND to me, more alcohol is the last thing they need. I can’t believe we as grown adults are encouraging these ‘kids’ to get more of that ……….oh, maybe someone will o.d. on it? I don’t even drink and I can express myself just fine.
What they need to do is give them something to do. BB needs to come up with more games and i still think having some creativity such as surprises and such………..and maybe picking people with more personality IN THE FIRST PLACE.
the brigade don’t really play. they talk alot.
Brit and Ragan seem to be playing the game more than anyone besides b n r. SO why isn’t matt the “genius” who sits “pretty” (barf) working on a plan?
my fav BB was the one with dr will. it was never boring.
OH and with Jeff and Jordan. They were cute and funny.
so yeah, it’s pretty boring. so when it’s not on tv i watch re-runs of shows i never saw before.
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I agree.BUT I think that Hayden & Kristen are lying to the others in the BB HOUSE. I would like to see Britney become HOH for once. As for Rachel, I would like to see her GONE. Rachel is TOO GREEDY. She has won twice now. GIVE OTHERS the chance to win HOH.
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If its true, Hayden says he has only see BB season 10 & 11, if that’s so that P***** me off. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD BB there are enough REAL Fans of the show to cast why not? REAL fans should be the cast next yr! ALL HG’s should be real fans, they should get on the blog sites, contact the bloggers and put them on, now how fun would it be to watch w/ our very own AGGIE, MAMA MARGE, JT, STAR, STAR FISH, AND MANY MORE, NOW THAT WOULD BE GOOD BB
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Starfish…ya gotta get up PRETTY early in the afternoon to beat me to the punch…lol Glad you validated me tho re: the singing thing.
And I agree with you about Kristen’s eyes. They are spooky, aren’t they? Kind of expect them to turn YELLOW some nite! Not Asian I don’t think and a bit more than cat eyes. *The better to OBSERVE with , my dear*…….Bwahhhh……. ๐
BBBronson……I LMAO at the thought of our lil group in the BB House!!! Thanks for counting me in that cast, BTW!! I dunno…I’m a pretty private person and I think I sound smarter when I TYPE than when I actually talk…lol Besides, we all get along so well here….we probably wouldn’t even be speaking much less blogging after a season in the BB house. It’s definitely detrimental to friendships!! ๐ฟ
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I am totally sick of Rachael and the disgusting kissing. There is no reason to suck each others’ faces off. I can’t stand it. Every once in a while I see some glimmer of hope that Brendan will get sick of her and then he tucks down to her again. She treats him like HE’S stupid. Go figure! I believe that it will be Kristen who goes home this week but I can only hope and pray that it is Rachael next week. They haven’t had a group that ran around and played games and just had fun for about 3 seasons. They need some more fun loving and group minded people.
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bbbubba lmao at your suggestion, now that would make for a very interesting and lively house.
txs for including me in it. from what i know of this bbblogger family there would never be a dull moment lol
ciao mama margie
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Mama margie..I’ll go if YOU go! I could do horoscopes for people, you could make your world famous brownies,aggie would provide the drama, Starfish would be our house mother and JT, poor guy, is the only MALE so far so hope he is ok working out, not wearing a shirt and being eye candy… ๐
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BigBubba, thanks for the mention and that would really be a hoot. Star, I loved your categories. Mama, for sure, never a dull moment. House Mother for me, I’m in. Brownies, Drama and Eye Candy, who could ask for anything more? :;:
As for BORING, it certainly is. I agree, they need more games to play that require participants instead of couch potatoes. I would like to see them change the game play somehow in the first couple shows so everyone gets to know everyone up front and compete with each other. They might not be so quick to form alliances if they knew each other better. I don’t know, they need to think of something because what they’re doing isn’t getting it done. What a bunch of dweebs this year.
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Oops, forgot about horoscopes, the most fun of all! I’m a Gemini but I have my sane moments. ๐
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Star, Your’re funny, That sounds good, yeah JT, would be good eye candy, you have to have that things can get pretty boring. You forgot one though, Shirley, can be the one who bitches and moans, that i can have my best dramatic moments with. And fran can be my best ally, and coconspiriter. ๐
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BIG BUBBA, sounds good, yes it should be real super fans, not just casual observers, I have seen the show since season 1 I look forward to it every year.
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Brendon better not win HOH this week.
I have no idea what Brendon sees in Rachel. I think Rachel is kind of jealous of Kristen (because she looks better). Who ever win HOH should just put one of them up, and if they win the POV put the other one up. One of them has got to go.
Matt had since enough this week to keep a low profile and not get in the middle of anything. The Brigade seems so far to be hanging in their.
I can’t make up my mind about Brittany. She has funny commentary. I’d like to see her and Rachel go at it. Kathy seems nice but boring, she can go home.
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As long as we are adding to the list, we may need to strongarm AC and PGADOK so JT won’t feel like he’s drowning in estrogen!!! ๐
with envy!!! LOVE it!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AC is our (techie)nerd(aka Ronnie, Eric and Matt??), PGA is our athlete(could play pool all day and pull off big wins in endurance comps). Hmm..think that’s 9…..bigbubbabronson cuz she started all this; Sal as moderator/MC; Donna to write this all up for us when it’s over; and twists/guest appearances by Kev11 and GOD aka
Now THAT would be an all star season to remember!!! All other seasons would be
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Hey Star, Ac Isn’t a nerd, smart and athletic, but not a nerd, he would be good at competitions he is a bodybuilder.
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aggie…I have been watching since Day One Season One too!!! And as soon as BBAD was available, I was there too! I guess that’s not totally a pre-req, but I wonder how many of our BB13(ohoh!!) Team BBBlogger have been watching all along?? Be interesting to know. Anyone care to chime in and OUT themselves???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Or challenge the peeps suggested to be in the house from our blog???
We might as well have our own games and challenges, since BB12 ain’t providing much!!! ๐ก
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it would be nice Star, we can only dream
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aggie..I didn’t KNOW that!!! AC is a man of few words and I guess he hasn’t ever used many of them on me!! I did always hear how good he was on the comp and he was always there with answers to tech probs and links etc.
Guess our nerd may have to be JT then, eh?? lol Where is he today, anyway?? Not like him to miss a day…….and i don’t anat him accusing me of talking behind his back!!! ๐ฏ
BTW..a nerd IS smart by definition. If your built too…so much the better…:)
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Hey guys don’t forget donna =^^= lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------also, i bet snakbitsal would be great at being behind the walls and saying
hgs you are NOT allowed to talk about production, diary room, singing, etc.
not back to the show
tonite they had a shot of r back and man does she look so masculine
she is not the least bit feminine, i think Brendon is way more girlie then she is. I for one am counting the min’s till she is gone. I forgot who said in an earlier blog why does she have to yell in the diary room, so annoying, Kathy needs to pay attenton to
what she is saying, i have lost count at abut 120.000 times that she ends every sentence with YOU KNOW. Kathy my dear I do not know nor do i care………………………..
Brittany, are you part monkey? Stop with the checking for split ends and for heavens sake ask for some salve for the thing you have been picking at on your leg for the past week, it is not becoming at all to see you pick pick pick at your leg.
I could go on forever, but won’t as i do not want to bore you all.
ciao for now I am off to check ebay on where i can put my bid in for Kristens little ophan annies wig NOT
mama margie
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i have been watching and addicted to bb since the first one.
and let’s not forget about Chris I am sure he can be fit in there somewhere, lol Speaking of Chris have not seen him that much…
mama margie
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Star, I wish i could say more, but I’m probably in trouble for saying that much, he is the mystery man of the blog, thats for sure. I guarantee Jt, is no nerd either,nuff said.
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mama margie, I did add Sal and Donna if you look back! Forgot the =^^= tho. And what a great idea for Sal to ge the voice of BB…*Bloggers…er…HGs……could you please stop WHINING??* lol
Was thinking the same thing about Brit!!! If they get bedbugs in the house this year, on top of the annual ants, it will be all her fault for leaving so much human skin laying around!!! UGH!! Nervous Nelly much?? And you never BORE us lady!! ๐ Oh and Chris can be another of our *Where have they gone* guests.
And aggie..have you been getting pics of the male bloggers or something?? Where do I sign up??? ๐ฏ
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And AGAIN….a NERD to me just means smart and not afraid to show it…..not an insult by any means!
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Star, JT, had his pic on the blog for a short time, I think very few saw it, request for him to bring it back. AC, I know what he looks like as well, no comment how, afew others know as well. ๐
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Ok..if you guys read this, consider both requested!! ๐
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href=”!/photo.php?pid=31981506&op=1&o=global&view=global&subj=1193040152&id=57800675 > Nerd / MC / Ex-Jock /Dad
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damn …………..
href=โ!/photo.php?pid=31981506&op=1&o=global&view=global&subj=1193040152&id=57800675″ > Nerd / MC / Ex-Jock /Dad
This might work better
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href= “!/photo.php?pid=31981506&op=1&o=global&view=global&subj=1193040152&id=57800675” > Nerd / MC / Ex-Jock /Dad I’m losing my touch!
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Hey BBB please delete those
Nerd / MC / Ex-Jock /Dad
This one WILL work. ๐ ๐
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Hey Sal….it wouldn’t work for me. Do I need to be on facebook???
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Yeh, let me slap it up where y’all can see.
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Star*** sorry to say I’m a new BB fan I’ve only watched the last 2 seasons and a few shows here and there in the past. That being said last year I loved evil Dick! And the BBAD with him. I keep hoping they will give them something to play and do.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I dislike N&R more than anything luck can’t stay on their side forever!
I would love BB13 to be you bloggers!! But the twist to be you all “know” eachother and don’t know it. It would be cool you all entertain me even when I don’t post anything I read it all ๐
Brit n roach are in the tub again. Brit is playing well. Yes she needs to quit with the picking. But she dosent bother me as bad as hearing roach say brendon… Brendon… Brendon… And how many times can she say “on that note” ? Repeat repeat repeat…
Moving on ragan seems like a sweet trust worthy person. I love him! I hope he makes it to the end! I have liked him from day 1 and he hasn’t let me down yet.
Have a great one all ๐
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***oops typo that was B&R but I bet you knew that*** ๐
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Matt, better win HOH or he is in trouble, he didn’t make any deals with R+B ,therefore they think he will put them up, and they would be right. B+R ,have no friends in the house, everyone wants them gone, period.
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hey justlookin…..LOVED your idea for the BBBlogger team twist!!!lol I don’t think many of us know what the others look like(*Hint, hint* Sal…where’s that pic???) A house full of bloggers who have NO idea that the otyther HGs have been their blogger friendd for years. WOW! That’s crazy!
Not to *correct* you but just for your own info…..Evel Dick’s season was 8…..which was 4 years ago! (cuz BB9 was on that year too in the winter)So you may have been watching longer than you thought!! ๐
Agree about Roachel’s repeating . What about *LIKE*?? Like, that doesn’t bother you??lol Or *Bottom line*?? I’m sure there’s more. Actually, all the HGs have something they repeat alot. Enzo says *That’s it!* LIKE with every breath! Kathy says ya know and UMMmm….sure signs of intelligent thinking!! Watch long enough and you will know all the HGs irritating habits! But that’s just part of being a Voyeur…lol
And ya..lots of strategizing going on in the bubbles. Nice to hear as opposed to pool playing or people smacking their lips while eating!!
Oh and I DO like Ragen BUT…..when he does that weird little voice of his, trying to immitate somebody, God only knows WHO….it really makes me squirm!! It’s a gay guy trying to do a gay guy’s speech so over the top it makes my ears bleed!! Everyone laughs and i can’t tell if its cover-your-ass-and-pretend-to-think-its-hilarious-cuz-everyone-else-is….like they vote…or if they are really amused. I , for one, am SO not! Matt….quick….shove something in his mouth and make him STOP!!!!lol
Welcome aboard, BTW!!!
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ok so i’m no crazy about kristin but if i were her or if i were me..ha..and on there and going to be voted off…i would do alot of mean things first like put peanut butter or syrup or honey between bedsheets and hide stuff..i would..i’d be awful but it’d be so funny. Hide r’s hair coloring crap.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hide one of each of her shoes.
put a pickle in their bed or in her clothes
(or slop) probably wouldn’t notice slop on the sheets.
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Wow the time flies then! Evel Dick was the first season I watched n I had to get sho just for the BBAD lol. So I guess it has been longer than I thought other then him I only remember jennel I didn’t like her either but I think roach is worse. And OH yes the chewing with mouth open and lip smacking is all on the top of my list. Roach has Many things she repeats but it seems to me she repeats herself more then others do. Ovi bothers me to. Why was it ovi that she got champagne? Enzo entertains me even with his repeats. Kathy makes me want to sleep when she talks lmao! I don’t mind ragans impressions I just wish I understood them. Hayden I like his personality when he lets it out. Reminds me of my nephew. Matt bugs me with his hand down his pants. Brendon is just a wuss and roaches puppet. Brit is really growing on me but has her quarks. Lane idk anything about. Did I miss anyone? The list is endless!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the welcome. I love all the posts! My fone goes off Nonstop on Thursdays I can’t refresh fast enough to post and read it all!
I love the insight from all of you.
And yes BB13 bloggers would be too cool! How would the aliances end up? Hehehe and how long would it take you all to figure out how you “know” each other. And think how fun BBAD would be! Some lady smuggle some cards in in your bra! Play in the bathroom stall! Lmao! JK.
Why don’t they ask the DR for cards they had them in past seasons.
Let’s all send them a telepathic msg ready?!
Anyone think it will work? ๐
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Hope it’s ok to ask here but wondering how do I sign up for live feeds? And once signed up can i watch from other computers when I go to my mom’s?
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Also why did brit protect Lane? Could they be the secret friendship?
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Well well well…. miss a day at the ‘ol blog and look what happens! ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
WTF?? I get to be on BB13 now!! YEA!!! ๐ I was getting worried for a while… it looked like an all girl alliance was forming and going to kick my a$$ to the curb first chance they got!! ๐
I did read about Jeff coming into the BB house.. they said he might even spend the night. I read that about a week ago… and they said the timeframe was in the next 2 weeks…… so that means he should be going in there within the next week? The funny thing to me is he prolly hasn’t seen much because he is so busy with his 90-100 day trip. All these HGs will be disappointed to learn that Jeff has no idea who they even are!! ๐ ๐
The one line that I am sick of hearing Kristen say is…. “I feel like…”
I have watched many of her pleas to stay in the house.. and she starts a lot of her sentences with, “I feel like”. “I feel like people should vote what’s best for them”…. “I feel like I don’t deserve to leave”.. “I feel like this is going to be a 4-3 vote”…. and on and on.
I feel like muting the sound!!
Anything happen today to change the 6-1 vote to evict Kristen?
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Tammy, it is ok to ask about live feeds here. After EVERY comment there is a link to live-feeds sign up (in blue).
Yes, you can watch them on any computer.
Brit protects Lane because he is her closest friend in the house since Monet left. They spend a lot of the day together and give each other chit all day.. it’s pretty funny. She even gets on Lane’s back when he does his push-ups! ๐ She is 5 feet tall and 100 lbs… it’s like a bird on Lane’s back! ๐ They did not know each other before entering the house.
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Thank you JT
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JT….see?? Don’t show up and all kinds of SH*T can happen to
I wonder if BB production will be reasing this. We may all receive an email invite into the BB13 house soon!! ๐
I have noticeds Kristens *I feel like* thing but not JUST her. It’s a new colloquialism that permiates society. People actually mean *I think* but somehow it switched to *I feel*. I think it’s so that no one ever has to justify what they are saying. It was just a FEELING…..
It’s like *right now*. As in..*Are you kidding me right now??* Or *Are you serious right now??* All have occured in the same kind of time period. Hate both of them. It does seem to be people under 30 that use it the most. AKA the BB12 house…
back to BB watching……..
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What would I do if i were BB production and knew that Brendon HAS TO win HOH?
I would make the next HOH comp like the one that Kevin won last year (Run back and forth and fill up something with a liquid). Brendon would be the HUGE fave to win that…. the guy is like a MACHINE on the elliptical!! He could run circles around Forrest Gump! Brendon runs an hour at a time… and at a fast pace. I think I heard him say he runs about 8 or 9 miles a day! ๐ฏ I don’t see anyone competing with him if it’s this type of competition. Let’s hope not!! But we know production didn’t want Brit to use the POV and called the POV ceremony early. ๐ก ๐ฟ
As far as Rachel leaving…… yes, she is added entertainment in a freakish way and does play the game hard.. almost psychotic! Would the show be more boring without her? Maybe…. BUT I AM WILLING TO CHANCE IT!! It’s like if I’m driving down a long boring road… then I see a crow on the side picking at roadkill…. it does add some interest… but it wont be missed when i’m past that point…. and I wont look in the rearview mirror!!
I am also tired of R nagging B about winning HOH. “You have to win Brendon!!”. She’s said it a million times. Reminds me of Sheila nagging Adam to win.
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Male House Guests… you are not allowed to put your hand down your pants on Showtime!! ๐ฏ ๐ฏ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ
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OK…1st of all…enzo quit playing with yer NUTS!! It is very offputting. Do they HAVE hand sanitizer in the house???lol
2nd…it is very disappointing to know that production is in so m uch control of the HGs. Do they have to do what they say?? I guess since they are getting paid whilst in the house, they are kind of employees and thus have to do as told. Kind of ruins the whole premise of the game tho which is to see how 12+ strangers do cooped up together . It’s supposed to be a psychological experiment…….not 90210!!
And JT…..I LMAO at your whole roadkill analogy….but it does ring true!! It’s like watching a nasty car accident or a fire…..hard to look aways but you’d just as soon forget it ASAP!!!
I am more and more impressed with Brit tho..the girls got game…AND she’s really funny!!!! I can see why see is hanging out with the *cool* guys. And Lane is growing on me too. He did admit to kristen, during one of her LOUNGE talks , that he was shy. Has just taken him some time to warm up to people and the cameras and let his true personality shine! I think Brit could go far with these guys……and they’d never know what hit them!! They will think they are letting her tag along like a lil sister………using her gameplaying info and thinking they can dump her at like F5! But they do genuinely like her and she will use that to her advantage…..without flirting…but with brains and humor!!
Can’t wait for tonight!!!
Sweet dreams all!!!
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JT…just read your post…GMTA!!! ๐
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Rotflmao! Thanx JT can’t top that comparison!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have a good night all! Lookin forward to tonight! ๐
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I think ALL the HGs will vote to evict Kristen. This coming week should get interesting and I agree with you all that the HOH Competition will be designed for Bland-one.
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funny last night, Britt has to endure ,and get in the bathtub with the skank again, What is funny she is giving Britt alot of info, and then britt goes downstairs and tells the guys, and they all laugh at them, she is like a mole. ๐
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Location: Diary Room BB 13
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scene: Eviction voting
Characters: Any one of the “over the hill so far that there isn’t even a 1% grade within a thousand miles” BBBlog Ladies Alliance casting her vote to evict.
Monolog: I vote to evict, um, who did you say was on the block? I know I knew who I wanted to boot out of the house a minute ago. It is on the tip of my tongue (yuk, that tasted gross, must me leftover slop) Damn, I knew I should have taken my Focus Factor today. Sorry Julie, can we do this later … ๐
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Hey PK, we forgot to add you and Ted, The resident smart asses. ๐
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I agree with you all, Kristin will go tonight. I still can’t figure out Brit. Does anyone think she might be setting up the brigade? I don’t trust her and I was furious when she took the POV from Hayden. I think this Lane excuse is bogus. Well onto tonight’s eviction and us seeing Brendon winning HOH!
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If the brigade is outed by production, I’ll be enraged and may never watch again. How can you punish them for being the best alliance in the history of the game, no alliance was kept a secret this long before. They’re going to run to the final four if production stays out of it. As for the question, Rachael annoys me to no end.
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I agree with you Chris…I would love to see the brigade make it to the F4. Then, they could vote Matt out, Hayden and the final two can be Lane and Enzo. Those two together will at least make for some good entertainment for the last days in the house. Everyone else will just lay around….sleep and eat. How fun is that for us fans? **** YAWN ****
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE….let Enzo or Lane win the hoh tonight. I wouls rather take a beatin’ than watch and listen to Rachel and her boy toy go one for more than 1 more week. Maybe I’ll start watching the live feeds again.
BB13…now that sounds like something I’ll pay to see. I’ll be there in the front row, with my snacks and drinks and ready to LMAO at everyone trying to win votes from their blogging family. I will have to put my money on Aggie…she’s a feisty one. But then I’m sure JT will keep her in line. ๐ Everyone will know which one is AC…the quiet one that sleeps during the day and parties at night. Aggie will be the one that never sleeps….she’s the ‘undead.’ PK will be the storyteller of the bunch. He has a story about everything. Let me know when the show starts….CBS ratings will skyrocket!!!
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I agree Chris, if production ousts the brigade I may never watch again. I really think they will be involved in Brendon winning HOH tonight, thus putting off my Rachel eviction party next week. lol. This season is almost a no-brainer!
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I think Brendan is playing Rachel like a fiddle. I don’t think he cares for her at all. When he said ” I love you” she rolled her eyes. I think she knows he can’t be in love that quick. Plus he did say before the game started that he would use any girl in the house to get ahead. hmmm…
I also say that Brendan and Ragan are a couple and the two who have known each other for a long time. What a twist that would be! ! !
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Rachel has GOT to go, she is so obnoxious. I think the girls are playing the game much better than the guys are and they’ll be all left in the end. If anyone’s confused, here’s a good recap
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Boston Rob I do not agree with you; if anything Rachel is playing Brendon. I don’t believe all the dog panting he has done around her is not fake. The only brain he is using in this game come from his second head!
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I get a kick out of Regan. He is such a sweet and funny guy.
I ALSO cannot stand Roachel (LOVE this name spelling, lol), and I hope Matt nominates and/or backdoors her next week. It will provide us fans some well-deserved peace from have to hear her voice and laugh as well as her and Brendon’s smacking and squabbles, UGH.
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