Time to close down Big Brother Blog for another season, but first…

by BBBlogger on September 25, 2015

So BBBlogger was wrong! I wanted to bet my house, my farm, my family, my entire life savings that this was going to be the year a female won Big Brother! (has been a while…)

However, even with a 66% chance going into the final HOH (Liz, Vanessa and Steve) you would have felt good that Vanessa was going to be bring it all home.

Sadly, she lost when it matter the most. She lost the final HOH and Steve being smarter than he let on did the RIGHT THING and got rid of the strongest player and thus sealing his WIN of Big Brother 17!!

Whew! What a ride!

So even though this season saw some fun, the feeling I got is same old same old, boring, no fun house guests. The Twin Twist has been done. The Takeover twist did not last. Overall it just felt stale and a little boring.

I enjoyed Meg and if she reads this…feel free to say hello to BBBlogger at RealityTVChat@gmail.com since wow!! Never know right?? 🙂

But Steve won the season. He outwitted, outplayed, outlasted…wait…that is Survivor. He was the first to race around the world and complete….nope…Amazing Race. Boy…I sure wish BBBlogger would have a place for us to talk THOSE shows…

Well luckily for you I do AND I have a new interactive Chat Room as well. Check out Reality-TV-Chat.com and see what is cooking with your friends from Big Brother Blog and Survivor Blog!

Check it out and let me know what you think and if there is anything else you would like to see.

Also, PLEASE DO NOT JUMP OFF THE EMAIL LIST!! I promise to NOT email you unless there is Big Brother news but it will start up again next year in May/June! So hang tight and we will be back! Promise!!

So visit us at reality-tv-chat.com or email BBBlogger at realitytvchat@gmail.com for anything.

Lastly, I am going to say a HUGE thank you to honestly one of the best bloggers I know in Lisa Marie! She is an amazing lady and I would have closed the blog down long ago if it was not for her. She has a very direct style and pulls no punches. She has been a blessing to me and to this blog. If you would like to DONATE any $$ to her and her only (not BBBlogger) feel free to use the donate button. I will make sure she gets every cent of your donation. I pay her well from the money the buying of the feeds brings in but it is not enough to help her retire so feel free to do what you can…otherwise she would love a thank you in the comments below!

You guys are my Big Brother Blog family and I appreciate you all being here this season. I know that I am just a guy who owns a website but I consider you all part of my life. Thank you for sticking with me and making this one of the must fun (and unique) blogs on the internet! We will be back next year so get ready! Only 250 some days until Big Brother 18!

Peace, Bill
aka BBBlogger

Queen Bee September 25, 2015 at 2:57 pm

Thanks BBBlogger and Lisa Marie for a job well done!!! Can’t wait until BB 18!!!!!!!!!!

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Diane Smith September 25, 2015 at 3:02 pm

Thank you both for all your info and comments this season..You guys are great and do an awesome job..I so enjoyed all the fun times with a great group of folks too..Hope you all have a wonderful day and looking forward to what next season will hold..
I so wish they could have daily tasks to keep them busy like BBCAN and BBAUS did..and get a NEW HOUSE this one is so boring..but first….you guys are great ..

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pam September 25, 2015 at 3:06 pm


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Rhonda September 25, 2015 at 3:17 pm

I so happy for Steve!! Thanks for a great season. Can’t wait until next year!!

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sherry September 25, 2015 at 3:31 pm

Thank you Bill (BBBlogger) and Lisa for giving us wonderful summer of growing
friendships and sharing of views that made an otherwise boring show worth the
time spent blogging. Am looking forward to next summer with a hopeful heart that
CBS might have learned something from this season about what the fans really want
to see and how important casting is.

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Yvonne September 25, 2015 at 3:38 pm

Thank you BBBlogger and Lisa. I so appreciate all you do and this wonderful blog. See you next year and here’s hoping CBS does better with their choice of house guests.

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jolee September 25, 2015 at 3:44 pm

Thank you BBBlogger! This blog has been so amazing this year! I made so many friends that I will be staying in touch with via Facebook and Reality tv!
I want to thank you and Lisa for allowing us to go “off topic” which is one reason we all became so close this year. There was very little negativity and we were free to express our opinions without being challenged.
Lisa was amazing as usual. She has a God given talent for writing amazing blogs. I think we will remain good Facebook friends for a long time. 🙂
I am going to miss hanging out here in the early morning hours when I couldn’t sleep! In fact, that’s often when the party got started!! 🙂
Thank’s again BBBlogger and Lisa. I hope to check back in …..
Later!! 😎

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Susan September 25, 2015 at 3:58 pm

Thank you, both, so much. Lisa is an amazing blogger and I always enjoy hearing her viewpoint and insights into the house and what’s going on. Until next time. . . . <3

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Margie September 25, 2015 at 4:06 pm

Lisa and BBBlogger thanks for a wonderful experience this year. I’m so happy I found this site for my new home. It was so nice being accepted by everyone. I had been on another BB blog for many years but she unexpectedly decided not to blog this year and it was great to find a new home! Thanks for everything.

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Fannie B September 25, 2015 at 4:20 pm

THANK YOU Lisa and BBBlogger. I have enjoyed your site for many years but never joined in the fun. I am so happy I did it was wonderful to make new friends and share thoughts with others about BB. There is a lot of love here in the blog. I will be ready for BB18 in a big way!!

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Ginny September 25, 2015 at 4:26 pm

Thank you Bill …
and to Lisa Marie a huge thank you double thank you!
See you next time!

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tendr September 25, 2015 at 4:41 pm

I will miss you.

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PRH in NC September 25, 2015 at 4:42 pm

Thanks Lisa Marie and BBBlogger for all your hard work!!

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Jeanne4488 September 25, 2015 at 4:55 pm

thanks BBblogger and Lisa Marie for someplace we can share our excitement , opinions and views & catch up whatever we missed. as always it was fun. :o)

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tendr September 25, 2015 at 5:16 pm

Why can’t the survivor blog be easy like this one? I don’t even know my password into here… it’s just saved. The other blog wouldn’t let me join by fb without sending me ti widget or somewhere to pay. By email add it said I had to type in some word no one could read…..i’m out

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KevInDenver September 25, 2015 at 5:29 pm

Thank you both & all. I have been on this blog many seasons and previously under different aliases. I like the people from past years, I feel their (your) personal trials and tribulations and I enjoy the personal chit chat more than the game talk. I work long 12, 13, 14 hour shifts as a nurse and sometimes I don’t get to the blog but go right to bed.
I enjoyed watching Steve AND Vanessa play the last Comp well. It was a nail biter. I have played the moment Steve evicted Vanessa over & over & over again (1000X at least) and it still brings me tidings of great joy.
It was funny when Liz kept trying to thank Steve for taking her and he just looked all glazed eyed as if he were staring through her or just trying to focus on the more interesting empty space in the room.
It seemed Jmac totally blamed Steve for his being evicted (TWICE!) when it was blatantly Vanessa’s move each time. They way Jmac rambled (LOUDLY) against Steve I thought he’d vote for what’s-her-twin.
Vanessa showed her true colors when she gave a rambling speech (meaningful only to Vanessa and the JudasTwins’ Admiration Society) as she cast her key for what’s-her-twin.
Judas was actually the kindest of the foursome (after Jace[WHO????] exited). Judas was mean when paired with Jace but the twins and Vanessa were snipey at games end {birds of a feather}.
So glad Steve won those important Comps and I’m gleeful still at Vanessa’s eviction.
James was my favorite house guest for his cute little munchkin-like scampering around and prankstership.
Hasta la vista mis amiga(o)s!!!!!

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Astra Kelly September 25, 2015 at 5:42 pm

Thanks Lisa Marie..you really ARE this blog! Stay healthy and safe everyone…have a wonderful Holiday Season..Christmas, Chanakahh ( sp )..a blessed and terrific New Year! Hope to see you all next June!

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Jani September 25, 2015 at 6:03 pm

A HUGE THANK YOU TO LISA!! You did a wonderful job keeping us updated.

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Shirron Stone September 25, 2015 at 6:38 pm

I want to say thank you also.

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junksies September 25, 2015 at 6:53 pm

My heartfelt thanks to Lisa and Bill…until we meet again, be blessed!

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Bittums September 25, 2015 at 7:36 pm

Thank you for a great season of updates and giving us all a place to come to and try to keep our sanity throughout this BB17 mess!
While there were a lot of let downs during this season, I couldn’t be happier with the ending!
Out of the three finalists I am ecstatic Steve won! It gave me great pleasure that Vanessa got the boot! Like Jace said, if she would have owned her game instead of crying through it, I would probably have been rooting for her. And Liz and was just sadly terrible in answering her jury questions. It was like super fan vs. airhead beauty pageant girl – in my opinion. I really don’t want her to even have the 50k! And I can’t believe that Vanessa voted for Liz to win, I would have thought that she would have really admired Steve’s game, being that she’s a strategic poker player in real life.
Anyway, thank you again you two for a great blog this year! Cheers to you and everyone else!

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irish173rd@aol.com September 25, 2015 at 8:19 pm

I was doing my happy dance when Steve won the final and got rid of Vanessa, It made my summer watching bb worth it in the end. I love this blog even though I do not comment to much. Thank you Lisa Marie and Bill and I hope to see you all next Summer now on to Survivor which was very good this week and it is fun to watch players who really know how to play the game.

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Jeanne September 25, 2015 at 8:59 pm

Margie: The other blogs loss was our gain. We love having you here. See you all next Summer. I have enjoyed blogging with everyone this season. I think it was special. God bless you all. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Just remember the reason for the season. {{{HUGS}}}

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P September 25, 2015 at 10:03 pm

Dear Lisa, You are such a doll. What a trooper you have been this summer. So appreciate the time you invested in this. I know you probably wanted to quit this nonsense many times, but hung in their for us, your devoted fans. I am following you on your Survivor blog, and I will expect greatness from you. Because you have given nothing less. Kudos, way to go, Bravo, excellent job, I could go on and on but I think you get it. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

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Carolyn September 25, 2015 at 10:04 pm

Loved the finale and Vanessa losing. She was on my last nerve when she talked Liz into dropping on the ball comp. I’m glad Steve evicted her. Thanks BBBloger and Lisa Marie for this blog. Have really enjoyed reading all the comments this summer. I tried to participate in my own way even though I’m not good at getting involved with people on a personal level, I’m not shy. I tried to comment when I had something to say and I wasn’t made to feel unwelcome so I’m still commenting. BBBlogger, I hope Meg does read your blog and gets in touch with you. I just loved her and thought she had the prettiest smile. It was a dull house when she and James were evicted. Look forward to next year.

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Mical September 25, 2015 at 10:20 pm

Thanks to both Bill and Lisa Marie for your website and the best possible way to add to the enjoyment of BB. I look forward to next year.

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Jeanne September 25, 2015 at 11:00 pm

Carolyn: I have enjoyed your blogs. I agree with you about Meg and James. They both gave us a little something to smile about.

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jolee September 25, 2015 at 11:55 pm

Carolyn, I agree with my sissy, I also have enjoyed your comments! You’ve got to love a woman who puts her dog center stage! 🙂 I am definitely a dog lover. We have two rescue dogs.
I really hate to say goodbye to all of my BBBlogger friends. I will check back here from time to time. Until they turn the lights out …. see you
Later!! 😎

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Robert September 26, 2015 at 1:10 am

It was quite satisfying of an ending to Big Brother to see Steve when with Liz so much more satisfying then when Kobe took Derek gave up the $500,000 I felt that he was so incredibly stupid

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Lisa Marie Bowman September 26, 2015 at 1:29 am

Thank you for the wonderful and kinds words, everyone! If you’re a fan of The Amazing Race, I just posted a recap of the first episode over at reality-tv-chat.com: http://reality-tv-chat.com/amazing-race/the-amazing-race-27-team-tmz-falls-apart-in-rio/

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jolee September 26, 2015 at 1:41 am

Thank’s Lisa. I’m on my way! 🙂

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Star September 26, 2015 at 5:35 am

@BBBlogger………How do you thank someone who has taken you from crayons to perfume?? No..wait….that’s to Sir, with Love…..lol Bur seriously, I feel like I have been here since I was using crayons and how DO we thank someone for giving us a place to share our BB addiction, and who also understands and participates in that addiction, for all these years??? I almost didn’t blog here this season. I really thought I didn’t need the stress of last year and I could do this on my own! But after wandering over here and reading a few times, I knew I had to come home!!! 😉
I am also thankful that you found Lisa Marie because we have totally enjoyed her writing style,her knowledge of the game, her fairness and frankness and her friendship! And besides, without her, I’m not sure we WOULD still be here. lol

It’s been a long summer with a potentially ho hum show and not so knowledgeable HGS. But the end justified the whole mess!!! The best man won,even tho Van tried her best/worst to make your prediction come true, and James the Asian Hillbilly stole our hearts…and $25,000!!lol

Ya gotta love a happy ending, except I never love the end of the summer and this blog!! I , like jolee, think we had a fun group this year, shared our thoughts and opinions in peace and harmony and I will miss THIS!! And will also keep checking back in until the lights go out!!!

Peace,love and light….
Star ♥

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Astra Kelly September 26, 2015 at 8:25 am

@ sTAR..so happy YOU DID BLOG THIS SUMMER!! Wouldnt be BB without you! <3

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Astra Kelly September 26, 2015 at 8:26 am

Supposed to be all caps!! STAR !

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macy September 26, 2015 at 12:59 pm


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bobovnvet September 26, 2015 at 1:14 pm

Thank you Bill for your Blog! Big THANKS go to Lisa for all her updates! You did a really great job Lisa♥ See you around 😆 ……………………………….. :mrgreen:

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jolee September 26, 2015 at 3:13 pm

Hi, I see a few of us are still holding on. Thank you Star for being a special friend here and on Facebook. The first thing I look for when I come on a blog is that beautiful starry eye! I will keep on checking! 🙂


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bobovnvet September 26, 2015 at 3:29 pm

So how do you log in on the R TV Blog ❓ ……….. :mrgreen:
It says my name is not veiled?

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Carolyn September 26, 2015 at 4:08 pm

Thank you Jeanne and Jolee for the kind words. Makes me feel better about hanging around. Yes I do love my dog. He is 12 years old and steals more of my heart every day.

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jolee September 26, 2015 at 11:18 pm

You are welcome Carolyn. I wish you had come on earlier! Maybe we will see each other on the Survivors and AR. Have a nice evening. You to Bob!! 🙂


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Junksies September 27, 2015 at 6:06 am

Austin cuts off pony beard!!!!


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sherry September 27, 2015 at 8:25 am

Junksies: I’m so glad he did, but whatever made him decide to do that?

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Star September 27, 2015 at 4:17 pm

@Junskies…..OMG!!! LOVE it!!! Austin was blindsided and now THIS!!!lol He is going to have to start wresting soon if he ever expects to feel like a MAN again!!! ;D

@sherry…Uh……I’d say not what but WHO!!! LIZ!!!! She even said in her BY interview with Jeff that that was the 1st thing she was going to do when she got out!! She also said taht Aus lets her wear the pants in the relationship. Proof positive of that!!lol I think he is the kinda guy that actually likes that. He’s not as strong inside as he claims to be out!!!

I heard Rachel in the background too. also chanting to cut it!! Must be all the BBers are still hanging out together. She’s another one that wears the PANTS in that relationship! Jordan seems to be the exception to that rule…lol

Here’s a cool summation of BB17 article…..


I miss blogging already…..*sigh*………

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sherry September 27, 2015 at 6:18 pm

Star: I am surprised you think Rachel wears the pants in her marriage. I got just the
opposite impression. On AR she said that Brendon wouldn’t let her have a child unless
they won AR. He had to get onto her several times and emotionally rein her in. On BB
she seemed to be in charge, even though he had to rein her in several times when he
was in the house. She seemed totally under his control during AR. But then that’s just
my impression and t.v. isn’t always reality!!?? You probably have more info on it than
my lone impression from watching. If you do, please share with me.
Good for Liz. I just wonder if he will regret it after they are in the real world again and
he learns what America really thought of them both. I can see him being outraged for
Liz and a shoulder for her to cry upon, but probably devastated about himself. I can’t
see them staying together for very long. But again, that’s just an impression and could
be proven wrong so easily.
Have a good week and don’t work too hard. Your immune system is weak and you may
have several relapses, if you don’t take good care of yourself. You never mentioned
what the doctor said at your Thurs. appt. ???

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Junksies September 28, 2015 at 1:42 am

@sherry – Not sure what Austin’s motivation could be to finally get rid of the pony beard…could be many reasons such as public opinion or trying to please Liz…I would guess both…? He said that he was going to wait awhile to get online to read everything so maybe he doesn’t know what public opinion is unless somebody told him. I’m thinking Liz was relentless and wanted it gone.

Don’t most women dominate marriages 99.9999% of the time? Didn’t see Brenchel on AR so I have no qualified opinion on that.

@Star – I recall you saying your regular doctor was on vacation and you went to some sort of urgent clinic…? I’d get another opinion…and research. You strike me as a patient who would be in control of your health care. I was…nowadays one has to be!!!

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sherry September 28, 2015 at 2:46 am

Junksies: Thanks for letting me know what you thought of Austin. Yes, he did say
he wanted to wait awhile before reading about BB. I don’t think he’s had time to
know what the score is. Since it seemed to be mostly BB people at the party, I doubt
anyone has let him know how disliked he was in the house. But then it’s all speculation.

I agree with Junksies, Star. You need to get yourself to a pulmonologist (sp?), who specializes
in lung disorders and diseases. If you wait for a doctor to refer you to a specialist, it
many times is too late for serious conditions. Not that I’m saying your case is dire, but
I’d rather be too cautious, than sorry later.

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Star September 28, 2015 at 8:13 pm

@sherry…I didn’t see the AR they were on. Another of my not so fav reality shows. Really, for a long time, BB was it!! Slowly I have added Survivor and we watch most of Bravo’s. But things like the Voice and So you think you can Dance or especially the Bachelor series…..NOT!!!lol

So I am going by the BB the summer that they met. I felt like Rachel initiated and pursued Brendan. And seemed to have him wrapped around her little finger! I know he was obstinate about living in Calf to finish his degree or whatever, but she was what in Vegas…a Barista?? And most guys don;t want a kid. They think they are too busy and they want to *plan* for it. I dunno. Being that she was a comp beast and won a season of BB, I guess I thot Rachel was stronger. Brendan always seemed like a lil puppy dog following her around. But like Junksies. didn’t see the AR show so maybe things happened there I don’t know about.

As for the Dr appt…..the office called and cancelled. I guess he had some emergency. But I didn’t reschedule. The reason being I don’t *feel* sick…like I do with bronchitis. Even tho I am still coughing badly some nights and still making and expectorating a lot of phlegm, I don;t see it as being bacterial. So it’s either a virus or simply my allergies….gone wild!!!! I am hoping was it starts getting colder, it will clear up. I have heard from everyone that allergies were at an all time high this year! i MAY be getting adult onset Asthma, and if so I will check into that.; but I am not sure I have anything other than allergies and don’t want to take antibiotics needlessly as i don’t want to build up an immunity to them. And what else is he going to do?? Put me on prescription Claritin or something?? I already have a nosespray and a puffer. I do wish I had a finite answer for what IS going on here, but without a barrage of tests, I don’t think any doctor would know. And again, unless I get alot of STUFF going down my throat, I don’t usually cough too much so…que’ sera!!lol

@Junksies…yes I do try to stay on top of my health. Into preventatives. And the last time I saw the Dr, back in July, I did have to to the IC. But except for clearing up some facial pain and probably the sinusitis, the AB’s didn’t do anything for the coughing part. I just don’t want to feel like a hypochondriac. We are getting our flu shots Wed, so I may even ask the nurse some questions while we are there, and could always make another appt. Geez…..I usually only have these concerns in our Michigan winters!!!! If allergies aer going to become this awful, looks like it will be year round now. Peachy…lol

Have seen several pics of the HGS out in the world on FB. Steve is home now and was video chatting about all the places he could be reached. Altho I miss chatting like this, it is different than just emailing, we are going to be running out of material soon. I have been on the Survivor blog several times. But it seems that most people go on the day of the blog and that’s it. I received little to no responses to my follow ups, which is the reason I usually end up pooping out on that eventually. Have either of you decided to go on FB yet??? It’s still not a a blog, but more personal then emailing.

Miss you guys!!! Will be checking back!!! ♥♥

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junksies September 28, 2015 at 11:35 pm

What a surprise…I’m watching a show on Bravo called Watch What Happens Live…it’s a talk show and boom…the bartenders are Audrey and Clay!!!!!! more later.

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Brigitte F September 29, 2015 at 4:52 am

Thank you for this amazing blog and commentary. It was the highlight of the season !!!! Until next year …..

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Star September 29, 2015 at 5:06 am

Junksies….Darn it!!! I LOVE that show!!! I usually watch the news at 11:00 tho, so I miss it more than not. So I just did a series recording which will pick it up every nite. So..what happened??? I may see something about it on FB as Bravo is on my list. Figures I’d miss a good one!!! *pout* lol

Sherry….I didn’t see your last post earlier. It got me thinking so I googled about pulmonologists and allergy specialists. And looked at symptoms of asthma. I don’t think I need a lung doctor, but I used to go to an allergy one and i got shots for years. So I think when I go to get my flu shot Wed, I will make an appt with my reg. Dr. and at least explore this. I hope no one else is reading the blog right now. They will be bored to death and think I am the biggest complainer!!! 😉

Just to keep this BB related, and speaking of Clay, here is a cute look back down memory lane about he and Shelley in the BB house.

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Junksies September 29, 2015 at 5:40 am

@Star – I’m slowly transitioning from BB to Survivor. Not much to say yet about Survivor and hope that the blog gets a bit livelier in the future. I’m still hungry for BB post-show news!! Still contemplating joining FB… You mentioned Bravo too…did you see Audrey and Clay?

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sherry September 29, 2015 at 7:53 am

Star: So glad to hear from you. If you think it’s just allergies, okay. This HAS been a
bad year for allergies. And it seems most people who suffer from allergies are beginning
to have year round allergies. My allergies have been so much better since I am staying
at the new house. Yesterday they got a little worse with a lot of sneezing, but not as much
congestion. Hope the nurse can answer some of your questions. Good luck with the flu
shot. I need to get mine soon. Have been too busy to do it yet. I have such bad reactions
to the flu shot due to my fibromyalgia, that I tend to put it off until the last minute.

Have not been back to the Survivor blog or even started the AR blog due to being so
busy trying to wind up the last segments of the move. I am trying to get things organized
for the sale now. Now an easy task, nor one I enjoy, but necessary.

Went to play Bunco yesterday to get out and away from the mess. Enjoyed being around
my friends. I was right in the middle of the pack, so won no money. But it was worth the
five dollars. We ate at the Senior Center where they are now having us meet. I don’t think
I will be doing that again. It may be only $3, but the food was awful. They were having a
bean toss tournament, too. Too much noise.

I think AR will be good this year, as will Survivor, but the blog isn’t as personally con-
necting as BB was. Maybe in time it will get there. They are still getting it up and working.

For some reason today I found five pages of e-mails, most repeats of past posts. Don’t
know why, but have found a few new ones like yours, Star. Will keep going through
them so as to not miss anyone.

See ya later on one of the blogs!! Hope you all are doing well. We are suppose to have
some fall weather start in a day or two. Can hardly wait. I am so done with summer heat.

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junksies September 29, 2015 at 8:32 am

Hey sherry…nice to see you here. The new blog takes some getting used to for sure but I’m hopeful…

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sherry September 29, 2015 at 8:51 am

Junksies: Me, too.

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sherry September 29, 2015 at 8:56 am

Junksies: Did you give me your e-mail address? I can’t seem to find it with my other
BB contact addresses. If you didn’t want to do so, that’s fine. But if you did, I have
foolishly lost it. Don’t know why, but it’s been hectic around here. Thanks.

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Star September 29, 2015 at 3:23 pm

@Junksies…….I didn’t see Audrey and Clay last nite. By the time I got your post I had missed it! I did go on FB but I didn’t see anything about Bravo last nite and was too tired to go search for it!!lol I had written a blog last night about that, but it didn’t take it as someone else was posting at the same exact moment….Briggete above…and when that happens its like they collide in cyber space and only one sneaks thru!! So I tried again and got the duplicate thing. *sigh* I to am searching for BB tidbits. I am on several of teh HGS FB pages so i do get pics of what they are doing there. But I have no idea how to put anything from FB anywhere else!!lol

I agree with both you and shery about the Survivor blog. I always start it but usually most everyone sort of drops out after a few weeks. You just don’t get the urgency and freshness and gossip aspect there you get with BB. It’s oneof a kind. Hard for me to get excited about a once a week show that has been done and over for months!!lol

I too would appreciate your email addy. I asked for it a couple of times on the blog, but it was at the end and I thought you missed it. But if you prefer not to, that’s fine. But I sent sherry my blog by email last nite and was going to you too but I didn’t have your addy.

Will keep checking back in here for news and gossip and whatever. 😉

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Star September 29, 2015 at 4:46 pm

@sherry..I don’t know what to think anymore. I am not entirely sure it is allergies as I feel like the tail end of a misspent life today!!lol But I did get your email and I won’t go on about this here. I will email you with later.

I have never been to Bunco in my life! Is it cards? I am not a joiner tho an never really went in for Bingo or anything like that!! Too much on TV or my puter at nite!!lol

If you are having lot of puter mishaps, it is [probably because of Mercury retrograde. It started a couple weeks ago and won’t be over until Oct. 9. It rules over communications, cars, computers and contracts, to mak it easy to remember. And when in retrograde, it messes with everything it generally rules. I always told bloggers on here in the Fall when it was going on. They started even asking me when things would be gong wrong for them or weird!!lol I am known for my astrology and my typos on here!! 😉

Enough off topic! BBL.

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Junksies September 30, 2015 at 3:27 am

Tooooo funny….

Austin’s reaction:


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Junksies September 30, 2015 at 3:29 am

Audrey and Clay:


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sherry September 30, 2015 at 3:37 am

Junksies: I went to the site you posted and there was no sound. Was there suppose to
be? It just went over and over one particular clip. It looked really good.

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Junksies September 30, 2015 at 5:26 am

sherry: The Watch What Happens Live with Audrey and Clay appeared to be silent…? I didn’t watch it cuz I actually watched the show and having previously mentioned it wanted to provide the link. The bartender guests are fringe and don’t speak much.

I should have noted the Austin link is XXX rated for the foul language. Hope I didn’t offend anybody and sorry I didn’t warn beforehand.

I just spent an hour and 18 minutes (to be exact) watching an interview with Austin. Between the host and fan’s questions I got answers to everything I’ve ever wanted to know. He has explored online and knows how the public feels about him. Last night I watched Liz, tomorrow night will be Vanessa and Meg will be Friday. Steve’s is out there now for viewing but lasts 2 hours and I wasn’t ready for that yet. Here’s the link:


To both you and Star…I will be in touch via email.

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Junksies September 30, 2015 at 5:57 am

One last funny…


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jolee September 30, 2015 at 8:51 am

Star, Junksies, Sherry!!!!!! I kept going back to the “Finale” blog but no one was there. Yay!! I found you! I will catch up and comment after! Miss all of you soooooo much!!! 🙂

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sherry September 30, 2015 at 4:36 pm

Jolee: I’ve missed you, too!!! Catch up with you later.

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jolee September 30, 2015 at 10:54 pm

Hi everyone! I miss all of my BB buddies! 🙂

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Lisa Marie Bowman October 1, 2015 at 12:42 am

Hi, everyone, greeting from beautiful Lake Texoma! I’m on vacation but I still made sure to watch Survivor tonight and to write about it! 🙂


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Star October 1, 2015 at 6:12 am

@Hey Jolee!!! was wondering where you were!!!! 😉

@Lisa….haven’t been there yet but I will go tomorrow. Hope you are having fun on vacation!!!

HI Sherry and Junksies!!!

I was reading on FB that Austin and Liz were interviewed by TMZ. They are still *in love* and have met each others families and Liz is going to move from Miami to LA to be with him!!! WHAT???? Well, better now while she’s young and free and can come and go as she pleases. I hope she doesn’t spend all of her winnings doing this!
I guess Austin had a lot of bad comments about being a cheater in the house and condemning their relationship in general. Not really good Karma to start out with!!! I wish them luck but give them 6 months!!lol

Meahwhile, Vanessa had a vid showing her doing tricks with her 2 BIG dogs! But she was getting them to sit and stay! Big frigin deal!! Maggie could do that at 3 months!!lol she’s still wearing hats inside but it was a baseball cap!!

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Jolee October 1, 2015 at 8:41 pm

Hi Star. Still checking blog. Can’t resist. I hope you are feeling better.

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junksies October 2, 2015 at 5:25 am

Can’t resist making even a little response. Forgot to watch the Vanessa interview tonight…will tmr. Miss this blog sooooo much. Coming back here makes me kind of feel like that last dinner guest that just won’t leave!!

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Star October 2, 2015 at 6:02 am

@Jolee….I am feeling better, thanks. I think it’s just been horrible allergies all summer. Now that it’s getting colder, I am hoping they let up!! Got my flu sht yesterday so fingers crossed for a healthy winter!!!!

@Junksies..you are hardly the LAST one!!lol I haven’t watched the interviews. Were they worth it?? Too long for me. I still get alot of pics and info about the HGS on FB, so it doesn’t feel that far removed. I supposed we will have to stop eventually, but addictions take time!! Think of it as rehab!!lol

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sherry October 2, 2015 at 10:53 am

Junksies: You aren’t alone. Several of us just keep checking back in to see if anyone
has left a message. Miss you.

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C'est Moi October 2, 2015 at 3:27 pm


Lisa Marie is continuing her excellent commentary on Survivor and Amazing Race at the link below. Signing in is easy:

1. At the bottom of each new Blog there are comments
2. Below the comments there is a window similar to the one on this blog that states “Leave a Comment”
3. Enter your blog name in the Name window
4. Enter your E-mail that you used to comment on the Big Brother Blog in the E-mail window.
5. Add your comment in the comment window and voila! you are in!

The confusing chat column in the red tab area has been eliminated.

Come on over!


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Lisa Marie Bowman October 3, 2015 at 12:05 am

Thank you, C’est Moi. The reality-tv-chat.com site is still a work in progress but it’ll be great once it’s done. And yes, the chat column has been eliminated, which should make it easier for everyone to read the site and to leave comments! 🙂

Anyway, greeting from Lake Texoma! I watched tonight’s episode of the Amazing Race and I just wrote up a brief recap for anyone who is interested. I’ll post the link below and everyone have a great weekend!


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jolee October 4, 2015 at 12:43 am

Hello from Jolee!!! 🙂 I miss all of you so much. Our family from California will be leaving tomorrow. Great visit. You will probably see pics on Facebook. Have a great day tomorrow. I will be checking back from time to time! I just can’t say goodbye! Glad you are feeling better Star. You have been in my thoughts! Hopefully, I will be back ….
Later!! 😎

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jolee October 4, 2015 at 12:45 am

Lisa, thank you. I will check it out. Because of our company I didn’t see AR until tonight. 🙂

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jolee October 5, 2015 at 12:06 am

Hi. 🙂

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Star October 5, 2015 at 1:37 am

Hi Jolee! Looks like it’s starting to thin out in here. Oh well, Christmas only comes once a year too!!! 😉

I forgot to blog about Survivor last week so will have to remember to try to this week. And I saw my 1st AR on Fri. Never blogged about that before. They just don’t do it for me with one show a week, no live cams and you KNOW the game is over before it even starts!! I mean , the shows are ok, but do people blog about Criminal Minds?? lol Anyway, justa my 2 cents.

Saw pics on FB of Jason in NY partying with Meg. Wonder if she will ever get Clay there???? (said the spider to the fly!!)
And James is traveling the county apparently meeting fans and taking selfies!! Heard he and Meg might get one of those one shot spots on the Bold and the Beautiful!

********************SPOILER ALERT***********************************
This just in…Jason Roy is going to be on the B&B on Oct. 12. Below is a link to the interview.

I’ll keep checking back…for awhile. 😉

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junksies October 5, 2015 at 8:32 am

Hello…I’m still here…just a little under the weather so I’m not online as much. Hi Jolee n Star! I hope all of our east coast Carolina bloggers are safe and sound in all that rain! Thanks Star for the link. Agree that blogging about survivor and tar is not the same. I’ll be checking back.

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sherry October 5, 2015 at 8:35 am

Jolee: Hi. Don’t check in as regularly as I did or find no one is blogging when
I am.

Star: Loved the info on Jason, Meg, and James. Don’t watch the BATB, but will
tune in on the 12th (if I remember). Have you heard anything about Steve since
winning? Hope you are feeling better.

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sherry October 5, 2015 at 9:37 am

Hope you get to feeling better Junksies.

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