I think we are going to see the classic move tonight where the POV is used and the renom is headed out the back door! Simple, easy, PERFECT! I love it when the game play catches up with people who think they run the house.
So what did you think of last nights show? Did you like the POV comp? They had to do some serious stuff to get the VETO.
So Matt vs. Enzo. The diary room is now open. Who do you choose to evict? Please cast your vote now!
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: Do not forget that tonight there is a double elimination…who ELSE will be GONE…please share your thoughts below!
Looks like the diabolical superjerkoff is heading home. Guess you WEREN’T the greatest, Matt. As far as the double eviction goes, I’d like to see Brendon go, or Enzo. Tired of his non-competitive, paranoid ass. Dat’s it. Can ANYONE tell me why they are enamored with, and keep bringing back, needle-dick Jesse? I HATE that retard. Enough, BB!
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i want enzo bozo gone
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I vote to evict Ratt, er I mean Matt.
As for the second eviction, I’d like to see either Enzo or Ragen gone.
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I vote to evict Matt and Enzo! They both gotta go!
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I would love to see Regan gone. Then for the second eviction, Enzo, Hayden or Brittany. I want Brendon to win the whole thing. He has been the only one fighting his heart out to win this game!
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I hate Jesse too! ugh enough is enough already, if I have to watch him dance around and show off his nasty overworked steriod filled body again i might puke!
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It’s Awsome to see Matt get whats com’n to him..

BUT !!! When game goes to jury & whoever is last standing I swear IF I hear the words TRUTHFUL / MORAL / HONEST or anything that relates to how they played the game “THEY” should’nt get a dime.
This season has had the “BIGGEST” 2 faced ly’n back stabbing players of “ALL” BB season’s .
As far as Brit goes she should be burning in hell right about now..
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I wish i could vote to evict haydon for taking the 5000.00 and a trip and letting matt be blamed for it.
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I kind of feel bad for matt now because he is being thrown under the bus by the brigade, he should expose them to everyone else before he goes.
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It would be nice if matt pulled an Andrew before he left. I don’t see it happening. He semms to be a loyal guy. He has no idea that the others turned on him and is trying to be loyal and still give them the info they need about britt and ragen. wish he would wake up!
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I so want Matt to go first them Ragan or Enzo or even Brit what a bunch of cry babies and soooooo two faced do as I say and not as I do. At least Brendon Has played the game the rest are a bunch of free loaders. worst BB ever. To bad Brendon hooked up with Rach as he has been the best player so far, so glad he won the POV. After all he took the worst abuse having to be attached to Brit. Served her right, to bad she didnt have to take the chum bath with him LOL
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Matt this week and Hayden right behind him. Hayden is a floater just like Kathy was. He does nothing for the game and I can not stand to look at his shaggy dog dew any more. He should have cut his locks off but he is so into himself that he thinks it looks good…. HELLO…. IT DOES NOT!!!!!
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I threw up in my mouth a little when I saw “legend-in-his-own-mind” Jesse! Evict the “do nuttin’ ” Enzo, then Ragan or Britney – either one will do. Vile, disgusting creatures. CBS should air a couple of “unplugged” Big Brother episodes.
Assuredly Matt will be leaving the house with nary a pity vote, although deserving for his bad Karma lie about his wife. =^^=
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Ya forgot yesss Brendon is the ONLY player that has been trying to hang to his moral’s its hard to say he’s been a bad player seeing as since he hooked up w/ Rach he’s been #1 target and has fought to stay afloat “NOT” a floater ..
And as my other post above goes ya Matt should be in HELL w/ Britt she says I swear on her & Nick LIAR & MATT even worse my wife has a deadly disease gimmie a break think Matt went to SCHOOL of JOHNNY FAIRPLAY from Survivor..
Ed T
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Matt and followed by Enzo. I am so sick of Enzo whining and saying I almost won – if only…………. Can’t wait to see who wins HOH and based on that we can pretty much figure who will go up. They are pretty transparent about their wishes.
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Can’t wait for tonights show
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OMG, you all stole my thinking with Jesse, YUK, he is just gross!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote to evict Matt, but would like Enzo to go right after him!!!
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I thought it was going to be Steven Daigle. I am SICK of Jesse. C’mon CBS why keep bringing this no life potato head back?
I vote to evict Matt, followed by Ragan!
At least Brendon as fought to stay in the game!
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I want to see Matt and Brit out tonight
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I’ve been on the old page, so I’ll move over here…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Agree everyone else… maybe he will make a move last ditch move today. They show him being suspicious of the Brigade, but nothing happens. Unlike Survivor, where you never go know who is going, BB seems to be predictable due to all the snoops watching LF. However, I have hope, because the editing last night was heavy on the conspiracy against Matt, and maybe something will happen. If Matt goes, then I’m sure Britney will be on the block with Brendon if a Brigade member gets HOH, and Britney and Ragan if Brendon gets it.
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It was painful to see my girl Britney crying last night. But some great backstabbing DR sessions. I thought that was hilarious when Jessie showed up to teach Britney body building! As much as I detest Jessie… which, of course, is the point… he is pretty funny, and the whole set-up with Brit missing the luau was very clever. The comp was pretty interesting, but I think it was rigged to let Brendon win, as keeping him is good for the show. I know that CBS has to play by the rules when money is involved, but those rules can be bent I’m sure. Enzo did try hard, as did Matt and Britney too. Hayden scored big time and successfully let Enzo blame Matt. Looking forward to tonight’s show.
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Matt tonight and then Ragen. That would leave the brigade to duke it out amongst themselves. Would make it interesting.
You have to take Brenden to the final if you want to win. The jury would all hate him.
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Cruised through the blogs and noticed the Graveyard Shift with their usual nonsensical chit-chat. JT pulling out his bag or Smileys to impress Angel and Aggie. I will have to talk to Julie and see if I can get Angel a date with Lane after the show is over. And Aggie, I think you would look great with a tattoo like Lane’s running down your side. Must be busy at the bank, as I don’t see Frannie yet. Glad to see AC is back to being a Saint and has ditched Nat.
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Get on outta here, Matt! Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!!
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i vote to evict Matt the Rat, don’t let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In regard to bbad last nite did i dream it or did Ragan say there will only be ONE eviction tonight? If he did say it, I would love to know where he gets his info from?
Enzo is so lazy, he fell asleep while brit and brendon were talking all together. He is now laying ground work his penguin suit will proably hinder him in the comp tonite, i was rofl. Come on Enzo u can do better then that.
I too wish for either Ragan or Brendon to win hoh, that will really stir the pot. If I were R or B I would put Brit up first on the block (sorry Ted aka Salvatore Dali), she did backstab Brendon now it is her turn.
Not much else happened on bbad, except they were practicing to roll the ball into giant squares, and I did see the penguin with 3 dice.
Star, missed you yesterday but at least I know the reason why, after all is said and done it will be worth the hassle.
Will check in later for any lf info.
ciao (farewell) lol
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Well, I think you are right about the order… however, I think as the game goes on, the HGs are gaining some respect for Brendon’s game play without Rachel. I can see Rachel (of course), Kathy, Ragan, Matt and Britney voting for Brendon over one of the Three Stooges.
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Matt is anything but loyal for sure. He’s looking out for himself and lies about his wife’s health. Come on folks he needs to go home but confess the lies he told about his wife before he leaves. The rest of them have thier faults too but Matt using his wife for sympathy was the killer for him. I’d like to kick his butt on the way out the door for that one.
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Did anyone think to POV seemed rigged. It looked like Brittney and Enzo were clicking the button just as fast, but Brendon seemed to always get it. Looked fishy to me!!!
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TED, I’m always impressed by JT, I think everyone here is he does such a great job on this blog, nobody does better updates, thank you JT.
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I vote to evict Enzo. Britney & Regan all the way!
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Loved the POV and that Britney was handcuffed to Brendon for 24 hours while he had to take chum baths! She really was a good sport about it I have to say (at least from what they showed on the show last night).
I love that BB didn’t make the HG’s tell what they won- hey that’s the game for those that feel bad for Matt taking the blame on the prizes. I hope Matt goes this evening with Ragan or Hayden right behind him. I don’t know what it is about Enzo but he cracks me up and I like him better than Hayden. Whining aside, Britney has won POVs and HOH so I would like to see her go further although I’m still pulling for Brendon to win even though that means we’ll have to see Rachel be all over him in the end.
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Back to Enzo, lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he did show a spark of smarts of which i was very impressed.
he planted the seed that matt must have taken the 5gs and the hawaiian trip, perhaps that is the straw that broke the camels back for brit to put him up.
Also, I do recall production asked/told the jury to vote for who played the game best not to vote on personal feelings.
ciao (farewell)
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So many candidates, so little time!! That was the problem this year for most us us….no one to LIKE and CARE if they win! But SOOOooooo many choices to want the H*ll GONE!!
Matt has been a competitor and he is kind of entertaining but……he has lied to everyone in the house….prolly even the fish and flamengos!!! The lie about his wife never sit well with anyone but,….he also took teh Pandora’s box for himself and then threw his BFF under the bus so many times that Poor ragan is covered with tire treads!! (no wonder he’s so painfully THIN!!) SO….in that vein….
I vote to evict Matt 1st..the *Big Dummy*..just for the shock factor…..then followed on his heels by Enzo!! Brigade Shmigade!! It’s done now anyway and Enzo never contributed anything to it but his wannabe Sopranos act!!
Did anyone notice that jesse seemd to have gotten even LARGER than the past TEN years that we have been subjected to him??? What happens when he runs outta skin to cover alll his BULGING muscles….including the one in his head!! What IS it with this guy?? He must be way cheap to get and live like in a guest room at the studio so he’s on call whenever they need a *surprise* guest……
Can’t wait for tonite!! Been cleaning house all week here geting ready for carpet so I ‘m in that frame of moind!~! Let’s clean out the BB house….*sweep, sweep!!!*
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Britney is told by the three stooges that they WANT to backdoor Matt despite her nominations PRIOR to the POV competition.
Brit, Brendon, Matt, and always paranoid Enzo compete.
Lane and Small Mouth Jock Itch, Hayden, grab the prizes with no intention of winning POV so their plan to backdoor Matt becomes a real possibility.
Brit is told Matt took the 5 grand and Hawaiian Vacation and she did not see red flags all pointing to Lane and Hayden despite what Enzo told her after he knew Hayden took the big prizes. (I kept hoping all week that a mechanical killer whale would attack the penguin and be done with him but it never happened).
So Nick, when Brit gets back to Arkansas tell her you would really rather be engaged to a woman with a functioning brain and move on.
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I want Matt and Enzo to go HOME!!!!! Matt is annoying (although so is Ragan) and Enzo couldn’t win a competition if it was handed to him!!! Then Crybaby Ragan needs to go next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Brendon without Rachel. He is a great competitor!!!
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I think the next time we see Jesse, it will be a mugshot…doesn’t he know that with all those steroids in him, he’s a time bomb waiting to explode! Sex life goes down and aggression goes up…
As for the houseguests, Matt must go and I hope he spends every day wishing he hadn’t given his wife a “fake” illness. When tragedy hits them, as it does every couple, they’ll remember that moment.
Next, in spite of her perpetual whining, Brittney has played…and so has Brendan…so I hope they’re the last 2 standing. (And WHO IS RELATED TO WHO?)
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“TED, I’m always impressed by JT, I think everyone here is he does such a great job on this blog, nobody does better updates, thank you JT. ”
Aggie, I second that, he does a fablous job just fab. All kidding aside he is right on the money with his reporting. And he seems to enjoy it at the same time. I say JT for CEO of CBS. Of course he would have a huge staff to help him with ideas from this blog alone.
Fair is fair, JT deserves a lot of credit.
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i cast my vote for Matt, the self-proclaimed super genius. and then right behind him, ragan. would be fun to see those two show up on Rachel’s door step. Matt, I never liked that you used a real illness to garner sympathy for yourself in the game, and it is going to come back and bite you when the other houseguests find out the truth about your wife. Ragan, you are such a drama queen, you make Brittany look like she is emotionally stable with all the crying that you do. I did like the way you shut down Rachel when she came back for 24 hours, but other than that you have been an emotional mess the last two weeks. time for you to go and rest that big brain of yours in the jury house.
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mama margie…it’s nice to be missed!!
I am relegated to teh kitchen right now.,..nowhere else I can really go with the installers everywhere and furniture clogging every room!! So I am blogging and making oatmeal raisin cookies!!
And Enzo may have shown a spark last nite but I don’t think it’s enuf to light a fire under his Penguin Butt!!! I liked his sense of humor for awhile but it coervs alot of laziness and excuses and I am SO tired of him right now. In fact, if it were a single evictiomn, I’d vote for him over Matt!!!
Anyway, nice ot be on at teh same time for once. Have missed talking to ya. Take care, hun!!!
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i hate it when people make comments that it shows they haven’t been watching the show. Matt is a rat.
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I hope JT is driving a convertible for the big head everyone is giving him….LOL. I do agree with Aggie and Mama Margie. I have LF’s but I rely more on JT for updates. He puts some fun in the game, which we haven’t seen too much of out of these hg’s. Thanks JT..
Matt tonight followed by Brendon (fingers crossed)
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Mama Margie, I think Julie on BB needs to be dumped” HOW MANY FOR JT TO TAKE HER PLACE” don’t think les moonves will fire the wife, But Our guy Jt, would do a better job no doubt about it,
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Matt is not as smart as he thinks, he is being loyal to the brigade and they are puting him under the buss He should have went to Britney before she was going to name a replacement instead of trusting his alliance. This move may have cost him the win. If he wants to have any chance of staying he needs to put the brigade under the bus, exposing them. State that he will work with Britney, Brendon, and Hagen to make up final four. It is his only chance as the brigade does not have the votes to eveict him. Up until now Matt played a great game. As for Enzo, he a disgrace to all Italians’ but then he is from Jersey as a traitor and rat he would get a grenade. As for his meow, it fits him to a “T” as he is a pussy (cat). Also Lane as well as hayden have done much in the game. Matt keep the brigade strong and safe. I don’t like Brendon but outside of Matt who I think is a good person but think he did not need to lie about his wife’s illness but won’t call him a liar because he thought it would help his game and his wife even played into the lie. If he is gone then I think Brendon earned the win as he played very hard game. But time will tell. Enzo, Haydon, and Lane don’t deserve to to win or for that matter make the final 4.
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Oatmeal raisin cookies….YUM!!! I think I smell them all the way over here.
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No Aggie…I would rather see JT here.
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YEAH JT, your head is going to be huge, but i speak the truth.
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Of course fran, but you know he could do that job better than julie, just saying.
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star hang in there and please toss me some of those cookies, my hubby just went to get me my daily fix of starbuck mocha frap.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i almost want for brendon to win BUT for the fact the ho from vegas would more then likely go thru it all and leave him high and dry. I think he has really fought hard for it and he is such a dummy when it come to her he would be stupid enough to hand it over. But that is just my opinion.
Star, you must really be a superwoman, with all that mess going on you can blog, and make cookies, color me impressed, lol
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aggie i 2nd that motion for jt to take julies job!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now i am off to play my pogo games, need to get my badges for the week. cya later
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No doubt about that Aggie….but we would only see and hear from him on Eviction nights. Or on a commercial for BB.
I was thinking the same thing Mama Margie…I would be so stressed out if I were Star. You rock Star…and btw, bottle up some of that energy and sell it. I would be first in line.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YVONNE (BB ADDICT)
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Yeah your right fran, bummer, we can’t have that, can we. so JT, I guess you are stuck with your loyal followers.
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For all you guys that wondered, here is my post from last night:
SnakeBit Sal 08.25.10 at 9:52 pm
OK interested bloggers, here is the info on the points:
Brenden ……………. 79
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(5pts chum) (7pts handcuffs)(11pts 3 week have not)(6pts Shave head)
Enzo …………………. 73
(10pts Penguin Suit) (13pts Donate clothes)
Matt and Brit ……… 50
(no winning bids)
Lane ………………….. 44
(-6pts Phone Call)
Hayden ……………… 14pts
(-11 Hawaii trip)(-25pts $5000)
(no one bid on the have not pass)
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thanks Sal, we need the info
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I have a question. During noms Brit told brendan she put him up because he went after her last week? He didn’t put her up or even put her up when POV was used. Is she that stupid?
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I vote to evict Enzo. He complains that he is in a penguin suit and he should not be on the block. How dare you Britney for putting Enzo the god father up. He has done nothing in this game. I think Matt has more of a right to be there then Enzo! I would also evict Hayden for taking the money and trip and letting Matt get blamed for it. What a looser!! He has not done anything either. He won the first HOH because he told whoever was left with him that he really wanted it, so it was given to him. People may not like Matt, Britney, Brendon or Ragen but they are playing the game. I like Layne but he does not deserve to be there either.
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Yvonne..I think EVERYONE agrees actuaklly! It looks pretty much like the majority here want matt and his pet penquin OUT teh door tonite!!!
@mama margie….not superwoman, just stressed and I cook when I’m stressed!!lol You and fran are welcome to some cookies…..in fact, I’ll keep baking (that way I dont have to look at the MESS in the rest of the house!) and keep passing them out!!! I figured it was best to get on the good side of the installers..and a suger rush this kind of day couldn’t hurt!!!:) So….anyone hungery?? I may be in here all day!!
<~~~hysterical laughter!!
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Chris…couldn’t agree more!!! I feel lazy saying that sometiems, but I think we all DO think alot alike here sine we are super-addicted fans of the show!! In fact here..have a cookie for being so astute!!!lol
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Has everyone forgotten that it was Matt that suggested Enzo be put on the block? That means he was the first brigade brother to throw another under the bus!
Enzo should follow Matt out the door. Brendon seems to be the only one really giving the game his all and therefore I would love to see him win.
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Hell, Hayden not only won them, it was his idea to go tell Brit that Matt one them!!!!!
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ENZO -out te door! You’re a sleezy disgrace to all Italians. Hayden, play the game or go home.
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spelling error correction – one should be won but y’all figured it out
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Matt gone first then Enzo after Brendon is HoH.
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I heard the other night Regan tell Matt that if Enzo,Lane and Hayden were in the F2 with Brendon that he would vote for Brendon to win I watch BBAF in the morning while I drink my coffee, had to stop an rewind to make sure.
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I could not BELIEVE how Lane was blatantly manipulating Britney last night and she totally fell for it, even with a smile on her face. She’s spot on in regards to the other HGs using her to fit their own agenda and still she trusts Lane? She should have made an alliance with Brendon and Ragan (and Kathy?). Eff Matt, he’s playing both sides and cares only about his own survival. Any combination of either Lane, Hayden, Enzo or Matt leaving is fine by me.
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Expect the unexpected in BB house, right?
Now about this CBS… Instead of more lame pandora’s box surprises and saboteur so whats, how about posting the results of the last POV competition on the HOH door and every other door in the house early today to give everybody, particularly Brit, a long overdue wake up call.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brenden ……………. 79
(5pts chum) (7pts handcuffs)(11pts 3 week have not)(6pts Shave head)
Enzo …………………. 73
(10pts Penguin Suit) (13pts Donate clothes)
Matt and Brit ……… 50
(no winning bids)
Lane ………………….. 44
(-6pts Phone Call)
Hayden ……………… 14pts
(-11 Hawaii trip)(-25pts $5000)
(no one bid on the have not pass)
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I vote to evict greedy ass Hairden. What a joke the brigade turned out to be except for Matty. I know Matt is leaving for sure but I hope Brenda or Hairden will follow. Enzo can stay for now cuz he cant win sh*t.
BTW CBS I want my money back cuz this in the worst BB cast ever.
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Can’t wait to see Matt walk out the door…..hope they booooo him!
Then I want Britney to leave…she is a mean girl!
I would love to see Brendon in the final two…against Lane.
Would the jury really vote for someone who is likable but hasn’t won anything….(granted he will have to win “something” to get to final two)…or will they vote for the guy who has fought hard to stay in the house??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm…………..
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Matt, then Enzo. As much as I dislike Brendan, the PW’ed, he is playing the game and going through all kinds of crap to win the game. (having to do all of the punishments, that takes guts) That Chum thing was just ludicrous. Regardless of personalities, he deserves to win if he keeps up doing what he’s doing.
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I vote to evict Meow Meow. I think Matt will go but I would like to see Enzo go. The only way they are gonna get Brendon out is if Matt stays.
So what happened to being a CLEAN bodybuilder Jesse? I spend ALOT of time in the weight room bodybuilding and he can claim all he wants that he is clean but you dont get that big without a little help and from the looks of him he has had quite a bit of “help”
oh and I would like to see Brendon go int he second eviction.
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LF: Turn em on and guess what, yep ……. bubbles
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LF: somethings up, at least 4 people including Brenden asleep in the HOH room
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make it 5, i forgot Brit
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Britney, ragan and brendan there is an alliance in the house that i was apart of called the brigade, as it turns out hayden, lane and enzo floated around doing nothing with no blood on there hands, i did all the work while they reaped all the rewards, britney ragan and brendan, you keep me in the house today i swear to all 3 of you i will help you get rid of the do nothing alliance and it will be us in the end, matt needs to say this right before the house votes to evict, its his only hope,slim as it seems it just may work
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I wish Hayden had taken the shaved head. . .he really needs to get all of that hair out of his face. . .not attractive at all.
Three stooges. . .YES! They are. They’re playing Britney like a violin and are definitely ruling the roost right now.
Unfortunately, Matt is acting like he really believes he’s still part of the brigade. I sooooooooooooo wish he would out those guys. But, even if he does at this late date, who would believe him? It would be a mad dash of Brit, Ragan and Bren asking the stooges about it and of course they’d deny it up one side and down the other.
I vote to evict Enzo, the do nothing penguin. But, I know it will be Matt walking thru that door.
For the 2nd Eviction, I vote to evict Enzo (again).
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Got get rid of NJ winner! Too bad it will be Matt a real game player!
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tendr — its easy to monday night quarterback this game sitting at home watching and knowing everything thats going on but you have to remember that the house guests are not privy to all that we know, all they can rely on is what they think is true and hope it works out for them, even when told the truth its hard for them to beleive it, they want to think they have it all figured out, coming down to the end of the game lets see who wants the money the most, and what they are willing to do to get it, lets hope the one of the 3 floaters get any as they have not earned it
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New Jersey votes to evict Enzo from the house and the state.
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Jersey can keep him….no other state wants him. Certainly not Missouri.
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Send him to Texas, we’ll cook his Penguin butt
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frannie make that 2 from missouri who do not want him, will pass on the penguin even if i stilled lived in staten island (NY) which was just over the bridge from new jersey i would still not want him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he is what my grandmother used to call parsley.
he is just there, doing nothing, but being proud as he thinks he is adding something to the mix. just a distraction.
sal, u guys in texas can give the cattle a break and roast the penguin, yuk i bet some one will say penguin tastes like chicken…..
like they say here in missouri try the fried squirrel tastes just like chicken, will pass but txs anyway
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Sal… Finally a “celebrity” roast for real… Are tickets on sale yet Sal?
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Yep, got an additional idea also …… We’ll let Lame shoot him as his eyes glow along a old dark dirt road, then roast him and have a celebrity supper
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I actually like Brendon. I think he is an idiot for getting involved with a low-life like Rachael. He can do soooo much better than her, regardless of what education she claims she has. I hope Brendon wins it all, and would love to see Enzo evicted tonight along with Britteny or Hayden. And to agree with others, Hayden is not attractive at all. He is actually quite DUMB. I understand he was academically ineligible to continue to play baseball at his university…that should tell you something about his intellect. He personifies the dumb jock stereotype to the max. He’s just stupid, stupid, stupid!!!
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Lane shooting Enzo would probably be less painful than being crushed by the wheels on the bus Lane and Hayden plan to toss him under pretty soon…
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I can’t believe last night! I really think it was fixed!
Lane – AWWW…. you needed to talk to your mommy – GROW A PAIR!
Hayden – A simpleton to say the least. NO LOYALITY TO ANYONE BUT HIMSELF!
Enzo – An effort made – BUT ONLY TO SAVE YOUR OWN BUTT!
Matt and Brit were robbed!
Take Matt and Enzo off the block; cut all of Hayden’s hair off and show him the door!
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Hayden never did say what position he plays on his baseball team…
Let me guess… The bench as far away from the actual game as possible…
Yep Betty… Hayden really is useless…
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Matt don’t let the door hit you on the way out!!
I don’t care who goes out after matt, as long as there is some DRAMA to it….
This season has been MORE boring, than the very first season of BB….Anyone remember the Brittney girl , that changed her hair color from pink to green daily?….LOL
I am beginning to think , that Brenden is a little LOONEY….He is constantly having conversations with Rachael, while alone….then while looking at Ragan, he carried on a very LONG conversation with Brittney, and she was no where in the room… I agree, with his ex-girlfriend, and her mom—the guy is a little out of touch…LOL
Tonite should be good, as it is always fun to watch the HG’s faces, when Julie officially announces the “Live Double Eviction”….
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Hi PK – I can’t remember ever being so angry with CBS. Maybe it was just the editing, but it sure seemed that the POV was rigged!
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I agree with you Betty. You could see that many times, others were pressing the button but Brendon always bussed in first. I feel that way with alot that goes on in the house.
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im w/you on the hayden…he is the biggest liar in the house…i do want enzo to leave..i just wish hayden was going w/him…at least matt was playing the game…winning comps..i wish brit could change her noms and put up hayden..even lane …im having a hard time w/the way he played brit…hayde and enzo gone he might take brit to the final 2 if he ever actually wins a hoh or pov.. their votes are dewindling will have to do something soon…i cannot stomach jesse omg…plz cbs dont bring him back i just fast forwarded his nasty self ughhhhh….
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Fran: I want Hayden out more than anyone else. That guy is a do-nothing bum!
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Just looked up the position Lane played in basebal….LEFT-OUT
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You’re right Betty…and a big liar too. They will all find out when they watch the videos. Then let’s see who remain friends.
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How many Enzos does it take to win anything in the BB house?
1 to say I got the next win yo
1 to say I should’a had the last win
1 to say they better not fix the competition to make me lose
1 to kill everybody else in the house so they can’t compete
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Tony, ? did i say something that upset you?
I’m with Annette no.59 up there.
Brit, go put gum in haydens hair.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t trust Lane, don’t trust anyone
and yes Tony, i know Brit isn’t reading this.
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I want Brit to win, but I think Lane took her down the garden path. Why didn’t she confront Matt? Matt would then realize what jeopardy he was in and maybe tell her about the brigade. After all the hard work she had done, she threw it all way listening to that silver-tongued devil!
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LF – brendon sleeping on the hoh floor – brit sitting in the chair beside him – glaring – ha!
I vote to evict matt – enzo next..
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Where is TED? I need a shoulder to cry on!
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I think shaving your head or chum dunking is way worse than wearing a penguin suit for a week. Unfair that the suit gave more points. I don’t like Matt but I like him better than the other Brigade boys. He screwed up when he threw Ragan under the bus (that expression is starting to get on my nerves) because he could have had Ragan and Brendon’s votes and had Britney save him. He should have picked a side, been honest, played stronger. I feel bad for him that he got the sh*t rep for the trips and the $5K. Hayden is a douche.
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ohhh…..and why doesnt enzo have to wear the penguin head…i think he should …..hes better looking that way….if i remember everyone else wore their heads..
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Ted is still looking for what macy1231231 said he said involving Gimbels in yesterday’s posts…
Just Ted trying to confuse as usual…
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I hope Ragan wins HOH tonight and puts up Brendon and Hayden! If it is an endurance comp he might have a chance.
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PK – i went back too look too (even though i knew i didnt say it} – what is gimbels anyway – maybe TED is just trying a lil big brother game play – ha
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Why is Enzo out of the Penguin Suit, Yo? Britney is looking kind of stressed.
Don’t know what’s up with ‘Gimbels’, PK.
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Britney is a spoiled brat, last night she was crying to Reagan, that she was upset, why? Because she didn’t win any of the prizes and others did. wtf…
I vote to evict Matt da rat.
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SnakebitSal Comment #32../b>
No Problem Snake… just order PKx2!
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Macy… didn’t see you… why are you picking on me???
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TED not pickin on you – ha ha! its all good fun! i’ll talk to yall later – gotta go sit in the car line a my kids school – then off to the gym – yuk
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PK 08.25.10 at 12:41 pm
1231231 macys… How could they not have every thing every kid in New York could possibly ask Santa for. Gimbels only had 20 or so stores as I remember before they closed… Go figure…
Macy, keep picking on Ted even though I was the one who posted about Gimbels… Think “Miracle on 34th St….” I think Ted was actually in that movie
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AGGIE, i go to several sites where there’s tattoo’s but had a few online friends who had sites i can’t find now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------you can go to google images and type in tattoo’s (i like to type in what kind i want…such as ‘feminine tattoo’ and one i have on my arm was done on someone’s foot and some i found in http://www.Deviantart.com
where ppl just freehand draw them and they’re really cool and also in flicker but the link is reallllllllllllll long
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go to Deviantart and type in tattoo at the top….
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California doesn’t want Enzo either. Please go directly to Joisey!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can Ragan please leave the game. What a effin whinner.
Ever notice how much Hayden looks like Kristen, especially when he brushes his hair off the forhead?
Seems funny that no one can figure out why they have ants. Look around at how sloopy you all are. Except for Brendon, no one lifts a finger. Each group has ant problems. You would think someone would figure out the problem. Don’t need to have a brain for that.
POV did seem rigged.
Brit-it is time for you and Rag gon to leave.
What a bunch of losers. I hope Hayden has to pay for the pool stix.
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Thanks for clearing that up PK… I remember the 20 or so stores comment, but didn’t think I commented on it. So now Macy1231231 can direct her wrath on the correct party after schlepping her kids home and getting her adrenalin pumping at the gym.
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I don’t have time to read all the posts rite now
but I vote to evict Enzo then Blandon. But I have a suspicion that the will both still be in the house next week. I can’t wait for tonight!!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------here’s my thinking!
i have a pair of concrete italian loafers
that will be a perfect fit for zero oh sorry i meant
to say for that lazy enzo aka nj gangster
then i would like to see the lying ratt taken out on a gurney
being pushed out door by fagon
his bff
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Here is a thought, and I would like to hear The Master of the Game SWANI JUSTAGUY’S thoughts…
Enzo has broken Big Brother Rules by constantly eating HG’s food while a ‘have-not’ and not wearing his full Penguin Costume… BB has issued warnings, but has not taken any action. BB can issue penaltys which can consist of votes for eviction(since Enzo is already a NOM). Since he has repeatedly broken rules, the penaltys could add up to evict him from the game.
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Tony – Sure, it’s easy to be a Monday morning QB, but too many things are simple to figure out. When Enzo asked Matt if they would still have his vote if they voted him out, what did that tell you about Enzo? It told me that he was a traitor, just as it told Matt the same thing. If Matt couldn’t see that Enzo was tossing him under that bus… he deserves to go home!
It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out!
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Wish I had LF I didn’t know enzo was pulling all that! But I really hope he leaves tonight then.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Every other HG that has worn a costume has left in it why break the curse now. Lol
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TED, I agree..Enzo needs points against him for eating. Other’s didn’t get away with it.
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Ted from your mouth to production’s ears. That would really be a twist, OMG I would be soooooo happy.
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Brendan will be gone no matter what..everyone will play to make sure he loses hoh and pov. Don’t blame them, he actually can compete so it’s a good move but sux since only player left is Brit who will be booted out of there soon enough!
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he was eating pickles on BBAD last night and I never heard a warning
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i never heard any warnings either they are making it up wishful thinking
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A good rule of thumb would to get a eviction vote for every warning after the 1st one.
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Sal, I don’t believe they need to have any type of warning! If you break the rules you are OUT period! Enzo was given the rules to read before he entered the house, too bad CBS didn’t realize that he cannot read! LOL
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Someone mentioned the other day seeing the pissed off penguin sneaking food in his suit. Pickles are on the list of things they can eat while a have not. I don’t remember who it was, but someone last year or the year before, pitched a fit because someone that was a have ate all the pickles and BB wouldn’t give them more.
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I really do think there should be a punishment for breaking the rules. Why have them otherwise. Enzo has been defiant that he doesn’t care about the rules and has said so, heard him on the LF’s saying hw wasn’t going to wear the Penguin costume today(he does have it on though)
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If that’s true….hopefully Ragan or even Matt has said something in the DR to let them know that they are aware of it. Then, CBS would have to to the right thing and send Enzo out the door. Matt would be able to compete in the next HOH and hopefully win, and send Brendon right along with him. Come on CBS…we are on to you.
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I wish Matt could/would figure out that the Brigade is throwing him under the bus and pull an Andrew NOW–before the live show tonite. Then, they (Brit, Ragan, & Brendon) might vote Enzo out first tonite–then Matt can followhim to jury house. Wake UP, Matt and feel the hate.
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Fran, I agree with you. Enzo should go! Production has told all players that if they break the rules they are gone and I don’t thinks they should get any warnings, just flat a$$ get them out. The HG’s know the rules.
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Yeah Betty…Kristen had to wear that silly wig and she didn’t break the rules. He is not special, het him the hell out.
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If Matt was saved by this, Brit and Ragan just might have a chance, but Matt would have to spill the beans about the brigade.
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Enzo ate a piece of pizza and took off the penquin suit for a while. How many broken rules are you going to let him get away with?
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later all….time to get ready to leave. COME ON BB….read your own rule book. We’re too savvy a bunch to let this go.
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PK and TED are a mess. Stirrin up doubt in the blogger room. ha ha ha!
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NANCE… Britney did tell Ragan that Matt was trying to get him out.
Oh, looks who’s back from the gym!
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HG’s playing a secret game right now… the one with the balls… was that for them to practice last night?
BB trivia… who put Marcellas on the block the week he was eliminated?
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QUESTION after matt is kicked to the curb – if they have a double elim. is brendon available for it?
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Matt’s lie bothered me, but did not upset his wife, so I guess it’s fair. Matt being a pompous mule does not bother me, at least he played the game. Since he has not betrayed the brigade I would like to hear his speech at the eviction ceremony “I know I am out of here, but I kept true to my alliance and I will take the bullet”. That would be a class act!
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I second that TED, master of the game JT, tell us all
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Hi Guys, I agree with you about Hayden, he is a total waste of space. i hope he is out of there soon
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Thanks Tendr, I will check out that site
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1st… I think Julie Chen does a GREAT job! BB just wouldn’t be BB without her… can’t imagine anybody else on Thursday saying, “By a vote of……”. And the HG selection, twists, repeat competitions, and DR manipulation has nothing to do with her.
2nd…. Yes, Have-nots can eat pickles. They can also eat condiments. Enzo was eating some ketchup out of a bowl the other night
I haven’t seen what Enzo has been eating lately. I do know he grabbed the slice of pizza from Brit and ate some of it after the surfboard challenge. Sometimes they just get a warning… sometimes they get an extra day on slop… they can get a penalty vote as well (didn’t Jen from BB 8 get a penalty vote?). Last year, I think Jeff got an extra day for eating a grape. They must take it all on a case by case basis and factor in intention. I haven’t seen exactly what Enzo ate… so I can’t comment as to what they should do to him. But even with a penalty vote, he should be more than safe.
I’ve always said (as have the rest of you) that BB should lay down the law BEFORE these people ever get in the house. Make it abundantly clear who is in charge and that they wont put up with BS. As soon as someone starts to get out of line, they should call them into the DR and tell them if they continue, they will take the Chima exit. I’m sure they warn them……. but the need to follow through. Shape up.. ship out.. easy choice.
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I vote to evict Matt (finally). I hope Ragan goes next or Enzo.
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Hey JT
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You’re rite they need to set the rules before the hg come into the house. They have been doing this show long enough to see the flaws.
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…and now for a bit of sarcasm (BBBlogger… that means I am just joking and could care less about this… I just find it funny.. in a weird way
Looks like the fix has traveled from BB comps to our very own blog! This poll on here is a scam. The other day, a new poll was posted. It was who we wanted to see evicted next. The choices were Matt and Lane. Lane was not on the block so by default we all had to choose Matt (some gladly chose Matt.. I get that). The totals against Matt last I checked were Matt-95 Lane-5.
So... I get home from work expecting to vote for eviction between Matt and Enzo like I would any Thursday....... and what do I find? I find that Lane's name was switched for Enzo... and that I couldn't cast a new vote because I had already done so when it was Matt vs Lane! I know people want Matt out, but Enzo seemed to have some steam in the polls. Enzo did nothing to deserve a 95 vote head start... but I'm sure he feels that he has.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The fix is in!! I know Matt would be voted out here hands down either way, but I feel robbed of being able to vote Enzo out!! BBBlogger lives just across town from me, so I can rule out Florida as the culprit for this tainted vote..... but there are definitely some hanging chads here!
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Hi Rose… They must let them know all the rules. I think they just need to stress them more… and they need to stop BS before it gets out of hand. BB HGs are like little kids….. give them an inch….
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julie tells matt that he has been evicted from the BB house and he gets his things and says his goodbyes and walks out the door to total silence, no one clapping, sitting in there seats just stairing at the self prolaimed minaicle genuis, yeah right, you sucked in a band, all your greatness is in your small egotistical mind, you cant even look into the eye of anyone your speaking to, you look like a chipmonk, the hoodie beastie boys look never worked for you, you act like you were the one working everyone in the game when in reality they were working you, go home and grow up a few years and try again little gremlin want a be
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I vote to evict Matt
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AGGIE i need you to email me so i’ll have your addy. I know you sent me a card but it didn’t have your addy on it…(so i can send you pics)
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I would love to see the look on the hg faces when they find out that Matt lies about his wife & her disease. I hope they talk about it on the final show. I too would like a reunion show where Julie reads off some of the comments from the fans. Watching Rachel realize how much she is disliked and how much everyone hated seeing her and Brendon would be fun. Also would like to see how many offers the Brigade does NOT get and the shock on their faces.
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as in the words of marvin gaye LETS GET IT ON!
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If these fools are so cold that they need hoodies and blankets, why don’t they just put some clothes on? They are always walking around in shorts and act like they are freezing. So stupid.
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LOL @ macy …….. almost time for me to make my popcorn!
BB DE night is tense!…… and Chima robbed us of that last year. Tonight is 2 years in the making!
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please hg’s vote out the justin beiber want a be (hollywood hayden), guys a straight bum, 5,000 is more money than he has made in 2 yrs. lol throw his rank a$$ out of the house then lane right behind him
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My hoodies go away in May… and I don’t see them again til October!
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how does an oil rig salesman not make $5000 in two years?
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tony, I thought that was funny too when Hayden said that. Hayden is 24…. a job at Mc Donald’s would pay way more than that when you’re in high school. He’s a bum.
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Lane is the oil guy… Hayden just loafs and sits on benches at baseball games.
(Frannie… loved your line about him playing the position of “Left Out”
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hayden is on my radar – with the lie about the prizes – and talking out of both sides of his face – yep on my radar dad gummit (like i could do anything about it – he he )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bu bye
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Lets evict some dead weight
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im with you SNAKE – for sure double evic
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Hi Fran and Jt, Matt the slime balls time is finally up, KARMA IS A BITCh
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There you have it folks…Ragan is no dummy
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Go Ragan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi Aggie
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Hey fran, things are heating up, Yeah
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Geeez… they better get a move on with the voting.. did they forget this was DE?
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Hello Julie…I mean JT.
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Hi Frannie…. Alison should be the target.. not Julie. The Chenbot rules!!
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There we go … Matt was evicted 4-0
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That’s true….Alison is out
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Bull Shit, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
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My Question as Julie…
“Matt WTF were you thinking?”
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Ragan needs to win HOH now….
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No fran, he is no dummy he has a PHD
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Thinking like Julie now…
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I agree, would love to see ragan get HOH, he is a good guy
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The backyard is a mess already and the comp hasn’t even started yet.
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we need Ragan to be the HOH so 2 stooges get nominated, i wanna see them squirm
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Another recycled comp…
HOH will be the one where the have to run and jump(??) over boxes and dig thru packing peanuts (??) to find what they need to find for HOH.
It will start after commercial… I’ll spoil it for the west!
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Yeah sal, he does know they are in an alliance
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Me Toooooo….Enzo for sure but Brendon as the other one.
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Another comp that can be easier for some by placing the names in a better spot.
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LOL ……….so much for jumping over the boxes!!
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Hayden wins HOH
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There goes Ragan
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, hayden, crap, i hate it
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Who will Hayden put up? Brendon & Ragan?
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Ragan & Brit.
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They still have to do a quick POV
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I was so hoping ragan would get it
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I hope you’re right JT…that’s who I’m hoping for with B leaving,
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Yeah… they did talk about making Brendon feel safe so he doesn’t try as hard
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Howdy AC…wazzup???
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At least he will only be HOH for 10 or 20 minutes
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I hope ragan can save himself
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He will put up Ragan n Brit. Is there a POV tonight?
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Nominations are in
Ragan & Brendon
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POV is next.. after commercial
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thank’s you guy’s for keeping me updated will watch show on you tube tomorrow think your bb better than ours in uk though yours seems so scripted & not off the cuff like ours
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Sup FP2 8)
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There are usually a few here from the west coast on eviction night. I guess they want to watch live tonight cause they know it will be exciting for a change.
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It sounded like they were targeting Ragan… but that could have just been to make Brendon feel safe. If noms stay the same.. I think they’d finally get rid of Brendon… if not…. Brendon all the way!!
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& by the way it’s 1-35 here & i have work in morning so keep it coming guys i’m depending on you xxxx
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That HOH question was too easy. It was the luck of the draw who found the 2 names first.
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POV comp….. about to start (the players are…. ALL 6 OF THEM of course!
Before/After is the comp
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Here’s an original game…
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1st Q…. all got it right… same on 2nd Q
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Enzo is out
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Brendon is out!!!!!!
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Brit is out
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Ragan wins POV!!!
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Buh Bye Brendon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ruh Roh !! Who goes up now JT? Brit or Lane?
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Please let what be Hayden?
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hey just got here whats going on? show doesnt start for me yet. too much reading somebody please brief me!
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Brendon has to go 3-0….. unless suck ass penguin throws him a vote tryin to get his vote for F2
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New HOH comp must be flippin the mini soccer balls.
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thank god mind i do feel for him after all he did to win the last veto love to see rachel’s face when she sees his bald bonce lmao
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Jane… Hayden won HOH.. put up Ragan & Brendon.. Ragan won POV… now they will vote out Brendon
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Ragan is replaced with Brit
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2nd vote coming up…… should be 3-0 to send out Brendon… but these people aren’t exactly bright.
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If Brit cannot read the writing on the wall now, she deserves to go home!
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do they do another hoh straight away tonight ??????
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Rachel will be happier than a stripper on a pole when Matt walks thru the door……
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------then an hour later, Brendon will walk in and she will be
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Betty…are you watching now? I forgot where you’re from.
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Thanks JT oh jeez brit will prob go. brb getting a beer at the corner.. this is gonna be good!
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Brendon was voted out 3-0
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Enzo scared me when he said…. I vote to evict Brrrrrr…..endon.
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The audience wasn’t clapping because they liked him…it was because they are glad he’s finally out.
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I hope ragan gets HOH
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yeah fran, I agree
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Where is our new HOH comp???
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AC… I wasn’t real sure WTF the POd penguin would do either!!
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DAMN…does everyone get to hug it out in the HOH room now?
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oooooooooooooh i can’t wait to watch tis on you-tube tomorrw it sounds dead exciting
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Did she say sunday was HOH, that sucks
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Fran I am from Michigan.
I was so happy to see Brendon walk out that door. I would have gladly packed his bags. Ragan or Brit have to win next HOH and put up two of the remaining brigade. Wake up Brit, you think you were only a pawn. Please get it through that blond head of yours that the others are in an alliance!
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sorry about spelling mistakes i’m a bit of a dither with the excitment of it all lol
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Yes…she sure did.
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TED/PK lets take our private jet to new york tomorrow- to go to gimmels and get me a dress i need for my neices wedding saturday – and ewe – the thought of brendon and rach tonite – ewe
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tendr, I sent you the email, let me know if you got it
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Feeds are back… did they do HOH yet?
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If Brit or Ragan win HOH I see Hayden and Enzo going up and if one of them win POV Lane will go up, but not be eliminated. I can’t wait to see who wins the next HOH!
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Ragan and britt will be a good team now, he knows those guys have an alliance.
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Hi northern_lass… thanks for joinin’ us!
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PK/TED – yall are ‘repeat offenders’ you have one more strike – and ur outa here!
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I wonder where northern_lass is from…
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WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO thanks for the updates y’all!!! The irony of it all Matt and Brendon leave together BWAHAHAHAHAHA! K Crybaby Ragan or Brit better win!!! Enzo go the eff home!
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I vote to put macy in charge of keeping the BB HGs in line!
Enzo just said they still have an HOH to play… not sure when that will be.
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I hate bb12 I’m so pissed Bredon was the one I was voting to win this bb12 and now hes gone. I don’t care who wins now I don’t even know if Im gona watched it anymore and I’ve never miss a show from season 1. I just don’t care now!!!
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I’m not going to sleep till the new HOH is determined. Yeah right, I can’t make it till 11:30 anymore.
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northern_lass, where in the UK do you live?….. maybe she went to sleep
It is very late there.
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ya gotta give brendon and matt props – they went out with class -jt – my bark is bigger than my bite—–ha
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Hi Jane. What do you suppose was going through Brit’s brain when Hayden put her up? She has to see the guys are in an alliance now.
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POOR frannie, you need to be an undead member, JT, you need to be converted also
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I wonder if we will even get to see this HOH? ….or will they give us trivia?
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thanks jt
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------& frannie i’m from ne england about 45 mls south of newcastle & 2 hrs from scotland love getting you’re messages been reading the site for a while but didn’t know if i was allowed to post xx
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we better see it, it would suck if we don’t
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Hi Betty!! I don’t know that was crazy!!! Can’t wait to watch it. I really hope her and Ragan stick together. They can both play for HOH!
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I was for awhile Aggie but that kinda fell apart. We don’t do those late nights anymore.
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Jump in anytime northern_lass. The more the merrier.
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Now all I wish for is to see the brigade go down one by one. They haven’t done anything. Brit and Ragan deserve to be in the final 2.
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yes jt it is late it’s 2-30 am & i’m off to my pitt (bed ) hope to hear from you all later xxx
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I agree Betty!!! I can’t wait to see more Brigade Implosion!!!
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BETTY, I agree I would love to see Britt and ragan, that would be great
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night northern_lass
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Lane is still sitting the Prettiest!
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I guess at this point as long as Enzo goes…. I’m good with whatever.
Line just now from Meow Moe…. “At least we got justice today”
……… who is “WE”?……… you got a fledgling penguin in your pocket?
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Yeah an JT Enzo said I’m final 5 and I havent won anything, but i am #1 in Social Skills…….. WTF????
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Yes Jane Lane is pretty, but can’t get away from his mother’s apron strings.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He won the phone call so he could talk to mommy. Give me a break!
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He must have a mouse in his pocket….What’s this ‘WE’ BS?
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night franniep
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Matt audition 6 times for the show, man he was really desperate
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LOL Betty @ Apron Strings!! But, I meant sitting pretty as in “no worries” of eviction!
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gonna go watch a movie – yall have a good evening – peace out BB
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------bu bye – luvs – bendi
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Hey whose family did they show?
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Jane, They didn’t show anyones family, not enough time I guess.
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JT, who is your Pick for next HOH
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CBS should start a new sit-com “Everyone Loves Lane”. They could show him shooting small animals and bringing them home to mommy to cook.
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i think this was the best show of the season !!!!!!!…brenden is gone i wish enzo was too….what is that rabbit thing he does w/his mouth ewwww….about time hayden showed he could actually play a comp and win…my final 3 are brit ..regean..lane..i would like to see brit take it all tho…well reagen knows so brit better wake up or she will be gone next week…this brigade is down to 3 …i wonder who will turn on who first i think it will be enzo turning on lane…does anyone know who the life long friends could be…or did that leave when andrew left…b/c i thought brenden and andrew were the pair..and matt didnt blow them out of the water…i wish he wouldve…
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Donna I think Hayden and Lane will turn on Enzo.
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Aggie, if it is flipping the soccer balls… Hayden was by far best at that. But Hayden can’t play. I’d pick Lane of what’s left… but it really is a toss up….. just like when Brit didn’t practice bowling or pinball much… then went out and won both.
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They haven’t done the morph comp yet….I would suck at that.
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Wow… Matt might have been on BB11 except he was getting married. Matt was in the van with Natalie and Ronnie…. so maybe Matt would have been on instead of Ronnie… then Ronnie this year?
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I HATE the morph comp!
They all look so creepy! 
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LF: Enzo already turning on Hayden. While Hayden in DR Enzo talking about Hayden possibly winning prizes. LMAO. Ragan says he really doesnt think Matt won the prizes because he told him about his real age and came clean about all his lies (except wife)
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JT are they going on with the HOH comp or are they going to wait till Sunday?
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With Brendon’s exit, we are GUARANTEED to see the jury house next week!……. I just hope they don’t show them running to each other in slow motion like the movie “10”…….. and if they do… I hope the outcome is the same!
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They just said HOH was at 7pm…. do they know that for sure? Should be in less than 10 minutes then. NO TRIVIA PLEASE!!! (and no bubbles)
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Betty, I think they will play it soon… then show it on Sunday’s show.
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JT, i thought they said they were going to show more of the jury house, thats more fun really
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I agree with Donna…by far the best show of the season. Happy too that Brendon is finally gone along with Matt the weasel.
It has taken a long time this season but it’s finally getting good, and it’s about time Hayden stepped up and did something. Should be very interesting from now to the end to see who can stab who first. LOL
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I read some rumors about showing more jury house…… but we know how rumors go. Look at the “friends” for example.. some of the HGs still think that is real.
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BRITT and Ragan need to stick together she doesn’t have a chance with the guys
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JT, nothing was said about the friends issue, we don’t know if it’s true or not
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lol, well, i guess it had tocome to an end, but a true valiant effort on his part, i hope everyone enjoyed the show tonight, it was a good one and we all knew that it was going to end this way, it was close, hayden grabbed racheals name and finally done someting in the game, sending a true player to the jury house, so your left with some real losers, i hope that britney and ragan know about the brigade and oust there do nothing asses
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Exactly Aggie….. nothing was said.
The friends were only mentioned by saboteur. If the existed.. CBS would have said something by now… and the HGs should know better than to listen to Saboteur…… it’s right there in the name!
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So much for the HOH being at 7pm.
Would love to see them do it on BBAD…. very doubtful though.
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JT, I’m hoping Britt and ragan can hang in, I think they are more deserving, hopefully enzo will get booted along the way
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Aggie sure likes that
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HEY fran, love the arrow, i wish there was more symbols, now ragan is crying again on feeds, get it together man, PLEASE!!!!!
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Sorry Ted….. I didn’t know Aggie would love the
so much.
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Looks like it might be a while yet… they are starting DR sessions.
I’ll check back in later……. Bye 4 now
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Ragan says that he’s happy with the final 5 they have now….NEWSFLASH…. he is probably the one they want out next if he doesn’t win hoh.
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still gotta love the
face! I might get that as another avatar.
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Yeah fran, ragan knows they have an alliance, hopefully he will get hoh, and put them up
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CYA later JT
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they have to do HOH soon because of BBAD right?
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JT, I know you’re not here right now but….
One of the St. Louis Rams players ran the football for a TD…The official said he ran out of bounds. Our coach asked for a review of the play. When they came back from a commercial, the ruling was….because the ‘official ruled the player out of bounds’, it is a non reviewable play….WTF!!! Who else would make the call? Even the announcers were
Does that make sense to you?
Anyone else here have any ideas?
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Fran you asked if I were watching. What I meant about writing on the wall is Brit thought she was tight with Hayden and Lane and putting her up as a pawn shows her she is not as safe as she once thought. I hope this gets through to her.
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no Betty….I was asking if you watched BB at the same time we were on here. I didn’t know what time zone you were in. Sorry I had you confused.
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Fran where are you from?
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Betty, I’m from St. Peters, Missouri. It’s about 20 miles west of St. Louis.
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I’m back….. I want to watch HOH comp!! It is starting and we get trivia!
Frannie, if the ref rules the player out of bounds and blows the whistle.. the play is over no matter what happens after that or what replay shows.
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Should have known since your are Rams fan, sorry.
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JT that seems unfair. Replys should be allowed in all sports, just look how they took away the no hit game from one of the Tiger’s pitchers a month or so ago.
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Not so much a Rams fan…just football in general.
Thanks JT…Even though it was clearly a bad call.
We did go on to win 36-35
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I agree with that Betty.. that should have been ruled a no-hitter because it was the last out of the game. (would have been the last out)
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……. grin……..
…….. twisted……..
……. mrgreen……..
……… shock ………
……… ??? ……..
……. mad ……..
…….. neutral……..
…….. sad………
…….. ! ………
……. ? ……
…… oops …….
…….. roll…….
……….. idea ……..
…… wink…….
…….. arrow………
……. razz…….
……. eek….
…… lol……..
…….. smile……… 
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I know where you got this from Aggie….
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Sometimes the reply doesn’t even matter, watch when the Wings are playing and they send it up to Toronto for review. The play is right in from of their faces and 80% of the time it goes against my babies.
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yes my dear, I had a good teach
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I wonder where Angel is….she should be here by now.
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The reason that the ref blowing the whistle and ruling a play dead overrides replay is because it changes what might have happened in the play.
Example…. If a RB is going up the middle and is almost tackled.. and the ref blows the whistle thinking his knee was down……. the defense relaxes thinking the play is over.
So if that RB keeps going for a TD.. it can’t count because the defense was thrown off by the ref….. even if replay shows he was never down.
I’m sure the outcome of the play would have been the same in the Rams game (I didn’t see the play)….. but they have rules they follow by the book.. even though each case may be a bit different.
Otherwise… they would need to bring in Judge Judy every 10 minutes.
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good tammy, you have to put colons on either side of the word, lowercase also
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Tammy’s got the addiction now too.
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great tammy, ted will love you
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Aggie – You might be sent to the ‘have not’ room. LOL
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no problem betty, I don’t think that would be tough for me
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Aggie you are a better person than I. I couldn’t put up with all those nasty jars.
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Ok kiddies….My computer is moving at a snails pace right now. Time to give it a rest. Talk to y’all tomorrow.
Thanks JT for the info but I would have to go back to see when the whistle was blown. I didn’t hear it and it was only a few yard from the goal line. Oh well, I liked the outcome so no biggie.
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Good lord, we have a smilie monster in our midst ……………… @ y @
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Hi Sal, JT said the HOH comp started, but was blocked out by trivia, any news?
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at betty
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Aggie hockey will be starting soon. Can’t wait.
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I don’t want to see it… but CBS will show the pukefest reunion. I just want a quick facial reaction from Rachel and then back to the BB house.
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I suspect that the HOH comp will be over before BBAD starts in 25 mins… so we should know soon… I think?
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Well trivia is getting close to BBAD, they better not play this BS on there also!!!!!
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Donna, they are playing for a new HOH right now.
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I would love to see Rachel shun Brendon for not winning, but I am sure that will not be the case. I’m with you JT I don’t want to see their reunion either.
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Sal, the feeds are more censored than BBAD. If you watch them at the same time… you will see many times that feeds cut to bubbles while BBAD keeps going.
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I guess Frannie bit the dust? I’m just peeking in. Now i’m concerned they’ll go after Brit. I wish BB would allow brit to get an email or a tweet from someone watching the show that’d say “don’t trust Lane or anyone else”
my head hurts.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If i was in that house with those boys i’d be nuts…more so than now.
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Hey Amigo ,it can be more interesting than the show, do you like watching them play pool over and over, its not fun to me.
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Betty, I could probably get into hockey.
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Aggie you are from Chicago right? It will be a good year for you to watch as the Blackhawks will rock this year.
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So, the only PLAYERS in the game have been evicted, so who do we root for now. The floaters, lazy whiney Britney, will they be eaten up by ants rooting around their dirty house? I am totally uninterested in who wins now. No one is playing the game!
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Hmmmm…. still trivia… let’s see what’s on BBAD… just about to start
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LF’s: Trivia
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BBAD: Looks like they are giving Hayden some HOH room time instead of going straight into the next HOH competition
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Did Lane win HOH? he said something about a cd he wants?
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Must be Lane… they are talking about what he will get.
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Thank you been watching you all do them ;grin;
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Lane won HOH
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JT, it kind of looks that way, SHIT
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Britney said: “We got all the annoying people out.”
But she must be lying because she is still there….
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so he finally gets one, i wish it was ragan
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Now… will lane put up Brit? He almost has to…. he will tell her she is the pawn to get Ragan out.
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Britt and ragan will be gone it’s a shame
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Should be interesting when Lane tells Brit he is putting her up. If he doesn’t put her up… she better play hard for veto and save Ragan.
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Best scenario… Lane nominates Ragan and “pawn” Brit, Ragan wins POV, Lane puts Enzo on the block next to Brit and they send Brit out the door to learn – hopefully at some point – that she gets the sucker of the month award for ever believing a word Lane ever said to her…
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Better scenario…. Lane puts up Ragan and Enzo as a pawn to cover his a$$ with Brit. Brit wins POV and pulls Ragan off the block forcing Lane to put up Hayden next to Enzo. Brit and Ragan vote out the PO’d penguin.
(Doubt he’d do that… but I can dream)
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JT… But your scenario has dumb leaving before dumber….
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Yeah…. but at least it gets rid of the floating penguin.
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Night JT et al… back to the attic…
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HEY JT< just have a few more episodes of dexter to watch, shocking one yesterday, where his sister and lumbly gets shot.
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I bet Enzo has even made an alliance with the shark in the have-not room… should be a natural enemy.
Enzo: “That’s the one thing I did good in this game.. beat out Matty”
Yeah Enzo, you stayed longer.. only because you turned on your own alliance. But keep telling yourself how good you are doing… Natalie did about the same as you last year. (Which was nothing but flap her gums)
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L8R PK… are you allowed to take a laptop in the attic?
Aggie, The new season starts one month from today… so you at least have til then to finish S-4.
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sorry theodore, It just came out
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OMG!! The feeds are still on trivia! Hello!! There is nothing to hide anymore!
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JT, only PK’s cat is allowed in the attic
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JT, don’t you think we should be seeing everything, way too much censorship
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BRITT is being really stupid if she thinks she has any chance being in with those guys, remember diane and drew?
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Pretty exciting night… kind of sorry to see Matt leave in a way, but won’t miss his cocky weasel smirk. I thought Brendon exited with some class, he certainly got a bigger ovation than Matt. So glad Britney is still in the game… I thought she looked lovely tonight in her skirt and heels.
Have to say… props to the way Hayden played the HOH Comp! Quick thinking and quick work… Brendon was right behind him. I guess Brendon is in bed with Rachel telling her how he fought for her every second… which, actually is true.
Can’t go back and read all the comments, but I did catch a few at the end to see who is here… Shocked at #383, as is BBB. I’m afraid that #389 may come true. Love the idea of #390!
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I remember them… and Diane voted for Drew to win 4-3 over Cowboy. Drew was loyal to Cowboy.
Signing off for a while…… maybe for the night.
L8R all
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JT, let me know if anything good happens, I have to check out next episode of dexter, it was really good yesterday.
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JT, Drew was disloyal to diane, she was even a better player than him she deserved to be in the end over cowboy, who basically sucked up to everyone. She was just used by drew, of course she gave him her vote, because she couldn’t stand cowboy, he was so undeserving.
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Hello everyone. having a busy night. It’s my friday so everyone get up and do the happy dance with me….woooooohoooooo!
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I’m so glad Brendon is finally gone. did they do the HOH yet?
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Hi angel, yeah they finally had it it looks like lane is HOH, what a shame i had hoped it would be ragan
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well, we know he wont put up brit…or will he?
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sure he will angel, he is with the guys, he won’t be loyal to britt
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that’s right, i forgot he’s more loyal to the brigade.
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It is a shame I would rather see britt and ragan in the end, they are smarter than any of those guys. hopefully at least one will be in the end.
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Lane all the way…my opinion.
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Lane is a good guy I wouldn’t mind if he were in the end, they haven’t seen his hoh room yet.
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oh let me know if you get to see it.
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Yeah, I’m sure lane will put up britt and ragan, I hope ragan gets pov, and britt goes
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I agree. I like ragan. I think he’s entertaining
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I will let you know, the show is almost over, it probably won’t be on tonight
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Ragan, is really good when he is talking game with them, he knows alot about BB, he is a big fan
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The show is over angel, they still haven’t shown Hoh, My computer, is getting really slow, I’m going to have to sign off now, nice talking to you, see ya tomorrow.
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sorry i missed your post aggie. it’s been a busy night tonight. thanks for the update. anyone else here?
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Since I’m alone, I’m gonna practice my singing….
You are my sunshine
my only sunshine
you make me happy
when skies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear
how much I love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away.
Wow, I sound fantastic. Watch out Lady Gaga, here I come
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I know I’m prob gonna get boo’d but i’m for britney. I know she’ll prob be voted out becuz there’s not one real “man” in there. Enzo and Hayden should be going out and then regan. I don’t even like Lane.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just give it all to brit for putting up with the guys and has she been lazy compared to the guys? to me she’s this tiny girl all alone against the guys and it has to be stressful.
there’s not one guy i’m impressed with.
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I want Lane to win.
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I want Ragan to win but it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if Lane won. I for sure don’t want Enzo or Hayhen to win anything.
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Too bad there are no live cameras in the Jury house so we could learn whether Brendon told Rach-ho he fought to the end for her honor or was just on her when they reunited or both.
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I agree frannie. Enzo and Hayden haven’t done anything worth winning. It seems Enzo wouldn’t shut up during his speech before Matt got vetoed. How annoying
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Morning Angel….From what I’ve read, Lane is the new HOH. I have a feeling Britt and Ragan will go on the block. I hope Ragan wins the POV and saves himself. One can only hope that Enzo will get put up as a replacement nom and he will be voted off because he pissed off the hg’s and they got tired of his crap.
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Hey Frannie. I agree with you totally. Well time for me to sign off, get some sleep and talk with you guys laters. See ya
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Enzo ~ still the biggest loser !!!!
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Lane will definitely put up Britney. He knows he has a better chance of winning next to morons like Hayden and Enzo than against someone who’s won HOH and POV 3-4 times. It’s a good strategy for him but he should be careful, because I think Hayden and Enzo may be trying to get to top 2 with each other. Britney and Ragan are screwed.
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I think you are right Annette… he will tell her that she’s a pawn so that everyone won’t know he and she are together… and, if one of them wins POV, then he still has the tiebreaker. I kind of thought he and Hayden were tighter???
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I’m sure Brendon was doing both, PK… probably because Rachel was questioning him while he had his mind elsewhere.
Nice Singing Angel…
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How has the voting gone in the past on BB? Do they mostly vote for who was the best game player? I can’t imagine that really happening with most of the HGs. On Survivor, they usually vote based on emotions and vote for the person they dislike the least. A few have voted for the best game player, even though they hated them.
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I don’t have access to BBAD or live feeds so I may be mistaken about the 3 brigades guys’ relationship. They always seem to show Enzo and Hayden plotting together on the show, I just assumed. Especially since they felt Matt and Ragan were playing together so I thought they’d think the same of Lane and Brit. I’m interested (as interested as I can be this season I guess) to see what will go down if the 3 brigade guys are left for top 2. Hayden seems a tad smarter than Enzo so he will prob stick with Enzo in order to win the game.
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I am still rooting for Ragan to win with Lane being in the final 2 with him. I’m just so glad Ragan was the Sab…, even though it was a little lame, so at least his gets some of the money. This season sucked but us die hard fans still watched. How funny are we? We bitch and complain but we still continue to watch. That’s true dedication.
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I think alot of people tend to vote personally, they usually pick the lesser of two evils, I remember Danielle from season3, she had a secret alliance with a 28 year old virgin who was a religious guy on there, his name was jason, in the end with the endurance challenge it ended up being danielle reyes and lisa donahue, Lisa was a nice girl, danielle pretty much screwed over everyone and in the end the only vote danielle got was from her secret alliance partner jason, who is probably still a virgin
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I think Hayden and Lane would be friends outside of the house. Not so much with Enzo. Hayden is smarter than he looks I think. His DR room comments are funny because he is always shouting announcements. I would love to watch a session and see how they are interviewed to get those responses… that would be a great job to have.
But, they have to be thinking that Lane and Brit have an alliance of sorts, so we’ll see what Lane’s Noms are and how they view that.
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Yeah fran we do love BB, Good or bad
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Enzo has no class…Hayden is in love with himself….Brittany just played too dumb of a game, thinking she would last when it came to the guys keeping her till the end. So…that leaves Ragan and Lane. Lane is the least of the evils among the 3 stooges. (that’s not saying much)
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Funny Aggie…I am trying to send you an e-mail but everytime I write something, I copy and paste it here. I’ll get one to you…give me time.
We need a new page so bad. My home computer was going slow but my work computer isn’t moving much better.
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ok Aggie…your e-mail as promised.
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thanks fran, yes you are right enzo is a disgrace, alot of people from new jersey are embarressed by him also the guy has only seen 1 season which was season 2 of big brother, he said he knew that guy justin who was booted from the show for holding a knife to krista’s neck, krista sued CBS also, they must have made a quiet settlement. It would be great if it were lane and ragan in the end, i just hope ragan can get pov.
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Chances of making it to the F3
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brittany 1% Has no idea whats going on in the house. She thinks Lane is taking her to F2! She hasn’t seen his DR sessions!
Ragan 15% He helped vote out Matt and Brenden, he has no alliance to work with. NOPE, Brit is no help. His slim chance rests with HOH and POV competitions.
The “3 Stooges” 85% With the eviction of Brenden and Matt they control all votes. They will eliminate either Brit or Ragan even if one of them wins the POV, (barring some exceedingly dumb move) At the final 4 they must keep the outsider (Brit or Ragan)from winning the HOH or POV so they can secure F3.(At which point I promise I will not watch any more this season. These guys are too dumb and such slobs that there is no way in hell i’ll finish watching this season of BB).
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I’m just hoping the 3 stooges all turn on each other….expect the unexpected. I don’t care how it happens, as long as they all become enemies with one another. We all know what being locked up in the BB house has done and can to to alliances.
That was for Aggie and Ted
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Big Brother game has rolled so far downhill we need to dig a hole to find it!
Casting seems to have been getting the wrong people the last 2 to 3 years.
The games are mostly the same and suck big time.
Reinvent the trivia games and make them more complicated so that can’t study for them ( half of this house probably couldn’t tell you what 25% of 25 is)
Make more of the team games elimination type, when one team remains, they play for the HOH!
Let them earn points then when you have luxury comps they could use them to buy stuff. Don’t post the points until game time! (Also, use a demerit system to take points away (when they break rules or need to be continually warned about something) (Hell these HG’s are nothing but lab rats once their in the house anyway.)
Encourage some of them to play pranks on each other, give them objects to hide or find in the house for prizes
Use your inside to to post a message that someone said with no author(but don’t tell them it’s there)(One message a day would be good)
………….. more later when my mind thinks of it!
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Snake Sal I agree, if Hairden, Lame and Bozo are the F3 I too will not be watching. When did Britney got so stupid, she is so up Lame’s butt she cannot see the obvious alliance. Go Ragan I guess.
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that was fun
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It bothers me WHEN:
In the most important HOH competition of the game, it’s goes down as the shortest, luckiest game in BB hisory!
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Good suggestions Snake… although I have not watched before, I think freshness is important for the die hard fans. And more diversity in what they have to do while in the house in addition to comps.
I WILL GUARANTEE ONE THING… If the Three Stooges make it to the Final Four… SnakeBitSal and DonnaP WILL be watching!!!
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oops… meant F3!
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I WILL GUARANTEE ONE THING… If the Three Stooges make it to the Final Four… SnakeBitSal and DonnaP WILL be watching!!!
And if they don’t Ted?
A bottle of Crown Royal for everybody on the blog?
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ok now we have matt out pleeease lets get rid of trouble making britney she isnt happy unless she is stirring up trouble in know its a game nut she really rides that last nerve…………………maybe then the game will begin
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I want my little bottle of “Crown” in the nice purple bag!!!!!
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It will be interesting to see how many people will be able to put with the Stooges walking around high fiving each other and saying how famous they’ll be and telling each other how they will spend the money !!
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Sorry to disappoint the three and a half stooges plus boi, but the best any of them can expect in terns of fame and fortune post BB 12 is to be the subject of a possible “almost famous” sequel spoofing them using real professional actors…
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Ruh Roh:
Aug 26, 2010 10:41 AM CDT
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vikes poised to move?
The News
According to Forbes, if no deal for a new stadium is in place, the Vikings are almost certain to leave Minnesota for Los Angeles after the 2011 season.
Our View
The Vikings future in Minnesota could depend on how well the team plays on the field this season. If they roll to another NFC championship game on Brett Favre’s golden arm, fan pressure will likely be great enough to force local politicians’ hands into giving the Vikings whatever they want. If not, the Vikes could be in their last days in the state of 10,000 lakes.
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Forget Los Angeles, Odin wants the Vikings to return to Scandinavia where they will always be welcome.
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Doesn’t that just figure…..a fairly slow day at work and all the hg’s are doing is laying around yawning, chewing on inside of cheeks (guess who that is), and sleeping. Give them something to do to entertain us. I am so out of there….
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And when it’s just the “Stooges” it’ll be terrible
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I turned BBAD off at midnight and haven’t watched anything since, all we need to know now who is Lane going to put up for noms
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Ted’s all-time favorite BB house guest. Still harboring a major crush, in fact…
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I feel badly for Brit, she has played a good game and won more comps than anyone in the brigade.
The worst scenario I can think of is:
Brit and Ragan are nominated (no brainer) and she wins the POV. She then takes Ragan off the block, trusting Lane, who will, of course, put her up and send her home. Are we in for another Marcel blunder?
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That’s correct Betty…until she decided to team up with the 3 idiots. That’s when I lost respect for her. Don’t get me wrong, if Ragan or Lane doesn’t win, she would be my next choice. You and I both know that Britt or Ragan will be leaving next. I really don’t want Enzo going any further than Thursday.
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Frannie there might be the slightest bit of hope. In reading all the blogs I have found out that everyone in the brigade, except Matt, is oblivious to the game. It would be funny if Brit won and saved Ragan and Lane thought they were both safe. I would laugh all the way to the bar and have a drink in ‘the brigades’ stupidity!
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Make mine a double!!!
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Brit now thinks Haden took the money and the vacation in the last POV, not Matt, as she was led to believe by – guess who – Hayden… Thinking back, she remembered that it was Hayden who, immediately after the POV comp, asked if the jury members would be told who took what prizes… Better late than never even when it is still too late. Not!
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A double it is – PK is buying!
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Betty… Lane has already told Brit that if she wins POV and pulls Ragan off the block, she will go up in his place and be evicted. Bros before ho’s to the F3 Brit, you got played big time….
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Betty…are you rolling those eyes at me?
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No Fran, just at Lane being dumb, but PK just shot my wishful thinking down
, but I still say he owes us both a drink! 
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The name Enzo in Italian actually means “ruler of the house.” Time to revise all of the Italian dictionaries after Enzo aka meow meow’s appearance on BB. Enzo as a foul-mouthed loser with a thousand excuses is far more appropriate now.
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For Fran and Betty:
Walk to closest faucet or drinking fountain (probably one in the bank)
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Interesting PK, I will make note of it in my Italian dictionary! LOL
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Don’t worry Betty….it’s not over till the fat lady sings. You never know if someone will do something to piss off another hg. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
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Thanks PK – Soooooooooooo refreshing!
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Wow…. I just heard singing coming all the way from Chesterfield, Missouri… Big voice, in deed, to make it all the way to Mobile, Al.
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Not to worry…I have frozen strawberry daquiri’s at home. YUMMMM
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Brit should make up lies about Hayden and Enzo and whisper them in Lane’s ear!
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If I were to sing…all the dogs would start howling.
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Can’t help it. I feel sorry for Brit. Not her fault that she trusted someone. I think it’s human nature to want to trust a person. the guys don’t derserve anything
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Betty… Unfortunately for Ragan, Brit and finally Enzo, the only words Lane understands now are Lane and Hayden F2 no matter who does the whispering in his ear – even if she stoops low enough to sleep with him in the HOH bed as he keeps pushing for…
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I think Hayden and Enzo are tight, Lane better wake up!
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PK, as you know I don’t have the LF, but just by watching it seems Enzo and Hayden are planning to be the final 2 – HOPE NOT!
Have to go – Will check in later!
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I’m not giving up yet…..later all. Time to get ready to leave. Have a good evening.
Howdy Vic….talk to you later.
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Betty… Hayden is just trying to soften Enzo up for Lane to drop the “pawn” bomb on him… Lane and Hayden have been working on the best way to give Enzo the news… But he will be safe… temporarily…
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Frannie… did you get your drink I owe you?
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Hayden just said that everyone they’ve evicted (except Kathy) is smarter than them. Lane laughing and agreeing.
Now after Ragan and Brit are gone, the 3 stooges can finally go on an unchallenged winning streak in all events…
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Enzo: We dominated without dominating. Translated into meaningful English – we floated without sinking…
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Hey PK… I can’t remember all the nicknames of the Brigade… Matt was ‘the brain’ and Lane was ‘the beast’… what was Hayden and Enzo? He wasn’t meow meow was he? Enzo named them right? And where did Meow Meow come from?
When do you think the NOMs will be?
They are all just lying around now, and why is Enzo still in the Penguin Suit? Does he have to wear it till the end of the game?
I’m surprised Frannie isn’t rooting for her Italian Brother!
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Also… PK, thank you for the lovely photo and sentiment of Natalie… she is so cute. But, she has been supplanted by Britney as my Favorite!
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Ted, Hayden is “The Animal”
…….and yes, Meow Moe is Meow Meow.
Enzo has to wear that suit for a week.. he got it on Saturday.
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Ted: Hayden is Animal and Enzo is Meow Meow. Meow Meow? Beats me why Enzo adopted that name.
No clue when noms are…
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Hi guys i”m hoping britt or ragan can stick in there, at least they know more about the game, the guys are totally clueless about it, especially enzo.

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The only thing we know 100% is that Ragan will be nominated.
I would think Lane would put up Brit, but that doesn’t seem to be the plan. He was thinking of putting up Enzo as a pawn, but has also considered putting up Hayden because the penguin had such a rough week.
What Lane’s best move is depends on what he wants to accomplish. If he is brigade all the way to final 3………. then Brit is the choice. If he is thinking that his final 3 deal with Brit and Hayden is better.. then Enzo should go up.
I think he wants to get rid of Ragan (they all do) with as little damage as possible. Then he can figure out what to do depending on who wins next HOH. If Brit wins… he wants to stay good with her. If Enzo wins.. he wants to stay brigade.
I guess Hayden & Lane were talking and seemed ok with the idea of Enzo leaving this week if that happened.
I would love to see Brit win the POV, come to her senses, and pull Ragan off the block. Then you have Hayden and Enzo sitting in blue chairs Thursday wondering what happened.
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Need a new page
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Hard to keep track of time on this show… Jumping back and forth with what you learn on lF and then CBS etc. I thought the PSuit was for a week, but thought it was up.
I totally missed why he called himself that.
Boy, Ragan is really taking this memory thing to heart. Knows his days are up if he doesn’t win POV.
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That last scenario is a good one, JT… would be fun to see those 2 on the block… and Hayden to go!!!
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No wonder they don’t get paper and pencil… no way to keep a journal then. If I was a HG, I would sneak some in.
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Ragan is the only one that knows where he stands….. at the very bottom of the pecking order. He knows he has to win tomorrow’s POV or he is done. He’s won it twice and saved himself… now he needs to do it for the 3rd time out of 4 evictions.
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He hasn’t been nominated though right? Although a forgone conclusion we all know.
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Ted, the Natalie from BB9 that posts here on Fridays used to make notes with nail polish and napkins….. production finally took them away from her.
Last year, Natalie and Kevin made a calendar out of play dough.
I think it was April from BB10 (Aggie?.. help with who it was?)… she used to keep track of things with her birth control pills……… not sure how that worked?
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no surprise with last nite’s show.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that was a given, even stevie wonder could see that coming.
i think lane will put up enzo and brit, all the while whispering in brit’s ear you are a pawn, you are a pawn, he will say it so much he might even begin to believe it.
I see ragan gone if he does not win pov.
it would be wonderful if brit did get pov and take ragan down, would be enzo that would go. i can’t wait to see the shocked and i mean shocked face of enzo when he get booted out.
if u think he has talked trash up till now that will be nothing compared to what he would say. Then as he leaves he will turn to them and say
I GIVE YOU ALL THE EVIL EYE!” and this is not good, lol
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oops sorry meant lane will put up ragan and brit, my bad
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lol is it something i said, the room is empty,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i hear an echo echo echo
c u all later
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I’m here Margie!
……I just figured you were doing a hit and run and were gone already! 
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Mama Margie – If Brit wins the POV and saves Ragan PK told me Lane would put her up. A no win situation.
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I can’t imagine the Hayden and Lane evicting Enzo before Ragan or Brit is gone. It would be great if they did, but would really be a stupid thing for them to do.
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i thought if you used the pov you could not be put up. is lane dense or brit?
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betty, i thought and i may be wrong. but pov winner can take some one off and can not be put up in their place, am i correct?
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betty i cannot pic that myself. it is coming to that point very quickly not many to pick from and i also think hayden and lane will stick together and toss everyone else under the bb bus with not a thought to doiong it. but that is part of the game
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Betty, I did see that comment from PK. Either PK had it wrong… or Lane knows less than we think.
If Lane doesn’t put up Brit… and Brit wins POV and uses it on Ragan.. then Lane can’t put up Brit. It would be Hayden and Enzo by default.. no choice at all. The POV winner can’t be the replacement.
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jt, please see # 513, perhaps you can answer it
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oopd lol spoke too soon, knew i could count on you jt txs and least some of this old memory is still working, errr what is your name again lol
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sometimes in the haste to type often the wrong name is typed as i know all too well.
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where is that bb book (roberts rules) lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------we sure could use a copy in here.
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Mama Margie – If the person that has the POV gives it up, then they are not safe anymore. Only the one with the POV is safe. Did you see Season 3 when Marcel took Amy off the block and then he was nominated and sent home.
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Yeah.. I have put the wrong name in a few times this season myself. But Lane could have actually said that… he really doesn’t know that much about this game.. nor does Enzo or Hayden. If he did say that to Brit.. I would think she would have told him he couldn’t do that…. but maybe she kept her mouth shut to possibly stay off the block.
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Marcellas was on the block… he won the POV and chose not to use it on himself (dumbest move ever.. no question). Marcellas trusted Amy so much that he felt he didn’t need to use it. It was final 4 and Amy would have to take his place by default… Marcellas didn’t want to do that to her.. so he just trusted that she would pick him to stay.
He was wrong!
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JT see comment 520. I think that is how it works, if both were safe, why was Marcel sent home?
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betty lol i am lucky if i can remember what happened on bbad last nite
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry if i am incorrect, about this pov, but i could have sworn the pov winner no matter how they used it would be safe.
this is a great question for open discussion. i love when this room debates, gives us something to dig our teeth into
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JT I don’t remember it that way, you could be right, as my memory is not good, but I did not think Marcel was on the block. He won the POV and used it on Amy. Hopefully somewhat can straighten my mind out. LOL
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Betty, the difference is that Marcellas was already on the block. If you are on the block and win POV, but don’t use it on yourself… then they can vote you out.
If you are not on the block and win POV… you can’t be put up as the replacement even if you save someone.
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Mama Margie – As you see by my last comment I can’t even type – using somewhat instead of someone. I do trust JT, but I am almost positive what I remember went down. Who knows, soon someone will put me in my place and reactivate my brain.
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Ok… I had to go to wiki… I guess I didn’t have it all straight either (Where the hell is Aggie when we need her?
) Here is a copied part of what is there…..
Marcellas committed what is still considered by fans the stupidest move in Big Brother’s history. In season three, if you were a nominee and held the Power of Veto you could not use it on yourself. But if you won the last veto of the season (final five) you could. When Marcellas and Amy were nominated by Jason, Marcellas won the competition. Seeming to believe that he had an agreement with HouseGuest Danielle, Marcellas chose not to use the veto on himself, to spare Jason having to choose between Lisa and Danielle to replace him. However, Danielle did in fact vote to evict Marcellas, making it a 1-1 tie that was broken by HoH Jason who also voted to evict Marcellas, telling him he “should have used the veto”
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JT I hope what you say is true, better for Brit.
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So then Brit could save Ragan and be safe… one of the 3 stooges would go… then it would be 2 stooges vs. Brit and Ragan… Then B & R could win HOH and nominate the 2 stooges… hopefully one of them would get POV and it would be 1 stooge vs. B&R and he would go and Brit would get the vote of the jury house over Ragan!!! That’s it! Don’t need to watch anymore.
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JT then you are saying if Brit wins the POV she can use it on Ragan and both of them will be safe? Why did Lane threaten Brit if she won it she would be put up? I’m so confused.
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hya all hope you guy’s keep me up to date on who lane nom’s i’ve been watching our bb tonight it was eviction time 1 of you’re guys were up Colio some rapper from vagas says he’s he’s gangsta anyway he survived & another prat got the boot
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maybe lane does not really know the rules of bb i would put my money on my fellow bloggers here as jt and ted, some of the hgs are lucky if they have even seen one season of bb
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Betty… until PK comes on and says what he meant.. IDK. It could just be that Lane said that because he doesn’t know any better. The 3 brigaders don’t know much about the game.
But here are the rules…
A POV winner can NOT be the replacement.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If a POV winner is on the block and doesn’t use it.. then they stay there and can be voted out.
If a POV winner is on the block and uses it to save the other person.. they stay there and can be voted out (Like when Dick used it to save Daniele in BB8… Dick could have still been voted out despite winning the veto)
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northern lass hi
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and how is your bb going? i hear our is a bit more involved.
do they come on during the months ours are on??
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northern_lass, Looks like they are doing noms right now. The trivia screen is on the feeds.
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who needs roberts rules of order we have our own here, lol
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be back later, perhaps noms will be known although i bet it is brit and ragan,
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northern_lass, “Colio” may be one of “ours”, but from the sound of it y’all can keep him!
Our first season of BB (in the year 2000) was more like yours… then they decided they had to spice it up for tv here. I guess American’s must be pegged as having short attention span disorder!
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Thanks JT I I have it now, sorry to cause so much trouble. Like my significant other tells me “Betty, Sometimes your elevator does not go up to the top floor”. Now I hope Enzo and Ragan are put on the block and Brit wins POV, but I think Lane will put up Brit and Ragan.
Hi Northern-lass. All my relatives are in England, my brothers and I were first born in the States.
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No prob Betty….. as you can see, my memory of BB3 wasn’t exactly sharp!
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No noms yet…. but there is a very strong possibility it will be Ragan and Enzo. That is what I hope for. (Actually I hope for Enzo & Hayden.. but that AIN’T happening’!!)
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Thanks again for everything JT, have to run, will check in later.
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yes mamma margie ours is on same as youres but the season is now over & the ultimate bb is on past winners & house guests including celebrities as it is the last season & wont be on again unless another channel takes it over
& yes JT colio is from usa he was on the celebrity show with latoya jackson & vern someone or other ( he’s about 2ft tall ) can’t remember his 2nd name been in movies ????
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Vern Troyer aka “Mini Me”
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Fri 1:11 PM BBT Lane says he won’t put up Hayden. Brit says she knows where his loyalties lie. He likes Hayden more. She says maybe she will win PoV and take Ragan off.
Lane says then he will put her up so she cant use it on Ragan.
Just what was said and I reported it as stated…
Remember, other than Ragan, were are not talking about house guests who have even learned how to put food away properly so it won’t attract ants…
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OHHHH….. I just figured it out! You mean Coolio (I don’t listen to c-rap music).
Why the heck is he on BB? Oh well… at least he’s not on our BB!
(And y’all can still keep him!)
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Ok PK… thanks! Notice I did give you the benefit of the doubt by pointing out that the 3 stooges don’t know much about the game.
Did you see Brit’s response to that? Did she tell him he couldn’t put her up in that case?… or did she just zip her lip so he wouldn’t put her up?
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Lane will put Ragan & Brit on block and tell Brit she’s the pawn. We all know what invariably happens to the pawns on BB. Anyhow, does anyone out there w/LF know what the deal is win Noms? Why is it taking so long?
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thats him JT knew you’de come through with lol
hi betty where in england are you’re relatives from ?
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JT… I think Brit knew Lane had no clue about the rules and kept her trap shut. She is learning more about her inferior position with Lane as her “ally” minute by minute.
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Ok.. now I see what you meant.
In your first post it sounded like he was threatening tp put her up after she won pov…… but now I see he threatened to just put her up in the first place so she couldn’t win and use it on Ragan.
Thanks for clearing up what you meant.
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PK… and I hope she continues to learn that after noms. If she is up, I guess it wont matter. But if Enzo is the pawn… it could be a fun week depending on tomorrow’s POV.
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JT… As I said in an earlier post, Brit now thinks Hayden took the money and trip in the POV comp and that he and Lane are the only real alliance to F2 at this point in the game.
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i agree jt him & his music is crap like the man didn’t like first time & still don’t he was on our celebrity bb in 2006 we’ve had a few american’s on latoya & jermaine jackson, jackie stallon & a few more probs trying to boost their profiles in uk
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Still no noms,,, Lane must have to learn how to insert the keys in the box so it is taking forever.
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I did read that earlier PK. I just hope she continues down that path. The 3 stooges will be all over her, but hopefully they wont reel her in like they did with getting rid of Matt.
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PK.. are you going to be here til the noms come in? If so… I can go out and play for a while
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I would love to see Brit swallow a smart pill along with her vitamins and pull off a miracle in Studio City with Ragan as her wing man and oust the 3 stooges one by one starting with Enzo this week.
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I’m here until the noms than something else or maybe the attic…
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jesus i’ve never in my life wathed (on you-tube ) 3 men who are so lacking upstairs in my life they are totally deluded & in love with themselves i think i will seriously slit my throat if 1 of them win that money & do they really think they’lle get america’s choice ? doh IDIOTS
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then not than…. I hate that common error I never make. lol
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Great!! Make sure to post a spoiler for us before you go to the attic!
Thanks in advance…….. L8R all!!
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norther_lass…… I think the 3 stooges plan is to get on the next season of BB in the UK (if another channel picks up the show)
ok…….. now I’m gone!
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Feeds back… Brit looks upset
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Not certain yet but it appears to be Ragan and Brit as noms
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I know!!! Just as I was leaving the damn feeds came back!!
Looks like Enzo’s key is missing from the wall
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Nope… It’s Ragan and Enzo on the block for certain
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Ok.. good!! That’s the first small step of the demise of the 3 stooges!! Now we NEED Brit to win POV tomorrow for step 2.
For the 3rd and final time….. I am out of here!
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PK txs for the great updates.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a bit of a surprise for me, would almost bet on it that it would be brit and ragan.
I see enzo is now taking over where kathy left off in being the resident pawn. I can almost hear him start to whine, why me, i am doing for the brigade yo, meow meow will come thru un scratched, in the words of jerry seinfeld yatta, yatta, yatta.
so i guess ragan’s hope is for the pov from him or brit.
as the stomach churns will continue in a moment, lol
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PK is Enzo upset? Sorry I caused all that confusion about the veto and dragged you into it. I really was confused! I need a brain transplant.
Northern_lass – Mostly from Somerset, some in London and a few in Cardiff Wales.
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It would be sweet if Brit won POV, pulled Ragan off the block, and Lane would then have to put Hayden up so that Brit and Ragan could send Hayden out first, Enzo out next and Lane out at F3…
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That makes me happy…now if Britt can win POV, maybe she’ll take Ragan off the block and send Enzos ass out the door.
Thanks for the updates….still don’t want to watch the LFs.
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lol @ betty, it is all good, we all have our turn at being confused one time or another on here My excuse is i am old, good excuse as any.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i can’t count on my memory for anything. I was 90% but would not bet on it since this old memory has proved me wrong a time or two.
I think the penguin is in for some deep waters……
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my puter is taking a really long time to refresh, making me crazy, since it is only 2 weeks old if that. can it be cause blog is long??
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Mama Margie I agree. Lane is STUPID (worse than me). Shove Enzo out the door, put on an endurance challenage for the next HOH, which Ragan will win. He was the only competitor that kept up with Matt on those challenges. My age is also a factor in my brain farts, late 60’s here.
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Ragan is upset at being nominated – no surprise there – but Enzo is not on any feed yet…
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No thanks JT they would’nt last long as here the public vote out who they want to evict after h/g’s nominate (in secret ) their not allowed to discuss their nom’s
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Mama Margie I think it is the long blog (579 comments). It is taking me about 2 minutes to refresh.
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lol @ betty. we are in the same age bracket….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------can ragan really be that simple as to think he was not going to be put up
did he wear a blindfold for the past million weeks? seeing how the 3 stooges played, slept, ate and worked out together, how could he not have seen it, maybe if there were more hgs to choose from then i could understand that.
perhaps since his better half is not there to help him think straight he is getting all crazy. PK I am hanging in till you report more lf txs
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night ppl it’s 2-27 here & i’m shattered have to be up early tomorrw hope you’re all here tomorrow nite nite xxxxx
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Mama Margie…it is exactly the long blog. It happens everytime the blog gets a little too long.
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northern lass. i think JT is taking a break so if he does not reply don’t feel bad he left a bit ago.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that must be it betty now at 582.
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goodnight northern_lass
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ciao northern lass, c u then have a great time
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cherrio and all that.
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Ragan figured out about the brigade, he had to know he would go up.
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frannie, txs kind of thought that was the problem.,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and this blog is still going strong, @ 586. i am really going to miss it once the show is over, but i am curious about survivor, maybe since there is a blog for that i can watch it and join in, i am so addicted.
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Hey PK… thanks for the report on Noms… will go to LF to witness Ragan’s Distress!!! And hopefully Meow the penguin Meow too. Let’s hope Brit or Ragan get POV…
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Ragan suspected the 4 man brogade alliance last week and now it is down to just 3. Hopefully Brit sees that clearly now as well. Ragan has to win POV or he goes unless Brit wins POV and makes the move of the season and pulls Ragan off the block…
I don’t even want to try to describe the dance Ragan would be strutting if that actually happens.
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Mama Margie – Where are you from?
Sweetheart (PK) – any news on Enzo yet, we are all dying to know?
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i will check back later this lag is killing me.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------time for a snack anyway.
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Ragan thinks next POV comp is the morphed faces one and he is putting all of the face “combinations” together to prepare…
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northern lass… my second wife’s family was from Wales and she dragged me from one end to the other and we looked at every castle made… the English ones too. Pretty cool… I enjoyed seeing England and Wales. And JT has to rest after he types for a while on BBB.
I’m not sure what … ‘The Attic’ is code for???
Betty… what condition is your husband in after saying that you don’t go to the Tenth Floor???
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Betty. Enzo still a no show… may be getting his penguin suit altered since he has to wear it until tomorrow…
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Betty… Sweetheart (PK) – any news … WTF have I lost you???
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PK… why would Ragan think that would be the POV comp? Do they give them hints, or does he know this is the comp at this stage of the game? Do they kind of do the same ones in the same order?
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Ted could you repeat the question – I forgot?
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What the hell… with 4 feeds we have only 2 cameras going of the same thing… Britney and Hayden playing pool…. surely there must be more going on somewhere…
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Ted at least Ragan has watched BB in the past. I think he is just guessing that the face thing might be the next comp.
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Northern Lass… I was a Mormon Missionary in the south of England in the early 60’s living in Kensington near an entrance to Hyde Park…
Didn’t do much converting but I sure loved the Windmill Club in Soho until I got busted.
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Enzo is in HOH room listening to music with earphones on… Correction, Eminem not music…
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Any word on Enzo?
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Betty… Nothing noteworthy about Enzo since I last posted
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Ragan told Enzo that he thinks the morphed faces challenge won’t happen (wink wink) Karma is a bitch lol
Hayden to Enzo outside: Things are working out picture perfect right now. Sure they are lol
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Company arrived – getting out the cards for poker – have to run.
Have a nice evening everyone!
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Enzo and Ragan are chatting in one of the bedrooms about past comps and Brendon and Rachel… Hayden Brit and Lane are playing pool and talking.
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Correction: Hayden to Lane outside: Things are working out picture perfect right now. Sure they are lol
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Now Lane is soaking his toes in the hot tub with Hayden watching… that was fast moving from pool… Hayden says… ‘I just hope I win POV… Enzo asked me if I would take him off if I did… I think I should just leave it don’t you?’ Lane…’yeah, just leave it’.
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You takeover Ted OK? Rebecca just said it is bedtime or the attic so I’m out of here for now…
Night all…..
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Enzo in kitchen with Brit… he is pissed and worried. Brit… ‘you know you are all right though.’ Enzo… ‘yeah, I know.’… does not sound convinced.
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Enzo heated something in microwave he is eating with chips… beandip? Drank Coke from bottle and put back in fridge. Still in Penguin suit… looks like dominoes on the table…Lane, Hayden & Brit if BY just sitting in silence.
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Let us know how the ‘poker game’ turned out Betty…
Got to cook dinner… be back later when Aggie is home from the Irish Pub…
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Ted…Aggie is doing the pub crawl tonight…she won’t be home for awhile….
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. BRITT WILL NOT SEE THE LIGHT, SHE IS A BLONDE.
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Be careful AMIGO… AGGIE is a blonde… You are right about #3… I think a big time player… very smart guy inside ‘The Beast’.
And you are exactly correct with #5… Although it’s BRITNEY TO WIN for me.
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Ragan is doing calisthetics in the backyard and looking very stressed… maybe it is helping him meditate on the upcoming comp. The others are at the kitchen table discussing Ragan, Past BB shows, the cast of BB12 ~Britney…’we weeded out all the bad ones’. Now they are in the backyard saying good-bye to the Penguine with a shun… I guess Enzo is getting rid of the costume.
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That was pretty funny… took place at 9p.m. pacific time… Everyone said something about the Penguin and Enzo removed it… he says he has ‘1 shirt to rock’… Lane lifted up Britney and is spinning her around… Ragan is laying under a blanket reciting everyone’s facial features… Rachel~too much eye make-up… Kristen~chipmonk cheeks
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If they don’t do a face comp, I fear Ragan will have a breakdown… he is very observant… pretty interesting… camera 1 @9:10ish
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Where is everyone??? Well AGGIE should be here soon… semi-sober I hope… Except it is a lot more fun when she isn’t…
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No Frannie… probably no Angel, since last night was her Fri… Betty is playing Poker… JT is AWOL… Rebecca has tucked PK in and raised the rails on his bed… Miss T has been AWOL for some time…
Meanwhile on ‘As BB Turns’:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ragan is laying in bed going over faces… Britney and Lane are playing pool and Britney is pissed and accusing Lane of liking Hayden more than her… No sign of Enzo… Hayden is wandering around…
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Enzo and Hayden are talking… Hayden ~ ‘I think Ragan is going to crack’… Enzo ~ ‘Me too’. Hayden ~ ‘Want to hang out in the hot tub’… Enzo ~ ‘Okay… let me find some shorts’
Enzo and Ragan are talking about the pressure of being on the block… Enzo ~ ‘Only two more weeks of this shit’ Looking for one of Hayden’s swimming trunks… Did not change in front of Ragan… All four hanging at the hot tub while Ragan remembers faces in bed… They are talking about the DR and the all the different producers they talk to… They mention someone named Bostin who is really cool… so I guess they know their names… They are talking about past shows and mentioning someone named Akisha or something like that… they say she is a Ghetto Kristen… They are comparing notes about Matt… but the 3 stooges aren’t divulging the Brigade. They are saying that because he tried to be on the show and really knew it he was sure he would win.
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Bubbles on… that was a pretty interesting discussion… Took place around 10:30 Pacific… all cameras…
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They were talking about when they first got in and Enzo said he was planning to say he wasn’t married. He thought he could get Rachel to fall in love with him as she looked interested, or something like that, and then he thought Nah and decided he couldn’t do that… and told everyone he had a ‘wife and kid’.
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I’m here Ted…..it’s just been prett boring. I got to watch Ragan grooming his nose hairs. That was the highlight of my night. Just chatting and playing games on facebook. Don’t you play Mafia Wars anymore? You got Ralph addicted and then you left him.
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I heard that too Ted….how dumb would that have been?
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Back at the hot tub… they are talking about past comps…one with Bananas and one with license plates… the guys seem to know about them and mentioned a guy named Dan throwing a license plate. Maybe they watched more seasons that everyone thinks… Britney is complaining about getting costumes to wear at the comps… says her’s are always too big… I’m complaining she’s not in her bikini… Britney is saying she got some compliments in her ‘line delivery’ at one of the comps she hosted… probably from a producer in the DR…
Well Kids… calling it a night… lots to do early tomorrow… Can’t wait Aggie!
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It is taking my computer over a minute to refresh….more like 90 seconds. How crazy is that!?! We need a new page PLEASE!!!!
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Oh Hi Frannie… no more Mafia Wars for me… yeah, Ralph is really addicted… where’s your pal???
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getting drunk!!!! LOL…not really. She doesn’t drink that much.
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Britney is talking about loving Razorback’s games to Enzo… Lane and Hayden are talking about Texas… Britney is talking about Nick… says his favorite football team is the Packers… Someone tell Snake!
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Yeah, but sometimes she is and then it’s really easy to get her mad…
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Yeah… we do need a new page… it is taking at least 10 seconds to refresh!!!
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I can’t take the slowness here…My computer is getting on my last nerve. I’m outta here. Night Ted.
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Good Night Frannie2p
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10 seconds???
I can only wish
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Poor Brittany, had to be subjected to that IDIOTIC Jessie and his ridiculous poses because she opened Pandora’s box. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment, having to hang out and get “exercise lessons” from Mr. Pee Wee Herman on ROIDS. Is it my imagination, or has Jessie’s body gotten bigger and his head has gotten smaller since the last time I saw him?
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I thought the same thing Deon!
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