What we thought might happen – didn’t! More deal making created more deal breaking and ****SPOILER ALERT**** Britney didn’t use the POV after all, keeping the nominations the same. Hayden should be safe and Kristen should be sent packing. I say “should” because you never know with this group!
Hayden already knows he has the Brigade, so he’s pretty confident he’ll stick around. Kristen, on the other hand, doesn’t have much to go home to after she meets Julie. Whining to the other HGs that she’s broke, doesn’t have a job at the shoe store anymore, “whoa is me,” and all that. So late yesterday Hayden encouraged her to campaign for votes. They both held hands, gazed longingly into each others eyes, and lamented about how they “would have made a great couple,” and Hayden told her he’d see her at the wrap party, “Like, for sure.” Dude.
And then there’s Britney! She’s playing the whole house, charming them with her dimples and flashy smile! Using sentiment on Kathy to manipulate her into thinking her decision not to use the POV was based on being buds with her. Kathy says, “I’ll be here for you no matter what…{nominating you} it just won’t ever happen.” Of course the “what” could change by the time this blog is posted!
Follow the bouncing ball on this one: Hayden told Kristen that Rachel wants her out because she’s “hotter” than Rachel and Kristen thinks Rachel sees her as the biggest threat to her in the house. Britney told Rachel if she kept Hayden and Kristen, it could help them (Brenchel) take the target off their backs and for about 5 minutes the two showmance couples agreed to a Final 4 deal. Yet Rachel said she didn’t think about putting up Kathy to replace either Hayden or Kristen, but Lane instead, so apparently Rachel didn’t buy into anything or make any promises. Her reign of terror, oops, I mean power will be over soon enough.
In a very funny exchange, Britney and “Meow Meow” were plotting in the backyard yesterday thinking they can take on the “whole *bleeping* house,” as Enzo put it. He’s such a stereotype it’s almost sad! And in a general HG consensus, it’s believed that this will be Kathy’s last week in the BB house, but we’ll have to see about that.
Ragan and Matt fly safely under the radar, having short chats in the food storage room, and…this just in! Lane was mistaken for a bear as he foraged for food in the fridge!
Okay, you’re the experts around here, share your opinions on which HG is playing the best game so far and why. It’s still early, but any Final 2 favorites? Future predictions? And how do you feel about the return of the Saboteur? =^^=
I’d say that right now Lil’ Miss Razorback Britney is playing the most strategic game and has the cleanest hands while workin’ the game the most. Kudos to Britney this week. She is palyin it smart and makes me crack up with the stuff she says about everyone in the house while in the DR.
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I agree with Joan. Britney is playing the smartest game in the house.As for the “Long Time Friends” that we heard about a while back,we haven’t heard any more.Whats with that???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Personally I think Britney and Kathy could be sisters or Mother,Daughter.They look too much alike.
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It’s sure getting to be a soap opera lol
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Ragan was talking with Kristen and Rachel and telling them to observe everyone and they will see who is more aligned in the house. B & R are now considering if it’s more dangerous to keep Hayden than Kristen. We might have an interesting vote come Thurday!! It’s possible that the vote might go 4 – 3 either way. Only heaven knows the outcome.
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If I were in the brigade I would keep feeding Rachel all the booze she wants – even using a tube! Then she might get so sick she would have to go to the hospital to have her stomach pumped, thus eliminating her from the game!
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I would say that Ragan is playing the best game right now. Is Kathy and Kristen the BFF?
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One by one, they’re getting rid of the girls. I wonder how much the viewership will drop off after they do. (They always tease how the “Uncensored” Big Brother After Dark is so provocative. It isn’t, but it really won’t be whence there’s only men there. Kristen will probably go this week, Kathy maybe next week. That leaves Brittney. ( Rachel doesn’t turn me on at all. )
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I want Brandon and Rachel in the final two. But I think Brittney and Ragan are playing the safest game. Don’t like the idea of the Sabatour!
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I still think Brittany and Kathy are mother and daughter
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FYAI: The Pandora’s Box is going to be the new sabateur if the person America votes for accepts it. And it will only be for 2 weeks so they will be able to stay in the game!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No evicted person is going to return to the game this year.
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Joan..I totally agree with you. In fact, with her brains and charm and Lane’s braun and ability to fly under the wire, I could see them making the F2! I was thinking Matt and Ragan also but…I think Matt will be a target as soon as the wolves have eaten and spit out Brenchal.
I’m not at all excited about the return of the sabo! It seemed to bomb the 1st time and now tht the HGs know about it, I just don’t see it getting very far without somebody picking up on it PDQ. Kind of a lame year, from the HGs to the twists. Of COURSE I won’t stop watching cuz even watered down BB is better than nothing! Kind of like one of the guys (lANE OR eNZO?)said about RaCHEL last nite….water down some barbeque sauce and tell her it’s merlot and she’d drink it!!! Is that where the term, *Hitting the sauce* came from??? Hmmmmm……food for thought…since we aren’t getting much braincell stimulation elsewhere!! 😉
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I agree with Star. I don’t think the saboteur will go over well, especially if they have to ask more than one house guest to do it. Frankly if any of the house guests want to win, I don’t think they would take the chance. Anyone that is asked and turns it down will know there will be a new saboteur, so it won’t go over well (unless CBS forces it on the house guest that the fans choose. If this is the case don’t vote for anyone you like!).
Enzo is my favorite – I want him to win!
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Only 1person will be asked! If they turn it down there will be NO sabatuer! It’s only for 2 weeks and they will probably get offered some money for each thing they complete!
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Thanks Snake – I wasn’t sure how it was going to go down.
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its 20k for 2 weeks – not sure if they can continue to compete after that. I assume so.
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Brendon needs to ditch Slutzola. If she is this goofy here, god onlyknows what she is like outside the house!
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I hope Kristen goes home this week. And I hope it’s because she gets backdoored by the 3 Brigade – w/o Hayden obviously, with a couple of the “floaters”. That would shake this up a bit. The Brigade needs to get Hayden away from the cling-on tramp.
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Not sure why people keep hating on Rachel. She has won both the individual HOH competitions she was in and has played pretty much a straight game so far. When Janelle went into attack mode, made for the best BB ever. How much more boring would BB12 be so far without Rachel? I don’t understand Kathy just rolling over just so Hayden can keep his GF in the house. I hope they don’t put Kathy up so Kristen can stay. Kristen talks alot of shit but has yet to do anything to back it up.
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Brit is playing the best game. I hope she can manipulate her way to the end. She seriously is one of the funniest HG in BB history. Listen to the stuff she says. I love it!
Rachel has got to go. Her voice alone is reason enough. I think Brendan could fair pretty well without her. Not so much if it was the other way around.
Sab….lame. Nuff said.
When’s double elimination night coming? Gotta be soon.
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I love Rachel and Brenden. At least they are real and arent hiding anything. I hope they keep winning – it is so funny that the 2 people that everyone wants out of the house are the ones that are actually running it!
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The relationship of B+ R is pretty much doomed, even the relationship of eric and jessica of season 8 didn’t work out and they were pretty cute together, Brendon’s family will probably talk him out of it. They really should show brendon’s family i would be real curious what they had to say about skanky and her antics in the house. 🙄
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OMG Well I agree with most Britt is really playing a good game, and makes me chuckle. I don’t like Rachel’s voice but she is playing a good solid game. and last night I missed her repeating herself repeating herself repeating herself ha ha ha u get the drift, I only caught Brandon trying to tell her that very carefully.” But Brandon I m Las vegas ” !!!!! ha ha ha GOD he could not win. Doesn’t he know u never try to talk to a drunk while they r drunk… It just doesn’t work, as seen by us all last night on BBAD sorry I missed most of it. I watched 2:30 to 3AM I did a lot of laughing . I m glad Kristen is going, I still think she screwed up (showing her age) when she didn’t accept Rachel’s apology (weather she wanted to or not she should have, and she would still b in the game Well thats all from my Island
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“Brenan, I AM VEGAS” BAWHAWHAW HAW!!!!! TOO FUNNY! Did anyone else crack up at the diotic fight w/ Brenchal? WTH? Seriously, they are so ridiculous and if they think this is happening out of this house, get a grip! Brenan is a pansy and he needs to get some you know what, oh please, Sleazo Rachel PLEASE,” I AM VEGAS”, “IT’s my soul”, “IT’s always going to be a part of me” HA HA HEE HEEE!!!! YUCK!!! They are stupid and Slezo plugging Vegas is making me never want to go back there if that is what that place does to you, LOL
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I wonder how much Rachel gets paid each time she mentions the bar or Vegas. She keeps saying “she is Vegas” I am wondering how Vegas feels about that. She looks like most of the ladies working there except uglier.
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you can tell just how stressed out Rachel is ,just by looking at her face, zit city, i will say. 😛
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I finally figured out something I actually like about the alcoholic stripper. Now that she’s made it to at least the jury house, she won’t be anywhere near Aria when I’m there over Labor Day. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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Kerry you didn’t miss muchthe fight was really all that happened on BBAD. R was pluging her club n talkin about how expensive drinks/ bottles are. It was lame and I understood why B had to walk away.
I have to say brit has grown on me. Has anyone noticed we know nothing about lane except he likes to shoot things?!? So I still don’t have a pick for final 2 yet.
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um, watching the show’s better than getting poked in the eye. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..i guess
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ok so i messed THAT up.
but so far everything is so predictable.
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Definitely don’t want Ragen to win… Rachel holy cow, for how brainy smart u r, u sure r immature…..Brittany is schemmin for sure, but she’s got game..Isn’t that what they’re playin…a game… Lane is becomin Lame…. maybe because he’s tryin to stay under the radar, but I don’t see much game in him… Brenden is who I want to win… Hayden looks like a girl… seriously, too sissy actin… Kristen n Rachel sure r alot alike n don’t even realize it….well I enjoyed reading all of ur post and comments, ty… enjoy knowin that Rachel’s HOH is almost over…. thank goodness… her voice is driving me nutso…
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BlandOne and WRETCHel deserve to WIN it all cuz they winnin’ all the competitions! 2 bad Rabbi Meltdown didn’t last he was at least entertaining….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BlandOne will win the next HOH! I guarantee it!
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oh and I am South Park 😉
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Here in Germany it won’t let me view Full Episodes at cbs.com
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------saying “the video you have requested is not available for your geographic region”
but I can see them on you tube at
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nothing that interesting on the feeds tonight, just kristen still campaigning to stay in the house, and of course the skanky couple doing the humpty dance again, making good use of the HOH room for sure. brittany is really growing on me, at first i could not stand her ,she seemed like such a brat, but she is pretty funny at times, tonight she was imitating kristen the way she talks, pretty funny, the impression was almost dead on.:mrgreen:
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About the saboteur…after she was eliminated the first week, Julie shouldn’t have told them that the “Saboteur” was out of the house. They would have gotten paranoid over any little thing and would blame it to the sab and it would have at least made a slight more interesting conversation…”I saw Kathy doing something to the kitchen sink and then it didn’t drain”…. or whatever. I think CBS really goofed on making a lame idea even lamer.
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