As history dictates, alliances change and rearrange in this season’s BB house! A Coup De Tat power move by Jeff showed Jessie the back door, followed by a cosmic, watery melt down by Chima as the next to exit. And the last ripple in the back yard pool was Lydia’s quick departure and dissing of most of the houseguests on her way out – not very “Captain Leotard” of her, but true to her character in the House.
Jeff has promised Jordan that he would never stab her in the back and reassures her of his plans for taking the two of them to the final 2. But isn’t that everyone’s plan? It appears that the BB11 alliances are Jeff/Jordan, Natalie/Kevin & Russ/Michelle, with N&K preparing to bring a deal to J&J for Final 4. There may be a lot of Jeff “haters” out there, but he and Jordan are too cute for TV, they really are. Even when they’re fighting, they’re laughing at each other. I think they’re definitely the least annoying “couple” BB has ever had!
And last night while chit-chatting, Jeff & Russell both spoke of staying in L.A. for a while after the show. You don’t say…will this be before or after they allow Natalie to be crowned the winner? After all, she may annoy many of you, but her game has stepped up considerably since Jessie left the house and she is more determined to win than Chima was to lose. With so few houseguests remaining, BBAD isn’t as dramatic since they all tend to sleep more, eat more and run out of conversation. And the highlight appears to be the camera close ups on Michelle’s mouth while she’s “talking smack” without saying a word as food practically falls out of her mouth while she’s chewing. Yuck!
The Veto competition will be held today and that will bring another shift in the game as all the houseguests are allowed to participate. With only 6 players left, the options are few and serious paranoia is setting in with everyone. And here’s a SPOILER ALERT…Kevin & Natalie have been nominated by Jeff for eviction. As of this writing, Jeff’s plan is to back door Russell, but if Russell wins POV, he wants Kevin evicted.
So all of this begs the questions: Who do you want to see in the Final 2? Who do you think is playing the best game? Who is floating on through on the coattails of other houseguests? Could they shake things up? And what if they brought someone back by a new America’s vote as they’ve done in past seasons?
The forum is now open!
(guest blogger is a regular commentor on our Blog..can you guess who?)
My allegience has shifted…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m now pulling for RUSSELL. Jeff’s unwillingness to blow off Kevin and Natalie, and put them away onece and for all has finally frayed my last nerve. Jordon, is probably the most honorable person in the house, and I respect that a lot, but she just doesn’t have the “chops” to make it on her own. Jeff was honorable, but he’s being stupid now. Of course, Natalie and Kevin deserve nothing whatsoever, simply because of the LML. Michele…well, I don’t know what to say about Michele.
Russell, however has proven to be the kind of person I would be willing to count on to have my back. I like the way he stuck with Casey, even as Casey walked out the door. He told Jesse he’d vote for him, so he did. I don’t think he’s so much as even considered renegging on any promises. For Jeff to doubt Russell, based solely upon Natalie’s LML as delivered by Kevin, has got to rank among the all-time stupid blunders. I suspect that Jeff might be afraid that he could not beat Russell at head-to-head competitions when both are trying.
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I still want Russell to win, and walk over everyone else to do it . I can dream big. Michele is getting on my last nerve. Yeah, Jeff and Jordan are cute but I want a smart player to win and that ain’t no twinkie. I would rather see Jeff and Russell in the final two. America may pick Jeff but in my scenario Russell takes top prize. Like I said I can dream.
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Jeff is in a bad place after this week, Russ is gunning for him, the Gnat and Kevin want him gone and his only chance is to win POV next week to save himself. If he relies on Jordon who couldn’t even name the suites in a Deck of Cards then he is risking alot on her to save him. Jeff is getting like Jessie and scenario’s running around in his head is making him go off the deep end with what if’s and I think this will be his down fall if they backs door Russel. I don’t know where Michelle stands in all this because she is so hard to read. Kevin and Gnat are playing the only game they can and it seems to be working on Jeff and Jordon, more so on Jordon…Don’t get me wrong I think Jordon is a great person but she is not the smartest one in the group and Jeff is going to have to dump her some where along the way for him to march a little closer to the money.
I don’t know who will be the finale four but it will be interesting after this Thursday.
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Excuse my ignorance, but why does everyone in the house dislike Michelle? Is she really that bad of a person?
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Guess blogger hmmm….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Definately a female. My guess Kim Mitchell…. or Star maybe.
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I have to say as in the BB house, my loyalty has changed too. I want Russell to win, hey, even Kevin would be ok. He has played a great game by not really playing at all. That strategy rarely works in the BB house, has for Kevin thus far.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was Jeff all the way until recently. He is proving to be as dim whitted as Jordan. She is annoying, cute, yes, sweet, yes, annoying over the top. I can’t take much of her anymore. Jeff is so pretty, eye candy, and I think he smoking fabulous! However, I am a true lover of the BB game itself and Jeff isn’t thinking this thru. Russell has said loads of stuff in the house but I think in the end he has been true to his actual “word”, I agree w/ Roller.
Jeff should wise up and see that he needs to ditch yappy lappy and Kevin to get to final 4 w/ Jordan, Russell, and Michelle. You can’t have either of those 2 w/ any of the other 4 in the end or they will win.
And unfortunately, Jeff has to ditch Jordan. I don’t know that he can beat her in the end.
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Does anyone here seriously believe that Jordan would receive even one vote were she to make it to final two? I adore her, but she’s rather the bumbling fool. Sweetness will only get you so far; rarely has it garnered anything in the way of final votes over the seasons.
Without Jeff’s protection, Jordan would likely not have survived this long. The Jordan/Jeff scenario reminds me of Danielle under the “umbrella” of her father, Evil Dick. Even those who hated Evil Dick, me included, in the end came to their senses and respected his despicably successful game play.
In regards to Roller’s comment that Russell hasn’t ” so much as even considered reneging on any promises. ” Are we watching the same show? On Thursday’s broadcast, I found Russell’s assertion that he and Jeff were “even”, less than a week after Jeff rescued him with the Coup D’Etat, sickening. Despite all of his promises to Jeff of loyalty to the end, apparently reasonable gratitude is fleeting in Russell’s mind. He has repeatedly made it clear that he will do and say anything to further himself in the game. I’m not saying that’s wrong, and perhaps it’s what BB is all about. I was just dumbfounded, with respect, to the comment.
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As I have stated before, I believe that a J/J final 2 would end up, at the very least, 4-2 in Jeff’s favor. It would most likely be 6-0. That’s as of today… but the final 2 is not today. There are 3 HOH comps left and 3 vetos (including today’s). Anybody who steps up and wins some of these last 6 competitions, can also win votes in the jury house. We can predict who would get the votes in any given final 2, but those votes will change depending on performance down the stretch.
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Jasper, think about it…the “we’re even” comment does not break his word to anybody. Even if he were to tell one of the others that “I’ve put a big target on Jeff’s back, and that’s who I’m gunning for,” I’m sure he would never do that. He’s pledged his loyalty to Jeff, and I cannot see him going back on that. Sure, he’ll lie to the others, including Michelle, about his intentions, but when the chips are down, he stands with those he’s given his fealty to.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He’s earned my respect. Now, I have his back. (Like I could do anything to help or hinder him at this point! )
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Another thing that irks me about J/J is that they bitch and whine about other people planning a game plan but these two are conniving just as much as anyone in the house, they are the ones so far who have the idea to back door anyone and go against their own alliance. I am now leaning toward a R/M finale two.
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***** SPOILER ******** SPOILER ********* SPOILER **********
Michele won POV..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I didn’t see this mentioned anywhere so I thought I would tell you all.. sorry to the ones that dont like the spoiler stuff
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I AM CONFUSED. MICHELE REFERRED TO BEING TOTALLY SAFE NOW.. JORDAN WANTS TO MAKE SURE SHE USES POV ON A NOMANEE BUT NOW GNAT SAID .. DONT WORRY I WILL WIN IT FOR US..
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That was I have to retract my last statemet… I think I was wrong.. Please everyone forgive me.. I cant go back to the flashback for another 4 hrs so it does me no good to try and hear what they were saying.. I will give you a better update when live feeds come back..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I AM SORRY PPL!!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not to worry. You have been great with all your updates, everyone is entitled to an error now and then. I say we do not hold it against you, lol. You are still among my favorite bloggers on here. I just hope Russell wins POV so that Jeff cannot change nominatons. I kind of hope he keeps Russell this week, Russ has been true to his word on his voting. Gnat or Kevin have to go. Gnat never was a J/J fan, can’t he see thru her lies now? I would also like to see final three, Jeff, Russell & Michelle. Jordan has done nothing to earn a place in the finals. She did not even win HOH on her own. Jeff needs to stop carrying her or it will be curtains for me. And to be honest her being cranky this week has been getting to me so snippy and blaming it on “personal stuff”. Jeff does not deserve all the stuff she has been tossing at him. Again, just my opinion.
Mama Margie
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------see how involved I get in this game, as if I were playing it, lol
so sorry
mama margie
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This has got to be the boriest bb combine with all others. the people who actually had the balls to stand up for themselves are gone. i though michele was suppose to be a “rocket scientiest”, well she must have limited memory, because she has forgotten all the nasty thing Russell said to her. Has no one noticed that she befriends whoever has the votes. i do not like her, have never like her or Russell. they deserve to pair up together. And please help everyone if it comes down to jeff and jordan, jordan is so stupid there is no way she could make an intelligent decision for herself or anyone else. i throw the towel in, this year sucks. i am threw watching bb and whatever happens, happens. touche to all you jeff/jordan fans, you can have them and all their boring conversations. anyone that has any guts, everybody wants out of the bb house and now look what has ended up in the house. Boring! Boring! and more boring!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for not yelling at me for jumping the gun with the POV thing.. I was just trying to type and listen and watch… It gets really hard sometimes and once you hit submit you cant stop it..
I totally agree.. I want Russell, Jeff and Michele to battle it out in the last 3..
I know Jordan needs the money really bad but dont we all!
Jordan did say something that Jessie had said to her.. he told her that when Gnat got HOH she would for him put them both up if Jessie was not there.. Soooo that there gives Jordan a reason to make sure she gets rid of Gnat.. I dont think they are being very fair to Michele either.. I truly think Michele will stay true to her word with J & J for a bit.. But she, as I would be, wants to be in the final 3. She knows that if it is her, J & J they will win over her.. So logic only tells a person, break up the J & J team. I honestly do try to look at it from both sides.. But one thing I do know is I want Jeff there.. He, imo, has been true to a fault. He has hindered his game by carrying Jordan, yes, but he has remained true to what he told her. Kevin remained true to Chima, Gnat to Jessie and so on.. Sooo whats the big deal with J & J that some ppl have.. cause they are not playing like evil villians.. Thats all.
Ok off my entire point. Jeff it’s time to stop carrying the young pup and start fighting fire with fire.. It only gets harder from this eviction out…
My 10 cents worth there..
Smiling and enjoying a cold Diet Pepsi from yesterdays wal-mart excursion!
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Jeff please wake up and smell the coffee , why can’t you remember what nat is she does nothing and is sailing along get her the h— out of big brother i can’t stant to look at her anymore yuk!
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Russell did back stab Jeff by voting for Jessie after he saved his a$$ when Russ was deadman walking. This much for sure with 6 left backstabbing is a must to survive.
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When it comes down to the jury voting-they always discuss-who played the game well. I think Jeff is the best game player. He wins challenges-is loyal to who he makes promises and is not as stupid as everyone thinks.That’s part of his game playing also.
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My vote is for Jeff and Jordan to win it all, they are so cute together, you can see they adore each other and both families hopes for a relationship together with these two after BB, both families really like the respective couple as a future together, age should not matter, he is 31 and she is 22, even if they are not final two, I wish both of them all the luck in the world for a future together, Jeff is such a respectful guy, his family raised him well, so kudos to them, Jordan’s a little naive but she’s young and still learning
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Hey Kim…you’re great. I think we all love your updates and I especially appreciate your personal flair!
Justaguy, I agree that Jeff would probably win against Jordan in a final 2. She really hasn’t done much, but it also depends on how the jury votes – emotionally or strategically. In almost every BB the jury has based their votes on who hurt their feelings the least, instead of who played the best game.
Based on votes, someone needs to get Jeff or Jordan out of the house, because Natalie’s-a-comin’ after ’em. =^^=
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I don’t worry about Nat very much, I think could possibly make a play that could change things. Also, just listening to Michele talking w/Russ last night proves she is pretty right on about what is going on…..this makes her very dangerous and she is a competitor.
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Oops left out Kevin could possibly make a play that would change things.
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Are you all forgetting he Jordan did win the last POV? Hands down! I think she plays the dumb cookie! I’m still a Jeff/Jordan fan til the end but Jeff does need to stay loyal to Russell atleast this week!
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BBnKY – yep, I think you’re right on target!
I read Linda’s post and had to laugh – not at you, Linda, at myself because we both see BB differently! I notice that oftentimes the jury house votes based on emotions, and you thought it was more game play. I do hope you are right and not me! This game is no personal, but people tend to take it that way.
Bonnie, I think J&J are cute, too. Especially if you compare them to Chelsea & James from BB9. I needed a barf bucket during that season. But when it comes to game play, J&J are making some really bad decisions, I think, and I also believe it will cost them both the game. =^^=
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Thanks Donna R.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well Fish Tank and trivia are still up.. So my earlier jump on the gun with POV was wrong. I am sure they are playing now.
As soon as I can see again in the house I will let you all know whats going on. Honestly, I dont want the POV used.. I totally agree that Gnat or Kevin need to go.. I think in the long run it will hurt Jeffs game if he backdoors Russell. Let him and Russell go toe to toe.. If Russell stays and gets HOH next week and does put up Jeff then Jeff will need to work twice as hard to get the POV.. And wont it be a bit crazy seeing the fire fly between the two men.. I think it will add sizzle to the entire house.. Might be what we need to see how Jeff fights..
I still want Jeff and Jordan to be together outside the house, just I think the hardest players need to go to the end.
Gnat has done nothing Kevin has done nothing.. Jordan, honestly, has done nothing but win POV.. HOH given to her.. She has disappointed me this week a bit.. But I still dont underestimate her.. I think she can be a firecracker when fire is put under her butt.
Michele is playing to the fullest she knows how.. I do believe this.. I can’t stand to listen to her eat or drink. She has not an ounce of manners.. I said this in a prior post..
Gnat picks her nose all the time.. Smacks her food and chews with her mouth open.. But on her side she has been washing dishes all week. Helping out in the kitchen and with the cleaning..
Kevin.. humm lets see.. he did cook last night, rice. He did some dishes. But mostly he wanders around looking lost. With this totally confused and bewildered look on his face.. I dont understand what he is so scared of. Michele does talk to herself an awful lot but I have seen movies about really smart ppl and how they do that..
Oh at this point the game is anyones..
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DR– I agree with bad poor decisions of J2 but the reality is one of them is going to go and next week Jeff is down because no HOH for him, one thing us for sure–he’s proven he can win and the POV may be his only salvation.
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So did michelle win POV or not??
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I agree with Kim that the guys going toe to toe might get the house out of the love fest they seem to be in right now. The Chima saga was too much drama but they need to spice the house up a bit.
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Funkyt, I am sorry i jumped the gun.. No one has won yet.. Playing for it as we speak.. If you go and read my three post together you will see where I explained how I managed to jump to fast on it..
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Hey Kim don’t be so hard on yourself. After all who wakes up at 4am to get a drink a water and takes the time to check the live feeds for the bloggers to give us an update. Your husband will probably be thankful when BB is over! You’re just trying to give the info as soon as you know it….NO WORRIES.
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Thanks BBnKY…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have to tell you I am so frustrated at BB for keeping the fish tank on so long. Hubby tells me it will be cheaper for us to get a tank of our own and watch it…LOL
Live feeds still down. When they come up I can almost guarantee you that 1/2 the HGs will be in bed already. They wait just to long after a comp to really get good scoops.. Then I will have to sit here another hour or so just to see what happened for the POV..
Will keep waiting, no choice…LOL
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Well thank God for cellphones w/internet. I have to go be the 3rd wheel at dinner w/friends…..I’m a Nascar Widow when they are within 6 hours of our house. But I will definitely check in to get the scoop…..THANKS KIM. Talk to you guys & gals later.
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It’s about 6:15 EST and still nohing on the POV results…that I can tell. oing out to dinner soon so I wish they would hurry it the hell upp!!lol seems like every since Chima pulled her dramatic diva exit, everything has been behind!!!
I think my opinions smilar to most of yours.. I think that Jordon is PUSHING Jeff to evict russels and I think it’s a bad move on many levels. They need the numbvers for votes yet and Gnat and Kevin cannoot be trusted, unlike M&R whose words they already have. And I agree with I think Margie that Jordon is being a total B*tch lately. (Altho she didnt say wordds!!) PMS is just that..PRE-menstral!!! SO QWUIT using that as an excuse already, get off Jeff;s back, quit talkinng smack to the only real alliance you have in the house and get your head on straight irl!! She really hasnt done much in the house, and suddenly is acting like she’sEvil Dick’s twin sister!!
I predict that either Michelle or Russ WILL win the POV..because they know they HAVE to! Best cae scenario too because they will probably leave the noms the same. Unless Jeff has really stepped on Russ;s toes,..then look out J&J!!!
As for the guest blogger thing, thanks Augutus Cole for the vote of confidence. I thought about it seriuosly, but sinve I don’t have live feeds, wasn’t sure I would even be an appropriate candidate. SO sad to say, it ain;t me!! I think it’s Kim also. She told me at 4:00 this morning she was up getting a drink…I think she was reorting and getting her blog ready….lol
Ok..gonna go look around some more.
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QWUIT????!!lol Sorry bout that…but i TODE ya I make alot ot typos!!*blush*
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ok…see nuthin’ out there. Gotta go. Hunger calls. I am sure by the time I get back, someone will have caught it!!
Peace OUT!!
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Russell did not “stab Jeff in the back” with his vote for Jesse. He never told anyone–including Jeff–that he would vote to evict Jesse. But he didtell Jesse that he would not vote to evict him. He stayed true to his word.
I admire Russell for keeping his promise, and I am disappointed in Jeff for failure to trust the one other person (besides Jordon) in the game who can be trusted to stick to their promises.
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Nope Star wasnt me..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I went to bed really early and since I was up and heard the computer in here with BB up. I decided to check out the scenes..
I am just so addicted..
Heck I wouldnt know what interesting to say.. I give you all up to min or at least hour updates throughout the days I am home.. I talk so much here if I was asked to post I would sit here and not know what to say..
Holy Hells Bells that dont make sense… Oh well
Live feeds still down..
Sick of these fish and trivia.. I can answer all of them..
Got to go tinkle .. you watch I leave here and feeds will come up and I will miss something.. lol
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Back and still nothing..
Ok this is off topic and show but have to ask you all
Have any of you ever tried the vlasic Zesty Bread & Butter Pickles? YUM YUM!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------While in walmart yesterday, i got some. really good.. Also they had a lady there giving out samples of the new Lays Potatoe Chips that are fat free and 1/2 the calories. I am addicted. Put them together with my live BB feeds and I might never leave my chair but to potty..
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I also believe that Jeff should stick with his word to Russell and I do believe Russ would be loyal. Jeff told Russ a few days back that they can fight it out, but to wait until they’re final 4. He said that if Russ wins POV he wants Kevin out of the house. But he should push for Natalie. Strategically it would be better, and the jury house would see more face time, too, watching Jessie hiding in closets to get away from the stupid girls!
But I still see Kevin as a wild card. I think if he isn’t evicted and wins HOH he may go after Jeff and/or Jordan. Break up their numbers and shake the tree. And Michelle may be the “crazy as a fox” kinda crazy. =^^=
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Bread & butter pickles? Oh yeah…heaven on a graham cracker! =^^=
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I still think Jeff going to the final 2 with Jordan is a huge mistake! Thinking of the Jury votes is the name of the game now. Even going with Kevin is a mistake. Jeff needs to go to the final 2 with either Russell or Michelle because they are more disliked. Michelle is the better bet since the end HOH competitions are generally physical endurance. Natalie needs to go ASAP no matter what!
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Feeds are back up right in the middle of me making dinner.. GGGGRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAATTTTTT!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am trying to listen all.. be bk with updates.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JEFF WON
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I am going back to making dinner..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cant stay and tell you what is being said now..
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Bye Russell
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Yeah Jordan and Jeff are talking.. Jeff is putting Russell up. That much is for sure..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am running back and forth from kitchen to den to give you all blow by blow.. Dont worry I will be here giving you more later..
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Yeh! Roller, Shelley & Bigbubbabronson I finally don’t stand alone anymore. I have other bloggers to have our hopes smashed with if Russell gets evicted.
Jeff does better as an underdog than with power. Think Jeff think!
Go Russsell!
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Here is Jeffs plan,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Put up Russell, take him out.
Take Kevin off block. Tell Kevin that they will protect him so Kevin is in debt to Jeff. If Kevin gets HOH Jeff says he wont put up Jeff. Gnat owes him for the week of jessie so he says she has promised not to put him up. Jeff says but either of them will put up Michele and Jordan. He will take POV, hopefully, and take off Jordan.. Which leaves Kevin and Michele.. They tell Gnat or Kevin they will vote out Michele then not vote that way. and then they next week Gnat or Kevin if they were hoh cant play and they take that one out and it will leave Michele.
Soo they are taking, if all works out. Michele to end..
Russell is sweating it out.. He knows he is gone.. he is really pissed off.. He almost got into it with Gnat over the sink.. But then cooled down. Russell better do some two steppin to save himself.. This is going to be a hairy week once Jeff reveals his change in nominations..
I have to finish dinner.. sorry ppl
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Kim, thank you so much! BBAD will probably be much better tonight than last night. =^^=
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Grrrrrrr. . . I was hoping Russ would win POV. Think the power might be getting to J/J just a little. I don’t know who I’m rooting for in F2; now that I’m over JJ (I still like ’em, just not as much), I’m open to almost anything EXCEPT gnat. Wish she were going this week. I’m really sorry Jeff fell for the last-minute-lie from gnat and Kevin, and he hasn’t trusted Russ since then. Nothing would surprise me at this point.
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I wanted Russell to win so that Kevin or Yappy would have to go this week. I can’t take Yappy @ all. I would much rather Kevin stay. Jeff is a dim whit who isn’t much smarter than Jordan. She is so annoying ARRGGHHH!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wish Jeff would remember who kept the pot stirred in that house along w/ who had caused all the child’s play. For crying out loud. If he goes through w/ getting rid of Russell, he deserves what he gets. I have to say, Russell goes at the hands of Jeff, I am hoping Kevin wins.
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Ok doing split screen..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Russell was eating at the table alone.. He has his fight cap on.. IF you remember when he was up and chia was gunning for him he would be real somber and wear his cap down low… Well he is back to that stance..
Jeff, Gnat, Kevin and Jordan are all in kitchen cooking and eating BLTs. Michele is at the table just not sure if she is there to take up space or eat slop.. she is upset cause she has gained back 4 lbs. She said the slop is bad for her. Makes her gain. Russell has still isolated himself.. They are all talking carrying on while he is pouting.. He needs to go and bond more with Jeff.. I want him and jeff to go toe to toe.. GGrrrrrr..
I know when BB ends this year I wont know what to do with all the free time I have.. hee hee hee wont be glued to this..
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I think Jeff just sealed his fate. Natalie and Kevin have already promised each other that their nominees will be Michele and Jeff, with Jeff as the target. So, with Russell gone, his hopes lie completely with either Michelle beating out Natalie and Kevin for the HoH or with winning the next POV. (Jordon is a non-issue in any competitions). Regardless, if he saves himself through the POV, he seals Michele’s fate, so if she thinks it through to that point (and she’s definitely smart enough to do so), then she will not have his back when she gets HoH–she’ll could (and should) very well get rid of him in order to make herself the strongest remaining player.
If Jeff sends Kevin home, the finalists will be Jeff and Russell (probably Jeff wins the Jury vote). If Jeff sends Natalie home, the finalists will be two from Russel, Michele, Kevin, and Jeff (Jury will vote in order of Kevin, Jeff, Russel, and Michele, depending upon who’s there). If he sends Russel home, the finalsits will be Michele and Kevin (and Kevin wins).
The obvious best move for jeff is to not use the veto, and have Jordon, Michele, and Russel send Kevin home. Backdooring Russell would be the 2nd biggest bonehead move in the history of reality television almost rivaling Chima’s unravelling for the worst. Why has he not even considered the possibility that Kevin is lying to him? (which just happens to be the truth!)
If he cans Russel, my interest is gone, and I’m outa here.
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Roller I agree on all accounts other than sending Kevin packing. You gotta send Yappy Lappy Natalie out the door this week
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I am DISSAPOINTED that JEFF GOT POV, He should just stick with the plan and evict KEVIN. He is being really STUPID , and i hope it comes back to bite him. The final three should be JEFF, RUSSEL , MICHELE.
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Everyone is still sitting around talking about their lifes and yet Russell is still in the green room just staring at the ceiling.. Come on Russell interact.. This is his only chance.. If I was him I would make a huge lie that Kevin and Gnat are planning to take him out asap.. It would be the truth actually..
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I’ve been out much of today. I just caught up on reading. KIM, when I wrote, “I love you” the other day, this stuff is exactly why. I can’t think of a funner way to get my live feed updates. You keep me in stitches(LOL). Thanks for the info (true or not). <:^)
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somebody send a plane over their heads.
Jeff knows Jordan is not that bright why is he listening to her? or is he?
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No, b-b-b, I think they need to dump Kevin first. He’s a real threat to win any non-endurance competition. She’s such a long shot that they can easily dump her next week without even having to break a sweat..
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I tried to navigate the BB house, but they have the airspace restricted. Sorry guys. =^^=
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Jeff, leave the picks alone! They are your original picks which keeps the pressure off. Putting up Russell would be a bad move. P.S. Lydia was “Captain Lunitard” toward the end of her stay!
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If Jeff puts Russell on the block and he is evicted Jeff is even dumber that I thought he was. Russell has kept his word to Jeff on everything so for Jeff to turn around and believe Kevin (Natalie) in a blatant lie shows how shallow his thinking is. If I was Russell, and I don’t get evicted this week, I would do my utmost to make sure Jeff goes next week. If Russell goes, so do I.
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Thanks Justaguy..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I try really hard.. Had a really dumb moment earlier and jumped the gun but hell it keeps you all on your feet….lol
The HGs are still just sitting around and chit chatting at the table.. Table is shrunk down to 6 seats now.. Really small looking compared to the other one..
Russell is still pouting in the Green room.. Michele is not moving from the table.. which is a very smart move on her part. She did earlier tell Russell something in the pool room.. They were whispering so I couldnt get it all. She was saying he needed to go talk to Jeff cause she noticed during the comp. that Gnat and Jordan were buddying up once they were out..
What I can tell about the comp is they had quotes from the outted HG and diff things that had happened to them and they had to find the persons name and put it in order of how it happened.. I am not even sure what it really was but they were all very nasty dirty and Jordan kept saying about the banana peels and the slides.. So that is a small peek at what it was about..
Where is our buddy Kevin 11 tonight?
Oh and where is Chris.. I have missed him today.. hee hee hee
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You are prob. right Roller but I can’t take looking at that shemale Natalie one more day. Watching her pick her nose and that smugness she has that she is so brillant in this game makes me sick. EWWWW! She has to go.
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Russell is going to rise above his fear and go and talk to Jeff. Jeff will rethink his promises and keep the nominations the same. Right!
I want the last three remaining in the house to deserve some money. Nat does not. Kevin already has won some money. Lord know Jordan needs some money, but if she wins some money will she be able to count it? I hope she not playing at being that dumb, it’s not cute. I’m trying to remember who she reminds me of. Oh yeh Jeffs first wife Jessica Simpson
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Hi Guys…
Sorry I haven’t been around much, been real busy looking for Fly Crap in my pepper… You wouldn’t beleive how much I found… LOL
actually, trying to make myself more employable — going to school!!!
but I see Jeff Won PoV… He is a power to recken with. Now just for the entertainment value, I want to see Russ put up to be back doored and then not voted out!!! Wow, how crazy would the house be then???
True, I would like to see Jeff and Jordan win, but it’s not like their going to share any with me, soooooooo, I rather see the house go crazy.
Now if Jeff does this, he better really secure the votes, or I might get to see that crazyness?
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you know who Jordan reminds me of??? Kelly Pickler from American Idol fame… wnat some Calamari???
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Can I agree and disagree at the same time. I guess I can. What do I want to happen? I’d like to see Natalie out. But that’s a non-strategic opinion from my couch. I’d like to see Kevin out as he poses more of a threat to get HOH (In non-endurance as Roller pointed out). Now I gotta put myself in Jeff’s shoes.. ok, I put myself in Jeff’s shoes everyday (mine). As far as the BB Jeff though, he has been suspicious of Kevin and Nat as pointed out in private conversations with Jordan. He knows he is possibly screwed no matter what. Last night he told Jordan, “If I put Russ out, then my fate’s in your hands” (something like that). The ONLY conversations that we can take as fact are between J & J… and between N & K. The rest are half-truths and covers. Last night Russ talking to Michele out back, you could tell they were lying to each other. People are covering their ass and it is difficult to get to the truth. I’d like to see J/J/R/M as final 4, but I can certainly see the temptation to get Russ now. It’s BB and you never know who you can trust. I wish Jeff knew he couldn’t trust Nat or Kevin.
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Kim…Chris wouldn’t waste his own electricity to blog here…it’s the weekend!! He only blogs on his boss’ dime!!!(yet another reason to love weekends….)LOL
I agree that Jeff MIGHT be making the biggest blunder in BB history! To his credit and Midwestern logic, he did tell Jordan that he had a couple of days to THINK about it and that’s what he is going to do! SHE’S the one pressing him to get Russ out because she has suddenly gotten tighter than Gnat’s ugly ass french braids with the girl! Jordan WILL be Jeff’s downfall.I’m tellin ya. You would think it was HER HOH this week they way she has been bossing Jeff around and always whispering in his ear what he NEEDS to do! IF he gets her out of his face for a couple days and sleeps alone, I think he will see that he absolutely needs to leave the noms alone! The whole pt. of NOT nominating Russ was to keep that blood off his hands. If he puts him up as a re-nom..well..DUH!!! Jordo has officially infiltrated his brain.
For once, NOT excited to see Jeff win something. Bad timing. He should have thrown it.
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Hi God, er…I mean Bulwinkle…God bless you God. Memories of Whamber…What kind of schooling? Your people want to know…=^^=
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Kino girl..LOVED your line…..*Lord know Jordan needs some money, but if she wins some money will she be able to count it?* LMAO!!! I am so tired of having to tell everyone I like Joran, she’s so cute BUT…..the girl drives me frigin NUTS! She is dumber than Dumb and Dumber and I don’t do DUMB well!!! I actually hope Jeff somehow cuts her loose and they get her butt out of there befoe th F2. I am all Jordo’ed out! Sorry group! (I mean , come on people…she didn’t know what a spade or club were al\last night when Jeff asked….AND she’s Gnat’s new BFF???? How muchare we supposed to STAND??)
And hit the hillbilly right on the head. Kelly Pickler!! LOLOLOL OMG…..her DUH comments and lack of basic knowledge used to floor me the same way Jordan’s does…it’s almost like unbelieveable. Like this HAS to be an ACT! Good call, by bulwinkle!!hehe
I’d like to see Jeff and Russ or Michele in the F2. Gameplay needs to trump all. Besides Jordan is a shoe in to win the popularity thing and that’s $25K . Which is $25k more than I am going to get for watching for 3 months…I’m just sayin’…..
Peace out!
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Hey all how is everyone this evening? COLD here in Michigan, feels like fall already! So Jeff won the POV huh… Well I’m not so sure voting off Russell is the greatest move, getting rid of Gnat seems like a better idea to me. Love all your comments. Kim and Justaguy are my favorites cause they keep all of us bloggers updated. I do not have live feeds just BBAD so thank you Kim and Justaguy for keeping us updated. I would also love for a winter Big Brother. Michelle is annoying me with her eating manners as well, I would love to see her learn some etiqitte sorry if spelled wrong but her and Gnat eat like slobs don’t ya all think? I agree that when Bib Brother is over I will be so bored, won’t know what to do with all my free time… I don’t start my fall classes till September 1st so right now I live to watch Big Brother and after dark and of course blogging hehe
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One more thing, then back later…….I seem to remember one of the Donna’s telling BBBlogger they would help him out….or maybe that was the Marguerita I had with If it IS one of you girls…fess up!! Inquiring minds need to know!!
Peace OUT!!
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I think Jeff will probably stay with his original noms. Jeff sometimes just lets off steam because of his frustration with Russ. He could have backdoored him last week and didn’t so I’m not sure why he would it this week. I DO NOT like Russ but Jeff will figure it out. Maybe he thinks if he gets rid of Russ that Michele or Jordan would have a better chance of winning HOH next week.
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School… I recently took a Project Management Professional Cert test — a test that I studied my antlers off for — and failed!!! This test was the most horrable experience of my life… 200 freaking question, 4 hour ordeal that I HAVE TO DO OVER!!!! errrrrrrrrrr… oh, and did I mention, the test that I failed cost me over $500?
So, in preperation for retaking this awful thing, I shelled out more money to take a test prep class. 3 weekends of this material drilled into my antlers.
maybe by the end of Sept, I may try again…
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As for Russ back stabbing Jeff, he sat outside day in and day out when he was on the block driving Jeff nuts with his Chima ranting and blah blah blah and then when someone throws him a bone he slaps them in the face. Actions speak louder than words and he has no appreciation for someone that helped him stay in to try to win a 1/2 million dollars. I would think that I would show some gratitude for that !
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Sherri, I’m glad to have you back on my side (I’m really not that “sassy” LOL, just something about the attacks against the women here got me.) I’m glad you enjoy reading my posts, but I can’t take credit for what Kim does. I justhave BB/AD as well. I sometimes feel left out by not having live feeds, but I would get way too addicted. Even more than now (lol). Not exactly typical August weather here in Minnesota either..
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Sorry been watching baseball, knew them darn yankees were too good to be true.
I still think Justaguy or Kevin Eleven would be great in the jury house.
I know it would be hell for them but can you imagine the fun of Jessie and Lydia getting whats for from them.
Hmmmmmmmm if Kim could cut back on walmart trips she could set in a rocker thre for a week or two…
Sorry Kim ya knows I love ya
Darn it all, Jeff needs to read my posts,
I said he needed to let jordan go , I thought he and russell should fight out final 2.
Right on with the Kellie Pickler, the accent helps too.
They are both from NC.
Kim: maybe Chris was in while you were in walmart AGAIN!!!!! “Evil Chuckle”
Star: I think you hit the nail on the head.
Chris blogs from his work pc an he only joined in recently because his boss put a block on the porn sites.
One of the Donna’s sounds about right but where is Kevin Eleven?
Did I miss an entry from him?
Slán leat a chára
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I agree with BBNKY, Russ did not show any gratitude, nor did Lydia. Russ has been pulling Jeff’s chain since the beginning. He has saved his hide a couple of times and as Russ said, he wants to go to the final 2 with Michelle. Which means he will get Jeff out first chance. Natalie can not and has not won anything, and is less of a threat.
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Ok I am thinking there is gonna be a blow-up tonight.. someone watch please if you have BBAD or live feeds.. I need to go spend some QT with family.. My daughter is still here with my grandson and wants to bond.. great!!! But I know you all will keep me updated. Otherwise I will have to sit and watch hours of Flashbacks..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And trust me, I did not write the blog today.. I would be proud to announce I had come up with a great one like todays..
Smiles and keep watchin ppl.
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Love ya right back Irish.. you all are great.. where were you last year when I was bored to death and having to talk to myself about BB10..
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Oh Bulwinkle…I feel for ya! I’m on my third time taking my final for my Gemological degree with GIA – the only passing grade is 100% and we get 6 hours to finish. Wish I had your antlers instead of my brain sometimes!
BBnKY – I think you have something there about Jeff keeping his nominations the same. He does tend to let off steam, I think there must be something in the Chicago water. =^^=
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Ok got a great idea .. I am recording it just incase i might miss something and cant wait for 4 hrs to see it.. hee hee
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If it works and you want the clip if it is good i will send it via email.. I will tell you all if the clip records..
I put it for 8 hrs..
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Directed to Justaguy in Minnesota : just curious, Beings you are in Minnesota- have you ever been to the partes where they produced Little house on the Prarie? Just wondering? Some friends of mine went to Sturgis last week and went through Minnesota, and they said they didn’t know where the set was for the show. I know this has nothing to do with Big Brother, but I am just curious as to whether you have seen it or not!!! And to clear something up , I was never NOT on your side, just didn’t understand what was going on with the comments back and forth with you and Chris. So who do you want to see win the 1/2 million dollars anyways. My choice would be either Jordan or Jeff. I also agree that if I did have live feeds I would probably never get off the computer… VERY addicting, especially when your as bored as I am here in Michigan! Smile lol Michelle seems awkward don’t ya think? Jeff does have alot of people rooting him on though, so if he does end up as final 2 he may just have the half million dollars.
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I love this blog site I feel like I know everyone personally lol cause I’m here so often lol What will I do when this show is over, dreading it coming so I better enjoy it while it is still on. Gonna go get a snack and maybe when I come back someone will have updates on what’s going on on live feed. BBAD will be on soon. Almost 10 minutes away.
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I noticed on this site that there is a time difference from here by one hour. hmmmm I think I need to pay closer attention. hehe
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After a good deal of thought… I”VE GOT IT!! I know some of you claim to not be the mystery blogger, but it could be a cover… this is the BBBlog after all. So I’ve narrowed my guess to one of the following…… Kim, Star, Starfish, Donna 1, Donna 2, Ronna, Margie, Marsha/KustardPie, Irish Mistral, Sherri, Shelley, Gracie, kinogirl, funky town girl, ncgal, bluezey60, maria, kev11, FRANKS, Augustus, bulwinkle, hpr56, bigbubbabronson, Roller, PGA Dok, Aggie, BBnKY, tendr, I want Spoilers, Mattmac, Jasper, or……… CHRIS.
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I can say Justaguy I am not the Mystery blogger, but I sure wish that I was. I would like to see Justaguy, Kim, or kevineleven to be the juror vote though. since you all are so dedicated to this game.
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What a gr8 group you all are. I wish I could be more involved this year. One parent in the hospital and the other going into assisted living. This blog is the best medicine for me and I read as many posts as possible. I really miss being involved this year.
I’m not sure back dooring Russell is Jeff’s best move but hey who knows for sure with the musical chairs of alliances going on.
Justaguy, I didn’t see a post from Chris yet. I agree with your comments yesterday. I just don’t read her posts because she is right, rambling and contradictions abound.
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Can anyone tell me how to post my pic with my blog… Like KimMitchell did Iv’e tried but haven’t succeded yet! help anyone
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My snack is yummy.. pistachios um um good lol no bread and butter pickles here, although I do like em.
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Can anyone tel me what exactly the mystery blogger is and does?
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The “mystery” blogger wrote today’s post at the top because Bloggergal was unavailable.
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Sherri, Have you tried going to There is a link on this page under “Reality TV Links”.
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I want Jeff and Russell in final 2.
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Ok you all had to run back in here… Heard someone getting in trouble and just caught the end of it ..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kevin was teaching Gnat piglatin and the producers kept telling them to stop it.. Well they did it one more time and BOTH were called to the DR together..
Ok they are walking out now.. They were told they can not use another language cause it could be a code for each other and the public cant understand it..
They are going to be expelled if they do it again.
Oh no they are telling the other HGs and now just went to Fishtank.. Humm wonder if they will get more punishment for it..Tell you more when I know more..
Oh by the way it is still recording.. i will go back and review it.. if i can email this to you all i will tell you and let you email me for it
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I have lived in Minnesota for 34 years and have never been to Walnut Grove. I think the actual set for the tv show was in California.
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Sherri i just link my facebook page to here.. I click on the top of the page where it says connect to facebook..
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Kim, you haven’t missed a thing since BB/AD started. That little deal with Nat & Kevin has been the highlight so far. I’m keeping an eye on BB/AD and will let you know if anything worth watching happens….. if I don’t doze off. It is, after all, “Must-Sleep TV”.
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Natalie need 2 go. i hope jeff is not falling for her lies.
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Update… one hour through “Must-Sleep TV” and nothing has happened. Everyone is playing “nice-nice”. A bit of scheming between Nat & Kevin tryin’ to figure out how best to get Jeff to backdoor Russ. Nothing new.
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jordan has not played one minute of this game..she asked if you have to pay for google when they were talking about the internet th e other night..all she does is eat and sleep..shes just hoping jeff takes her along,,she acts like shes at cheerleading camp..she acts like jessica simpson and she doesnt deserve any money
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Thanks just.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well I finished a very pointless movie with my daughter.. It was called I love ya man.. DUMB MOVIE!
Ok well what happened?
Did Michele lose it while i was gone?
I thought she was on the verge over the blankets and then her running and telling J & J.. then they made her like she was lying..
Did they all hash it out? Did Russell get in it too?
Give me the scoop so I dont have to rewatch it..
BTW I am still recording..
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One more thing.. did Russell actually eat the shitlings?
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Can’t help ya there Kim, I joined in at 11:00 PM (CST). They haven’t talked about what happened earlier. Other than this blog, 11-2 AM is my only window into what is actually happening in the game.
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Oh just when I came back a bit ago Russell was sitting there licking his fingers after eating something and was saying it actually tasted good.. Michele said she would try it later.. I just thought he might of fixed some.. I will stop the recording here in a bit and watch it tomorrow.. I think I need to go to bed.. I am really tired for some reason today.. I told my grandson I would take him to the park tomorrow.. I hope nothing exciting happens..LOL Maybe should take a laptop..hee hee hee
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Jordan would be a great contestant on Jay Leno’s Jaywalking.
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Kim, when you are reviewing your recording to see what you missed, skip the 3 hours that BB/AD was on. You didn’t miss anything. I did see an entire game of pool between Jeff and Kevin (Jeff won). During the entire game, the camera only followed one… I repeat.. ONE shot. Camera guy, if the only thing worth shooting is a pool game, at least pull back so we can watch the shots! Time for zzzzzzzzs.
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Augustus! or should I call you “King Avatar”? Let’s see… Saints, Natalie, Chima, Saints, Casey/banana suit, that space guy earlier today, now back to the Saints….. if I remember right.
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You forgot Hornets. ;D
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I would love to see the look on Jordan’s face if she overheard Kev & Nat speaking igpay atinlay.
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If JEFF puts RUSSEL onthe block AND leaves NAT AND KEVIN STILL IN THE GAM,E. IT WILL DEFINATELY BE THE DUMBEST MOVE He ever MADE.He IS GETTING WAY TO Power MAD. HIS LUCK JUSt MIght RUn oUT AT some point, Because of his stupidity.
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Jordan the “brain” actually asked what Pig Latin is!! That girl is unbelievably stupid
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id like russell and jeff as the final 2 it would be to close to call and that would make it interesting for sure if ther’s a prize voted by the viewers it should go to jordan and this week keep natalie and kevin up for eviction and vote kevin out he’s a worse rat than ronnie ever was
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Wow, so much to read so little time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I stayed up to watch bbad what a waste of time, Iwould have been more entertained if I watched paint dry. Now let’s play a game, all those that Justaguy mentioned to be the mystery fill in bbblogger please get ready (u too Just), now will the real myster blogger please stand up………………and the winner is ………………………..
oh no the bb fish tank just flashed across my screen and I missed it.
Darn, well will just have to wait and see.
I am keeping the faith that Jeff will NOT back door Russell, that would be the biggest mistake so far this year. I also agree that he has said he would do one thing then do as he planned. Come on Jeff, think man think. My daughter called me to say that on the live feed Jeff was talking about Jessie and wanted to know what he had that some of the women found so great. He asked (not his exact words) something to the effect was Jessie able to twist his private parts (he used real word, lol) I have to ask her later when she comes over. My grand daughter was on computer most of the night by the time she got off I was asleep, so I am glad you guys keep me updated. When will they do POV ceremony? Keeping fingers crossed Jeff will use his head and stay with the plan. Ciao for now fellow bloggers, oh almost forget I wonder if Chris is out on a date taking a middle aged woman to dinner at Subway that they have in his local Walmart, oh wait, he only blogs from work.
Mama Margie
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mama margie——————————————–
7:00pm BBT:
They’re still talking, Russ has no joined them.
Currently, they’re on the subject of Jessie.
Jeff: “I never understand what powers Jessie had over you (Nat) & Lydia. Did he have a 2 foot c*ck that spins?”
Natalie is denying that she ever flirted with him, ever liked him ‘like that’, etc. The others aren’t buying it (neither am I. She’s trying to save face now that she knows her boyfriend is watching her all the time…also the reason why she’s not dressing like a guy all of a sudden.)
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I found part of your question re Little House on the Prarie…
Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home & Museum
The Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Home & Musem, located in Mansfield Missouri. Purchase Luara Ingals Wilder Books and – Cached
I will try to find out where show was actually filmed. Although I may take my grandkids to see Laura/s home and museum, since it is not that far from me. Let me check and will be back.
Mama Margie
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is what I could find regarding your question on Little House on the Prarie, hope it helps.
Little House on the Prairie was largely filmed on Big Sky Ranch at Simi Valley, California. Camera vistas sometimes pick up the rugged terrain, far too mountainous for Minnesota and the Californian chaparral vegetation. In one particular episode Laura runs away and climbs up a mountain. However
Mama Margie
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Margie, I’m pretty sure that one of my 32 picks has to be right! I think they eluded to the veto meeting being on Monday (they didn’t say it, but that’s the impression I got when Nat & Kev were talking). I think Sherri is referring to the time that the tv show took place. The Ingalls lived in Wisconsin, then moved to Missouri, then to Walnut Grove, Minn. That’s when the tv show picks up the story.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I totally agree it has to be one of us, lol
And txs for info re veto mtg, ever since chiapet left I am so confused she still has bb running in circles. She will not be soon forgotten. Txs for info on Little House, I did know Lauras home was here in Missouri not sure where, and the info I got was from computer, just goes to show you, one can get any and all info right here. Oh dear, what am I going to do once bb is done for the season? Will have so much free time, lol Seems this year BB has flown by or is it just me.
Going to enjoy some really nice weather here (no rain for a change)
ciao for now, catch you all later.
Mama Margie
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The smart move for Jeff is to get Kevin out and then the rest of the house can target Russell next week unless Russ wins HOH.
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Margie are you close to Branson? I live between Springfield and Carthage.. I plan on taking my grandson to the Precious Moments Park today.. That is if he will mind me..LOL He has been pretty sick since they got here and has been on IV antibiotics.. Well it has stopped now and we can finally leave the house with him without an accident and he is back to being rotten..he will be 3 in september.. Lord I love the terrible 2’s and 3’s..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Back to the show.. Just you were so right.. I have 3 hrs of live feed recorded and all I saw was Jordan doing just what Jeff told her not to do.. He said do not talk game to Gnat and Kevin.. I think I will backdoor Russell but not sure.. Sooo when the recorded feed starts what is Jordan doing.. Sitting at the table telling Gnat and Kevin, jeffs plans. She told them they were ok and safe. Started talking about Russell being a sleazy sneaky guy.. Now what.. Then I read that Jeff thinks Russell really wants to be his friend and scared that if he does backdoor him it wont be good and it will ruin all ties.. well duhhhh!!!
I didnt watch the entire 3 hrs cause I CANNOT stand Gnats voice and her facial expressions… omg She knows she had the hots for Jessie.. She did, if you all remember spend nights in his bed too.. She just drives me nuts..
Well I am hoping we get some action on the cameras today..
Oh another thing Margie.. I doubt that Chris took her to Subway, it was probably more like a burger stand where you get not just the sandwich for $5 but the entire meal for under $5.. And he probably frequents the dollar store.. Walmart does not have that many things for just a buck.. I know I know let it go.. but it is so funny, nothing amusing happening in the BB house..
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LMAO especially re Chris budget.
Hope your grandson is feeling better I know how a sick child can be.
Have 2 daughters and 4 grankids so been there done that. I keep saying if I knew grandkids were this much fun I would have skipped my daughters and went straight to grandkids lol. Nothing worse then being sick in the summer yuk.
All kidding aside I really hope he feels better soon,
I live in Nixa, I guess it is between Branson & Springfield, I have been to Branson few times have you been on the Branson Belle it is a dinner and show cruise, lots of fun for all ages. I have not been to Precious Moments but have seen the billboards, will get around to it (maybe when i have more free time when bb11 is over).
Sorry fellow bloggers do not mean to bore you with non game related tidbits but slow in here, and since u know who is not here I might as well take the space to be positive.
have a great day with family Kim, guess will “see” you later tonight.
Justaguy you have my vote for mystery blogger, just a thought. lol
mama margie
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If JORDAN wasnt whispiring in JEFFS ear con stantly about getting rid of RUSSEL , Maybe things would be different . It looks like he will BACKDOOR him, which is a shame, RUSSEL does deserve to be in the end with JEFF.GUYS usually stick together in this game , it surprises me that he would do this. He must feel really threatened by RUSSEL. It is a slap in the face to MICHELE AND RUSSEL that he would chose the opposing team over them.
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Get a life! Stop talking about little house on the prairie Sherri and Margie! Maybe you could get your own blog on that show! This is BB and quit wasting our time.
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Justaguy, you caught me! You found me out! Good move…Yes, I am a poster here.
But I’m not the “mystery blogger.”
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for your comment! I really do not think I owe you an explanation but never the less I will give you one.
yatta yatta yatta, not much else was going on at the moment that we decided to chat, AND I see that you are not a “regular” on this blog as you would know many a time we have strayed from bb issues.
In closing who made you in charge of the BB police?
BBlogger if I am at fault please feel free to let me know,
many thanks
mama Margie
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Wow! I was reading the feeds, and Jeff is sounding like an Idiot (yes, with a capital ‘I’). Sheesh!!! If he backdoors Russel (and I’m pretty sure he will at this point), it would ‘Almost’ (I’m not quite there, but almost) be something to see next week if Kevin or gnat get HOH and put Jeff on the block (which is what they say they’re going to do).
Aggie, I agree with you – the constant whispering from the other ‘j’ is influencing Jeff way too much. Too bad.
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WOW can J&J be anymore stupid!!
Last night on BBAD it was so obvious that Nat and Kev were talking about Jeff and stabbing him in the back and putting J and J on the block next week, while talking spanish and pig latin. BTW WHAT HAPPENED TO RULE VIOLATIONS AND THE CONSEQUENSES YOU GET LIKE JEFF AND THE GATORADE AND KEVIN AND THE GRAPE???So crazy that Jeff has forgotten who the real targets where. It makes me want to jump off the J&J or/and Big Brother bandwagon. How can they be so dumb? I really thought I would like seeing them in power but gnatalie siding up to Jordan talking about her BF and telling Jeff how cute and great he is at EVVVRYTHING has worked on the two of them.
Just last week they were hiding his hat using the washer and dryer and not letting J&J do that or the practice HOH thing. Talking about putting red candy in Mich’s candy. The lie that they made up really worked on him KUDOS to Kevin for doing it.
If J&J get put up they deserve it next week for believing Jesse’s lil lap dog. So dumb so stupid!! I guess you really lose all of your mental capabilities when you go onto the being in the BB house.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I really thought Jeff was smarter than he is being like I said he deserves getting put on the block with Jordan next week if that is what happens.
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Hope, keep hope alive!! (sorry for the horrible pun). But in this case, it’s true. Granted, it does look like Jeff may backdoor Russ, but it looked that way last week too. If Kevin’s lie had worked so well, Russ would be flexin’ to the oldies with Jessie right now. Jeff’s in a pretty tough spot. If he gets rid of Kevin ,and Russ wins HOH, could Russ resist the temptation to put up Jeff? $500,000 on the line and we are to believe that Russ would target Nat, who has performed rather poorly in competitions. If Russ won HOH and targeted Nat, now THAT would be a dumb move. Jeff knows this as well as we do. If Jeff gets rid of Russ, and Kevin wins HOH, Jeff goes on the block for sure. He knows this is a very real possibility no matter what deals he tries to make. All he can do is try to make deals, hope that the deals work, and send one person to the jury house.
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justaguy, I think the only sure bet that Jeff has to not go up next week is if Jordan wins. That’s it, period. Anyone else, he is a REAL possiblity. I sure wouldn’t want my safety based on that dim whit.
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Mama “if I may retort” Margie, I loved the Seinfeld-like yatta’s. I feel left out. Sherri asked me about LH because I live in Minnesota. And yet I didn’t even get a mention in Howard’s rant. Maybe he was getting even with me for not mentioning him as one of my 32 picks for the “Mystery” Blogger. Who is the Mystery Blogger? I guess we’ll have to find out tomorrow.
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bigbubbabronson, I completely agree. He’s in a bit of a lose-lose situation.
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Yes! just the opening Jeff needs to get that Kevin and Nat may be up to something. I just logged on and I was going throught everyone’s blog when you said Nat and Kevin were called to the diary room for speaking pig latin.
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What if Jordan is smarter than we think she is and is giving all the info to Nat and Kevin w/ the intentions that maybe they will put Jeff out for her so she doesn’t have to? What if she knows what she is doing and has decided to dump Jeff knowing she can’t beat him in the end but would look like a total B**** if she was the one to get rid of him? It’s a long shot but maybe.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Either that or she really is this DUMB and trusts Nat and Kevin. Maybe she will just “fall” into something that looks half way intelligent for her? LOL!!!
Man, she is so annoying, been saying it for weeks now. ARRGGHH!
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I would add that the mistake was last week. If he’d gotten rid of Kevin then, and Russ now… It would be Michele/Jordan vs Nat/Lydia…. with no guarantee that Michele wouldn’t put him up. Things are really stacked against him either way. He’s gotta win the next veto… that’s it.
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justaguy, we still don’t know the mystery blogger? I haven’t seen all the guesses so here are mine, sorry if I repeat any:
Kim Mitchell, Star, Bulwinkle, Kevin 11, or I woulda guessed even you. I’d also said Roller but I see that’s not the case from above? Tell us someone, please! LOL!!!
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I guess we are all on the same page regarding Jeff and his dilemma.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would still get gnat or kevin off to the jury house, j/j/r/m did almost do a pinky swear, if i recall michelle even swore on her dogs lol.
why not just go with the original plan and then duke it out.
I keep thinking that Jordan cannot get any dumber and every day she proves me wrong. Why is she telling k&n what jeff is up to. Can there be any truth to bigbubbasbranson thoughts? Time will tell.
Justaguy in reference to my new friend Howard, I do think he felt left out that he was not included in your 32 choices, lmao
ciao for now
mama margie
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mama margie are you the blogger?
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If Jordan’s dumb thing is an act… she’s got me convinced. Just when we think she is out of dumb things to say, the other night Jeff bet her $1,000 that she couldn’t name the 4 suits in a deck of cards….. AND HE SPOTTED HER HEARTS AND DIAMONDS!! Even if I was playing dumb, I would have said, “clubs & spades”, took my $1,000, and hoped that my “cover” was still intact.
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I’m on the east coast. Philly. I can only watch on tv and count on you guys to let me know what’s going on in-between shows. Thanks guys.
Please! please! Please! Don’t let Jeff back door Russell. (My fav)
I hope Jeff doesn’t let Jordan doom him by listening to her. I thought Jordan was head of household this week. If so, Jeff can play in head of house hold game.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No I am too opinionated, lol
And according to a fellow blogger I seem to stray from bb business so guess I would do a terrible job.
(hope my N.Y. sarcasm is not showing).
I am very anxious to find out who our mystery blogger is. He/she did a great job, as did Bloggergal1. I am sure it is not an easy job, and besides i do a lot better with sarcasm lol.
Any idea when our myster blogger will stand and reveal him/herself?
mama margie
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bigbubbabronson, If you really want to know who the Mystery Blogger is… scroll up to my post @10:54 PM last night. I named the mystery blogger(lol).
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I’m guessing Kim is the mystery blogger
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Is it CHRIS Justaguy?
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kinogirl, No, it isn’t Chris. That was just a poor attempt at humor on my part. Jeff is HOH, Jordan was last week. Kim claims to not be the “Wizard” Blogger.
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Funny justaguy, I hadn’t seen all of your guesses and that I was one of them. No, it wasn’t me either. Hmmmm, I am sticking w/ Bulwinkle or Kim Mitchell. That’s my final firm guess.
Jordan crying poor mouth on BBAD from last night is awful. I am sick of hearing it girlie.
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Ok,ok,ok!! So I can’t have 32 guesses for Mystery Blogger. If I had to put my BB life on the line with only one guess… it would be…. (drumroll)… DONNA ROSE!! Now, what’s my prize?
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Hey Justaguy
I started watching big brother on tv. I guess I was having a Jordan moment. I keep forgetting blogging is way ahead of the actual show on tv.
sorry, I’ll try and not get confused
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OK I have been studying the writing styles of our regular bloggers
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and my vote is DONNA ROSE, and no I did not copy your choice justaguy, I went back and tried to see style of writing.
If it is her, then you can call me a copy cat, but since you said it first and it is her, can I have second prize? Oh oh maybe slop 2nd prize, oh well, will be fun to wait and see.
mama margie
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kinogirl, no prob, we all have our Jordan moments. Kevin just had one on the show. He called for a “gold can timeout” on Jeff. All Kevin needed was 1 can to win… gold, red, green, purple, orange, or yellow…. didn’t matter.
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So, according to the show Russell was called out by Jordan. Russell states he is not out to get Jeff. Jordan says to Russell that everything she’s been hearing is bad about Russell wanting to get Jeff out. And Russell has to tell Dah Dah Jordan of course they would say that. So where is Jordan’s logic that what everyone that was against them is now to truthful?
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Margie, that’s what I did too. Could be wrong, but I figured it was time to step up and choose only one. I believe she has been mentioned (other than my 32 picks), but she hasn’t been picked as a single choice.
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kinogirl, Jordan also heard this stuff from Michele. If it were just Nat & Kevin saying it, I don’t think it would get as much credit.
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When does this blog turn over to Sunday’s date?
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I mean Gotcha!
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JEFF has to start THINKING WITH HIS BIG HEAD INSTEAD OF HIS LITTLE HEAD. JORDAN is as dumb as a BOX OF ROCKS. She really is not good for his game . Why would you choose to believe NAT and KEVIN over your own allies. WAKE UP before its to late. Stick to the plan, please.
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Nothing much going on BB after dark , their all playing cards , except Jordan ,she wouldnt know how. Russel is just outside moping around. I say the mystery BLOGGER IS KEVIN 11.
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It agree the BB11 alliances are Jeff/Jordan, Natalie/Kevin & Russell/Michelle with J&J the current power to be. As for Jordan being given the HOH, you don’t know for sure she would have not won it outright because Jeff did not take the shot, if he did, he still could have lost. Also remember Jordan won the POV on her own. For that matter, Russell did not win the HOH outright as Jeff made a deal with him to win HOH. Jeff is currently making the right choices as there are three groups of two and all are now trying to position themselves for the final four with J&J in the driver seat. You can beat-up Jordan all you want but she is being herself and showed she can win a competition. She has at times made plays and voiced her concerns with Jeff. The J&J team just work well together. Case in point no other couple on BB except for when evil Dick carried his daughter to the final two. Don’t under estimate Jordan, she has not hindered Jeff’s game, as they have worked as a team. Remember the both have each other’s back which plays a strong role in this type of mind game. So team J&J need for Jordan to win HOA or hope the alliance they chooses holds true otherwise Jeff will most likely be gone as J&J would be on the block.
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I think justaguy is the mystery blogger and I sooo want Russell to win! He has been the most loyal of any of the house guests (except for Jeff’s loyalism to Jordan) and Russell is gorgeous! I’m getting tired of Jeff and Jordan (well mostly all Jeff) winning everything. I think it’ll come down to – that suddenly, they won’t win and Jeff will be punted so quickly that his head will be spinning. Jordan is so not clever, that she probably couldn’t spell Jeff’s name – holy airhead.
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I am annoyed just reading two comments that people want russell to win. His game is crap, I have no clue how he has managed to stay this long. He has brated everyone including michelle whom he is now in an alliance with. He needs to go, NOW! I want kevin to win!
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MEG, RUSSEL AND JEFF should be the final 2 , I n my opinion , IT should be only the best players in the end . IM sorry i just dont think JORDAN is good enough. I think shes clouding his judgement and he is making some bad decisions.without her there I think his game would be better.
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