So, have you ever heard of the World’s Longest Yard Sale? It goes from Ohio all the way down to Alabama. My husband and I checked it out in Gadsden Alabama. We traveled about 20 miles and it took three hours! Part of the reason was traffic and of course the other part was the stopping. I only bought a few things. I should be selling not buying! Why am I telling you all this? Well, because this is what I did yesterday instead of writing a blog and watching the boring Big Brother house!
From what I saw though, Danielle managed to get POV. Wow, two wins in a row are big for the gal. This POV was the reward/punishment one. So who got stuck with the unitard this time? Frank! teehee Brittany and Janelle were celebrating that Frank was going to be evicted in a unitard.
Danielle needs to realize that the coaches are manipulating her. She should be backdooring Boogie this week. The four coaches are going to steamroll their way through the newbies. It’s so sad. Dan really has her snowed. Right before the Nomination Ceremony she was having doubts and thinking about putting up Boogie, but Dan talked her out of it. Did it ever occur to her that Dan is working with Boogie? Dan keeps saying that he knows Boogie outside the Big Brother house. Hmmm….
I’m not sure what else happened in the BB house yesterday. I haven’t had the chance to read yesterday’s comments yet. Here’s your clean page. Who is going to be first to comment today? Also, now that the coaches are in the competition, who are you rooting for? I think I’m going with the underdog Ian. Have a great Sunday. Bloggergal
Not rooting for Ian at all, dorky and weird don’t make him a good player.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And I hope they don’t bring Kara back she is like a vegetable, a cute one but still….Can’t wait for DWTS to begin at least they have to dance.
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I don’t understand newbees. Just like last year they are foing to lose to vets, if they don’t smarten up. I would backdoor either Boggie or Janiel if I were tbere znd had the power. WAKE UP DANIELLE
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The last two years have not interested me that much. I hate the veterans coming back. I also hate havinv married people on here.
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Danille keeps sayint how much she hate janelle. So she needs to play HER game and send janelle packing.
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So who’s Nominated..
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the way i see the after dark show it looks like frank and will are nominated for eviction…who will go …i calhope it is frank
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Brit is the only coach I would like to see win and Janelle needs to be the first coach evicted. I cannot stand her lying and smug ways. Of the newbies my favorite three are Frank, Shane and Danielle.
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good morning all,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------last i seen on bbad last nite boogers presented his case a la perry mason and i have to say he did quite a good job, seemed danielle, shane and brit were swaying in his direction and take frank down and put the amazon up. he does have a gift i have to give him that. i just wish dan would back off of danielle these newbies HAVE to wake up and smell the roses and realize only advice the coaches will give is to benefit themselves, I have not had time to check my grapevine source for any updates but will report as soon as i do.
I for one am hoping frank comes down and the amazon goes up .
almost forgot the big summit meeting after boogers left was held in the hoh room with daiellem britney dan, shane and they took ian into the fold but he had to promise not to say a word to anyone at the moment he is too busy being the first bb pet (which i find totally disgusting and degrading) if anyone cares to know more of my feelings u can see previous page. @ tomi last nite during their summit meeting danielle made no bones how much she did not trust nor like the amazon so if she is a leader and not a sheep hopefully she will use HER power of hoh and put up the amazon OMG i would give up my starbucks chia frap for two days just to see the amazons face when she is called on down like on the price is rite but not to play but to be shown the door i am so excited keeping fingers crossed.
as always i hope u all have a great day and please keep the updates coming i for one appesch bbbgal txs for all that u do and for the new page u rock
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as promised here is chat that was going on in the early hours of sun morning
looks promising for frank but we all know how the bb house works if i had a dime every time a change was made i could shop on rodeo drive for an entire weekend (with no starbuck breaks) lol
read, digest and let’s discuss shall we????
Shane, Ian and Danielle are up in the HOH room talking. Danielle talks about how they will need to somehow convince Dan that getting rid of Janelle. Danielle says that Janelle told her that Frank hates me because I was going to vote him out last week, I won HOH, then I nominate him, then I beat him in the POV, then I stole the POV from him and put him in a spirit-tard. Shane says wow she brought all those things up?! Danielle says that then Frank talked to me and he wasn’t mad at all. Danielle says that if Frank had talked to her, she would have probably put up Janelle instead. Ian says that the more we hash it out, the more I feel that it is the best decision to get rid of Janelle. But that it is you decision and I will do what you want. Danielle says we need to get Dan up here tomorrow and hash it out. Shane says even if he isn’t on board I think we should still do it. Danielle says she doesn’t know. Ian says look we talk to Dan and say alliance of 5, 4 out of the 5 think this is what is best for the alliance. (finally some words of wisdom from ian good Lord there is hope) Danielle says Boogie is in the game no matter what and he is going to continue to alienate himself. He doesn’t throw out a mist he just throws out facts. Shane says that Boogie just doesn’t want a floater to win this. How much can we trust him. Danielle says it doesn’t matter we can’t trust Janelle. ( duh u think lol) Janelle and Boogie can’t be in the house at the same time after next week. Ian says that is not Frank’s time to go. Danielle says he is fixing to be a Wikipedia champ by escaping death 3 times. Danielle says that her and Frank need to have a heart to heart and he needs to put blood on it. and hopefully it will be the blood of the amazon I can’t believe she is thinking she is as safe as anyone can be silly silly amazon. @ aggie this reminds me when i call her an amazon i am not talking about how tall she is heavens knows i am only 4 ft 11 and the seven dwarfs are tall to me, no i mean she is an amazon in parts of her body, first she has a big head she thinks she is all that and more big winner of pov etc her lips and mouth are big, her eyes are big, now shall we go down a bit on her body her boobs are not big but huge quite a set of water wings on that one she will never drown they will keep her afloat, her hips are big (and growin) and her ass is like the broad side of a barn, but the biggest part of her is her EGO so to be kind i am going to stop here since i think u my dear friend aggie get my point. To sum up I too was in awe of her accomplishments but she has knocked h erself rite off of the podium i now dislike and do not respect her and do not even get me started on how she took off her wedding ring and used as a bribe and her lies that seeem to be getting worse and worse ok ok i am going to end for now lol 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao till later
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Well at this point it looks like Dani is going to put up Jan. I am glad she is doing her own thing, I know Dan doesnt want her too. good for her, but you know this game it changes from min. to min. As far as Ian. being in a dog costume thats alright, but to make him eat out of a dog bowl and have to have some take him to the bathroom NO, if the want me to act like a dog I would. I would crap & pee in the yard & house and hump everyone leg and bark all night.
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I agree the dog thing isn’t cool at all. As for the backdoor Janelle. That would be so awesome! Dani is really effing up. She openly said in front of a group of people she would only do it if Dan agreed. If she doesn’t do it now, she doesn’t need to worry about Frank, Boogie, or Janelle… she needs to worry about the people she just blantently told that she is there for Dan and Dan only. That will be her downfall. Yes its obvious she’s playing for Dan, but to publicly announce it was the stupidest move in the world. Especially after he threw her under the bus to Boogie. That move she will make on POV will decide her fate in the house with people she would otherwise have been aligned with.
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I subscribed to the feeds to support this blog and work, school and a boring season are keeping me from it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I believe in the olde world saying “Let He Who Merits The Palm Bear It”.
I think weak, lazy, floaty players should be evicted first.
I had high hopes for Willie–he would have been spice in this season’s tossed salad.
I like Ian especially his social awkwardness I was hoping for some braniac comps for smart players.
I like Frank and Shane and they should have worked together from day 1.
Dan is horrible. He can’t have ANYTHING to do with his school’s football championship can he? What successful coach ever “throws” competitions unless they have a Pete Rose gambling habit? Brit is a twit. Big Brother said the returning house guests were all superstars of the game and Brittany only made it to 5th place her season cause she was eye candy for meowmeow and the other brigade dunce caps. Brittany needled Willie into going nuts. I do appreciate that Brit verbalizes all the mean sarcastic observations I make about the other house guests as I’m thinking them but as a coach and player she ain’t got game. I’d like to see Boogie, Dan, Brit and lips go first. Speaking of Janelle I can’t believe Frank too brain dead 2 faced Ashley off the block. Yes its moot now but Janelle’s team sided with whomever was HOH. Why didn’t any of the HGs learn deal-making 101 from watching EVIL in seasons past? The basics of Dicks deals seem very……basic. SORRY for my absence gang..will try to keep in touch better. I love all your awful comments 😉
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personally I think it’s an insult to REAL dogs!!! Ian chose to wear the stupid costume and sleep in the dog house!!!
I must say, my dog gets treated better than Ian is being treated tho!!! That part is pretty degrading having somebody stand right outside the bathroom holding onto the leash while he is inside trying to do his thing!!!
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what? ooops… I meant I can’t believe Shane took Ashley off unless he wants to keep a pet in the house for Ian. I would also like to see “with one L” and the Master Chef get booted out too!
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Thanks mrybkr!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FINALLY some KINK in the BB hizzy!
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Thanks for the grapevine report, Mama Margie!! I’d love to see Janelle backdoored. Some of them have to be aware that the vets as a team can run over them all.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mike Stover’s post was wonderful. I so wish Ian tried to do all of those things. It would be the last time CBS came up with that degrading penalty.
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Hey–if any y’all see any feeds stuff thats really good can you please post the date time info here if you can? I think anyone with feeds would appreciate it THANKS!!!
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Hi MM!! Apreesh everything you said especially about Jenelle. She needs to get over herself and realize that she is a little old and very large and start covering that sh*t up!! These newbies need to wise up and get out DAN!! He is working his magic tongue and the newbies will be out and not even know what hit them if they don’t get it together, STAT!
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Holly is that you??? Where have you and Ted been????
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Jane I was lost in cyber hell!!! I was wondering where u all were and finally checked my spam folder!! How dare BBBlog go to spam!! How are u? I didn’t know Ted was MIA, he is still on fb. Hmm he’s prolly up to no good. Lol
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@ Holly and Jane….Ted has been in the mountains for a couple of weeks. No tv, so he has catching up to do. Also, he really isn’t in to BB like we are. He likes Survivor, but we convinced him to watch. He may show up, but has been really busy with his writing.
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Ted the Mountain Man. I am sure we will get some new fuzzy hat pics! Hey Holly Hey Fp2!
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It’s sad to see the sheep all led to slauder. Jenelle needs to be home with her daughter and it is time for the newbee’s to send her there. I can not stan Will and once Jenelle is gone, he is not going to know what to do. I would hate for Dan to be a coach for any of my kids sports. He is a back stabbing hippacrit ( however you spell it, thats what he is.) If only the newbee’s had a whole brain together they would ban together and get out the “coaches” I vote for Jenelle to go. Dani, get your head out of Dan’s A## and play your own game, and stop mooning over Shane, it is only obvious he is not into you unless he can use you. Come on BB, do something to make this show more exciting!!!!!!
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Danielle is going to make me stop watching. Is she desperate for male attention? First Shane, now Dan? Is she so blind she can’t see what a fool she is making out of herself on national TV? Am I watching the Bachelor? It’s making me sick. Janelle never mentions her daughter Violet and is willing to give up her wedding rings…. This is so sad. These people are the biggest losers. Joe – have Brit order you some Xanax. You all should take some and sleep until September. What is going on? P.S. I’m new to this blog and love the comments –
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It’s 12:00 and it looks like Ian is upin the doghouse. I can’t believe they didn’t put a pad down or something so he could have slept inside. How rude! The other hg’s are still asleep except for Boogie. FINALLY, Boogie goes out to check on Ian. I sure hope he hasn’t had to go to the bathroom or he just may have had to hike a leg.
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Frank is now up and feeling his way around the bedroom for his clothes. It must be pitch black in there because he was feeling for the corner of the bed and making his way up to the table where his glass was. Funny to watch because you want to tell him over to the right, now down. 😆
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LOL Frannie!
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Hey hey holly so nice to see u glad u made it out of spam it is not a nice place to be at all, in fact about week ago my comments we not showing up i checked with bbgal and bbguy said i was spent to spam how rude was that lol
i thought my posts were toooooooooooooo long lol
i think tedster is off the mountain and down in the flat lands again an i see him on facebook he must be catching up since he was away for awhile, knowing him he will be back cause we miss him (hugs tedster)
@ baxter below is some more of grapevine but sorry do not have time but it is kind of interesting so here goes
Down in the Arcade Room, something somewhat interesting is actually taking place. It’s Jenn, Will, and Ashley and they are SO over playing for the Coaches. It’s like Jenn finally woke up ( i was wonderin what that was going to happe), took a look around, and realized where she was. Wil has always resented Janelle, but he hasn’t done much with that resentment until now. All season long all I’ve been waiting for is for the newbies to wake up and screw the Coaches … or vote them out. Either or. I’m not picky. So watching these three bitch and moan over how wretched Boogie and Janelle are is very exciting to me. I finally got some satisfaction no matter how short it will be.
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WTF….Frank is making coffee and just put 6 scoops in, then opened another kind of coffee (I guess), put in 4 scoops of that, and then poured salt into his hand and added that. I would not want to taste whatever it was that he just made. 🙄
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MM…that must have been from last night. Most of the hg’s are still asleep.
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Frank is in his spirit-tard. You have to admit, he does have a nice ass! 🙂
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Yea, let’s back door Jen. She needs to go bye, bye.
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having problems posting here today
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Getting janelle backdoored this week would really improve the season…the
Feeds would be way more interesting…
Has anyone seen any talk between boogie and Ian that would indicate he is still
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Working for boogie and keeping him informed on all the HOH plans?
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Thanks MM for the play by play. Crossing my fingers for amazon to go home and help her nanny. As for Ian and his dog suit, well I don’t think is a bad thing. I do not agree with the leash and being led around. And I read that he has nothing to sleep on, hell my dogs r treated better. Wearing a dogsuit is onething, even sleeping in the doghouse is ok but eating out of a dog bowl NO! It shouldn’t happen.
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Let me start with my friend Mel you said “Hey Bobo, which animals are your specialty?” Because I am a Vet I will let you know! I have been in my lab and came up with a new bread off dog! It is a small but very smart little guy
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------called a long tail IAN 😆 The first of it’s kind very smart but needs to be lead by a leash Still not house broken but is willing to learn new tricks!
Margie thanks for all your up dates! As you know I have been down & out for a bit but am doing much better.
My friends from Aggie Land, Frannie, Mike (You creak me up pal) MM & Aggie, Betty If I missed anyone I am sorry! I just like to thank you all for being on top of things and keeping me in mind! ♥
Now on BBAD I did not catch that much of it but Boogie’s plan to get together & git rid of big J, is great! One coach out & then 3 to go! If they get there $hit together they can use this plan and then move thru the other coaches! Like many of you have said, I did like big J in the past but this season she has proved to most of us what a selfish lair she is! 👿
My thoughts are that there are only a few good newbie players in this game And if they don’t go with the coaches they could do a great job!
I am hoping they wake up sooner Then later. 🙄
See you later I have plenty of catching up to do……Bye for now 🙂
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10am Boogie heads out into the backyard and asks Ian how he slept. Boogie says this is bazar but do you need to go to the bathroom? Ian says no I’m fine I went last night before I went to bed. Boogie says he is going to finish making coffee and be right out. Ian says cool we can talk. Boogie says yeah it would be good to talk before people get up. Frank joins them out in the backyard. Ian tells Boogie we have to think of a way to keep Frank here. He tells him it is possible very possible. Frank comes out into the backyard and says butt cheeks for days, yo! Frank grabs Ian’s lease and starts walking him around the yard while he awnings. Frank brings Ian over to the couches. They talk about how he can’t sit on the couch. Frank wants him to get up on the couch just so he can say Get DOWN BOY! (now this sucks, i want to shake the crap out of frank wake up boy wonder u need all the help u can get and hopefully ian will not find this offensive, but at this point nothing is offensive to ian ) Boogie tells Ian that even though the coach thing is over he still wants them to look out for each other. Ian tells Frank that he thinks he is in a pretty good position because people might wise up to an anti-Janelle movement. He says that Janelle is Wil’s right leg and people want to take her out.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that is all for now folks, later all
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Some of Joker’s Up dates:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11:36 AM Janelle almost took Franks coffee realized it and gave it back, sitting at kitchen table with Wil + Brit. Frank in kitchen too NT
11:34 AM Janeele talking about how awesome Instagram is, Brit agrees. Brit notes the Boogie is wearing a Chill Town shirt NT
11:33 AM Janelle talking to Brit about baby photography in kitchen NT
11:30 AM Ian really on point about All Stars. Boogie says he skipped over Chicken George winning the Fast Forward. Danielle called to DR NT
11:27 AM Ian talking with Dan about Season 5 recap… Boogie joins the convo NT
11:25 AM Ian remembers everything about past seasons NT
11:24 AM Ian talking to Dan about BB All Stars at BY couches NT
11:23 AM Dan takes Ian by leash to DR, Ian has a question regarding doggie costume rule. Oops, Danielle is in there, cant go in NT
11:22 AM Dan taking doggie Ian to the DR so he can ask if he can swim NT
11:22 AM Ash heads to BY couches. Dan, Ian and Ash only ones over there now NT
11:21 AM Boogie up off BY couches, going to run before it gets too hot. Frank up and off couches too NT
11:20 AM Frank talking about how ill fitting his spiritard is. Zipper up the back broke last night, so he is wearing it off shoulder NT
11:18 AM BY crew talking about how loud Wil was last night. He was impersonating Sharon Osbourne late night. NT
11:18 AM Frank, Boogie, Jani, Ian & Dani on BY couches, talking about past seasons. Dan out there somewhere too NT
11:16 AM Danielle joins BY crew… Ian comes out and his leash is handed to Danielle while he sits on the ground near her. NT
11:16 AM Dani takes Ian to BY by his leash. Ian cant sit on any furniture. Ian sits next to Dani BY couches NT
11:14 AM Wil had a dream last night that his family hates him, Ian says he has had those kind of dreams too NT
11:13 AM Frank says he doesn’t want to work out today because he doesn’t have a second unitard to change into lateralso says another reason for not working out with the unitard on is because “my junk is on blast”
11:13 AM Brit – Are you frying eggs? NT
11:12 AM Dan into kitchen with Ash, Wil, Brit and Ian. FISH briefly NT
11:11 AM Dani sitting on bathroom couches, thinking, watching kitchen crew NT
11:10 AM Ash brushing her wet hair in bathroom, talking to Dan + Dani. Shane has walked out of bathroom area. Dan putting contacts in. NT
11:09 AM Frank and Boogie chatting now about workouts NT
11:09 AM Frank asks Janelle’s opinion on applying face cream and having it all rub off on the pillow after going to bedsays he usually blasts his face with a hairdryer to ensure it all dries on before going to bed…
11:08 AM Cam switched to Shane brushing his teeth in bathroom. Dan and Dani there too NT …….. 🙂
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and bobo what are you saying…..nevermind… you said absolutely NOTHING! Either you’re retired or unemployed. Where do you get all that useless time?
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bbigbbob Sorry I thought someone might like to see what I was looking at! Yes I am retired, what doe’s that matter to you? Maybe it was too much for your mind to handle 😆 Just absolutely nothing for you to get so nasty about! 🙂
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Hey Bobo, I bet you have a twitter account.
Mr. Bobo, I’m sorry about making that comment. That was my other person me-too. Me-too is a smart a$$.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Because of that, I am signing off forever.
I’ll continue to watch BB and forever regret the ugly words I said to you. It’s your life, you live it! This is America. My country ’tis of thee sweet land of liberty…….
I have complained about this years BB being boring yet my DVR didnt record thursday evening and it made me mad. I watched it on line friday.
I hope you will have a good evening. Enjoy watching BB tonite.
I’m a NASCAR fan so I’ll get back to watching the race. Busch, number 18, just hit the wall. He also is a smart a$$.
Good bye Mr. Bobo.
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bbigbbob …… Sorry to hear you are leaving this Blog because of Mr. smart a$$!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your words were not that ugly, just uncalled fore! I think you may have as much down time on a Sunday as I do! 🙂
I hope to see you back here commenting on the BB show and not me! 🙁
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bbigbob, One more thing, I do not have a Twitter account, just my Mac 😆
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@bloggergal – I don’t blame you one bit. Shopping is much more fun than BB. However, the “twist” has added some excitement. The newbies have to get with the program though.
As for the newbies, don’t they remember what Dan said when he won the sushi party? He said, you must always take care of the coaches. Or something like that. I agree with what many of you have said, they just are dumb star struck or something. The coaches will steamroll them all out the door.
The first BB pet thing is a new low for BB. In fact, it’s disgusting from everything I’ve read.
Thank you guys again for keeping me and so many others who can’t keep up with everything for keeping us all up-to-date. I am enjoying my grandkiddies a lot. 🙂
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I like Ian – so he’s socially awkward. So what. He’s getting more comfortable. I believe he could win this game.Not only is he smarter than anyone else in this dull group, turns out he’s pretty good in the physical department. Small as he is, he has guts. The dog thing was really a stupid and degrading trick. Come on, BB! Shane has no brains. Boring. Danielle is trusting Dan too much – playing a pretty good game … but can be brought down. The coaches should all be thrown out and Frank with all his “social”(?) game is a menace. Boogie, has got to go and fast. He’s even a bigger problem than Janelle. Late last night he exposed what a tricky mind he has, and everyone seemed to buy into it.
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FRANNY – is it just me – or is dan getting on everyones nerves? i liked him on his season – but this season – i know his game – so he erks me. dani is so struck by him! if she lets him talk her out of backdooring janelle – she will kick herself in the butt forever – kindof like jordo last year with shelly.
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Thanks for all the updates everyone!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THANK YOU for your USEFUL info, I for one appesch
it is bloggers like u and a few others that make it easy to keep up with the happening in the bb house, especially those fans that are truly into the game and not fly by nite fans
I for one love to know what is happening and want as much info as i can get.
Do keep doing what u r doing and just be your kind self, it is no ones business what you do for a living, hell for all anyone knows you could be jimmy fallon, or brian seacreast and using the name bobo. (just an example)
ignorance is bliss and some people are very very happy
glad to see u got an apology this happens ever year and so far this is the 2nd time in a few days someone acted rude i have to check if there is a full moon
u r one of my favorites and always will be so there.
this is all i am going to say on this issue, case closed
hugs my friend and hi to all my friends at the jersey shore. 🙂
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Ok, I just finished watching BBAD. I like what boogie had to say about the 6, then shane was right about the 4 stickin together. I sure hope at the least janelle goes home. Im sick of her flip floping and telling fabracated lies. I know lies are part of BB but she’s out to cause damage. Can’t wait for tonight.
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@ Bob…I have to agree with MM. If people don’t post info here, then what good is having a blog? Why do people have to act up and want to cause trouble with the blogade? They don’t know we have been together for many years, and the only thing that will keep us from posting is for BBBlogger to shut down the blog. We will not let a fly~by~nighter go off on one of our friends. To bad for bbigbbob, but I really think he had to unload on someone because Big Brother is not keeping him happy this year. Bob, I hope you don’t lose sleep over this or keep you from posting. L8R my friend! ♥
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i totally agree i hope the plan stays. This will change the game and hopeefully for the better, if all goes as planned the fireworks are going to fly . I guess a lot of the fans are tired of the amazons lies and her back stabbing. She goes with who is in the hoh at the time, soon as pov is over she moves along glad some of noticed and have
about it openly.
I hope the keep to the plan
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@macy…I really don’t have anything against Dan, except he needs to let go of his control over Danielle. I’m afraid that if Danielle does what he wants, she will go up on the block next week, along with Dan. Of the coaches, I want him out last. He is a threat, but not as much as the others. If the newbies stick together, they can take out the coaches, one by one.
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Margie My friend, thank you!…..Hey you and my wife can see eye to eye 😆 she is also 4′ 11″ ! As far as the comments I have received, which were just dumb, i just had to say something 😆 I do love this show, not that much this year but things could get better, I hope! You are one of my good friends & I truly thank you for that! ♥ Right now I am watching the rest of BBAD, we just had some take out & time to see what I have missed before the show starts! I do my best in here, I do work but no one needs to know everything about me 🙂 My friends do but that is as far as I will go…. Every one has an opinion as do they have an ass H—! & some are just the later 😆 Ciao my ♥ see you soon!
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Thank you Frannie ♥ You are so right! 😆
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CBS is coming up with ideas for next few seasons of reality shows. Here’s a listen in:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Hmmm, we had team Brachael on The Amazing Race last season and they were again on Big Brother the season before this, let’s put them on Survivor.”
“But what are we going to do new with The Amazing Race?”
“I know, we can have a Hantz Family team, that is if Willie and Russel can remain out of jail long enough to be on the show. Of course we have the pick of their nephews as well.”
“So How about Big Brother? Same thing as the last few seasons? Bring back 4 to 6 veteran players and pit them against newbies?”
“Sure, sounds good!”
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@Bobo Sweetness…I very much appreciate your post & letting us have the chance to read the update if we chose to. Thank you darlin’. Also nice to see that that person apologized to you….although it DID sound a bit sarcastic. However….that being said…..don’t sweat the small stuff babe. You post what you want to post ok? The Blogade appreciates it. All for one & one for all my man. OK?? Can’t wait for tonight’s show.
Peace & Much Love To All,
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PS: I totally agree with Frannie…I think bbigbbob just had to vent on someone cause he’s very unhappy with BB this year. (Welcome to my world) LMAO Hope he/she keeps posting also. Just not jumping on a blogader. 😀
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Thank you my friend Cynthia ♥ I need to shut down my Mac for now, Having a T-Storm, raining like crazy, hope we don’t lose our power again! See you leter when this storm passes …Bye for now…. 😕
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Nie Bobo. wil is as dumb as he acts he see right threw Dan and knows he is playing like in his season, Dan better watch out he might lose one game to many and fine his self out the door. I think it was crappy that Frank & Booger went inside and left Ian up on the ship and didnt even cheer him on,
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Dan and Danielle Have to go, I hope they get on the block soon 🙄
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Ignore that fool, he’s just looking for attention, and that’s what he got 🙄
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@ Aggie….He may have gotten attention, but not the kind he was hoping for. Can we say LOSER???
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Yes we can LOSER for sure
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I didnt like Booger with Dr will, I didnt like Booger in AL STARS, I I dont like him now. He is so full of himself I am surprized he has blew up
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how come the hoh and their partner always seem to have the power give them a swelled head. for goodness sakes do they not realize once the pov ceremony has been completed it is over for them, they do NOT look at the long range plan of things they think they are when they sit and plan but at times forget the most important part of the game which is fellowship, when will they realize u can catch more bees with honey then vinegar.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i too am starting to been annoyed at dan and danielle, dan is really playing the game now that is for sure, and i bet as soon as he needs to danielle will get not thrown but pushed under a bus and a truck.
have to say i am a bit disappointed with dan
i am still waiting for an hoh to pick the nominees for eviction and stick to it, this back and forth, in and out up and down is starting to really be getting old.
i guess tomorrow we will know if the noms stay the same or who will be put up if veto is used.
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Danielle might be good at challenges, but I am sick and tired of her bragging! I hope she goes home soon, along with Shane! I don’t like either of them!! I am still rooting for the coaches and will probably continue to do so. I may change my mind down the line, but that will only happen if the newbies start playing the game. So far they are just sitting back like couch potatoes with no formative plan to get rid of the coaches!! The coaches have now become babysitters!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GO COACHES
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IMHO Janelle is basically a loner now and needs to stay since she is alone. Wil needs to come off to join with the group and be replaced with Bogger and Booger needs to leave otherwise he is a threat with Frank should they evict Janelle as some want to have happen!
Enough of Booger and his inflated ego!
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Shane is the only one I’m rooting for so far, I can only Hope someone gets HOH and puts up Dan and Danielle. I think Danielle checked her brain at the door.
Did she not see how Dan played in his season, He’s Playing for himself, wake up Danielle before it’s too late.
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@ Bobo
No Problem my dear, keep up the good work
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Glad that unhappy person is off this blog.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I really appreciate all your posts
Thank you
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ok just seen the fly on the wall the signal that bbad is done for the nite
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------well hopefully it is official pov will have will taken down and the amazon goes up, hoh had another sumit meeting and all are in agreement this is the best for all, seems was group mtg with coaches and boogers laid it all on the line and the amaon failed with a d –
they took vote then had boogers and frank come up and the plan was hatched
hopefully no more up or down in or out back and forth now that the seal has been set lets see how long it will last all seem quite happy with it and have to give danielle credit she said a few times ök ya all, this is it the final vote no more discussion and changing our minds”
my work for the nite here is done,
ciao and will be back tomorrow hopefully with some really juicy stuff from my grapevine
mm is leaving the bldg>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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That is the best news I have heard since the HOH comp and the nominations. I can’t stand Janelle this year, and I have said many times that they need to get her out first. The coaches need to go so the newbies can play the game the way it should have been played. I really doubt that production will allow that to happen, and we know they get what they want. 🙄 If it does happen, then after she is gone, I want Boogie gone. I hope it works out, and if it does, I will do the happy dance!
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Yep that’s the plan to take Wil off the block and put up Janelle next to Frank, they are going to blindside Janelle. Boogie, Dan, Danielle, Britney, Frank,Shane have Teamed up for how long, who knows. I hate The Idea That Frank is staying it gives boogie more power.
Britney felt guilty about doing this to Janelle, because she doesn’t dislike her, but also said she would probably do it to her.
Danielle is in for a rude awakening when she finds out what people think of her outside this house, She thinks she’s so great making all these game moves and never once thought for herself. Dan, told her what to do and she did it. Wil said it right when he called her a sock puppet, that’s all she is, IMO. I hope someone has the sense of getting rid Of Dan and danielle Real soon.
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I have been watching the HGs for a while and listening to what everyone thinks. With Willy we new what we were getting(liked him) Joe (what can we say about him (dont eat his food after he comes out of the bathroom.) But the one to watch that will go bat-sh#t crazy is DaniI think that is why her parents didnt want her on the show, dont think she can handel it.her & ashley both tried out for the same dating show & lost and BB picked them up(Iguess to get a showmant going cause that is where their head is) Well what do you think.
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BBAD was good! Really well most of the end! I like the plan to get Big J out! She will be so blind sided! 😆 This said you never know what twist they may do, Looks like BB loves this girl & maybe if she goes she just might come back at some later date! Who knows what bad play CBS might have up there sleeve!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I did miss some stuff because of all the T-Storms but today looks good in NJ!
I got a late start this morning had thing to do! MIKE thanks for the E-Mail my friend… 🙂 Be back later……………………
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Ok, Bobo and Mike, I sooooo hope it happens. I can’t wait to see her gone. I don’t like Wil much but he sure knows the vets and how they played and are playing. I really don’t like Miss Yakky Brit either. Actually, I’m not fond of most of them. Danielle is just dumb. Ian could win it cause he just smiles and flies under the radar. Smart little guy.
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Danielle says she hates bullies, and when she sees them, it lights a fire under her a$$ that she can’t soon forget.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12:30am Danielle and Britney are up in the HOH room talking. Danielle asks Britney if it is bad that she doesn’t feel bad? Britney says no, if she treated me the way she has treated you, I would be like BYE! Britney says that she just feels bad, but she knows she has to do what is best for their game. Danielle tells her that Janelle plays that emotional card on Britney because she is such a sweet person. Danielle says that she hates bullies, and when she sees them, it lights a fire under her a$$ that I can’t soon forget. Britney is crying and tells Danielle that says she felt horrible when she did this to Matt Hoffman in her season, and she didn’t even have a deal with him. Danielle says that Janelle would be coming after Shane, and she walks all over Britney. She has to go! Britney says that at the end of the day, if it were me, Janelle would not even bat an eye at getting me out. Danielle says that is the difference between us, we have hearts and Janelle is a cold hearted bit*h. Janelle comes up to the HOH room and Britney runs to the bathroom. Just read this!
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Thanks for the 12:30 update Bobo. I was to lazy to get out of bed and watch LF but what a show up until the fly at the end of BB! The game is really starting. I think I am the only one that likes Danielle. I sure wish she’d smarten up with Dan though. Yes its gotten her this far but the buck needs to stop here!
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Glad to see you, when you said hi to Betty you were on the other one, Betty dont come on much during the week because she dont like spoilers, she likes to be surprized when she watches it.
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aggie – frannie – mike – jane – betty and others MORNIN – I cant wait for janelle to be out – do yall think there is a chance that the producers come up with some twist that saves her? im shakin in my flip flops!
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I forgot that about her! How are you MIke? How are you liking BB? What do you think so far? Who do you like and dislike?
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its hard to say who I like, if they would ever start playing so I could see who I like I can tell you who I dont like Joe & Booger
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LOL! At least they are stirring up some trouble! Jenelles trouble is just annoying. I hope she gets blindsided!
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the way it loks right now she(Janelle) will be back-doored this week, but these crazy HGs change their minds so much it is hard to keep track
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Yeah Danielle said she is not changing it again. Something pretty outrageous would need to happen and I dont think Boogie is dumb enough to stir her pot.
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@macy1231231 I wouldnt be surprized at anything they do any more, they change things around and do what they want. I know Janelle said if she is going home she hopes its before jury so she can see her baby
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Oh lord Danielle in HOH room telling Wil the plan! Can’t these people keep their mouths shut????
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I thought that was a bad idea last night and i still do. Hope Wil doesnt tell the Tits alliance! Joe will eff it up!!
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New post up
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Mike says honestly it feels like I won if this goes through on Thursday and she is gone.
9am Mike is up and out in the backyard by himself. Mike tells Dr Will to tune in Wednesday he has a suprise for him. Mike says sorry to the superfan’s that love Janelle, but at least you all will have her all summer in the blogs and to chat with. Mike then tells Dr. Wil to watch his flirtmance go out the door. He says totally awesome and says maybe you guys will not be mean to me now.
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Frank joins Frank out in the backyard. Mike says he hates Janelle says up late, you never know if she is up talking. Frank says he was able to go to sleep easier when he remembered that Britney was the one to bring up Janelle’s name. Frank says that Britney just wants to be a part of it too. Mike says that Britney saw firsthand being a part of the brigade and one of them winning the half million. They talk about buddying up with Joe. Frank says that he can tell Joe he was the one that wanted the coaches out, now put up or shut up. Frank says once they do this they are in waist deep. Mike says if we want to get really diabolical once Janelle is gone and we win HOH we could put up Britney and Shane.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Why can’t people keep there mouths shut! …….. 😕
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Well it’s very hot today in NJ…. My friends are coming over for a swim, see you later Mike!…………..
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Hey everybody thanks for the updates and now that I’m out of spam hell maybe I can get here more frequently. Special shout outs to the original blogaders, mama Margie, Frannie, star, starfish, Jane and if course Aggie!! Thanks for the Ted update, can’t wait to see his mountain man pics! I haven’t read everything yet ( damn work getting in the way!) but are they really putting up Janelle???? That would be awesome!!! Back to the grind talk to u guys in a couple hours!
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People there is a new page
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@ BoBo– I really APPRECIATE all your posts too!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THANK YOU!!!!!
@bbigbbob– PLEASE don’t stop taking your bipolar schizophrenia meds anymore!!!!!!!!!! It makes you look like a crazy arsehole!
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