Who is the new Saboteur…the house guests have no clue

by BBBlogger on August 9, 2010

It’s nearly unanimous! The HGs think Rachel is the new Saboteur! Matt & Hayden were connecting invisible dots, when suddenly Lane had a thought…what if it’s Kathy? But then they all surmised that it must be Rachel based on her inappropriate laughter and strange behavior. But then…with her…how is that different from any other day this summer? It’s clear by watching him that Ragan is doing a fabulous job hiding his new identity! By opening Pandora’s Box, Matt wins the Diamond POV which will keep him safe for at least 2 weeks. His speech, however, wasn’t well received or much believed by the other HGs.

The paint can was another creative HOH competition this season. I’m not sure what was funnier, Britney whining about getting hit with the paint brush or Enzo yelling and trying to bite it. Listening to Rachel “cheering” on Brendon was about as interesting as watching the paint actually dry on the HGs clothing. I think I counted her eye rolls at about 16. “You got it, Brendon,” eye roll, hair twirl, head turn. When he finally fell off in dramatic Brendon fashion, he later complained that the competitions are geared for little people with small feet. He’s so big and manly, you see.

And his endless apologies for losing HOH, kissing up to Rachel and making excuses only gave him more of her clinical support: “I’m not mad at you, Brendon…” eye roll, hair twirl, head turn, but this time she added a couple hair extension flips.

We already know that Kathy is the one and only “have-not” after making a deal with herself on the spinning paint can. She seemed to look for permission to take herself out of the competition and all I could think of was Ferris Bueller’s Day Off…”anyone….anyone?” Poor Kathy. Nothing but crickets. I think she just wanted a cigarette since tobacco probably makes the slop taste better.

Yesterday found Rachel attempting pathetically to garner votes from anyone to keep her in the house. Continually complaining that being on the block is “personal,” (can you say Kristen?) crying without tears (how does she do that?) and playing all the Vegas pity cards she has. No matter what she offers, Britney has already told her she’s not using the POV, so she and Brendon will be splitsville this week.

But for me the topper from the last couple days is Enzo lamenting that this is, “the worst season ever.” So there it is. But let’s really think about this one. Although things change minute to minute in the BB house, and the possibilities of Rachel remaining are zero…do you see any advantages to keeping her in the house over Brendon? Something to ponder as we wait for something more to happen than pool games, crunchy snacking and nap time in the BB house. =^^=

Jane August 9, 2010 at 3:10 pm

I see absolutely no advantages to keeping Rachel in the house. They won’t do it. Last night BBAD WWJD with Hayden, Brit, and Ragan was hysterical!!

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SnakeBit Sal August 9, 2010 at 3:14 pm

The Diamond Veto can only be used this week or next. He can take anyone off the block he wants and gets to put up the replacement. I’m sure the HOH is the only safe person at that point.

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franniep2 August 9, 2010 at 3:25 pm

Thanks Sal…that’s what I was thinking. I just needed confirmation.

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dido18 August 9, 2010 at 3:27 pm

So now R & B’s plan is to make Brendon even more unlikeable so the HGs will chose to save Rachel? Is that really possible? He has apparently forgotten why he came on BB in the first place. Wasn’t it to win half a mil? Now he is willing to drink the koolaid to save the women who refuses to even reply when he says he loves her. Keep Brendon just to see him come out of the Rachel coma!

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Kat August 9, 2010 at 3:29 pm

Oh Bren Bren Bren, what are you thinking??? YOU go thru loops to get on to BB , and are throwing away the possiblity of half a mill for a woman you have known ,,what ? 3 weeks?? are you kidding me boy?? what a complete pod!

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starfish August 9, 2010 at 3:31 pm

Crying is a tearing affair. No tears = not real crying or faking it.

No advantage to the house if R stays. However, advantages 4 us would be plenty.

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Betty August 9, 2010 at 3:38 pm

Not having the live feed and having to depend on you wonderful bloggers, I c an’t see Brendon making any headway on saving Rachel. Everyone of the HG’s will know what he is up to. What is Rachel up to now? Is she still crying and acting up?

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Matt August 9, 2010 at 3:40 pm

I can’t wait to see her leave. I would put Brendan The Manly out this week, and the fake-redhead-real-whore next week, since she has a lesser chance of winning anything, two LUCKY HOHs notwithstanding. (please feel free to construe that as “Lucky Ho”, if you like; it works…) I love Ragan as the sabateur. Just don’t know that he’ll be around long, though, hopefully another two weeks, at least. Awesome moniker aside, I think Matt is a DICK (non-Evel variety), who DESPERATELY needs brought back down to this planet and FAST. Has anyone ever seen anybody become SOOOO whipped so fast as Brendina? He is an embarrassment to men everywhere. I vote to evict…Brachel.

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INDAZONE August 9, 2010 at 3:46 pm

AH YES!!! The turkey syndrome is in full swing on BB.
Turkey syndrome=when turkeys are in a pen and one
develops a wound all the other turkeys peck it to death.

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Betty August 9, 2010 at 3:50 pm

Matt – Rachel has to go. If she stays then she might win the next HOH competition, which will probably be questions and answers. Brendon is not that big of a threat.

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macy1231231 August 9, 2010 at 3:55 pm

Brendon is going to crawl under a rock when he sees these shows. She is either playin him like a fool or he’s really doing a good job of fooling her of his dying devotion for her. I’m kinda thinkin he cant be that much of a sap. Maybe its an act????

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franniep2 August 9, 2010 at 3:57 pm

In a perfect world….Rachel will go Thursday. Anyone but Brendon can win hoh and even if B wins the pov….Matt can use the diamond pov to send his pansy ass out the door. (I really doubt Matt will need to use it this week….)

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franniep2 August 9, 2010 at 4:00 pm

I don’t think it’s an act macy123… Brendon is taking care of his needs any way he knows how. 😯 I can’t believe Rachel is anyones type. That’s just too disgusting! 🙄

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donna August 9, 2010 at 4:21 pm

i see no advanatages in keeping racheal..im sorry i gotta say it brendens a doof..but i would like to see her leave first…anyone could win but those 2..once reagens terror unleashes it could be interesting..

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Betty August 9, 2010 at 4:22 pm

The way Brendon is acting (according to all you fine bloggers) it seems he has never had a girlfriend before. He is acting like a hopelessly in love teenager.

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tendr August 9, 2010 at 4:29 pm

but, but, but, don’t you just know some guy you really can’t stand that you’d like to introduce rachel to? (i do)

i’d like to watch branden crash and burn without rachel. then he can leave but i want MATT out too.

too bad good looks are wasted on branden.

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joepat August 9, 2010 at 4:33 pm

I think it would be better for the HGs to evict Brandon this week and Rachel next week. Brandon is playing the game I think. If he isn’t evicted this week, he will probably win the 5 mil.

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 4:34 pm

@Betty regarding your question what is Rachael doing now?: she thinks she is sitting pretty. After Brandon’s episode at POV meeting, she is walking around the house trying to hang out with everyone. Matt and the house have decided to make her think they bought the act and she’s safe. Then they plan to vote against her 6-0 Thursday. They say her reaction will be priceless. Ragan even alluded to everyone having cotton swabs so if she starts bashing people they can all plug their ears at the same time. LOL!

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Tammy August 9, 2010 at 4:36 pm

Can’t wait till Thursday

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 4:38 pm

*eluded* or however you spell it. Rach Hayden and Brogade in kitchen talking… pretty boring, keeps going to bubbles because they were talking production (the kidnapping). Rach thinks she’s got it in the bag and is back to trying to be nice. It’s nauseating. Matt has convinced Ragan he must be nice to Rach or their plan wont work. He says okay but if she fake cries he’s done

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Bat August 9, 2010 at 4:40 pm

Brenden seems to be under the influence of another Chemist. Was he home schooled? You mean he has never met another Science major in his life that he has to drool all over himself? She has got to go, too bad for Brenden but she is never leaving Vegas, or maybe that’s good for him. I imagine his family is sorry they ever told anyone “My Son is going to be on TV!” What an embarassement for them. He needs to go some where and grow up, and she needs to crawl back in her hole.

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PK August 9, 2010 at 4:46 pm

The brogade + Brit + Ragan have R&B convinced that Brendon in leaving because of his Rachel scripted Veto meeting rant. That way, Rachel, who actually believes “their plan” worked will be studying for the next HOH while Brendon continues to kiss, massage, boink and/or whatever her fat ass until Thursday when the 6-0 vote to send Rachel out the door instead of Brendon makes Andrew’s exit seem like losing a long lost friend by comparison.

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Nette August 9, 2010 at 4:46 pm

I don’t know…this year seems sooo boring….seems like Nobody is playing the game right…..why, why, does it always have to be a showmance in the BB House. they get an opportunity like this and they blow it.
And heyyyy this is funny…did anyone see how as soon as Ragan was voted the Sabbatour He grew some B……s!!!! LOLOL!!!!!With the incident in the Bedroom when Racheal wanted to talk to Matt….lololol..

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Bat August 9, 2010 at 4:47 pm

Jane tell us what Brenden did at POV meeting, he was saying something about fighting for the woman he loves speach to her last night, and of course in her (she things anyway) shy quiet little voice she says no Brenden don’t make yourself a target, please gag me!

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 4:51 pm

Bat it was bubbles during POV meeting. But from their convo after it sounds like he called Brittany a spoiled brat and told the house about her Rach’s bath convos. He said before he went in he was going to “pull an Andrew” in order to save Rachael. Nobody bought it!

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Bat August 9, 2010 at 5:12 pm

Has anyone noticed Rachel’s face at certain times like when Brit had to tell Kristen and Hayden she was not going to use the veto. She was rivited on Kristen to see her disappointment. She so enjoys bringing pain to anyone in her way, she has to be that way in real life, just a dispicable person, reminds me of a spider that has something caught in her web, so I can not wait until we can watch her face as she is sent out the door this will be a real case of WWJD! Sorry Julie, but I’m sure you will be glad to see her go too.

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aggie27 August 9, 2010 at 5:19 pm

the talk show on BBAd was pretty funny with britney ragan and hayden, when rachel sees how hated she is she will surely be upset. :mrgreen:

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 5:24 pm

oh when Rach realizes how many people hate her she is going to turn it around and say its because “America is jealous” lol! Bat I noticed that look on her face and I wanted to slap her so bad!

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Vickie August 9, 2010 at 5:26 pm

If they dont get rid of that BI-CH this week , they have everyhting coming to them she dishes out.

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 5:27 pm

Aggie she’s sitting in the BY with Brendon and Kathy talking about how all her friends in the “real world” know what a great person she is, and beautiful… puke! She’s so annoying. And Brendon is sitting next to her picking his hangnails and hanging on her every word. I am going to watch the other feed where everyone is in HOH talking about Rach… i can’t take her self absorbness!

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dough August 9, 2010 at 5:40 pm

I think Brendan is the weird one. Who in their right mind would make the cut for the BB show, and IMMEDIATELY fall for this cheap bimbo (and totally loose focus on the $$$ (prize) . It is almost so far fetched, I am beginning to think it is staged by production. (just to get a rise out of us viewers!) He is supposed to be an educated person, so what in the H***is going on!

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 5:48 pm

dough I don’t think its staged. i think he is just that dumb. he may be educated in books but he is a complete idiot and airhead in life and social skills. everything about the guy is awkward.

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hpr56 August 9, 2010 at 5:52 pm

I don’t understand Rachael’s game with Brendan. I kind of think she is just playing him. When she talked to Julie about him in the diary room and said “It’s just true love”. laugh laugh laugh. Sounded like it was a joke. He is so dumb. He kind of hits on the corner of how she is treating him and then sucks right back down. Can’t stand it. Please don’t let Brendan make them mad and change their minds. If she’s not gone this week, they may never get her out.

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Gobbki August 9, 2010 at 6:01 pm

I am torn. I belive that if Rachel goes (and she deserves to go) that maybe Brendan will start thinking with the right head. If he does he has a decent chance to get far. But on the other hand, if Brendan goes, we get to see Rachel go crazy and possibly pull a chima and get kicked out. Which would be really satisfying to watch.

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 6:05 pm

hpr56 the house seems to think Rach is Sabateur too. it seems as if she’s definitely leaving. Matt & Kathy are talking about her now in the BY. she’s going home. i dont think her relationship with Brendon is game. I think she craves attention from men and he is the only one willing to give it to her.

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Joanna August 9, 2010 at 6:17 pm

I think Brenden is a nerdy guy who is trying to show his tender side when he interacts with Rachael. She is totally using him and I feel sorry for him and embarrassed for him too. Poor guy! How will he ever go back to his life…but then he didn’t tell a whopper like Matt did about his wife have a terrible illness. I think Brenden really does believe he loves Rachael, but once she is gone he will wake up to the game. Loved the talk show. Brittany is a hoot and certainly snaps out the double entendres with ease. Wonder how all of them will feel when they see the tapes of the shows. I think Lane has a thing for Brittany and she knows it!

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bigbubbabronson August 9, 2010 at 6:33 pm

The “talk show” on BBAD was too funny, the most entertaining moment of the season I think. The diamond veto is not much diff. than the coup de ta (sp?) just diff name, the sabetour is not much diff. than America’s player just diff name, & PANDORAS BOX, been done, over it.

Come one Big Brother lets come up w/ something new to this game. Usually by now I have found my fav, changed my mind about the season and am so in to it, not this yr, YAWN!!!!!! Can’t wait til it’s over so next yr we get a new bunch and hopefully new gaming!

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aggie27 August 9, 2010 at 6:36 pm

Jane, Skanky R, Is an extremely insecure woman, she constantly looks at herself in the mirror, her face is looking more and more like a pizza, she has like 12 zits on there. she is just a mess, and a pretty scary one at that.

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aggie27 August 9, 2010 at 6:38 pm

The talk show was really funny, fran and JT make sure you check it out on flashback.

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 7:09 pm

omg aggie i am dying over the zits on Rach’s face… can you say connect the dots????!!! I love Brit! I think if she wasn’t engaged she def would’ve had a showmance with Lane.

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Patricia in NC August 9, 2010 at 7:12 pm

I have been busy trying to catch up on past days blogs. First: someone mentioned Rachel in connection with “True Beauty” and being named The Face of las Vegas”…was she on that show? I watched it but do not remember her, but if she was voted out early I would not have remembered her…

Also recently someone called Julie “Connie”..and then asked why that happened…obviously she thought of Connie Chung…enough said (not a racist thing…just a simple mistake).

I wondered how Jeff could be on the show when he is doing that around the world in 90 days thing…but I guess he managed to get “sent” to LA just in time for BB..looking forward to see Jordan and Jeff.

I CAN’T stand that people don’t know how to use “I and ME” in a sentence. They should all be hanged! Every single TV show has that problem..I’d think actors would correct it if that is what is written…makes me want to pull out my hair. Rachel, of course, is the worst offender.

Well…good evening one and all.

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 7:18 pm

I think the Sabateur just struck Brendon and Rachael. She ran crying and he got flustered and said “well at least everyone knows me and Rachael aren’t the Sabateur” and Brit said Why? He said because the Sabateur just struck us!!! Brittany said that doesn’t prove it.

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Patricia in NC August 9, 2010 at 7:19 pm

I want to add a couple more thoughts. Does Brittany remind anyone of Dolly Parton in her face and voice and humor?

I said before I think Matt reminds me of Ray Romano…anyone else? I can’t believe how short he is.

I feel a little connection between Brit and Lane also, but I do believe she is engaged…seems sometimes she shows the ring to the camera.

I am loving Ragan still…picked him before the show even started and so far he does not disappoint.

Do any of you have any news about Richard Hatch (of Survivor#1)…I know he is still trying to clear his name with the IRS, but it seems he should be on something by now..I know he did the Joy Behar Show when he first got out, but that is all I have seen. There was a rumor he would be on Celebrity Apprentice next but I don’t know…anyone???

well, good night friends.
well now, one more time…good evening.

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 7:20 pm

@Patricia in NC: Rachael said she was asked to do Beauty and the Geek but would’nt do it because she wasn’t “Stupid Enough”. LOL! I’m not sure about the other shows. But she is def bimbo enough for any of them. I watch True Beauty and have never seen her on it. That skank would have been the first kicked off.

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Star August 9, 2010 at 7:20 pm

Hey everyone!! Haven’t caught up with all the posts yet but WILL but I have Q’s if anyone’s got A’s…….;)

—What exactly did Blandon say during the POV ceremony?? I hear it was agaisnt Brit mostly and geared to get him out instead of R.

–what is this Jedi training?? Is it for a comp??

–and for feed users..i am a newbie and need to know HOW to get back to an earlier place on the vid. I tried doing the time thing as they said and it didin’t load. Aldo, not geting audio right noiw. Not sure if it’s my puter or the feeds.

Thanks in advance!


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Jane August 9, 2010 at 7:29 pm

@star look on left side of the screen. there is a list in blue of different options. click on Flashback Season 12 scroll down you will see calendar, you can change date and time. POV was not shown (bubbles). But from their convo after it sounds like he called Brittany a spoiled brat and told the house about her Rach’s bath convos. He said before he went in he was going to “pull an Andrew” in order to save Rachael. Nobody bought it!

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Star August 9, 2010 at 7:33 pm

Thanks Jane. From what I’ve read I kinda gathered that…just wondered if there was more.

I did try doing tht on the feeds but it didnt work. Also,not geting audio so maybe I will try to reboot.

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aggie27 August 9, 2010 at 7:36 pm

Patricia, I said that awhile ago about matt being alot like Ray Rommanno, even the voice is similar,especially the teeth, other people has said it as well. 😀

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 7:37 pm

Your welcome….once in awhile i start having audio problems too so i sign out and sign back in and that usually does the trick. When you went to Flashback Screen did you scroll down the page. I didnt the first couple of times so I was confused too. Brit is hysterical!! She said are you suppose to treat someone with dignity after they do a strip tease on the table (about Rachael)

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 7:38 pm

aggie… more like Ray Ramona’s 7yr old son, lol! Is it just me or does Matt look like a kid. Ecspecially when he walked out of HOH yesterday with Brendon in his feetie pj’s.. it looked like Brendon was pissed because his mom made him watch his little brother, LOL!

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aggie27 August 9, 2010 at 7:39 pm

Jane, Britt does like lane and hayden alot, It could be possible, maybe lane is a friend of hers outside the house, we never did find out anything about the lifelong friendship in the house.

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aggie27 August 9, 2010 at 7:41 pm

Yeah Jane, matt acts like a kid ,who is pretty cocky now, Those Pj’s are really stupid he will be sorry he wore those.

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SnakeBit Sal August 9, 2010 at 7:43 pm

If you have live feeds, BBLite Reloader works better that the Real video. Free Download

You can watch flashback and live feeds at the same time!

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Joanna August 9, 2010 at 7:45 pm

Matt’s wife sent him those footie pj’s so he would keep his hands out of his pants. why do guys do that? are they making sure it’s still there?

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aggie27 August 9, 2010 at 7:48 pm

Joanna, as enzo said, he likes the smell of his own musk, too funny

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 7:48 pm

yeah aggie matts a lame-o and i am really pissed that all 4 live feed camera’s are on Rach and Bren tongue wrestling…. ewwww the two things i hate most about BB: 1. listening to these no manner nasty folks chew. (didn’t their mama teach them how to eat?) and 2. kissing and make out noises.. puke!

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franniep2 August 9, 2010 at 7:50 pm

They do that alot…do they think all we want to see is them? HELL NO!!! 🙄

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aggie27 August 9, 2010 at 7:50 pm

Jane, They have to deal with them in the jury house banging non- stop, they are the april and ollie of this season.

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aggie27 August 9, 2010 at 7:51 pm

fran, I guess they think people love them

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 7:53 pm

hey fran!!! its so nasty and aggie can you imagine having to be the only person besides them in the jury house? gross!!

Thanks Sal…. downloading it now!

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franniep2 August 9, 2010 at 7:53 pm

Well they would be wrong Aggie. They don’t realize so many people can’t stand their nasty asses.

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donna August 9, 2010 at 7:54 pm

ty all for posting whats going on..on the feeds..i enjoy reading it..i hope reagen causes some havoc for enzo and matt..nothing mean just something to aggravate enzo..

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franniep2 August 9, 2010 at 7:55 pm

I would rather poke both my eyes out than to be the odd one out with those two. MAKE ME SICK!!

How ya been Liz?

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 7:55 pm

Thanks Sal!!! Thats so much easier!!

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 7:56 pm

doing good Fran thanks 🙂

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Justaguy (JT) August 9, 2010 at 8:35 pm

I guess Saboteur II’s message was something like this.. (was not on feeds)
Rachel watch out, Brendon is throwing comps but it’s ok because the two of you can discuss it in the jury house.

YES!!, I also saw Rachel’s face when Brit didn’t use the POV. She had to fight to keep from smiling that evil smile 😈 The sad part was that Brit didn’t get to tell Hayden & Kristen that Rachel had threatened her with putting up Lane. Brit was on her way to tell them when she was called to the DR.

Hayden and Kristen thought Brit was going to save them. I think Rachel took extra delight in Kristen being blind-sided… at least it looked like it by that momentary evil smirk. I hope this plan to make Rachel think she is staying works…. an eye for an eye.. and a blindside for a blindside.

As far as being in the jury house with just those 2…. Other HGs were saying if someone has to be stuck with just those 2 for a week… THAT person should be voted for by America to win the $25k!!.. they’ve EARNED it!! 😆

The backyard couch show was funny. Someone asked if they came up with a good name for it. Not really, the thought pretty much died right after showtime went to commercial. They had a couple ideas.. but nothing good.

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 8:58 pm

LMFAO Matt just asked Brit if it was difficult moments for her sitting in the bathtub with Rach pretending to care and she said idk about difficult moments but it was detrimental to my health sitting in that diseased bath water… i used 2 pair of panties and 3 maxi pads underneath my bathing suit. Anything that’s been around her Vjay jay i dont want around my Vjay jay. Matt said you shoulda got bleach instead of bubble bath. Brit said yeah i will pour it in too and she will say arggggh my skin is burning and i will just tell her its special bubbles.. good for your skin… LMFAO!! Britt is the only entertaining thing this season!

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Star August 9, 2010 at 9:21 pm

OMG!! I just wrote a longass post and got a weird error message! The Blog gremlins are at it again!!!

Basically, I agreed with BigBubbbaBronson from comment 36 about CBS not ever having an original idea for this show. Everything they do has been done before,we know it we expect it and there’s no excitement or mystery now after 12 season!!

I thanked Sal for the feeds tip and if my puter holds(already went out once tonite)I will go DL it ASAP! 😛

Hmm……don’t remember anything else but I’m a lil flustered right now!! I’ll try again after a few deep breaths..and maybe a few explitives….. 😆

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Star August 9, 2010 at 9:30 pm

I DO think Brit is funny but….enough genetalia talk already!!!! She did that ad nauseum last nite during the BB Late Night talk show!!! Either she just likes to use all those anatomical words to impress/shock people, is just plain horny(altho all her words are FEMALE parts!!) or she just has the dirtiest potty mouth I’ve heard in the BB house ! Or all of the above….lol

Oh..a point I made in the post that got away was about the talk show. It was great to see the HGs play together like that…and Hayden really surprised me when he got al Host and everything! But it’s too bad the whole house doesnt let down their guard and their bittermuchness and all do somehting together! Evel Dicks season played beer pong all the time, Reny did impersonations in her wigs and got the HGs dancing in the BY…stuff like that. It would ease their tensions, not to mention OURS and entertain at the same time. Wishful thinking this season tho, methinks!!! *sigh*

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 9:38 pm

i think Brit always refers to Genetalia because she is talking about a dirty ho. but i do see your point. she’s so funny it doesn’t really matter.

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Star August 9, 2010 at 10:09 pm

JT……just reread your sabo comment. This whole thing has me confused. Is the saboteur(now Ragan , of course) supposed to be wreaking havoc on the house by actions, word or both/either? Cuz so far I don’t think I have seen any actions…except for lights going out and tape on pics..both lame and pointless. And if it’s thru accusations, are they only thru the onscreen sabo??? That seems so contrived, doesn’t it?? I mean, he couldn’t just spread rumors on his own?? This whole thing seems really pointless to me. I still say the *friend* thing was fake, but yet the HGs ares till talking about it. And I know that IS the point..to make chaos, but I just don’t think blaring it out on the TV screen is very subtle.

If Brendon really has been throwing contests and Rachel finds out….Buh bye Brendy…lol (as if that’s not inevitable anyway!!! )but it’s prolly not true, since that’s what Ragan is supposed to do….SABOTAGE people!! OOOoooohhhhhhh…… 🙄 😆

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Justaguy (JT) August 9, 2010 at 10:25 pm

Star, I guess the saboteur’s role is to make up lies (on the video screen).. and do stupid little pranks that I used to do in 5th grade. It is a pretty lame “twist”. I can’t believe the HGs even listen to anything said by Sabo. They all know Sabo lied about “escaping the block”…. so why would they believe anything? I seriously doubt there are “friends” in the house. We would have heard more about it by now….and CBS would have used the opportunity to get us voting on who the friends were.

The pre-season commercial said something like “Bigger and better…. and all new competitions”. Most comps have been the exact same or very similar to past ones. Ragan has been able to predict what competitions are next with pretty good accuracy.

……and for the record. Starfish, I know you aren’t Star… that was just me being unfunny! 😀

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Justaguy (JT) August 9, 2010 at 10:29 pm

I Found It!!!

Ted, You were asking about the Saw 6 reference that Brit made…. Flashback to…

August 7th
10:12pm (BB house time)
Camera 1

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 10:51 pm

still LMFAO JT @ Saw 6 refrence. It will be a sad day when Brit leaves!

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Ted August 9, 2010 at 11:03 pm

Hi Patricia… I can see a resemblance of Matt to Ray R… He reminds me of Kyle Busch. And, I have thought that Brit is a young Dolly Parton too.

Richard Hatch will appear on Survivor 22 next spring with Russell Hantz. They have just wrapped up filming Survivor 21 … ‘Young vs. Old’… which starts Sept. 15th. Both are being filmed near San Juan Del Sur in Nicaragua.

I have tried very hard to believe that Brendon is playing the game and using Rachel… but, it’s just so hard to do now. I have come to the conclusion that neither Brendon nor Rachel have parents living… God have pity on them if they are and are watching the show. They are both pathetic and in for a shock when they see Season 12 after it’s over. That being said, I fervently hope Rachel survives the block and stays in the house!

JT… Thank You… you’re the man in all things BB.

Aggie… did Sal really have on called ‘Gringo Starr’?

Starfish… if you want true humor… read my posts.

I agree… if there was an ‘old friends’ connection, CBS would have done something with it by now.

Something that just cracks me up, is when they show that clip from the first comp, coming out of commercial, and Kathy jumps on the hot dog and just slides right off… so funny. She had her hair up when she went in the hot tub with Brit and I thought she looked prettier than when it is down.

Good idea, Donna, if the Sab just targeted Enzo… his reaction would be hilarious.

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Justaguy (JT) August 9, 2010 at 11:03 pm

Thanks for calling attention to that Jane/Liz …..just glad I found it! 😆 And I will watch for the one you mentioned tonight.

I rarely watch the feeds live (except HOH comps or waiting on nomination/POV results). I find it much better to just flasback to about 9am in the day and scroll thru. I use the quadcam til I find something interesting then pick that time and camera to watch. I do miss some stuff.. but catch most of the important gameplay discussions… and it doesn’t take nearly as much time! 😀

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 11:06 pm

Actually the Sabateur gets his cues from America’s votes on CBS… then he has to excute Americas ideas.

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 11:08 pm

Your welcome JT. I always have all of Brit’s lines because she cracks me up. I don’t even care about the game play its so boring. But to be on a couch with her and Ragan smack talkin’ Rachael.. that’s priceless!

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Star August 9, 2010 at 11:13 pm

JT….you, me and BBBronsone seem to be on the same wavelength!!
“Bigger and Better” my aunt Fanny….lol They better shake things up or there may NOT be a BB13!! Wait….that’s our season…….lol

starfish, you can blame aggie for all the confusion! JT was just trying to make a point! I can tell alot of people just by their style of writing. It’s kind of like identifying someone you know by their voice….this is just our online voice! And as much atention as JT gives this blog , I’m sure there’s no way he could confuse us!!! Unless we were trying to sabotage him!!! Muahhhh!! 😆

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Justaguy (JT) August 9, 2010 at 11:14 pm

Unfortunately, I do have to agree with you Ted. Your comments do always crack me up…. but just remember to stick to making fun of me! It will keep you out of hot water on here! 😯

I did enjoy this one from the previous page from Ted…

…do you think JT would come on with a fake name without putting on a photo? You know how much he loves to hide behind all those silly avatars…

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Justaguy (JT) August 9, 2010 at 11:18 pm

Stra, you got that right!! I thought it was funny that Aggie thought “justlookin” & I were the same person just because of “just”. 😆

I figured that lumping you and starfish together made just as much sense! 😆 (sorry Aggie.. but it was funny)

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 11:18 pm

JT look at around 6:42 or 6:42 today with Matt and Brit talking in HOH and you will see her comment about Rach and Bubble bath… priceless.

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 11:19 pm

oops i meant 6:42 to 6:44

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Star August 9, 2010 at 11:24 pm

Ted..I agree with you about kathy’s hair. Up or down, I think it looks pretty…..except she does need to ask the DR for some hair dye PRONTO!! lol But that is the one thing I do find redeemable about her..great hair!(she looks youger when its up….prolly why you like it.)That’s how hard I am trying to find postive things to say about these HGs this season!! lol I can’t beleive that Kathy is really as uncoordonated or dumb as she is making herself seem to be. I am hoping it is her gameplay, making herself seem like a complete non-theat and trying to make it to the F2 under the wire but…..sadly I have trouble believing that!!!

JT….I am not watching the feeds that much either. I just don’t have time and usually when I do it’s all really broing stuff. But now that I am paying for it, I feel guilty if I don’t watch!! Kinda like joinging a gym and not going. Good old Catholic guilt…it’s instilled young and with you always!!! 😉 But the way you *skim* thru is a good idea…….if I can ever get mine to flashback!!!

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Justaguy (JT) August 9, 2010 at 11:32 pm

This news just in….

It seems CBS production has been scrambling to come up with new twists that the viewers will just LOVE!! 🙄 The “saboteur” twist has fallen pretty flat and this revival of it wont help much. The “think tank” has been busy brainstorming in the aftermath of a lame twist.
Here are the best ideas they’ve come up with so far……

The Blab-oteur: Annie comes back and talks so much that she drives everybody freakin nuts!

The Drab-oteur Brendon talks endlessly about boring physics equations and carb loading for competitions. The other HGs evict themselves voluntarily.

The Flab-oteur Ronnie comes back into the house and replaces all food with cookie dough. The HGs eventually get too pudgy to compete.

……just a few of the ideas they came up with so far. I’m sure they will have many more ideas for “wonderful” twists for BB13! 🙄

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Jane August 9, 2010 at 11:33 pm

Star did you try to do the BBlite feed that Sal gave us to DL. I have had way better luck with that and have not lost audio once.

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Star August 9, 2010 at 11:34 pm

JT—It WAS funny!! Especially since her name isn’t STRAFISH….so how could you confuse us?? lol You and justlookin have totally different writing styles too. Yours is like mine a bit…lots of BOLDS and quotes and smilies…..justlookins is much calmer and mostly small case. OH..and didn’t realize we had so many Donna’s until you pointed it out either!!! 😯

HEY! Maybe Kathy DOES have game!! Enzo just said he waa taking her to F2!!! (very NJ tongue in cheek, tho!) But STILL……..prolly 1st time it’s ever been said on air!! 😆

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Star August 9, 2010 at 11:39 pm

jane..no not yet! I got busy and my puter crashed once. And the audio thing I found was my fault…..didn’t know there was a MUTE button on the control panel on the feeds!! 😳

And Justa…….ROTFLMAO!!! Do we get to vote?? If we do, I vote for the Blab-oteur cuz the other 2 are just WAY too disgusting to think about!!!!
Maybe instead of anHG on BB you ought to think about going into the writing/production end…I know WE’D all appreciate it!! 😉

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aggie27 August 9, 2010 at 11:55 pm

Star, I would never confuse you and starfish, simply because starfish always had her pic on here. JT, sorry dear it makes alot of sense, I was right about Sal more than once, Yes ted, he was gringo starr, Lord help us.

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Ted August 10, 2010 at 12:06 am

I have always thought Kathy had more game that anyone gave her credit for… ever since the caramel comp or whatever the hell that stuff was. I think she may surprise everyone.

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Justaguy (JT) August 10, 2010 at 12:10 am

IDK if Kathy has more game or not….. I’m thinking not.

But I am looking forward to seeing her beat Rachel in bowling Wednesday night in the first match! 😀

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Star August 10, 2010 at 12:32 am

aggie..I knew you didn’t confuse us…justa saying JT was using *like* names to ‘splain the situation!! And the more we ‘splain it, the more confusing it gets!!! BTW….I think starfish has a pick of her dog on now..doesn’t she??? I have my EYE on everyone , ya know!! 😉

BBAD is so riveting tonite…..I am thinking ogf going to some Tivoed stuff soon!! ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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aggie27 August 10, 2010 at 12:40 am

yes Star, Starfish has Bouvier on now, she had her pic on before, no nothing that exciting on tonight really.

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Jane August 10, 2010 at 1:31 am

just talked to a friend of mine who says they hate this season. i find it interesting that so many people say its a boring season, people don’t have game, blah blah. but to me this season kinda rocks. not just because i’m team (bashing with) brit but because you gotta look at it from another perspective. there is every villain possible. whiny boy, self-absorbed girl, mean girl who is only mean to mean girls, cocky pj wearin’ boy, jersey dude whose too old for jersey shore but to lazy to be a moneymakin’ provider from housewives of NJ, sweet midwest boy who i wish was really Nick and that was the twist, middle age wish she was a MILF, and token gay person who is so quick witted that catty seems… well too catty to call him. So once the gross skank is out of the house then we will see some game going on. idk why i feel this but i think big bro is about to get wicked. even at some point the brigade has to turn on each other right?

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Laura Elorza August 10, 2010 at 5:01 am

Showtime always gets good right when they are about to go off the air. Big Brother PLEASE throw that damn pool table away or get them something better. Even more booze might liven up this group. The only bad thing about that we’ll have to hear about Rachel’s Bull$h1t life she so called lived, before. I looked up her “big job where she so called took all these celebrities out and around and made more money then you and I ever seen before”, it’s pretty weird the group went under before they even started, they had about 6 friends on facebook, plus the pictures to promote the group were the worse pictures ever, it looked like maybe Steveie Wonder took them. I am so sick of hearing her brag about stuff , I want to go evict her myself. Her voice makes my skin crawl. I don’t know why the house seems to hate Brandon worse, I did see where he came in there like he was a big man against Regan the littlest guy in the house. Besides that I don’t think he’s done to much. At least his voice isn’t so whiny and he don’t go around fake laughing over and over. I wonder if that’s what Bi-polar looks like?? What is it??
Also @ Justaguy I love your ideas about: Drab-oteur Brendon & Blab-oteur: Annie . SWEET!
Okay now let me have it Brag-oteur Rachel fans….
Here’s one of her picture when she was making $10,000 a shot to drink and just keep people company… ha ha ha yeah.. right

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Dom August 10, 2010 at 7:37 am

So now puppy dog Brendon is trying to save Rachel, he is desprate to have a girlfriend. Are you kidding me, what a jerk. It is appearent that thety both forgotten why they came on BB in the first place, to win 500K. Neither know how to play the game as the should both be gone by next Thursday. The Brigade is doing very well so far as they are going un-noticed. To all you Matt hates, he is play the best game by far and has a good shot at making the final two. The Brigrade has a strong shot at being the final 4 but they may need to Bring Britney along for the ride or get her out in three weeks.

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Cherile Berrio August 10, 2010 at 7:40 am

She has won HOH twice . She’s better at it than Brendan. I love when Brendan is trying to convince her not to put the bulls eye on their backs and she smirks and rolls her eyes! I like Ragan and I think he is funny. HE just may be the one to beat.

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Chris August 10, 2010 at 7:54 am

Are you people kidding me? How is half a million worth more than true love?….Just playing hahaha, but I think booting Brendan could possibly be good just for no other reason than having someone with a bigger target to ensure they’re all safe next week. Also, I think the Brigade should think about booting someone other than the other half of B&R because it would leave a target on that person and at the same time eliminating an actual threat to their alliance. Just a thought.

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Liza Jane August 10, 2010 at 8:59 am

Rachel has to go this week or she stands a good chance of winning HOH again. Don’t think Brendan has as big a shot of winning that competition. Plus he’s eye candy – I don’t mind seeing his smiling face looking at me through the big screen. (wouldn’t touch that thing with a 10 foot pole after he’s been with the red head hooker, mind you but it doesn’t hurt to look, right?)

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ncgal August 10, 2010 at 9:08 am

Aggie27 could you tell me when that conversation took place. I would like to flashback to several things but I don’t know when they took place. I have more time to watch in the am hours, but the house is usually asleep. Thanks for any help. I want Rachel gone if for any other reason to see how B. handles life w/o the whatever name you want to give her. I hope she finds out that B. made a play for Annie before her.

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Ted August 10, 2010 at 9:33 am

Agree with Chris aout Brendon… I still think (and hope) he will go…

I heard that Allison Grodner said they are going to put one of the live feed cameras on the Jury House when it becomes occupied.

What did Chima do to get kicked out? Is she the only one? What are the forbidden things the contestants can’t do?

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donna August 10, 2010 at 9:57 am

good morning..i read so much..i dont think racheal has forgotten why shes there..brenden maybe..but shes a user in life..just getting paid for what she did out side of the house..shes a nasty girl..i really like brittany too..in a twist i hope her and lane are friends ( life long ) but.i think that was brenden and andrew..i would like to see brit-lane-reagan turn on the house..i really really want to be a kathy fan but..she hasnt shown any fight..i like the brigade but hasnt shown me anything either..i have become a brit fan..

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Ted August 10, 2010 at 10:19 am

Donna… you are right about Rachel being a user… and a nasty girl. Expanding her breasts to that size is a perfect example of a misguided attempt to get ahead in life.

Interesting thought re: Brit/Lane/Regan…

New Post BTW… see you there!

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donna August 10, 2010 at 7:22 pm

ted..your right everything about racheal is fake..maybe the saboteur will tell racheal that brenden hit on annie first..just before elimination..r enjoyed hurting other ppl so maybe just a lil dose of it back might bring her down a peg…or two..cant wait to watch bbad tonight..

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hope c August 10, 2010 at 11:43 pm

I am really disappointed in you guys 🙁 really enough about Rach. When she and Bren are gone who will this mob mentality go after?? She is the only one who provides us w decent entertainment/drama 😉 this year. Bitchney’s imitations are getting old already and her lil school girl way with Lane makes me want to PUKE “oh I am wearing his sweater tee hee hee Bichney Puhleez! Yes Brenchel is nasty the way they fawn all over each other, however Rach has had to fight since she has been in the house you have to give her that much. I refuse to be a sheep and follow along w the Brenchel hate wagon there are others who deserve it more. Weasel “Average Joe” wanna be Matt reminds me of Ronnie he just loves being on reality shows and it shows w his stupid DR quips he has everything sewn up now, BS Matt guess what the game is no where near over. I do like Enzo and Ragan and Lane but Bichney tries way too hard and the way she is talking behind Rach’s back makes me sick. If you hate her so much and feel so safe right now hiding behind Lane then tell her don’t play nicey nicey to her and then run your mouth when she is gone. And its not just her but the rest of the house too I guess I always vote for the underdog… sue me lol
It is very similar right now to they way the idiots treated Jeff and Jordan last year remember? Granted they weren’t as in your face as these two are but it is the same thing. Bichney the house comedian?? Yeah ok her material is tired and soon will be no more and I can’t wait to see what she will do to make everyone laugh when Rach goes and then Bren.
I really hope that Kathy finds out how easily her name is thrown up there by Bichney and the brigade when they want to put someone up so whoever is up there won’t go home. If she only knew how many times she was almost out the door.(not that she would do anything) dropping/throwing every comp. And what is up with no one is voting on there own this year (Except Kathy)how BORINGGGG!!

I have to give respect where it’s due and Rach to me is the only strong player out of the females the others are weak followers/floaters and that makes me sick more than Rach’s laugh or Brens “Babe” to Rach over and over.
Matt ewww your rule is done so stop acting like a douche open door policy my a** you have the room for what a week, Hayden has no upper lip and Kathy is well just a waste of space so far.

Enzo is getting tired of Bichneys constant need to make him pronounce words enough Bichney you are the official rep of the mean sorority girl. Wait till Rach leaves the room and do her dirty… your time will come sweety sooner than later.

And i wish BB people could hear this pleaassse turn off the mics when these people are eating and drinking I thought I heard Jesse eating pizza the other night lol it was just Enzo and his sunflower seeds.

My wish… Bren or Rach whoever is left gets HOH and squirmy Matt and big mouthed Bichney get to suck up ahh yess that would be excellent!

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KevinOUTwest August 11, 2010 at 9:05 am

@BBBer Your comment about Rachel’s hair colour was insulting to bottles of Merlot everywhere. 🙂
I’m still out of country and only have up to episode 13 so far looking for episode 14.

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donna August 11, 2010 at 7:37 pm

i do agree that racheal has won the comps to stay in the house but..she is getting everything she reaped..she was out to hurt kristen..she attacked her b/c she is jealous of the other women..she enjoyed the fact kristen was going home..she was angry that kristen campaigned against hayden but..he was ok w/it even though he knew and she knew she had no chance ..at least kristen was up front w/him..racheal is playing the caveman ( scary caveman ) like a fiddle..she sexes him up then rolls her eyes at his scary butt..she dont like him ..thats not game play thats nasty ( garden tool ) play she is the biggest fake and liar in the house..big bad brenden jumping on a gay guy and a tiny girl …he was serious that wasnt game play..he is dangerous..he was trying to force racheal to kiss him..she better becareful out side that house..camras dont lie..as far as matt..i could careless if he stays..but racheals gotta go first..

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