So for fun today I asked the Twitterverse who their favorite Big Brother 12 house guest is this season?
My favorite answer from one of my 6000 twitter followers was “the refrigerator”.
Too dang funny!
I think the numbers are leaning toward a MALE winner this year. 7 guys vs. 4 girls?? The odds are not in the female’s favor right now.
I am still feeling like there is not enough game play. I think Matt is trying to use his HOH power to position himself as the one to beat in the house but so far his game play is weak.
I am shocked that Brendon and Rachel are still around but nothing surprises me in this game anymore.
I am still waiting to see what they do in a week or so when there is 4 sequestered ex-house guests. Hmmmm? Oh the possibilities.
I am loving Kristen this season. She is setting herself up for a long run in the house. She is one of my favs right now!
Lastly I think this season is just starting to get more intriguing with the more we see what the house guests are TRYING to do it makes us know and enjoy them more. I do recommend the feeds since they are free for 3 days. Give it a try and let us know what you think…
Tell the world Who your favorite Big Brother 12 house guest is…the comments are YOURS!
Peace, BBBlogger
PS: please vote on the new poll to the right of this post. Who is your favorite BB12 house guest!
I guess my least unfavorite HG is Lane.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ragan is likeable but he is sweet to everyone and it smells to much like saccharin to me.
I like Andrew but is gameplay is weird.
Enzo is unique…
I think many HG are still laying low unstirringly
Matt might be thinking Brendon and Rachel will be nominated anyway by everyone else and both are capable of winning HoH while Kathy who? is not and Andrew’s been throwing them or he’s anemic from too many diet restrictions…
Dislike bitchy Britt
Kinda like Matt
Hayden and Kristen are benign right now but definitely not annoying or mean
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Brendon threw himself on Rachel too quickly for my taste….and vice versa so I can’t like two people I can’t respect.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lane seems cool but they almost never show him, so withholding my final opinion on him for now
Andrew seems genuinely nice but has NO game play except to remind us weekly how deeply religious he is. B..O..R..I..N..G
Kristen is cool, and has a good strategy riding Hayden’s coat tails right now by teasing him. I think she has figured out that there is an alliance and is playing Hayden to get him to campaign to keep her in the house. If that’s true..she’s one smart cookie.
Ragan seems completely fake to me. He is his own biggest fan. I can’t admire that kind of egotism.
Britney is a sympathetic player right now but if she continues to be a crybaby, I’d be happy to see her leave next.
Enzo is an embarrassment to all New Jersey natives. He created this caricature of himself which plays on every single Italian New Jersey stereotype and it makes me sick. I would have put him up on the block week one for just being annoying “meow meow”.
Hayden seems like a very cool guy. He might be my favorite.
Kathy Who?
Matt is an idiot for lying about his wife. That s**t will get him thrown out. Secrets like that almost never stay secrets. His biggest problem is that he believes he is the most intelligent one in the house. It will be his downfall for sure.
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My least favorite houseguest is Enzo, what a bore he is! Don’t care for Brittany or Kathy either. Brendon and Rachel will getwhat’s coming. I really like Kristin too.
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So far this has been the most boring season ever. I don’t have a fav yet, just some I dislike less than others. I probably dislike Brenden/Rachel the most and dislike Kristen the least. Brittney is growing on me, she has a unique sense of humor, I thought her goodbye remarks to Monet were quite funny. The Brigade is the dullest alliance I can remember along with its members. Ragan is OK, Andrew is slightly off (can’t put my finger on it) and shame on Matt for lying about his wifes illness. Unless Kathy is putting on a “I can’t do anything” act, she is useless. But if she’s acting, its a pretty convincing one.
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Kristen is my favorite female HG. Brittany gets on my nerves. But not as much as Rachael. That laugh of hers is like nails on a chalk board. And for someone who claims to have watched a lot of BB, why can’t she figure out why the house is against her & Brendan? I can’t believe someone who is a chemist can be that stupid!!!! I kind of like Enzo, but that “meow-meow” thing has got to stop!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t have a favorite male HG yet. But Bendan has got to go.
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I agree with the person on your twitter that said the refrigerator is his favorite houseguest. It is just as entertaining as anyone on there. I only watch BBAD after recording it, so I can just skip thru the smacking BS. Not that I have anything against showmance and kissing, but too much PDA. Do something. How will Rachel and Brendon ever work again, they are glued together. I am hoping he realizes that he jumped off on her to fast and he will regret that.
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I like the wallpaper.
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This might be the stupidest group of houseguests yet!!!!
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I don’t think they are that boring. I hope unlike some of you all that the group of 4 gets caught. Especially since matt is part of that group. His antics even made “the view” today. Not very good for the show. My favs are the ones no one else cares for RRB.
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ya know, everytime they’ve voted out someone it’s been the ONE i wanted to stay. If rachel was already out and matt also gone the game would be so much better. monet was annoying but harmless. she was someone who could have been talked into voting by a strong player. if matt was gone (the genius as he calls himself) also then it’d be brendon without rachel and monet no threat. matt is stupid for not putting up r and b. and everytime i say don’t vote THAT person out, later you hear someone saying (in the house) how they prob made a mistake by keeping the person they kept.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOW, voting out kathy is stupid. she was stupid for NOT going to matt and saying she gave monet a sympathy vote. That she knew monet was being voted out and she and brit wanted monet to leave not feeling she was hated.
Now this to me is common sense and matt should have understood that. it’s been done in the past for ppl who were leaving and someone would vote for them just to make them know someone cares.
Kathy is wanting to be invisible and play under the radar. IMO it’s the hardest way to play. You are picked on. You are thought of as stupid. You are accused of not playing the game yet it’s very difficult to pull off.
if rachel was gone then the house could have concentrated more on getting branden out. There’s so many in there i want out. i can’t stand braggers or cocky ppl. (most of the guys)
i’m still wanting a big brother game with ‘adults’
this isn’t high school. i’m sick of the making out kids. i can’t believe someone would go in there and think more of making out than winning the prize money.
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anddddd i wanna know something. why would matt say he’s putting up kathy becuz she ‘voted against me’ but didn’t put up brit-she also voted for monet to stay?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------makes ya wonder doesn’t it?
if someone has to talk about how smart they are………..well, i know i’m not smart but then there’s IQ and there’s common sense.
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I have watched the live feeds for years so much so my kids have learned to call out for food becuz I am so into them however this season I have even gone on vacation and wasn’t mad that I missed the live show for the party. I like rachel and brenden becuz it at least gives them. Something to talk about and they don’tmuch talking game this season. I wish for more game play I wish BB would just let them get totally drunk and she what comes out favorite gamer right now kristen and the one I hate most matt don’t ever pretend an illness you might just get one and I would be a little upset for him doing that onen, but she seems to be in on it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well that’s the most I can say right now off to listen to the feeds maybe they will get that mother out being daughter stayed last week (yeah I believe kathy and brit are related) but I have been wrong before.
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If this had been my first season of bb, I would turn it off and never consider watching again. Some of the dullest/lack luster players ever. They needed a variety of ages, not just the teeny bopper set. Everyone seems so immature, and highschool-ish!
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As I said on the other page, I don’t think kathy is as weak a player as everyone thinks, the guys especially think she is totally useless, i hope she proves them wrong. π
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I really like the Flamingos. They just stand around and do nothing, ih, isn’t that the same as the House Guests? It is easier to decide who I like the least. I think Matt is sneaky and has a definite Napolean complex! As for the female, First Prize goes to the bimbo from Las Vegas. I wish someone would find out about the Brigade as then we might actually see something worth watching.
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I think I like Lane though sometimes I think he could be Kathy’s relative somehow. I don’t like Matt and thought he was playing stupid until I thought that maybe he is as someone here suggested a couple days ago Ragan’s brother. If he is Ragan will keep him safe and he has made a deal with B & R that they keep him safe next week and the brigade will keep him safe and Kristen will keep him safe (because of Hayden) he has really set himself up for a couple weeks at least. Maybe he is not so stupid after all. I’m just sayin…..
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Kristen and Ragan are the two people who may slide through long enough to make it to the end
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I tuned in to the feeds around 7 Pm does anybody know what went down with andrew rachel and brendon, i have it turned off now, I’m disgusted , They have every friggin camera on rachel laying in a hammock, HELLO, their are other people in the house, try putting the camera on them, just a thought. π
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my least favorite is rachel she is so annoying and she is a floater i strongly dislike matt also he is a snake and will tell anyone what they want to hear my favorite is ragan he is so sweet and is playing the game very well i also like kathy
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I don’t have a fav, I like the brigade a lot. But if I had to pick a fav I say Lane cuz he is the only guy in the house I would do.hehe
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Rachel is my least fav hg. Brendon is an OK guy and would play a better game if he would just get rid of the knock off Gucci purse.
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I like Matt the least. Like a large portion of America, I think he went too far with the sick wife bit. They even had a feature on ” The View” about him. I always root for the girls to stay. When they vote the last girl out, I’ll quit watching. Rachel has a nice rack, however, she is so annoying
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so far im liking the showmances i happen to like Brendan and Rachel as well as Hayden and Kristen
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------as for Rachel’s laugh it makes me want to shoot her although she isnt that bad
Matt is WAYYYY to sure of himself and he’s an idiot for lying about his wife
Kathy, Britt, Enzo, Lane, and Andrew dont really care for them
Regan i can put up with but deff not my fav
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If I have to see any more of brittney’s tears or hear her whineing I will barf go home girl and take Rachel with you and lets get the real show on the road lets have some action.
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My fav in the house is
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE VOICE
I love hearing “house guests you ae not allowed to disucss production with other house guests!
After the voice my fav male is Ragan, he is so sincere and honest.
And my fav female hg is Brittany, she is like a vine, she kind of grew on me. I love the way she and Lane make fun of R&B, now that is funny.
My fav to be dipped in carmel and hit with a truck load of feathers is Matt, what a waste he is.
Anyone with live feeds can you give an update on how the house is leaning regarding the vote??? Since they change from minute to minute.
mama margie
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I like Lane and Kristen. I think Lane is smarter than everyone thinks. He is playing well . Seems everybody likes him.
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big brother is a good ambien
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Where is rachel tonight? What happened tpoday?
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It looks like rachel has gained the most weight in that house, shall i say thunder thighs to the max, the girl needs to go on a diet big time π
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Margie, It seems like they intend on getting rid of andrew, who is the bigger threat, that is the best choice, I will LMAO, If kathy just happens to get HOH, and shows them all, that would be a show. π
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Aggie, that’s a great scenario and not out of the realm of possibility. Highschoolish is the word for sure.
I still like Ragan and am supposing the bit about two ppl being life long friends/relatives could still be a ploy but I see we have such fun speculating. Kathy could be Brit’s mom and I like the suggestion above about Ragan and possibly Andrew having a connection.
Thanks everyone for the updates from BBAD. Love hearing from all of you and your opinions.
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Starfish, I like Ragan as well, Hopefully he will go far, he is a big threat, the man is so smart and has proven to be a good competitor, right now Ragan is my fave, he knows alot about the game. π
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Ragan is my fav, and R & B need 2 get out the bed and get into the game before they r out and want know what happen. and yes Matt is my lest fav because of the lie he told about his wife and he think he is sooooooo smart and he is not smart at all.
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I think Matt’s ego will be his downfall, not to mention the lie about his wife’s “sickness” that is just wrong to make up something like that to get the sympathy vote, and Hayden seems like an air head totally in love with himself.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This has to be the dullest group of players ever
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Hi tendr, I guss you missed the part when Matt said he understood why Brittney voted for Monet as they were best friends. As for Kathy she is not playingthe game well at this time. Unlike the majority I like Enzo and think this season would be dull if it was not for him. When it saw and hear Brittney fealling twards the show was one of my favorites but after seeeing and hearing her between all the whining and stuck-up attitude she has shown she needs to go. I really like Kristen. I think had is a strong player Hayden could go far. The alliance aka: The Brigrade was formed quickly but is working very smart. Lane seem to be a cool guy as well. Many don’t like Matt’s lie but remember this is a game and he is making all the moves right now. He is a smart guy and is working the house well but he needs to be careful or it will exploded in his face. Brendon is way to cocky and Rachael game play is poor. Becoming a couple was an instant target are they that dumb or what? As for Andrew he does not fit the show and his un This group is the most laidback group yet. Unimpressive threat about gunning for Matt was a joke. So far this season is not sizzling.
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I’m a rare Enzo fan, he is annoying but funny. But, he did start the Brigade and get the first alliance going strong, and he was pivotal in booting the sabateur. He’s a better player than people think, and a strong Jersey stereotype could be the perfect thing to hide his intelligence. Or he’s genuinely that way, and I’m ok with it because its funny. Besides him I like Matt, but he may overplay and Hayden has grown on me, I hope Kristen don’t take him down. So I guess I’m a Brigade fan. Outside the Brigade I guess my favorite would be Ragan, but he has yet to show any gameplay.
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One m0re thing. This is a game and lying is a big part, yeah in any other context lying about a disease is terrible, but in BB it just may work. And Andrew saying its made up is funny because it’s a real disease, so someone should tell the Pediatrist to stick to feet.
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Get rid of Enzo and Matt. Enzo for thinking he has all the answers and Matt for lying. Brittney is funny except for the tears…however, this maybe her game to stick around. Can’t wait for Hayden and Kristen showmance to come out. Brendan and Rachel made it thru another week.
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This is Big Brother. If you don’t like lying, don’t watch it.
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My favorite so far is Regan ~ heβs funny and then Lane ~ he seems so sincere and then Kristen? ~ the BB edit department really doesnβt show enough of her to really get to know her so she is a mystery (except for the fact that she messes around with Enoz) and then the rest of the cast are on the same level ~
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I agree with you Chris. People lie all the time and get away with it. The only reason we know about his is because he said it in the Diary room. If anyone here watched Survivor (and I know for a fact that many here did), Russell was one of the biggest liars to play the game. Look how far he got and many people called his ‘playing the game’.
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I mean Kristin messes with Hayden ~ ha
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That’s ok kaleki…I’m sure we all knew who you meant. π
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Lane is my favorite. Least liked by me is Enzo! I can’t stand that meow-meow!!!
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Agree with Chris completely re: lying. And, that goes for the contestants too. Whether BB or Suyrvivor. Russell was the greatest!!!
DonnaP… I am shocked!!! (But if I was a girl, I would agree)
I would probably say Enzo and Britney are my raves right now.
Interesting to see what everyone is saying about this season, because I was wondering what the big attraction BB had for everyone.
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Not sure if you can read this, don’t know what to put down for web site!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So BB after dark is so boring this time!
If BBblogger gets this E-Mail me, I have some questions for you!
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Well Ted….it would probably be more interesting if you were to go to the new page… π Come join us why don’t ya!!
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I am so sorry, but Kristine I have to disagree with you about Enzo. I love his NJ dialect, though I must admit the meow meow doesn’t do much for me. I live in the mid-west where everyone talks alike and it’s boring. I remember Sinatra had to hire a speaking coach to tone down his accent and I loved him (now I’m showing my age). Please don’t take offense dear, as I do agree with you about Rachel and Brendon and I hope Matt will be gone soon. That guy is an idiot. It should prove to be an interesting season.
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Honestly, this season’s BB has not been very good. It’s no wonder they are slipping in the ratings. Quite frankly, NBC’s Minute to Win It is more entertaining to watch. There are better things on the air, so I am TUNING OUT and SWITCHING OVER.
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I’m so disappointed by Big Brother this season! So upsetting. I’ve been watching Minute To Win It instead and trust me, it’s a definite improvement. I’m actually entertained the whole way through!
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What happened to all the comments? Opening my email I am only getting ‘who is your favorite house guest’, which includes a comment I made on 7-27-10. Where are the other comments following this from PK and such? – Someone out there please help me! The last question ask was “who will Racheal put up”, but I am not finding this anywhere.
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Betty, There are 4 more pages of new comments after this page. Go to the very bottom of this page and click on “NEXT POST: Big Brother Showmance Slides into SAFE! At least for another week!”
Then you can read all those comments and continue doing that to catch up.
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Click on this link for the next page…….
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a really sucky season..
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My favorite is also Lane, but I find Enzo very entertaining :). Not sure why Rachel is still in the house and now that Benden is talking to himself I feel he needs to go too! That is weird.
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i am so sick of britany. she thinks that shes better than everyone and wines about everything. like get over yourself! she talks about everyone and doesnt have the balls to say it to their face. she needs to go home. idk how much more i can take of her.
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A few of the comments described the HGs as the “dumbest” ever. Well, I’d like to take umbrage to that. A medical doctor, a highly intelligent scientist, a college professor, A Deputy Sheriff (not sure that counts),
a web designer and self-professed (*)”Mensa” member, are all part of the BB12.
Their table manners are 100% better than BB11. Their foul language is 100% better than BB11, (Enzo excluded!). So!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(*)Mensa – Mensa is the largest, oldest, and most famous high-IQ society in the world. The non-profit organization restricts its membership to people with a high testable IQ. Members must score at the 98th percentile or higher of a standardized, supervised intelligence test. Mensa is formally composed of national groups and the umbrella organization Mensa International.
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