It was a no surprises Live Eviction show on Big Brother 14 last night. With a choice between Joe and Wil, no one was waiting with baited breath. The vote was 6-2 for Wil to be evicted. Ashley and Jenn voted to evict Joe and keep Wil. Except for the night of his birthday, Wil was pretty quiet in the BB house. I really feel having coaches in the beginning messed up his game. I think he would have tried to form an alliance much earlier if he didn’t have Janelle whispering in his ear the whole time.
Julie played a game where she asked questions of the HG’s about current events. It’s something we don’t think about much when watching Big Brother. What would it be like to live somewhere for months without any outside input–no TV, Internet, phone? When the house guests come out of Big Brother, it must be quite an overload of information.
CBS clearly plugged itself when it featured an interview between Jeff Shroeder and Julie Chen. Jeff the cutie who has been on Big Brother twice is now working for doing post-eviction interviews. He and his Big Brother housemate Jordan have recently moved to Los Angeles. Jeff seems to have his sights set on TV. Jeff prompted Julie to ask the question he hears at least once a day…when is he proposing to Jordan. He says Jordan has given him a deadline of his birthday which is June 5th. I’m not sure if they ever actually lived together before now. It’s one thing to have a long distance relationship, quite another to live together. At times, Jeff can be pretty abrasive with Jordan and I remember it bothering a lot of Big Brother fans. Jordan seems to take it in stride. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of these two.
Last night’s HOH competition was considered an endurance. I think that just means it lasts longer than the end of the show. The HG’s have to fill a tiny cup with liquid, slide across a slippery, downhill path and place the liquid in a container. Brittany mentioned Crisco shortening as the substance they were sliding on. During the show, America was given a chance to vote on whether they wanted one of the containers to be a $10,000 prize or a Have Not Exemption for the remainder of the game. America was able to vote through hash tags on Twitter. Hmm, does this remind anyone of The Glass House? America chose the $10,000 prize. This meant that the HG’s had a choice of three containers to put their liquid in. The smallest container was Safety for the week. The second sized container was the $10,000 prize. The third and largest container was for HOH. At the beginning of the competition, Shane, Ian and Danielle were trying for HOH. Brittany, Ashley, Jenn, Dan and Joe were all trying for safety. Frank Boogie was the only HG to choose the $10,000 prize container. I bet you have some comments about that!
I’m going to end the blog here. Later on tonight, I’ll update the blog with all the spoilers. If you want to know now what happened, check out the comment section of the previous blog. This is just fair warning that the next blog will include SPOILERS. Talk to you later…Bloggergal
It seems Frank is a little upset with Booger for not doing the HOH and going for the money, dont blame him one bit, it looks like shane wants to put him & booger up with Frank going home and Frank didnt even go to the HOH room last night(bad move) he went to bed, so he must really be PO
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I sure hope we see some excitement in the. hpuse soon
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Thats what Frank gets for listening to Boogie! It’s a lesson to be learned…. Play your own game Feank…
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It seems to me that they must get rid of someone from boogie’s team. Boogie would never have permitted janelle or any other coach to retain their whole original team. He would have been hammering that point….over and over to show piggish ness …. What I don’t understand is how a double eviction works… Is there a quick hoh com and veto comp, or does Shane get to nominate both?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If the latter, would explain why Dan wanted to duck hoh so he could compete for the hoh next time….
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Correction , I meant if the former is why Dan didnt compete for hoh this week
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I hope he puts Frank up so he at least gets a chance for POV.
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Excellent post, Bloggergal. Very thoughtful. I’m glad to see that Will has left the house, that guy annoyed me… and I hardly saw him. Your comment about the coaches messing up his game is very true, and I’m sure applies to everyone. So, of course it totally changed the show. But then… Big Brother does not mean ‘eavesdropper’, but ‘something that has total control over people’s lives’. So CBS is Big Brother in this case, and has control over what the houseguest do… and what Big Brother Fans see. I’m surprised the HGs haven’t tried to get Boggie out, didn’t he win once? Maybe that’s coming.
Thanks for the info, Mike… looks like Shane won HOH. Is Shane an ally of Boggie?
I’ve been busy with our county fair and my sister’s visit from Calif… and haven’t had a chance to watch BB this week. I guess I have to watch it on BBB and rely on Bgal and my friends to keep me informed. If you want to see my pics go to…
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LITTLE BIT OF A Rift BETWEEN BOOGFART AND CURLEY…going for the bucks instead of the HOH…is Frank starting to see the real Boogtrash…that all he is concerned about is himself…perfect time to get shane and frank solid to the end and say ADDIOS to Mike Boogie…i think so…but they both have to go up…the only was that Boogie can save himself from being at home by this time next friday is to win the POV…then we can all say BYE BYE BOOGIE TRASH…we’re glad to see you go…
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Just saw that Brit won SAFTEY… so happy!
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@DR… is boggie a good enough competitor to win a POV?
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Bloggergal, as always, great post. Yes, HGs game was blown with the Coaches entry. I still think it was an unfair CBS move to have them “play” the game. Not surprised one bit Boogs went for the money and dumped Frank in the grease. I hope Frank realizes he’s been riden hard and put away wet!
Jeff is cute and very charming but he does have a nasty streak and Jordan will grow up and see it eventually if she doesn’t straighten him out first. Being humiliated isn’t something you “take in stride”, after awhile you start to fight back. Yep, been there done that, take no $hit from anyone now. π
@Mike, as always, your updates are appreciated. First today. π
I hope Boogs goes home and then maybe, just maybe, the players can play their own game. He’s a self-serving SOB the way I see it. The Coaches just plain ruined the game. I agree, Wil would have been a much better player.
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Hey Ted, good to see you. I’m happy Brit won safety too but she’s in no trouble with Shane being HOH. I like Brit because she seems to really care about people and she just cracks me up with her facial expressions. She’s funny to me and I like her as a person.
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Ted, booger did win the whole shebang once but I think he coasted with Dr will so he doesn’t seem to be big on the contests. Real greedy of the restaraunt owner ( I believe he has said 4 or 5 of them on previous shows) to go for the money…. No surprise tho. Brit was probably safe already with Shane as hoh but glad its for sure now. Seems the quack pack is runnin the show, let’s see how.long they can keep it together.
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Oh Kathryn, double eviction is….. Right after the 1st eviction they play for Jou again, the winner has to pretty my h immediately put up 2 houseguests, then they play veto and have ceremony then evict the 2nd houseguest then play for NES hoh all in one show! Jam packed with action. Lol
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Ted…i have been watching Booger this whole summer and i do not think he has yet to win anything…i maybe wrong…but i think he would be any easy out and Frank might go out right behind …the 2 headed dragon could be totally out nthe bb door in 60 minutes…
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Thanks Gary… that’s kind of what I thought about him.
Hi Starfish… I agree about Brit… she’s pretty funny… and so cute!
Hope Rachel is on soon.
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MORG. booger won the first coach comp – im so excited shane is gonna put up booger and frankel – thats my boy!
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Shane is a hard worker in his real life and I hope he keeps it going inside the Bbrother house! Go Team Brit , Boogie is showing his true character- not good or very self comforting:p
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Booger, sitting outside talking to the camera as he does every morning. He says on a confidence scale between 1 and 10, not being nominated, I would say a 9. If it was just Shane, Iβd say 10, but Britney is smart so a 9.
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Fell asleep early was not feeling so well & missed the whole thing! π Thanks for the up dates π
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Booger is still outside talking, Boogie says when they first started he thought that competition was only going to take 15 minutes. Boogie says that he was worried about Shane winning the HOH before he could get the $10K. He says that Shane just wants to be captain America and do things as fast as he can. Boogie says that if he hadnβt gone for the money he think he might have been able to beat Shane. Frank joins them. They continue to talk about the competition. Frank says that sucks how he had to sit and see all these extra prizes and he could not compete for it. Boogie says that he talked to Ian and Ian said he had $600 to his name when he came into the house. Joe says how bad would you feel if Ian wins this and you donβt get the $100G for being his coach. Boogie says that would be horrible.
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I guess I am all alone on this blog! Everyone seems to like “Captain America” for some reason – maybe his looks have something to do with it! I just don’t get it!! If you are all basing your loyalty to him on winning competitions, take another look at his competitors, there are none! It will be a very sad day for me when I see Frank and Boogie leave the house. π
I sure hope Danielle does not make it to the final four. She is tap dancing on my last nerve! I even like Ashley better than her!
Oh well – I guess I will just have to continue reading all the comments on this blog and keep my own feelings about the show to myself. Boogie is entertaining and has personality, while Shane, like I have said before, has the personality of an amoeba!
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@ Betty, not all of us are on the Captain America team. However if Frank is gonna be Boogers puppet and not play for himself, he dosnt deserve to win. And if booger can keep the rest of the quackers in his trans. He deserves to win. Even thou he’s a$$ and really dosnt deserve it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hopefully Shane makes a big move and begins to play for himself.
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Info, Janelles bb bag is over 800 on ebay.. WHY?
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BETTY BETTY BETTY my sweet lil lady – i like shane becasue he treats people nice and is a gentleman (cept for dani-dumb-bell – ha) AND he is stepping it up by putting up frank and boog. Ur entitled to your opinion tho – keep it up!
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Hi Macy1231231 I agree Shane has been polite, with the exception to Danielle, but I don’t watch reality shows to see mama’s boys win. I like to be entertained and I don’t think nice guys make good TV. Give me Evil Dick or even *Rachel (*Oh my God, who said that). π
Hi Tomi – I understand what you are saying about Frank being a puppet, but in my opinion all of the newbies are puppets and are following their former coaches leads. Frank doesn’t have a friend in that house and Shane only wants him gone so he can walk through the remaining challenges.
Thank you both for acknowledging me and not ripping my head off for disagreeing with all the supporters of Shane on this blog.
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Ian and Boogie talk about who Shane will nominate. Boogie says Shane wonβt nominate him or Frank because they kept him safe last week. Boogie says that he thinks this will be an easy week. Meanwhile, Shane and Joe are up in the HOH room talking And here we go with Joe and his speel and away we go. Joe tells Shane to be careful of Jenn and says that he thinks she is a lot closer to Boogie and Frank How come Joe did not say be careful of Ian???. He says that he thinks Boogie has her out there as a plant. He says that he feels like she goes back and tells him everything. Shane says that he knows and says that Jenn is the target after Frank and Boogie Jenn who the hell is Jenn is there someone in the house named Jenn can’t really recall seeing her all that much, every now and then she will surface then disappear. Lucky she talks to herself never mind any one else especially any of the vets.. Joe tells Shane that he eye balled Ashley and told her to tell Shane that she has his back and that she needs to promise her vote. Shane says yeah for at least a week. Joe says that he told her that she needs to be loyal and stick to it. Shane says that this week we have have the votes, we need to put them up together, that way if one of them wins the POV, one still goes home. Joe comments on how next week we (notice the WE) have the votes too. Joe says that Boogie went for the cash because he knew he was going home and how he wants to go see Brady OK more bull pucky here mike went for the money cause he is greedy can you say Scrooge, he knows he is the puppet master and his little puppets do all his dirty work for him why does he have to work up a sweat when one of his possee will do it for him. Joe says that he thinks that if Boogie wins the POV he will use it on Frank because he only wants the cash. I wonder where Joe gets this stuff from? He is the power magnet where ever the power is there is the caterpillar man doing his thing yada yada yada,. In fact was nice to see his family and they seem like nice normal people even they want him to TURN THE SOUND DOWN, and the son said someone please get him take that thing off his chin. The kid has more sense then the dad.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Betty, do not sweat the small stuff u cheer on who u like, imagine how boring it would be if we all wanted the same person to win lol? I changed my mind at least twice since day one of bb14 who i want to win and to be honest there are times i could care less if all the hgs had a mass eviction adnd zingbot won it all, after all there is a little dingbot or is it zingbot jr to care for
In regard to danielle i fell the same way oy what a pain in the donkey,
ciao for now fellow bloggers will do fly by later
txs all for updates
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@ my friend betty i just read your blog which came up as i was writing my novel lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i have said for awhile now i want either shane or frank to win, hopefully both will win somthig the final 2, in my opinion they r really the only ones who have worked their donkies off to stay alive, both had to sweat, somehow got the power to get off block (pov) win hohs, they truly r the only true players in that house so either one is fine with me. I think there is a first prize and a second, so i am pulling for both of them, franks problem he was under boogers spell and shanes problem he has not made it clear to danielle he is not interested he just plays it off which is not fair, so i guess u r not alone in the way u think
hugs my friend
and hugs to maggie
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@ betty, I agree their all puppets, however frank seems like the only one that wouldn’t be scared to go against the tribe. But perceptions can be wrong. Hopefully he shows it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looks like shane might have grown a pair if he does nominate boogie and frank. I still don’t have a pic to win. Not too fond of ian but he is playing a good game. Their so underestimating the power of the quite geek.
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I love every thing you say Betty, I am still with youβ₯ I have been kind of sick so not to much to say..Thanks for all the up dates everyone π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will try and check in a little later….Hey Mike The Happy pills are not working π See you all soon & again thanks!
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I saw this some where else I hope it is Okay to put this on here!Boogie talking about Britney, “You’re a housewife. You should be cleaning up. Do you want people watching TV thinking this is what kind of Housewife you are?” .. I think I put this in my own words π Some of the people in this house are slobs! I am a bit of a neat freak….I don’t think I would put up with some of this $hit!
And why I use Mr. Green I s because I was in the Army π
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Miss Betty, you are definitely not alone because you expressed your opinion. That’s what we all do, right? π I don’t think I have a favorite at all this year. I really liked Frank from the beginning but he’s become a whimp IMHO. Boogie is entertaining but this coach thing ruined the game for everyone in the house and for me too. Boogie did not win the All Stars on his own, Dr. Will not only assisted him, he let him win and protected Boogs throughout the whole season. I don’t know, the man is just snarky to me.
Thanks everyone for the updates. @ Bobo, what right does boogie have to tell anyone to do anything? I say, if you want something done and done right, do it yourself! π
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@Mama, thanks for that update. I agree, where does Joe get this stuff? Does it look like Shane is buying into any of his blathering? What has Jenn done? Anything? I too thought his family was nice. Cute kids who definitely are smarter than papa. Get rid of the caterpillar. lol As for Danielle, she is just plain sad.
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Thanks Mama Margie and thank you again Tomi for acknowledging me. It is so nice when I can say something without you two or anyone else being offended. MM I do disagree with you about Shane, he never had to work that hard to stay in this game, but Boogie and Frank sure have.
Tomi, I agree with you about Ian, as just as I was beginning to like him he started acting like a nitwit! He is almost becoming a cocky brat and needs to come down a peg or two; however, if Frank and Boogie are evicted I want Ian to win!
Mama Margie, my dear friend, your wish about Shane and Frank making it to the end is only a daydream. I am not smitten, as most are here, with Shane and his Tom Cruise eyes! I only wish Hayden, Matt, Brendon or Lane were in the house to give Shane some competition. If Frank and Boogie go, it will be a cake walk for Captain America! Woo is me, as even my dearest love Ted likes Shane, so I am truly all alone. – “Nobody loves me, everybody hates me so I think I’ll eat some worms, long little skinny ones, short little fat ones… π π
Yesterday was a very, very dark and dismal day for me with Shane winning HOH and Gary Bettman from the NHL announcing that their might be another hockey lockout this year! π I just can’t get a break!! π
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Hey Starfish – loved your comment and understand how you are beginning to not like Frank anymore, but I still do. The poor guy doesn’t have one friend in the house, save for maybe Ashley. It is like I told Tomi, all the house guests are a bunch of puppets.
GO R (get it?)
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I hope Shane uses his HOH for good and gets rid of greedy Boogie. I feel sorry for Shane – amoeba that he is I love Britney – she makes me laugh – but Danielle, you do not look like Kate Beckinsale as you stated in BBAD. I am so glad for the double eviction next week. As far as Jeff goes, – well I loved him during his season, but hated him when he came back – he was so angry and such a tyrant – Jordan is such a sweetie….
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@Betty, I’m afraid Frank is too close to Boogie and nobody wants to touch that twosome. Consequently, he didn’t make nice with the other HGs is the way I see it. I still like Frank though. His brain is on the right track but then he gets derailed by Boogie. He didn’t follow his own gut to make the big move. Now he’s going to pay the price.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As for Captain America, I don’t see him that way at all. I see him as a wimp too for several reasons but he’s running his own game pretty much. He hasn’t isolated himself to one person. I just hope he doesn’t listen to anything Joe has to say.
OMG, we do love you Betty and unfortunately, the sports world will do what it does and we have no control over them except pay more for tickets and hot dogs. :()
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Goodnight all
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Hey Blogaders!! Just got home and need to leave again but I weas checking to see if the noms had come in yet. Apparently, about 20 mins. ago, the LFs went to fish and the Nominations and/or Pandora’s Box Paranoia mounts.. Have to go out again so will check when I get back!!!!!
Can’t WAIT to see what is going ON!!!!!
Good to see everyone. You always seem to be on when I’m NOT and visa versa!!! π Will hopefully catch up L8R!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace &light…
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Starfish…It is not fair!!! JT gets to watch football and I may get another hockey lockout!!! π
What can I say about your feelings for Boogie? He is evil, but I love him on the show. Ted always seemed to be the one that liked the villains on this blog and also the Survivor blog. but I think he has gone soft in the head regarding Brittney. I guess this time it is just up to me to root for the underdogs, Boogie and Frank! π
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Star let us know what is going on! I sure hope Frank and Boogie can pull their asses out of this one! π
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Getting freaky in the House this afternoon….
Justin β@Justchao23
@EvelDick Whats up with these stupid balls? U think BB would fuck up Shane’s HOH again? That’d be fucked up if they did. #BBstopthat
Evel Dick Donato β@EvelDick
@Justchao23 balls?
Justin β@Justchao23
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@EvelDick hg came in from lockdown and balls from arcade room lined up leading to arcade room. 1 ball was yellow and had a ? On it
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LF – houseguests are scurrying – they came in from the by and there were balls from theback door leadingto the arcade – they think it is a clue to whats coming next – all are speculating – there was a question mark in the arcade
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There is a glass enclosure where the Fortune teller used to be. It is half full of colored ballss with a ? in the middle of it. Everyone is trying to figure out what it means! Everyone keeps thinking it just ,eand Pandora’s Box but that makes no sense to me. There were five balls leading to it when they came in from a lockout outside. they were out there at least an hour maybe more.
BAd news for you Betty, my dear!! Shane just told Brit thet he is still going to nominate Boogs and Franks!!! He isn;t going to talk to anyone until he comes down, which he says is in about 10 mins! He is going to say something like..Due to the turn of events..or something like that!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So anyway…no noms yet., but getting clsoe and everyone in the hopuse is whispering!!!!!!!
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Trivia on LFS for about 5 mins..noms and whatever else going on now!!!!!!!
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STAR – boogers is gonna be MAD – lets see what game he’s going to play with shane now – to keep HIM safe this time or frankferter…..i feel like boog will win the p.o.v. – but if he doesnt andshane wins it – omg- the battle between boogs and franks is on
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OMG…PLEASE let it be Frank & booger. I HATE BOOGER!!
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Hey Stra…what’s up??
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Definitely,macy!!!! things should start getting pretty interesting from here out!!!
If Boogs does win the Veto tho, he will obviously use it on himself!!! And when the Quack Pack were talking last nite they all agreed that they wanted both of the up there so if someone was backdoored, they could still get at least ONE out of the house!!! Preferably Frank as Shane feels he can beat Boogie at most comps. Boogs doesn’t look so good to me these days. He looks weak and thin and has no energy!! He goes to bed everynite before midnightBBT!!! Come on!! I WISH I was 42 again….REALLY , ya old codger?????LOL
Trivia continues………
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CYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey girl!!!! *HUGS* WTH are we doing here this early???LOL
It’s a done deal…no matter what is going on. F&B are going UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Early?? Well yeah I guess for me it is early huh?? LMAO Got home earlier than expected & wanted to see if Shane had any balls & apparently…YES HE DOES!! Yippppeeeee!!!! hahahahahahahahaha
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@Betty…I am upset about the possible hockey lock out too!!!! Even MORE so when I just got locked out of my own living room because hubs is watching the LIONS!!!!!! It’s not even a real game !!!lol Then he switches over on commercials to the Tigers..UGH!!!! Kill me now!!!!lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So if I have to sacrifice for every other male oriented sport, we sure as H*** deserve our Hockey Boys!!!!! What is the problem anyway……have you heard???? Is it for sure or still negociating??
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I just want to see Boogers face & watch him walk out the door next week. After that I can rest peacefully. π Frank should know …if not before…..definitely after this HOH…that Boogs is all for Boogs or he would have went for HOH to keep Frank safe. HOPEFULLY Frank will let that sink in & turn on Booger.
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I just meant that both of us are usually late niters!!lol Which appears to be just ME lately……. π
Yuppers!! Shane wants Frank out BAD!!!!!! He knows he is his only real threat! Dani hugged him last nite on LFS when he said he would put them up! Man,..snakes can’t recoil that fast!!!!!! lol When is she going to GET it???? He’s just not that into you,hun…. DUH!!!!!!
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STAR u poor thing with tha sports crap – that was a deal breaker for me when i married – i just picked a guy that wasnt a couch potatoe – he has the other stuff tho ya know – toilet seat and all – but i dont have to sit there and watch it – HA
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Frank has watched the man take every cash prize on the show!! No clue yet how far he will go for more?? And how indespensible you and your Lil Orphan Annie hair are???LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m not actually rooting for anyone, but I don’t want to see Boogs or Dan win it…..give somone else a shot!!! Boogie already has more money than God..and has taken almost all BB has had to offer so..he don’t needs it!!!! π I love Brit, but she’s not a great player..even tho I think she’s got the smarts! I wish she’d get some game going and make it to the F2 at least this time!!!!
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My hubs loves ALL sports but especially Football as he played in HS!!! The silver lining is, he works 3rd shift and has to work all weekend!!! SO in about 15 mins, the LR and remote are all MINE!!!!!!! MUAHHHHHH!!!!lol
He doesn’t tleave the toilet seat up but I’d take that as a trade you said…… at least ya don;t have to watch!!! LMAO!!!! You’re too funny, gurl!!! π
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WTF is taking so long with the noms???
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Women talking about being upset about a possible hockey lockout? My faith in humanity has been restored! π You grrrrrrrrrls rock. First I caught grief (in Life) for liking Prince, then the NHL and now soccer. To each his own and there is almost nothing as gripping as the NHL Playoffs. And once you’ve seen a game in person, well, then it’s all over. Respect.
Saw this on Twitter. I like the angle. These HGs don’t know how good they have it. make ’em suffer. Entertain us. They knew what they were getting into. And I agree that a Frank-Boogie showdown would be good TV although it seems Mike has some other things (litigation?) on his mind and seemed he wanted out once the Coaches entered. This has really been a strange season to date.
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@K11 …if that damn thing saves Booger…I’m going to shoot myself in the foot. But that’s just my luck though.
Hey does anybody know how much money these people get paid a week to be on this show? Is it tax free? And if so….when they win prizes…does BB pay the taxes or does the player pay? Just curious?
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Shane nominated Frank and Boogie it seems. Can’t wait for BBAD tonight. Yes.
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These HGs have it easy was watching BB Aus, they all sleep in the same room, they get basic food to cook, but if they want bread they have to bake it everyday, when the music plays they have 90sec. to get in custom and hit the danace floor even in the middel of the night.
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@Cynthia: There will be a lot of shot foots if that happens. π I know players get a weekly stipend but I believe the Coaches got different amounts to go in as they are “famous”?!? (Weird writing that) And I’ quite sure they have to pay taxes on it but like most commonfolk (and gamblers), probably get to choose how and when they pay those taxes. No Big Brother if the real Big Brother (read government) doesn’t have his dirty hand in the kitty. Actually wishing I had the Live feeds right about now…This is going to get freaky!
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Hey Mike…what’s up with you sweetness?
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@K11 Freaky is an understatement. LOVING IT!! I just want to see old Boogers face!! Bet he is totally hostile right now. π π π
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@Cynthia, just was waiting to see if shane put up Booger & Frank, you all should have a fun night, cant wait to watch Sun. Cause Booger was sure he wasnt going up
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OMG!!! I was writing a post, took a bite of my sub, looked up..and it was GONE!!!! WTF????LOL
I knew Shane would nominate F&B!!! He wants his onlu competiton in the house, in his eyes, out! Sooner than later!!!!
@Kev11….I have been a huge hockey fan since about 1996!!! Both Betty and I are Michigan girls so our team is the Red Wings, of course!!! They were in a hard spot to begin with , with a new captain and alot of newbies but this just SUCKS!!!!!!! Who is yout team?? Avs????Wait…aren’t you from Chicago? So Hawks???? Both big rivals..or at least the Avs USED to
Haven’t heard anything about what else is going on in the house yet. Boogie and Frank are in HOH trying to softsoap Shane and get him back on their side!!!! And throwing Dani under the bus!! I guess tag teaming comes natually to Frank since his dad is Sid Vicious!!!!lol
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Can’t wait to see ol’ Boogie pissing a fit tonight on BBAD.
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It’s official K11….Frank and Boogers is up for eviction. Of course they are up talking to Shane and feeding him a line of BS. I’m doing the happy dance here. π
Hey Mike! How’s it going? Howdy Stra, Cyn and K11.
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You crack me up! Custody of the remote is important in any marriage! : )
I never, ever expected shane to make a big move. Kudos to him. I guess he was paying attention to the game after all. I like Joe’s family too. I wonder if all these things he says are things he made up, and he considers that his game play.
When Danielle is kind of staring off into space directly toward the camera, she is looking at herself in the reflective 2-way glass. Good grief!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don’t fear attacks. I don’t think anyone on this blog has a mean bone in their body.
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Yes he did Mike. And the Boogs is pissed. And Shane is putting it all on Brit. OMG!! I’m reading this somewhere else. π Boogs is more or less threatening Shane saying it’s great to put both of us up, but ONE of us will stay….. (use imagination here) YEAH OK??
Yep, I’m happy now. Have to take shower & get ready for BBAD!!! This should be really good.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goodnight everyone.
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Miss Frannie…didn’t know you were here lady!! Goodnight to you too Sweetie.
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@ Cyn…Shane may just be telling them what they want to hear. I think as soon as they leave the HOH room, Brit will go up and Shane will tell all.
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Night dear…good to see you here Cyn.
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Oh MAN! I just lost all respect for Shane!!! He is throwing Brit under the bus saying it was all HER ..that she wanted him to make a BIG MOVE and he was in his ear the whole time to get them out!!! Now he may be just covering his ass! And if he admits this to Brit and says he didn;t know what else to do, then I forgive him. Otherswise..what a Frigin WUS!!!!!!!!!!! The guys are all saying they know it wasn’t Shane….they are the 3 biggest guys in the house and they can fix this! And Brit now had a HUGE target on her back!!!!! Boogie isn’t getting MAD he’s getting EVEN! Whether they beleive Shane or not, both sides are putting it all on Brit!!!!! These guys SUCK! Boogie is saying that Brit wnet back on her word and they didn’t! So who can’t be trusted????? Shane just said, he should have gone to THEM and that Brit clouded his judgement! This was totally HIS idea! What a jerk!!!!
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@ Stra…I think he is only telling them what they want to hear. I really think he will tell her the whole conversation.
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@Patricia..truer words were never spoken..It.s more important than having a pre-nup…lol
And thanks ..we alllike each otehr and are gown ups!! Unl;ike otehr blogs! No reason to bve mean to anyone!!!!;)
@Cyn..nite hun. good to cya again……been forever!!!!! π
@Fran…….so what do you think about Shane now?? Is this fake? Is he a big chciken?? Or ishe covering the collective asses of the Quack Pack?? I get teh feeling it’s everyman for himself right now! Except for B&F who only come in pairs….lol
@Mike……good to see you too. And goodnight if you are off to bed!!:)
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@Frannie..I HOPE so!!!! right now..I think theyhave Shane thinking about all this. But..he would be stupid to turn on this alliance as they are the strongest in the house!!!
Going to go to the LR since my Football player has left the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If no one hangs around, maybe cya during BBAD!!!! π
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Oh snap! This justgotgreat! So Shane is blaming Britney and Frank and Boogie are playing nice to him, knowing he’s in power and are fuming at Brit and want her put up! Say what? You two forgot she has “safety “? π (Cut to DR seen of everyone doing that fake Chilltown laugh that you two douchebags forgot about the game!) Idiots.
Not sure if Shane acting that it was Britney’s idea but boy will this get sticky tonight. The heat justgotturnedup people. Loving it. Finally, a little satisfaction.
@Stra: Always a big Chicago sports fan but living in the desert in a city with legalized sports gambling has made me a fan of either my bets, or sports in general. My favorite teams are Chelsea (EPL soccer) UNLV basketball, Chicago Bulls, Pittsburgh Steelers and both the Cubs and White Sox (I know). I have always been a huge Red Wings follower and am always torn when they play the Blackhawks. I don’t get too emotional about sports (except (Chelsea and UNLV) or argumentative as I realize, like BB, it’s justagame. So cool when women dig sports and also admit they like it when their husbands are gone and THEY have control of the remote. Sometimes I think that’s (the remote) precisely why I haven’t had a girlfriend in 21 years…hard to find a chick that can deal with smoking, swearing, gambling, a BB addiction, Breaking Bad and all those other nasty “boy” habits. Strangely enough, my cat has filled the void although she is very angry that both Jojo and Kara have been evicted and has now threatened to walk to Los Angeles twice in order to bite Allison Grodner and Julie Chen’s ankles. She crazy like Danielle. ^:^
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From the look on Shane’s face, he looks bored as hell listening to boogers talk. I will find out soon if he reports back to Brit. They have been close and I don’t think he will do what the two biggest BSers in the house have to say. They are leaving the room now….back soon…
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Yep, Shane is spilling it to Brit now. Good for him….that’s my boy!
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@franniep2: Like McDonald’s: “I’m loving it.” π π π
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Brit is pissed that Shane told them that it was her idea to put them both up. She didn’t like being thrown under the bus.
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Ian is in the room with Frank and Boogie now. I wonder if he will go back and report to Shane and Brit after they are done filling his head with BS now.
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Frank assumes that Dan is also one of the people who is telling him to put them up.
Shane: βDan did not come to me directly he could have influenced Britneyβs decision thoughβ
Shane: βall in all It was accumulation of things from people mostly Britney.. and in the end it was my decision to makeβ
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boogie: βShe wants you to do all the dirty workβ
Boogie says that he should have gone for the safety or HOH last night he would of won it. Frank explains why he thinks Britney went for the Safety βShe wants you (shane) to take one of us out then she can play for the HOH next week and take the other one outβ (thats the plan I think)
The entire time Shane just nods.. βYa ya.. Ya ya.. oh ya.. thats itβ¦ thats it.. yaβ¦ yaβ¦ thats it.. sure OKβ¦ yeahβ
and the beat goes on, i wish they do not change his mind
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Twitter has absolutely exploded in the last 40 minutes with all this! Have never seen anything like it. Loving it. This season justwentupanotch in my book. Let the games begin…
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Funny how Boogie getting shitty on Shane saying Britney’s controlling his (Sahne’s) HoH when that’s exactly what he did when Danielle was HoH. Boogacrite.
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My kitty watches every episode of BB with me. Every time boogie comes on he gets up and goes to his litter box. : ) Any animal lover is in my good book!!
Do you think Shane had this all planned out? Is he that clever? Brit has the safety so she can take the heat (or so shane thinks). If he had tried to discuss his plans with Brit, she would have tried to talk him out of it, and he probably didn’t want to hear it. If Frank goes, Boogie will form a new alliance based on hot revenge. If Boogie goes, Frank will have to learn how to make decisions on his own. That should be interesting.
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@Patricia: Right on sister. I am that crazy cat lady?!? Try to help all the animals over here: Feed the sparrows, blackbirds and morning doves daily, have a hummingbird feeder (the best!) and feed two stray cats every night. The animals love me over here and must think I’m their mother or something. I have always been a huge fan of animals and was enlightened and got a new lease on life when my best friend brought this one over six years ago and said “Can you watch my sister’s cat for 10 days?” 20 days in I said, “What’s with the cat Eric?” and he said, “Do you want it?” The rest is history and a love affair was born although she desperately needs to enroll in WCAA (Whipped Cream Addicts Anonymous) soon. π
Here are some of my favorite Tweets from tonight…so far:
I Hate Big Brother! β@ihatebigbrother
I bet people would respect Shane more as a player if the first time we saw he was not wearing a puka necklace. #bb14
Zach (Nickel-Liss) β@ZacharyNicolos
Frank and Mike are just mad because Shane flipped on them before they could flip on him. #BB14
Big Brother Network β@bigbrothernet
We likely got Trivia because Shane revealed production tried to get him to not make those nominations. FB 7:59PM #BB14 Kudos @TheReader23
Crypt Orchid β@Tawny_Leigh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Something interesting finally happens and we get fucking trivia!!!!! Fuck a mother fucking duck. ##B14
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It’s wonderful that people like you are in the world! My dad always said he was afraid I’d end up being one of those women who end up in a trailer with 1000 cats. He forgot about adding in the dogs! : ) I have 3 rescued dogs and I have always considered pets life preservers for your soul.
Thanks for the informative tweets. Keeping up with all the opinions out there helps us all form our own!
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I don’t understand why Frank failed to threaten every HG to backdoor them last week unless they promised to keep him safe the following week. No one got game this season. As much as HG disliked Evil Dick that season they kept their promises to him.
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Wow, thanks everyone for the updates: K11 (thanks for the tweets too), Fp2, Star, Betty, Patricia, mama & Cyn too. I wish Shane hadn’t put the whole deal on Brit. I don’t blame her for being mad.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As for Boogie’s threat that one of them will be left, it’s an empty threat, especially if he’s the one left in the house. We’ll see if he gets his second wind.
@Star, yes if we were 42 again, look out! π
It’s only 9pm here and I’ll never make it to midnight for BBAD. Me too, I’m a pet lover with one big dog and a hummingbird feeder. π I’ve always loved my animals, even the neighbors animals and the bunnies in the park too. π
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Ok ok ok. I get it shane thru brit under the bus. But give it up brit..its a game..stop harping geeze..its a game and as I see a big dishonest game played by cbs
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I know this is a blog for BB, but the mere mention of beloved pets and wildlife makes me so happy I even forget about not liking boogie. That’s how powerful it is to me! I can’t resist. In 5th grade I saved part of my sandwich every day so I would have bits to give the 3 dogs and koi pond on the walk home from where the bus let me out. So I started young and still going strong. : )
@baxter birney
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good point about Frank failing to gather the hg’s to keep him safe the next week. He blew it. Boogie should have coached him to do that, but he was too puffed up with pride thinking he had total control of the house to think past the 10 grand.
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OMG 48 hours of the Frank and Boogie show. Oh well at least it wont be boring.
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hey did anyone get joes recipe for the turkey burgers i didnt catch everything
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@Fran…thanks for letting me know that Shane came clean with brit. I didn’t turn BBAD on until 1:00……and i saw Frank and not Boogie in the room with Shane and Brit and she wasn;t saying a WORD!!! So i didn’t know if she was mad at Shane or what!!!! Things are pretty sticky right now with Boogie digging, digging, digging trying to get Brit to give up Dan as the one tht told her that he and frank were gonna put up her and Shane. WITH Dan sitting right there! Saying nothing!!! He never got himself into this kind of situation in his season. He had more control. And he is not liking this!! And Boogie IS being very straightforward about what he said to Dan and to no one else and dan is just staring at him and won’t be open back!!!! When B&F are out of HOH, Dan is going to get it from Shane and Brit. People are starting to see his lies and he’s squirming!!!! I loved Dan in s10……esp. since he’s from MICH!! Not so sure i like his gameplay this year at all! Throwing your allainace under the bus, when you DID do what is being said you did is pretty despicable!!!
@Kev11………glad you are at least partially a Wings fan!!! π I try not to get too emotionally involved too, altho I am a woman and essentially more emotional than men, so it does get in the way But that is what i DON’T like about sports……getting all tied up in knots over a game!!!
LOVED the Tweets!!! It’s kind of like being on HBO as opposed to Network TV in the freesdom you have to say things!! Maybe I need to look into this Twitter thing….;) On tht subject, i don’t know anything about twitter. Do you get it on your comp or are they texts or both?? Is it overwhelming at all?? justa asking…gathering info. π
@Patricia…love having you in our lil Blogade family!! You just fit in so well!!!;) I love animlas too!! Looking for a dog right now as we lost ours a while back(lost as in died, not coulnd’t find!!) and are ready finally for a new one. Feed the birds and hummingbirds too! NOT a cat lover as i have terrible allergies to them since I was a baby!!! π
@Starfish…..if we were 42 again, we wouldn;t be sitting here blogging, that’s for sure…lol Especially on Fri nite!!! π― And speaking of the bunnies in the park…we used to have a rabbit. For 9 years! He got WAY bigger than we ever expected him too!!!lol He and our schnauzer were roomies and got along well, keeping a respectful distance from each
@MM…that is all Shane does…nod and agrees. He’s like one of those dogs you see in the back seats of peoples cars…lol He admitted tonight that he doesn’t have a social just good at comps! Why not admit you just don’t have a personality too??LOL
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Hey Star I’m 44 both kids gone for the night and im blogging on a Friday Night LOL! But ive always been a homebody π
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Hi all! I could not sleep very long last night because of the pain I was in. I stayed up watching BBAD ! I am starting to like Frank more & more,he really went after Dan telling him that he could not trust him And that he was the one who was telling all the lies! He should have put Dan up when he had his chance but Boogie talked him out of it! Dan is protecting Ian & won’t through him under the Bus… I think he playing a very bad game, I think Brie is doing a better job then him. As far a Shane goes, dumber then his dumbbells! π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think the only way to get the 6 back together is to win the POV & put Joe up if they have votes but you all know that won’t happen, Mike is really mad! Any just my two cents worth this Morning!
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I’d like Frank a lot better without Boogie. Id love to see him plag his own game. Shane’s a punk for not being responsible for his own nominations. I admire Dan for not throwing Ian under the bus, however, it’s only Saturday let’s see how long that lasts!
Good Morning Bobo!
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Hi Jane! How you doing today? π
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It gets better and better as the days go by, I don’t have the live feed so really enjoy reading all the good info here.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tks to all of you who keep folks like me informed.
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I can’t understand how people can actually like Shane. He is a cocky ____(fill in the blank). Dan, Dan, Dan he is not my man. If my kid played on a team for him, I would pull him off. Lie, cheat, do whatever you can to win is his motto. Not nice to teach kids Dan, not even for $500,000.00. Now lets see, Dani, an egotistical snob who thinks she is sooooo much better than anyone, has never met a mirror she didn’t love and really is a stalker but I think everyone has got it wrong, it is not Shane she wants but Dan and Dan loves it. Ian is a sneaky little Beatle that needs to be smashed. Chef Joe, OMG, who would eat his food? I don’t think he has washed his hands once on the show. There is no way he will EVER get a cooking show except in his own mind. He is loud and stupid. Brit, how can she be considered on of the best players ever? Didn’t like her on her season, and surely don’t like her any better this year. She is another one that thinks she is too wonderful for words. I could go on and on but you all get the idea. The only one I do like is Frank and I am sure this time he will be gone. I will not vote for a favorite player this year because I have none. THERE ARE NO WINNERS THIS YEAR.
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@Dorothy, hey come on and tell us how you really feel, lol
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So this is what was going on BBAD last night! Dan talking to Shane saying heβs got his back no matter what happens! He thinks that Boogie and Frank are onto him but they don’t know it is Ian spilling the beans. Frank comes in & joins the talk in the hoh room, So what happened to the Silent 6 Dan? I feel like such an idiot with all the blogging I did about it! Shane says I donβt know what is going on man, I just don’t know who to believe! Dan says that he always takes the heat in this game. Frank asks him why he feels like that ? Dan has never been on the block heβs been safe every week. Dan says In my season I was a constant target played the game from the back! Than comes

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Britney & joins them. Frank asks her if she needed a hug because she looks so sad π Britney says no sheβs alright. Shane hits the road. Dead silence.. They are looking at the spy screen, Joe, Danielle and Ashley working out in the living room, the girls are killing him π
Frank says to the crew, what if my name gets drawn and the comp is literally hauling bricks tomorrow? Looks like he is telling them that if he gets picked for the POV that he will win if it is something to do with brute strength! I hope it is & that he wins & takes himself off the block, Then what? π
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Boogie and Frank may be on their way out the door, but before leaving they will have all the other house guests turning on one another! π Shane throwing Brit under the bus was classic. Way to go Boogie – keep stirring that pot!
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got up this morn at 5ish – turned on the feeds and dani was inbed with shane – he was rubbing her back (in the dark of course) – then he said he wanted to listen to his music – so he laid back and said -‘you can lay on my chest’ – she finally went downstairs – geeze
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Looks like I just got An E-mail for a new page about last night!
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@ Dorothy…I agree about Chef Joe being nasty, but I’m sure that if you ever eat out, what Joe does is nothing compared to what goes on in the kitchens of restaurants. Dan has been playing a good game. You have to lie and throw people under the bus to get further in the game. Let me guess, you were a Janelle lover, right? Like she never lied or threw people under the bus. I don’t know what you’ve been watching all these years Dorothy, but that is not new in the BB house. So you like Frank, eh? Is that because from day 1 he has told no lies? I think that is not the case…..he has told some lies, but most importantly, he has the puppetmaster doing most of the talking. Last night on the feeds, after the nominations, they were both in the HOH room with Shane. For the first 20 minutes, not a single word came out of Franks mouth because boogers was doing all the slamming. Frank needs to break away and play his own game, but I’m hoping it’s too late for that now.
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