Tonight’s Big Brother show filled in all the holes from the beginning of the Double Eviction on. We were able to see the conflict between Shelly and Jeff when Adam finally told him that Shelly was voting to keep Danielle. Jeff even when voted out still couldn’t comprehend that Shelly voted to evict him. He even turned to Adam and asked if he voted him out.
The fight between Shelly and Jordan was the next spectacle. I was very proud that Jordan finally spoke her mind and let Shelly have it. The way Shelly was talking to Jordan just floored me. She really is unbelievably evil. She makes ED look like Mr. Nice Guy.
The HOH competition was extremely tense. You could cut the tension with a knife. Porsche was really good when practicing this game, so her winning isn’t too much of a surprise. It also isn’t surprising that the first one out of the competition is once again Adam. Sometimes I wonder if he really isn’t even trying to win. After all, he keeps floating and floating and floating.
Having Jeff eliminated takes quite a toll on Jordan and Rachel. After losing the HOH competition to Porsche, they know they will be nominated for eviction. What these two veterans need is a miracle. A miracle? Oh wait, what’s this Pandora Box twist? Porsche opens Pandora’s Box. She receives $5,000, but unleashes the duo twist back on the house. What that means is that the remaining HG’s have to play in teams of two. The HG’s get to pick their partners. Porsche quickly asks Kalia to be her partner and Rachel asks Jordan. This puts Shelly and Adam together whether they like it or not. This is a very big advantage for Rachel and Jordan. Even though they haven’t announced it yet, it is pretty obvious that they will be nominated for eviction. But only one of them needs to win the Veto to take both of them off the block. If they are able to do this, then Shelly and Adam would automatically be put on the block and we will finally see Shelly walk out that door.
If you watch the Live Feeds, you know that the Fortune Teller has started to light up and move. She used to have a sign that said “Do Not Disturb”, but now that sign is gone. Shelly spends hours and hours trying to figure out how to get the Fortune Teller to speak to her or give her something. So far, nothing. At one point, the live camera feed goes to the coffee table and zeros in on a box. I take this to mean that there is something inside that box that will get the Fortune Teller to give something to the HG who figures out what to do. I sincerely hope that the player is NOT Shelly. I think it’s kinda strange that the only one interested in the Fortune Teller seems to be Shelly. Why aren’t the other HG’s interested?
So that’s it for tonight. Wednesday will show who is nominated for eviction, as well as the Veto competition and ceremony. See you then! Bloggergal
I’m ready for Thursday eviction and next HOH comp!!
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Correction to Bloggergal’s post …….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Porsche won $10,000 but can share it with someone, and rumor has it that she gave Kalua $5,000.
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payback is a biatch shelly
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Man!!!! I start school!!! I’ma be looking at your posts my friends!!! I just hope the oldies get put out!!!
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Congrats Sal, #1 for you! Me toooooo, looking forward to Thursday.
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Porsche did what? LOL once again showing what a dim wit she is. Nice gesture but I am sure her mom, sister or someone else she has known longer than it took to her to read the 1st chapter of the book of Generous oops I mean Genisus would have probably like to have been the reciprocator. I kinda have to worry abt that girl, really.
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As for PD, has it ever been good for everyone? Nope. So, if she knows the show why did she open PD’s box? Because everyone does, it’s too tempting and she fell right into the hands of CBS and now they have their partners for the POV and CBS wins! And we’re off!!
Either Shelly or Adam will go home and who knows who they will choose. It may just be Adam cuz Shelly voted with their alliance when he didn’t. It will be fun to watch them fight for their survival.
I loved the spunk Jordan has. It was good to see her use it. I knew she wasn’t a sweet little southern belle. She’s got fire in the bellie when needed.
Didn’t we see Adam practicing until all hours on this comp and he was first out? SHOCKER 🙂
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I think Shelly will regret in the end what she did to Jeff. Even if she makes it to final 2, the jury will be made up of people who will not give her the money.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She is embarrassing….
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It was fun to see all the back scenes leading up to the evictions last week. Glad to see Porsche do decisively well in the comps. She has earned her spot. And who among us would NOT open Pandora’s Box? Not me and not anyone else here or in the house. Like SF said… it’s too tempting. I’m surprised they didn’t show P sharing the 10 G’s.
I was very glad to see that the HGs picked the duos. I thought that CBS had dictated them in the note, so that’s a good thing. Good point about Shelly, SF… she did back K & P getting Jeff out. I think Adam gets too nervous in the comps and screws up. He should have nailed that one that K won on the memory comp.
I thought K was pretty good in the DR tonight. Porsche can’t ‘act her way out of a paper bag’, as they say, but she’s cute doing it. Shelly finally made a few good DR comments about her scheming. I hope she stays. It was interesting to see her go on attack mode with almost everyone in the house.
Rachel is so annoying with her wailing… she just can’t stand not to be the center of attention. Should be fun to see what happens, although of course we already know Rachel wins the comp, so they have new life.
I see the new shipment of ‘College Tee’s’ has arrived.
Final note: Please show the Jury House, CBS!
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Ok as for floaters Shelly has won nothing at all Adam was handed 1 POV Jordan was handed 1 HOH Rachel has won 2 HOHs and 1 POV Kalia 2 HOHs (any POVs?) Porsha 1HOH and 1 POV. Am I missing any? Having trouble remembering? And I may be wrong on my counts also. But if I’m rite here I would say the best players in the house are (yucky spit spit) Rachel and Kalia. I truly do not like Rachel and do not want her to win but if she does she deserves it. I will cheer for Kalia but don’t care anymore who wins. My favorites are gone.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- are right in your counts and no…Kalia had no POVs. So actuallyRachel is ahead. She may make it to F2 either cuz of skill OR cuz the HGs think no one will vote for her. BUT if they vote for the best player and not emotionally, she could possily win! I have no real faves anymore wither. When it gets down to the F2, I’ll pick one!!lol
Ted was thinking the same thing…when is BB going to show the Jury?? I’m thinking maybe Wed….since Thurs is the live show…….
I am hearing that K&P maybe have an allaiance with J&R. I HOPE so!!! If so, i KNOW J is going to insist that Shelly go home this week. They will keep Adam for entertainment value..and cuz he can’t win squat!!!lol He had been trying for years to be on this show. He lost 120lbs cuz they told him last year he was too fat! (Enzo got his spot!) He couldn’t have worked out in the gym a lil and practiced some of the comps in his leisure time while he was waiting for his chance??? Super fan my fanny….lol
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Yeah, some ‘super fan’… if they really want a super fan from New Jersey they should ask Bobo! Although I did love Enzo. Anyone know what he’s doing? (Bloggergal?)
I would certainly not call Shelly a floater. She played masterfully for a long time, and it’s a hard line to walk and eventually you fall off. I cannot see her getting the votes to win. I can see Adam, depending on who he is against. And I definitely see Rachel getting the win against K or P.
Actually, I am now rooting for either Rachel or Shelly to win, just to hear the howls of protest emanating from this blog when one of them wins!
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Thx to star & starfish for their previous comments to me 🙂
Like many of you I started watching BB Season 1 Day !
It really astounds me how ‘astute’ or ‘nitpicking’ some of the comments can be LOL 😉
I really fell in love with the game when I fell in love with bad bad bad boy Dr. Will. That guy could charm the lenses off the camera.
I couldn’t believe tonights show … Rachel and Jordan have a chance to redeem themselves.
Myself I am thinking this is going to be the be all end all battle of the bitches.
Sorry Shelley & Adam … do I see a door with your names on it under the EXIT sign?
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Kowlia is alot of thing but cute isn’t one of them and neither is The Porch, they are just really annoying to me, good for Jordan telling Shelly, wish Rachel hadn’t pulled her away, but then again if she hadn’t she may have been off the show and I believe that is what Shelly wanted, Jordan forgot it was a game she really believed Shelly was her friend ya and I got a date with Johnny Depp nest week, Shelly is most likely the worst player to play this game or is she, if she gets to the end then she deserves to be there, but I won’t like it and I do believe she will get No! votes but she still gets 50,000. I hope J&R get HOH and one of them wins something, This is my opinion and since my opinion is the only one that matters to me, no comments.
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I don’t know if Jordan forgot this is just a game but I do know Jordan has a good heart – she has been more than kind to Shelley – if Shelley could have avoided hurting her, she should have done so. Shelley seems to be nasty at the core of her being – and yet she keeps commenting on how good she is – The old saying is true “beauty is as beauty does!”
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@starfish, yes, to us lowly plebes that don’t get the live feeds or BBAD(which I haven’t heard mentioned much lately) last Thursday show left us watching Adam practicing the snake.
When he lost I was amused at the camera shots, he was almost kicking his own ass LOL.
I was also interested to see the bits and pieces that led up to Jeff being evicted. Is it my imagination? Did he seriously hit that exit door A LOT HARDER than on last Thursday eviction night?
I have seen that pissed off punch the door on the way out in my RL … better for me 😉 ….so I was kind of surprised that I didn’t catch it the first time.
I don’t record and I am too lazy to go back into the past so I can’t compare.
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Hi BC… he did hit the door the same. I thought it was interesting that he left with no luggage. I noticed there was only 1 bag by the wall when he left, so he either wasn’t planning on being evicted, or he didn’t care about taking anything (which is kind of cool if that’s what he did). He was pretty steamed. That is one interview I will watch on when I get a chance… and of course Daniele’s.
That’s an interesting thought, Cathy, about Shelly provoking Jordan to do something. But, I don’t think that was her intent. Just her usual self-righteous in-your-face trying to bend someone to her will. I was surprised at how many times she went on the ‘attack’ to people, badgering them to say something. Kind of funny with Adam though, because he was exposed too. I think that’s why Jeff wasn’t to sure who voted for him. He felt Shelly was still loyal and Adam was shifty. Funny.
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@Ted … I can only assume, speculate, but my guess about the baggage is that since they are moving from the BB House to The Jury House some CBS plebe intern that has passed the Letterman security requirements will move the baggage around.
Lugging luggage around in front of the camera is just so … ungainly 😉
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Hmmm… I don’t know, BC. That seems like such a Signature BB move to walk out the door with your bag over your shoulder, then plop it down to sit with Julie and try to look like your eviction didn’t bother you. But then, Big Jeff was taken a bit by surprise, and he didn’t have time to pack, as he was trying to convince Shelly to vote for Rachel. And then… maybe he left his Pretty Pastel Tee’s and Hoodie’s for Jordan.
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BCM…YW!! 😉 and I do have BBAD and live feeds..along with alot of other people on the if you eve have any Q’s..just ask!;) and the reason you haven’t heard much about BBAD is tht it had been totally BORING!!! but then I might turn on the feeds an hour or so later, and it is heating up. I think these HGs are very aware that they are on BBAD until midnite BBT and save their gameplay talk until after! Which sucks, actually!!!
As to why Jeff didn’t have a bag…..the HGs did NOT know that there was going to be a double eviction. They were thinking it was going to be next week! So ..Jeff didn’t pack as he had the veto and should have been safe. And he was. Until there was a sudden new HOH and quick nomination and vote. This happens once evey season. Usually a couple of the girls will go pack up the evictee’s things.
@Cathy….the Porch….lol And can I double date with you and Johnny Depp???;)
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I will be a team J&J fan always, I can’t stand rach but if she can help Jordo clear out some of the newbies I hope she can stick around and they take each other to the end. 😆
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She had to give another person $5,000…
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The other bag by the door was Kalie…Her and Dani had theirs sitting there….
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I hope R&J make final 2!
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i only hope that big “B” shelly does not win….she is always saying she is here for her family…..THEY DO NOT NEED ANYTHING. i wish i had the dough that that family has….it took two to work in my household to make a living and she is out playing games while her husband stays home….get real
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Aggie27, i agree with u J&J will always be my favorite, Jordan is soooooooooooo sweet and Jeff is sooooooooooo very honesty(as long as u don’t cross him). and the newbies that r left r all liers, Shelley, Kalia and Porsche turn on they group the very first show. Adams was the only one of them that stay with the plan. so my choices are J&R or J&A and Porsche show how dumb she is by opening the PB and still playing for Danielle “Danielle wouldn’t want me to use POV”, DUMMY Danielle is gone. we know she will not get Big Jeff vote after she wouldn’t return the favor of taking him off the block.
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It truly appeared the fix was in once BB went back to teams for a week which would only help Joradan and Rachael. In which Rachael won POV saving both of them and putting up Adam and Shelly. So it will be great to see Shelly evicted. Then if all goes well it would be great to see Kalia being the next one out the door. Kalia thinks she is all that but does not even come close.
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Don’t know if it was acting but in a live feed last night Jordan and Shelly were talking again and saying everything was fine between them!!!!! Adan and Shelly have to go. Adam has done nothing in competitions. He and Shelly are usually the first out of them.
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I have been out of town and not watching anything so catching up last night was quite a shock. I agree that Adam really is having issues. Jeff was totally out of control last night. You don’t jump someone in the morning and expect them to vote to keep you at night. He knew he was going but was royally ticked off when he did. It was nice to see Jordan finally say her piece. She was nice to Shellie but it is still a game. Wonder how it would have gone if Jeff and Shellie had made up earlier. My guess is exactly the way it did.
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On BBAD the night of Jeff’s eviction, Jordan was packing his bags. I read something earlier that Shelly & Jordan made up. It appears that Shelly is going home & she knows it, but you never know what could change at the last minute. She’s a lying snake & needs to go. I’m not a Rachel fan, but I do hope she & Jordan are the final 2. I’m not so sure they would give the $500K to Jordan again, but at least she’d get $50K.
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@Ted …… Jeff didn’t have his luggage packed because he was on the 2nd end of a double eviction and wasn’t aware he would need to pack it!
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I still want Rachel GONE. She is such a drama queen and she whines way too much. Brendon was right, she has way too big of an ego. She thinks she is the revolution source of the world. “I know I’m going home cause I’m everyone’s target.” NOT
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Well CBS got their way again. Pandora’s box wasn’t even mentioned this whole season. And then when J&R were going to be put up, looks like they just threw it together to give them a chance. WTF Porche, things were going great for you guys why would you blow it all away on something that was obviously a trick. And she even know she was only getting half of the money. It seems to me BB wants J&R in the final 2 or at least one of them. I don’t think I would ever want to go on a show where the production can change and make the rules whatever they want on the last min. If they don’t want you to win, then you pretty much just have to get really lucky that all of their attempts to stop you doesn’t work.
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Surprise, Surprise, a duo POV. I can’t stop laughing! CBS has really been creative this year and I don’t think anyone on this blog is the least bit shocked to find out Rachel won and will be taking herself, as well as Jordan off the block! In reading all the comments I guess it is not looking good for Shelly and Adam (mostly Shelly). Too funny! I wonder how CBS would have handled things if Porche had not opened Pandora’s box. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Does anyone know more about Shelly and the fortune-teller (or is this just Shelly trying to stir things up)?
My sincere thanks to all of you for the updates?
Bobo I hope you check in soon! Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
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Good Morning Betty… making the rounds I see… Where’s Maggie???
I thought the fix was in with the Duo thing in P’s B… but the way it went… I think it had been planned way ahead of time and was a good idea. Just the particular group left was suspicious with J&R hanging by a thread.
Come on People… who wouldn’t open Pandora’s Box?
Sal, you are right… I saw that one bag there and thought it was Rachel’s, that she had quickly packed it while Jeff was talking to Shelly and Adam. I see now that it was Kaila’s from before.
Interesting thought ☆… that the HG’s would act differently when they know BBAD is on. I don’t think so myself, but maybe.
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So excited to hear Rachel won. She drives me crazy like everyone else but she can also stick to her word. So awesome that R and J have majority vote and now get to seal Shelley’s fate!!!!! It would be the best if R and J get to final 2 so they all have to vote for one of them!
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Ted I would like to see Adam go before Shelly. She is too colorful and adds a lot of drama to the house. I am still laughing at the whole scenario. Can’t wait till Survivor starts!
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Ted, almost forgot – Maggie is outside running the Indy 500!!
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Shelly must go!!!!!!!!! I’m to the point I can’t even stand to look at her on the TV!! Game play or not, just don’t like her!!!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope Jordan and Rachel are the final two!!!!!!!!!!!
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I heard that the power may take up to two weeks to get back on depending on the area. So BoBo may not check in for a while. I do hope he and his family are safe and am looking forward to his return!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On to big brother! Lol. Ted you are so funny! If Rachel makes it to the end good for her. The way I see it whoever gets to the end deserves to be there. I just personally don’t like her. And as for Jordan. She is sweet I do like her as a person however she has all ready one so I personally would like to see someone else win. I will decide at the final 2 who I think deserves it more. As for Shelly being a floater. She is! She has been playing all sides with her lies but hasn’t won any comps that is floating if you ask Rachel. 😉
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“Big Brother” contestant Shelly Moore pissed off America when she voted to evict fan favorite Jeff Schroeder last week — and now TMZ has learned her family has been receiving death threats from deranged fans because of the move
Read more at TMZ
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I figured it out what is different this year and the lack of many comments about what goes on BBAD … No Showmance!!!
J&J and B&R are established couples. Even with them CBS hasn’t sexed it up much except for when we see Rachel run and hurl her legs around Brendon.
The closest thing to a possible showmance was Dani & Dom … look how long that lasted.
Next year CBS should throw in some single old coots, see if any sparks fly … just for a new spin on an old trick 😉
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@luv2shootpics … wow, that is f-ing bizarre!
Taking fandom way too far 🙁
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Shelly needs to go! From day one i wanted Rachel and Brendon to win!! If Rachel ends up by being final 2, im not sure she will win, cause everyone really genuinely doesnt like her in the house..which worries me. But who would give Jordan another 500 k?? Theyre hatred towards Rachel would have to be very big!! Kalia thinks she is all that. She thinks she is so strong…Shes useless with those buttons ..hahaha Kalia if u really think Jordan will not vote you out because of your “pact” ur dumber then porsche for opening that pandora box. Adam is hilarious and very useless…but I wouldnt mind if he made it to the final two! I think he is a nice guy, but will the house vote for him, after doing nothing?? who knows!!!
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First, I hope Bobo checks in soon. Thanks JL for letting us know electricity is off for 2 weeks. Sending prayers.
Wow, you have all been busy on the board. Good to see so many newcomers.
Shoot, gotta run. BBL
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There are more sickening details about the threats against Shelley’s family here
Absolutely pathetic 🙁
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OK so we know that shelly is a snake. She makes Rachel look like an angel and I sincerely feel bad for Jordan although Jeff was ruling the house with an iron fist. Adam is floating, and Porsche is now playing to stay alive, and Kalia is doing the same. So what I would like to know is what’s going on in the house that holds Brendan, Danielle and Jeff?
That is the question…..
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Shelly needs to go!!! What’s funny is I liked her in the beginning – she seemed very genuine. Now I can’t stand to look at her! Yes I realize this is a game, but she has no integrity! She can’t even remember her own lies!!
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Might be nothing going on in the Jury House. I heard a rumor that because of the death threats against Shelly and her family that they have sequestered Jeff so no one can talk to him about the situation. This bullshit is really getting weird!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bad news: There is a hate Shelly page on Facebook and Leave Shelly alone page.
hate page has 7,500 friends ….. Leave alone page only has 500 friends
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@Ted, yes, me too. I was happy to see that the HGs picked their own partner. Somewhere it was said that CBS chose the partners.
Like Ted and Star, I’m also waiting to see the JH. I think they should show more of that than so much repeat stuff in the beginning. I did like going back to see ‘before the eviction’ scenes. I agree that Shelly was no floater even tho she couldn’t win comps, she tried to play both sides masterfully but then, and then, along came Jones and blew it all to hell. 😀 I was happy to hear her say she’ll have to explain things to her husband and he’ll give it to her straight. She was at least being somewhat truthful 😈 in the DR. Ok, I said somewhat!!
@Star, I think Sal is right about Jeff’s bag. He had no idea he was going to be on the block with the double eviction. That’s my guess.
Don’t have much time today so I’ll thank Gobbki, Betty, Sal, Aggie, Gracie haven’t seen you for awhile, BCMarie, CATHY for lower case, & JL for the link and all your comments and updates.
Everyone opens Pandora’s Box. No one has ever not opened it as far as I can remember. Anyone know different? Kalia can say she wouldn’t have opened it but I have an ocean front home in AZ if you believe that. It’s just too tempting and she gets $5K out of it but it could cost her the game.
See ya L8r.
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Have they done the done the POV thing yet??? do we know who is going up in place of Rachek and Jordan????? SHELLY AND ADAM?????
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I think Porsche is the worst HOH in BB history aside from Kalia. I’m elated that Pandora’s Box was opened and I never thought I’d say this, but I’m starting to love Rachel. She is a lot easier to watch when Brendon isn’t around and she doesn’t become an emotional player. I can’t wait to see what happens over the next few days and I know some people still haven’t watched Sunday’s episode and since I have a DISH Network employee account and I know the movie is available online. All you have to do is sign into your DISH Network online account and voila, you’ll have everything you need right at your fingertips. There’s also a ton of other content available for non-DISH customers and anyone can check it out at for more information!
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Jeff was previous HOH and had to have no idea he’d be leaving that night. No one would have except the original 2. Hence, no bag.
You all do realize Jordan and Rachel control who leaves. It’s 2 to 1 unless kalia convinces one to join her. U want to get rid of Shelly, because as lame as she is, she’s got a better HOH chance than Adam, plus, he’s nominally in the J/R alliance.
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What Aggie said.
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@Brooklyn, you seem like a nice guy and I wish you the best in life. What I want to know is if Dish is paying you post on here, I had Dish for 11yrs and was happy till they screwed me over and I went to Directv and am a lot happier.
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I think that those death threats etc. re: Shelly are just awful, what kinda world do we live in? Isn’t it hard enough that the USA has so many enemies that we have to start having a gang, or mob mentality towards a TV show? My gosh, I don’t like Shelly or the way she has played, but like I said before, she is a ruthless buisness woman, not the norm beach bunny airheads they usually have on alot of these reality shows (Bachelor-Bachelorette etc.) and yes even BB. There is something seriously wrong if you are a fan that takes a TV show that far that you would send death threats to someones family.
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&TT i agree with you i think it’s absolutly disgusting & taking things to far especialy to threaten an 8yr old for gods sake it is only a game show (that looks like it’s rigged to hell ) i don’t like or dislike shelly but she has gone on the show to play a game afterall, if it was a bloke doing the same thing would there be such an uproar doubt it.
anyway off subject is anyone watching US open our little Heather giving sharapova a run for her money get on lass xx
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I agree with you TT, I am not a big Shelly fan, I may not care for the way she plays the game, but its just a game I dont hate her, have we got that bad in this country that we start hating people on a tv show, I love BB and would hate to think someone or thier family got hurt or killed over this, oh I joke with friends that she looks & acts like a man but wish her no harm, FB should pull that site down or watch it better, theres enough hate in this world the way it is, I would hope my fellow bloggers wouldnt post on that site.
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Boy all should go to Jokers and read Regans post on Shelly. Very well done.
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@mike stover I won’t even stoop so low as to even LOOK at the FB Hate Shelley page, I am just not that curious.
I was enraged … LIVID … when I read about the suggestion to rape her daughter. The death threats were bad enough, but rape a child? ***shakes head in despair*** 🙁
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@luv2shootpics : I went back and re-looked at the Pandora’s Box money thing. When Porsche went in, they told her she was the winner of $5000 and she could give another $5000 to another houseguest of her choosing. She didn’t get $10,000 and was kind enough to share it. LOL. She’s just not that nice anyway. As far as Rachel, I think she is needed to keep Jordan in the game but I still can’t stand her. I do NOT want to see Rachel in the final 4 much less the final 2. She deserves nothing.
As far as the threats against Shelly and especially her daughter, What the H— are they thinking? Nobody deserves that kind of threat. Whatever anyone thinks of her, she is a person and this is just a game. I hope they find who is behind it because that is illegal.
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@BCMARIE, I never went to that site either
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Did anyone else notice on last night’s episode that Jeff was commenting on the events of the double eviction in the DR after he had been evicted? Obviously he couldn’t have made those comments before he was evicted because of the timeline, so they must have brought him in through the back way to comment in the DR. I thought that was interesting.
The threats against Shelly are absolutely disgusting. It’s a g-d game folks, get over it. I’m not a fan of her, but she’s actually playing a pretty decent game(even though she’s more than likely gone this week because of the twist).
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Happy Days are here again! Bye Bye SHELLY!
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@TT, where is Ragan’s post. What time? If it’s something good, that’s trying to calm the crazies, I would love to see it after all the terrible things I’ve heard about what he’s been saying.
@BCM & Mike, me three, won’t waste my time to read disgusting dribble from sickos.
Still waiting to hear from Bobo but I guess it will be awhile. I just had to say something just in case he comes on.
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Northernlass, I was thinking the same thing. How would we have reacted to Shelly’s game if she was a bloke? 😀 Love bloke better than guy. lol
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Ok, let’s break this down. Jeff has played a horrible game, threatening women in the house, going crazy if he even thinks somebody is considering putting him up and acting like he is the destined for the win from day one. Shelly has been star struck by him and Jordan, rode Jeff’s coat tails as far as she could and then realized that with the numbers dwindling, she had better get Jeff out when she had the chance because she’d never make it to F2 with both him and Jordan in the game. Chances are Shelly won’t make it anyway, but it was a chance she had to take. As for Shelly’s lying, yeah, they all lie. One of the best BB players ever was an admitted liar in the house (Dr. Will). He went in S2, told everybody not to trust him and they still did so, handing him the win. Evil Dick was another good liar, making deals and alliances they all should have known he would never keep. Again, he won. Based on how past juries had voted, if Shelly somehow survives this week and does make it into the F2, she would have a better than 50% chance of taking it all (depending of course who she is up against)–Jeff, Jordan and Dani will all vote on overall gameplay; but there is no telling how Rachel and Brendon will vote, being so openly contemptuous of “floaters”.
Adam, useless dick that he is, can’t even make a good move, let alone win a competition. The ultimate floater, Adam just keeps going where the power is. In my opinion that is worst than flying under the radar as Jordan had done her first season. I want him gone. He’s done nothing to enhance our viewing pleasure all season. For an ultimate fan, he’s really rather useless–seems all he knows are the previous players and the comps but not how to really PLAY the game.
Kalia, good at comps. but she is putting too much stock in her “deal” with Jordan never to put each other up. Not a good strategist at all. Pretty useless except at winning question comps.
Porsche. She sat around for four weeks unable to compete. And then she placed second in several comps before really getting into a groove. Opening that PB was really the stupidest move she could have made. $5,000 could have cost her a second place finish and she knows it. If only she had considered that possibility before opening the box.
Jordan, the useless, brainless, lovable twit. She is BB’s ultimate floater, riding Jeff’s coat tails for as long as possible and then just laying back and letting everybody else pick each other off. She did it her first season and she has been doing it again. When will we be awarded a relief from her fake innocence?
Rachel, the one everybody loves to hate. The girl definitely has some issues, but is that a reason to hope she doesn’t win. Ok, I don’t like her in the least, but she is a fierce fighter and she is there to win. Can’t say that about very many in the house, even at the beginning. If she makes it to F2, she may just win it all. And she and Brendon probably need the money more than anybody else there right now. My fear is that Rachel would blow a good chunk of it on an elaborate wedding, rather than on their future. But if she wins, it would be her money to spend as she sees fit.
Pandora’s Box certainly messed up the game for some of them and we may just be seeing Shelly leaving on Thursday. I know that based on her, many will be glad to see her go, but is she really any worst than most of the liars who have been in the house? Her vote sent a fan favorite out the door, so what? It is a game. I, for one, was glad to see Jeff the douche bag go. But now there is speculation that Grodner rigged PB to save J&R. Could be. If that is not case, there is one way Grodner could have ensured those types of rumors did not start, and something she might want to think about for the future–she could have either had Porsche pick the duos or have them draw names. It all may have ended up the same, Porsche has proven she seldom thinks beyond the moment. The integrity of the game would have been intact.
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@S/F lol it’s just hte way we English speek it’s either bloke or a gadgie & it’s the same on our b/b some web sites get a hating for a house mate & they’re evil about them they say some horrible things & have had to go into hiding when they’ve been evicted.
in our bb house mates indevidually nominate 2 h/m’s but they are banned from discussing who they’ve nomed also it’s we the viewers who decide who gets evicted by phone vote. x
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Well said Rebecca but christ sakes how long did it take you to type all that lol x
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@Gracie Yes, I have always been a J&J Fan, I hope Jordo and rach can hang in and take out the stronger newbies, It will be tough to make it to the end.
@ Bluejay It probably isn’t fine between Jordo and Shelly, she betrayed Jeff, Jordo is not going to forget that.
This seems to be a pretty peaceful place except for a few on here. as much as I hate Shelly, I would never threaten her family, her family is not on the show. To the Crazies That do that, you need to seriously Get A Life!!!!
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Excellent analysis, Rebecca. Right on. (Thought I was alone in thinking Jeff was a douchebag.)
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Rebecca Diem… That was a very concise and insightful rundown of our House Guests. Thank you for your clear voice. I for one would love to see Shelly survive this week’s vote. And, as far as Rachel goes, if she gets to F2… then she deserves to win BB13.
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I think that pandoras box will change the power of the game. It has already gaving Rachel and Jordan a second chance. Porcha can’t play in next HOH Shelly is going home. That only leaves 2 former HOH winners fighting in the next hoh but the veto was physical so most likey be something Adam or Kaliah have a fair chance at. Jordan needs to win something again her and Rachel better be studying there butts off. They both have been a train wreak after there guys left. So not that they have hand time to get use to them being gone their heads are clear and nerves are more steady so I hope they stick together and win something good.
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Hate is too ugly a word to be used to describe anyone playing a game for our entertainment. Having said that, I really do dislike Shelly’s self-delusion.
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@Rebecca….yeah, that’s what I was getting ready to type ;-). Thank you for sparing me the writer’s cramp. LOL
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Wow Rebecca Diem, I agree with what Ted, Jake & Northern_lass said about your insightful comment. Right on target for me.
Hey Princess, I agree, hate is a word not to be used for a game.
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I agree Hate has no place in this game. But I do think when Shelley gets home and see’s herself and HOW She portrayed Herself maybe just maybe She’ll ‘get it’. If She doesn’t then that is exactly how She operates in work and in Her Personal Life. To threaten Her Family is unexceptable…IF that is really TRUE….
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Good synopsis of the house guests Rebecca Diem.
I am still laughing at the duo POV and Rachel winning; now all we have to see is Adam win the next HOH. That would certainly be a twist. He would definitely jump right back to Rachel and Jordan’s side and really mess things up! 😀
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Twist is putting it lightly, Betty… Shock is more like it! We’ll see if he’s still in the house come Thursday, but it seems he will be. I would keep him if I were there, as I don’t think anyone would vote for him at the end. Unless he were able to deliver a convincing argument, and he’s not the greatest orator in the house.
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I am no fan of Shelly’s but, truth is, how else was she going to advance in the game without taking “trust me while I constantly lie to you” to a painful to watch level to many fans of BB. She is not athletic, has a bad back, and is not particularly proficient at playing the game beyond her mastery at the skill of manipulating gullible people – her major CEO skill set, no doubt.
ED lied to everybody, but he was ED and we expected it and even applauded it. It got him 500 grand, too.
Ditto Dr. Will. Another 500 grand.
Maybe some people hate Shelly simply because she is a mom and moms are not supposed to act the way Shelly has (with or without a young daughter watching) just to supplement a six figure income on a televised summer gig. She also cries on cue as required for added impact and sympathy, and even ED and Dr. Will never stooped that low.
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PK, I don’t think it’s the fact that she’s a mother, or at least for me it’s not, it’s that she goes around lying to everyone then goes to the DR crying about everybody calling her a liar!! It would be one thing if she lied to the house guests then went into the DR and laughed about lying to everyone. This chick believes she is telling the truth!!!!!!
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Starfish: sorry a day later but you can find Ragans blog at
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I agree with you PK. It was strictly game play. So she lied. What a shocker in this game. People have bad mouthed her because she talks gruff and walks like a man. SO WHAT!!!! She is an executive in a dominantly man’s field.
As far as anyone needing the money – do we honestly know that Shelly is rich? Nope. Does she have a lot of bills? Could be. Is Kalia rich? Sometimes she talks like she is. How about Porsche? Never heard her cry about money. Jordan has one BB in the past, but her money was used to help her Mother avoid losing her home and to help her Mom pay off some bills because her divorce had destroyed her financially. She is also paying for one of her niece’s education. She is not independently wealthy. Rachel had money but now just chooses to sit on her duff and eat and whine about having “the wedding that every little girl wants”. She could get a job just like many people have had to do. She wants the money for a huge wedding. Which will most likely be followed within 5 years by an expensive divorce. Adam seems to be the one with the least. So with that being said, none of them are proven to need or deserve it anymore than anyone else. Besides, since when was that a requirement of winning BB?
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Well they did show Shelly’s expensive house and she has talked about having a decorator decorate it, which is not cheap, plus her daughter goes to a private school etc. Kalia talks about flying home with her dog and then flying to NY for a wedding then flying back to LA, travel isn’t cheap, either is her starbuck habit. I do think that Rachael would just blow the money and would probably lose B before she could marry him, because he would not like her to spend all of the money on a wedding or reckless spending, he would want to save for a home or more education. My first husband just wanted to be a student all his life too, never wanted to try out those diplomas on an actual money making job. But this ends up with their piers voting on who played the game the best as to who gets the money so non of all that background stuff matters.
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TT, thank you for Ragan’s site. Here’s a paragraph from a lengthy one that he wrote that I think is great advice to some who hate with a passion:
Observation 1: BB Ethos. In the last year, I’ve met a ton of previous houseguests and characters from other reality programs. Overwhelmingly, Big Brother contestants are some of the most down-to-earth, kind, intelligent, and compassionate men and women, in an industry riddled with over-the-top personalities and huge egos. This is not to say that I like everyone in the BB family. Surprisingly, some of the people I liked on the show are among the small number of houseguests who, after meeting in person, I dislike; and some of the previous contestants I didn’t care for on the show are awesome in person. Personal conduct on a show known for lying and backstabbing is not the measure of a person’s character outside the house, so stop f’ing with the personal and professional lives of houseguests.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In short, don’t waste your time hating a person that you don’t REALLY know. Hate dictators, or AIDS. Hate rapists, or cancer. YOUR HATE IS NOT THE MEASURE OF SHELLY’S CHARACTER, IT’S THE MEASURE OF YOUR OWN.
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I agree that how rich a person is or isn’t does not have anything to do with the game of BB.
PK, we all hated ED at first and he was an ultimate liar as you stated and now we love him because of his game. Also, Dr. Will, who someone reminded us that he actually told everyone he was going to lie to them and they still believed him. Boogie too was a liar and won the 2nd time around but I couldn’t stand him for whatever reason. Both Dr Will & Boogie are rich in their own right and ED wasn’t bad off either.
As I recall the very first BB, it was great because they played against BB and stuck together for the most part. Does anyone know whatever happened to the guy who won BB1? I really liked him.
Looking forward to Thursday. Who knows who will go. From what I’m reading from you all with LFs, it may be Shelly going, yes?
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OK now time for my 2 cents worth (which is not worth much these days) lol,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rebecca Diem your post #67 wowee u go girl, i agree with you and could have not said it any better.
Second, i am happy to report in doing so you have passed me in having a long blog for which i am always being teased about, however, every word was perfect.
We all seem to find one houseguest we love to hate, let me share with you some of my favorite hated hgs.
I am sure most of you devoted bb fans recall Natalie, (forgive me i an not really good at first names, so never mind last nanes) she is the one that got engaged on bb and if memory serves me right was done as part of pandoras box, someone correct me if i am wrong.
Next was Matt (at least i think that was his name) he came in with the idea he was playing for the money for his SICK wife. Now to me that is the lowest of the low rite there under a snakes belly, and how about Adam the one who worked for special needs kids and was going to give a healthy chunk of his winnings to the kids, another dead in. I believe he used what money he had to bail himself out of jai.
Another i really do not like is Rachoe, she maybe a very nice person in the “real” world but in the bb world she is the ultimate :”mean girl”
I am speaking of the good bye message she left for Dani and the way she tormented Dani during the week before evicition. We all have our favorites and we all have our hgs that we love to hate, to each his own.
But, it should stop there, these threats are no joking matter and they r so senseless (hopefully they are false rumors) in regard to Shelly
Who am I hoping to win, well, I know who i do not want to get to the final 2 and that is Adam, for someone who has blown his own horn on how much he knows to date he has shown me zilch,
May the best female win, since Dani left it does not matter to me who get it. Do I get upset at the twists the deceit the crying etc i sure do
will i watch BB next year, you can bet your bipppie I will., just please please BB no more vets, keep it an even race, the newbies did not have a ghost of a chance. Either all vets or all newbies.
ciao for now
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I am no fan of Shelley, but we have seen men play with this same kind of ruthlessness and were called “great game players” (ie Will and Mike Bogey). We might not like her still but she is playing to win. The fact that she “doesn’t need” the money should not be a factor.
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Starfish: Glad you found it and that was a great selection of his well written article of his insite into the BB house and HG as well as Reality Shows in general.
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As recently as today, Shelly continues to work Rachel over with promises and more promises, not in an attempt to win the money she wants the “kids” to win in the end (so she says), but to prove that she really can be trusted from today forward to have Rachel and Jordan’s backs (add to insert knives into if Kalia wins the next HOH) right to f3 where they can then send her to the Jury house and positively count on her to vote for a vet to win the 500K.
In or outside the BB house, it really is my belief that she will always be ready, willing and able to sell the shirts right off of everybody’s back but hers to any and all of the naive suckers that continue to be born every day. It just happens to be what she does best. Period!
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Just dropped by to catch up on the game, thanks for all the reports. I am half way through reading the 4 days I missed — sheesh a lot of reading! Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to BCMarie – love your post the other day. Have a good one people!
Oh I will add that I fast forwarded through most of BBAD last night as I am usually just trying to catch the wicked plotting. When did they all go back to normal? It was like watching a bingo game – all nicey nicey. I miss the depraved, maligned. low down dirty back-stabbing gameplay! I guess I like the drama (evil lil chuckle)
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Thanks PK, great update. Rach can’t possibly be believing that can she? I can’t imagine what Shelly’s life will be like when she leaves BB. I’ll bet her hubby never saw that side of her and he doesn’t like it one bit. She’ll say she was trying to win anyway she knew how and that was to lie to everyone to believe her to keep her in the house. Why would she want to get to final 3 and then go to Jury House to campaign for a vet. Doesn’t make any sense to me but then I can’t figure the girl out anyway. *shaking my head in disbelief*
I missed it so a belated Happy Birthday to BCMarie!
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Thanks for posting this Starfish – words for everyone to live by Regan! “YOUR HATE IS NOT THE MEASURE OF SHELLY’S CHARACTER, IT’S THE MEASURE OF YOUR OWN.”
And on a lighter note – I love the word bloke also – thanks Lass. I think I am going to make a move to change the language in PA from “guy” to “bloke”. I’ll let you all know how that goes over at the supermarket tomorrow 🙂
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@Courtney… While you are at the supermarket ask the nice bloke to help unload your “buggy” and it will be like you are in the deep south, not PA where you probably call it a grocery cart.
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PK… you really don’t call a grocery cart a ‘buggy’ do you?
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@Ted 😆
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i can’t sleep. i wanna know what’s going on in the house.
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PK… you really don’t call a grocery cart a ‘buggy’ do you?
@Ted… I don’t, I will always be a Yankee, but throughout the South that is what they call grocery carts, Rebecca included.
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@ Margie- The Natalie you were talking about was Natalie Martinez From BB 11 otherwise known as The Gnat. I hated her she was the one who lied and said she was only 18 years old when she was 25.
Matt Hoffman- From BB12- considered himself a diabolical super genuis, he was a member of THE BRIGADE 🙄
Adam Jasinski- From BB 9 Is serving time for drug dealing 🙄 😯
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matt Mcdonald- BB 9 Adam’s Partner in crime is also serving time for drug dealing 🙄
They do pick some real winners for BB, And Adam used the money he won to purchase drugs 🙄
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That’s a relief, PK… although, I would push a ‘buggy’ with Rebecca I think.
Aggie… Natalie is one of my favorites… how can you call her a gnat?
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“and it will be like you are in the deep south, not PA where you probably call it a grocery cart.”
Yes in the south we do call it a buggy!!! LOL
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@ Ted & PK we over the pond don'[t call them a buggy that’s what we would call a babies push chair (stroller) or a cart we call them a trolly x
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thanks aggie u refreshed my memory
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i forgot natalie was the gnat lol
i wonder if she ever did marry that guy
in my old age i am more curious then when i was younger, lol
would be fun if bb did a (and i said this before)
walk down memory lane, do not have to have hgs on. just show some of the best and worst clips from years gone by and maybe in the 2nd half of the show bring us up to date on WHERE ARE THE NOW using some of the hgs that stand out in our minds.
Hey CBS i am ready, willing and able to help put it together,
call me (lamo)
Any news from BOBO? hope then only reason we have not heard is cause his power is still out, keeping good thoughts for you and your family bobo.
ciao for now
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Here in Arkansas, we call them a BBQ grill
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@Mike: sooo funny.
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@Aggie, do you have all this info stored in your brain? It’s amazing how you and JT remember these things. Kudos to you! Wow, that’s amazing to me.
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Shopping Carts (Not all carts are used for groceries)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Baby Buggies
@Mike …. Only in Arkansas can you find a BBQ Grill made from anything you can imagine!
C’mon thursday !!!!!!!!!
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Hey BBBlogger, where did my post go?
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I’m emailing my cousin in PA, near Pittsburgh to see what they call shopping carts. Carts, Buggies or BBQ grills? 😛
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@ Starfish told you they’re trollies lol x
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It’s a game but if it were a game without money I think everyone would be acting differently. Here’s this bait hanging in front of them all…locked together in house, bedroom, bathroom…………….I’d prob stab someone with a fork. (though I’m basically a quiet loner type) In THERE, I’d be crazy. And though I’m not a liar I WOULD lie in there.
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@ tendr who wouldn’t for 500k. i think the all lie even pressious Jordan that’s what they’re in there for & as for Shelly she wants 1 of the younsters to win purlees my a*se
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I’m from Pennsylvania:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shopping Carts
Baby Buggies
BBQ Grills – In Arkansas, everything can be made into a BBQ grill
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@Starfish… All of the grocery chains in Arkansas followed Wal-Mart’s lead and stopped making grocery carts from metal and switched to plastic. Now instead of becoming BBQ grills, I suspect many of them are becoming mini mobile storage units.
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For the third frickin time on the same post!!!!!
I’m from Pennsylvania:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We call them shopping carts (Not all stores that have them sell groceries)
Baby Buggies!!!
In Arkansas, everything can be made into a BBQ grill
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@PK, hey all the carts at our Wal-mart are metal, it makes it easier to run away from the store with a tv, the meeters at the door cant catch 5 people going in five different ways, the metal carts are fun to ride down the hills in,they also make good baby buggies and can be used for a crib to, if you turn them upside down they make good citter traps. hey BB should be good tomorrow night, cant wait to see who CBS has choosen to win HOH
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Well our Wal-mart is called Asda W/M took them over 4yrs ago & their shopping trollies are metal so there lol.
Am watching our Celebrity b/b it’s eviction night Pamela Bach Hasslhoff is up for the boot with a paparassie guy now she is one sandwich short of a picnic a right LA fruit loop will post the results later.
ps Tara Reid is another another 1 she sounds like she’s off her face all the time & she’s so paranoid about everything x
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@northernlass lmao!!
@PK – “mobile storage units” great spin on that one… 😀
Thanks Sal, I haven’t heard from my cousin yet.
@mike 😆
Everyone’s a comedian today! Great stuff! Can’t wait for the show.
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Well just to let you all know Pamela Bach-Hasselhoff was evicted in her interview she said everyone in the house were beautiful buttercups (whaaaat) and she got on with everyone in the house, all 7 of them put her up for eviction told you she was 1 short of a picnic she then had to nominate live with the h/g’s watching on monitors 4 to face the public vote on friday she didn’t save her fellow American Tara Reid so she’s up with 3 others think it might be bye bye Tara x
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PK – I followed your advice today & asked the nice bloke at the supermarket for help “unloading my buggy” …..he got me a chair.
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LMAO at Courtney that was a good 1 really tickled me x
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Hey Blogaders!!! I need to go up and read todays posts as I just read the last 2 and it sounds like they are all pretty funny!! I haven’t been on for a couple of days, altho I have been trying to keep up on reading anyway.
My brother-in-law is staying with us for about 10 days as of Mon, so his parents can go on vacation. He is handicapped so there is alot more to do plus more to cook and trying to make sure he isn’t bored jut sitting watching TV all day all takes alot of effort! By the end of the day, I have been too tired to post!(Can see WHY my in-laws needed a break!!!)
Just wanted to keep my comment in the door, so to speak. 😉
Going to go read now and then need to get dinner and watch the show, so hopefully I will be around later .
Miss you guys!!! More later!!!
Peace out,
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Can’t wait for hoh tomorrow night although i won’t get to find out untill Friday of the outcome does anyone think A will step up his game & win 1 ( Shelly if there’s a miracle & she stays )? A lthough i don’t like her much i think the house will be boring without her scheming x .
ps where is everyone??????
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@Courtney – HILARIOUS!!
My cousin in Pittsburgh says they call them shopping carts and buggies. Who knew?
Hey Star, hope to see you later but I watch BB in a couple hours and then it’s really late for some of you guys.
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I have a slight headache so I am going to skip all the reading and get right to my point….
The pregnancy test. I don’t entirely believe or disbelieve the fact that she may or may not be pregnant. Yes Rachel said it was negative but a few things are in my mind about that. (Excuse me if someones already said it, I will read tomorrow)..
1. False Negatives are very common in the first 6-8 weeks. Okay so that may not be a medical number but it is what I’ve figured out between me and my friends and I’ve got 4 kids.
2. Although she is an attention seeker could it actually be one thing that she doesn’t want Brandon to find out before she can tell him personally? Even Rachel seems smart enough to know better.
3. Besides POV she hasn’t been doing good in comps and looks kinda sickly (morning sickness possibly?)
4. Could she be upset that someone is finally be coming in between her and her man???
hmmmmm…. food for thought….
Okay Bye everybody… off to take some headache meds and get ready for BB.
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Rebecca Diem great observations
Also I forget who said it but I too loved Ragans post about the mean attitudes from fans. It kind of made me sit back and look at how much I hate certain houseguests I don’t even know… it’s easy to get caught up in Big Brother Drama.
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@ Starfish- You tend to remember more things about the annoying houseguests like natalie AKA Gnat. One of the funniest moments with her is when she was in the backyard, and a dragonfly kept bothering her. I thought she would lose her mind, she was going bananas , it was pretty funny. for someone who acts like such a badass, she was terrified of bugs. I think JT Remembers more details than me. I remember more memorable things that happen to certain people.
@ Margie-I will have to check into to see if Natalie did get married, I’m pretty sure she did. I hope all works out for Bobo. I hope he let’s us know.
@Ted- I didn’t give natalie the nickname Gnat, It probably all started because of her fear of Bugs. 🙄
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@ Margie- Natalie from BB 11 did get married to Jason, it seems the only ones from BB that attended were kevin, Ronnie and Chima. I wonder how things are going there. It seems Jason must be used to that kind of behavior when he didn’t run away after seeing her actions on the show. oh well I certainly don’t wish them luck, I could not stand her, it sickened me that she was in the final 2. even her own friends voted for Jordo. 🙄
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I just wanted to stop by and say hi real fast. I have a sinus headache and am going to get to bed I hope. But I wanted to say Idk about the pregnancy thing. If it was for attn or what. I hope she grows up b4 she has any kids that’s for sure. Also wth Adam n shelly! They should both be evicted for not even tring! Laterz
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Blog’s posted! Goodnight all…Bloggergal
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